The Moot

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The Moot

A New Year, New Opportunities August 4, 2010
Almost as quickly as it came, winter is now leaving Maroccidens. With its departure comes the new year, what this writer reckons will be the 12th year of Dwilight (correct me if I am wrong). This Spring sees Maroccidens in a wonderfully refreshing situation, largely due to the winter successes of Terran. Terran enters the new year in a strong position. It seems that Odona just might finally be under permanent Terran control, barring any kind of unforeseen disaster. The Terran military has become quite the organized fighting force, and has adapted its methods well to the unique strategies demanded by the wilds of Southwestern Dwilight. Thus, Terran is in a strong position to push to expand their borders once more, most probably to the north to retake their once held region of Mistight. Not only that, but they are in good position to aid in the recent developments on the Dragon Isles. It seems a rogue group of nobles from Morek Empire set up a new colony in Port Nebel, a region that is clearly under strong D'Haran claim, and has been D'Haran in the past. The Morek Empire assured the D'Haran leadership that the colony had no official support or sanction, and the D'Harans promptly declared war. Days later, Terran declared war as well in support of their close allies, and it seems likely they will aid the D'Harans in some way.

This writer would comment upon the happenings in Ordenstaat, the other Maroccidens realm, however he has little knowledge of what is going on there. While not expanding in quite some time, Ordenstaat must be one of the most resilient realms in all of Dwilight, managing to scratch out an existence in the middle of the ferocious Marwood. One cannot help but be impressed by their ability to survive at such a small size for so long.

All in all, things are looking surprisingly bright coming out of a Dwilight winter. However, situations can change quickly in Dwilight, as all who live there know, and one must never let their guard down. The never ending stream of monsters and undead continue to usher forth from the Marwood, and the ever felt presence of the mysterious (and powerful) Zuma Coalition remains. It will certainly be interesting to see what 12YD brings for Maroccidens.
Comment on this story. by Sir Kale Perth 
Winter Once More July 19, 2010
Winter has set in once more in Maroccidens, making life (and survival) even more difficult than usual. In Terran, the wild region of Odona was conquered once more in the waning days of autumn and the Nobles of Terran now face the difficult task of keeping a far flung and wild region monster free through Dwilight's harsh winter. This task is already proving difficult after a band of monsters rolled in from the Marwood and, as if planned by the beasts themselves, another group appeared to the east of Odona in Chesland. After a bit of confusion and worry, the combined efforts of Terran's Pride of the Highlands and the Army of the Lowlands, the Nobles of Terran are managing to keep things under control. However, the winter has just begun and it sure to be another long, cold one for Maroccidens.
Comment on this story. by Sir Kale Perth 
The Long Defense of Paisly June 14, 2010
In what has become an honored Occidental tradition, a Madinan pirate raid was recently thrown off the walls of Paisly for, if this writer's count is correct, the sixth time. Once again, the poorly-coordinated vagabonds pounded against the walls of Paisly, knocking a few bricks loose, but otherwise suffering catastrophic losses. Unfortunately, the brave D'Haran defenders were compelled to defend the city along for the first few rounds, as the emergency aid from Terran's Army of the Lowlands was unable to arrive quite in time. Terranian soldiers helped in the cleanup some and clearing of monsters, but were unable to be available for the initial assault. We at The Moot pray that such coordination between the two allied realms can continue to increase with the expansion of the Véinsørmoot.
Comment on this story. by Senator-Duke Hireshmont Vellos II 
The Occidentals Abroad June 5, 2010
With the coming of spring and a few good harvests, and now the arrival of summer, the Senator-Dukes of Terran are taking the the ship and horse and going out abroad. Senator Vigilans of the Chateau is venturing northwards on a diplomatic mission, through Caerwyn, up into the arc of the northern realms of Toprak, including Northnastrond, the Dalian Expanse, and the Mimer Peninsula. His honorable mission is empowered with the formal ambassadorial powers of Terran, and is expected to raise the profile of Terran and Occidens throughout those lands, as well as provide for new treaties with our northern neighbors in Caerwyn and elsewhere.

I have taken a different path, and set out to the east. Readers of The Moot will be glad to hear that the Véinsørmoot has begun to see newfound expansion. My travels through D'Hara were productive, and the good Duke Marche Telrunya has stated an intention to expand the Véinsørmoot to Paisly. Beyond that, I have had ample opportunities to join numerous guilds, which I hope to bring home to Terran and expand, strengthening Terran's ties with D'Hara, Caerwyn, and Pian en Luries. In the Lurian lands, I have been welcomed into the Keepers of Lore, a body whose mission I firmly agree with, and hope to form ties with through the Véinsørmoot. Beyond that, my destination lies northwards, in Aquilegia, and in the Dwilight University campus of Ashrak. My own mission is less diplomatically oriented than that of my colleague Senator Vigilans, and focusing more on goodwill and cultural ties.

