Main Page
This is the BattleMaster Community, made not only for, but also largely by players. It is a WikiWiki system, using MediaWiki, the same software that powers Wikipedia.
Official Manual
All pages in this section have been written by contributors and are occasionally reviewed for accuracy. The manual is intentionally incomplete in some details and does not reveal everything, simply because it makes for a more interesting game to discover some stuff on your own.
Game Worlds & Other BattleMaster Content
Community Portal
The purpose of the Community Portal is to allow convenient access to the various sections of the BattleMaster wiki to assist users in creating new pages, editing older pages, and finding the desired information. On this page, you will find summarized links to the other various aspects of the community (FAQs, island newspapers, community resources, feature requests etc.).
We have about 12,800 articles at this time. Our 2,347 registered users have made a total of 220,837 page edits in their time.