Original Realms Project

From BattleMaster Wiki

I'm working on finding the original realms of every continent: the ones present when Tom created the continents.

Work so far:

East Continent

  • Caligus
  • Coimbra (Dead - Killed by Avamar, Oligarch, Perdan, and Rancagua. Last region annexed by Fontan.)
  • Ibladesh (Dead - Killed by Caligus and Perdan)
  • Isadril (Dead - Killed by Ibladesh and Itorunt)
  • Itorunt (Dead - Killed by Ibladesh)
  • Fontan (Dead - Killed by Westmoor, Perdan, and Caligus)
  • Oligarch (Dead - Killed by Fontan, Sirion, and Old Rancagua)
  • Perdan
  • Rancagua (Dead - Killed by Fontan, Sirion and Old Rancagua)
  • Ubent (Dead - Killed by Perdan)
  • Sirion
  • Omsk (Dead - Killed by Sirion and Rancagua)


Far East

  • Arcaea (Lost Beneath the Waves - Survived until the Sinking of Far East Island)
  • Svunnetland (Dead)



A map of the original colonies, to be found in Riombara's archives (Realms are listed north to south):

  • Ar Agyr (Dead - Fell during the second invasion, name reforged)
  • Athol Collective (Dead - Destroyed by the Rines Republic)
  • Eno Chia (Dead - Fell during the first invasion)
  • Enweil (Dead - Killed by Riombara during an Enweilian Civil War)
  • Fronen (Dead - Fell during the third invasion, name reforged)
  • Grehk (Dead - Gave lands to Irombro, migrated north, died in first invasion)
  • Irombro (Dead - Merged into Riombara)
  • Lin Helonon (Dead - Fell before the first invasion to Ar Agyr, Melhed, Fronen)
  • Melhed (Dead - Killed by Thalmarkin and reformed Ar Agyr)
  • Rines Republic (Dead - Merged into Riombara)
  • Voghor (Dead - Fell during the second invasion)