We hope that these missions, the revitalizion of the Véinsørmoot, and Terran's increasing presence abroad, as well as the growth of new colonies in the Far West, will raise the profile and continental recognition of the vital cultural and political developments and contributions of Occidens and the Occidental peoples.
Comment on this story. by Senator-Duke Hireshmont Vellos II 
The Moot Is Back In Operation! June 5, 2010
Lords and Ladies of Dwilight and elsewhere,

The Moot is back in operation and will be providing news and commentary dealing with Southwest Dwilight once more!
Comment on this story. by Sir Kale Perth 
Chaos in Ordenstaat and the New Realm of Silverfall August 12, 2009
The chaos created in Ordenstaat was as far as I can tell due to a quiet leadership. Something I had tried to fix on a few occassions, obviously without success. I am of course, King Zanaras of the recently christened Silverfall. Being a priest of the Order of Saint Iestyn, I was allowed certain priviledges within the ruling body of Ordenstaat, the Brotherhood, that regular nobles nor memebers the Brotherhood itself were typically allowed. Namely, I could speak against the government's actions with far less chance of reprimand. As you can see, I wasn't able to effect enough change for it to be worthwhile.

Now, the rebellion we are currently seeing is due to, from what I could tell, the Brotherhood having little or no communication with the general public, as well as the Regent Pro Tempore Eddard having been rather quiet overall as of late. I was tired of putting up with Ordenstaat's inability to support my city, as well as the unchanging private circle that ruled Ordenstaat. So I decided to officially break off and forge my own realm, one where I could create what I thought to be the ideal government. Yes, officially, it is a Monarchy, but I am including several Republican elements as time goes by. One of them being a Chamber of Representatives who will be elected seasonally (subject to change as the realm is fleshed out) as well an official listing of claims much like Madina currently employs. Atleast one, if not two of the council positions will also be elected. It is like it says in my realm's public summary:

Silverfall, the second of the two southwestern beacons of Dwilight. Life here is not easy, in fact it is very much the opposite. Silverfall strives to be the realm that Ordenstaat would not be. A realm open to it's nobles, where there are clearly set channels of communication so that even the most new of nobles can present his concerns to the Ruler. Quiet nobles will be ignored, and disloyal ones cut as soon as proof is found. There is only opportunity here if you prove you deserve it.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian, First King of Silverfall  Blank.png
More Pain in the Far Southwest August 12, 2009
Not long after our previous article concerning Ordenstaat's apparently rapid decay through this winter, the problems in our southern neighbor seem to have grown worse. Division between various religious elements, as well as pent-up Republican sentiment among many, has led to two simultaneous, and apparently successful, movements against the government of Ordenstaat. More specifically, initial sketchy reports indicate that the secession of Duke Zanaras Tian to form Silverfall is rooted both in Republican ambitions, as well as religious devotion, and internal squabbles within the Brotherhood, the elite body that rules over Ordenstaat. Yet it appears that, even as, Twainville secedes and the Brotherhood splinters, the general nobility of Ordenstaat are rising up victoriously against the Brotherhood's remaining members. We in Terran remain tense over the outcome of these affairs, and pray that, come springtime, there will be some human realm left in those lands to hold back the monstrous tides. Moreover, we continue to wish that we had an Ordenstaati reporter.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
Ordenstaat in Trouble? August 10, 2009
Recent events have led many in the southwest to fear that Ordenstaat may be on its last leg. From it's greatest extent last autumn, Ordenstaat has lost Twainwood, Nark, Thysan, and, if my memory serves me correctly, Kydonia as well. It has been kept alive apparently only by support from outside, such as from its generous allies in D'Hara and, to a lesser extent, Terran, and sparse reports from within the fledgling colony indicate that it is beset by internal division. Today marks midwinter here in the southwest; we have gotten only halfway through this dire season, and already Ordenstaat struggles. Duke Zanaras Tian is left alone in isolated Twainville, and we in Terran worry that our southern borders may again become the far-flung frontier of nobility in the southwest. However, the Moot's ability to report on Ordenstaat is limited, as we currently have no Ordenstaatian reporters: a condition which we dearly wish to remedy. Any who wish to report for The Moot are welcome to do so, and I hope to find out more in my diplomatic mission through the southwest this spring, after the roads have ceased being a slushy muck.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
Huge Battle in Thysan July 30, 2009
Today saw relief arrive for Ordenstaat. Scouts in Larur noted a a day or two ago that D'Haran troops were marching en masse through Paisland, and their goal has now become known to all: they are on a mission of support for Ordenstaat. Recent disorder and confusion in Terran's Army of the Lowlands has led to inability to come to Ordenstaat's aid, so we thank D'Hara for their intervention in Thysan, and hope they continue to provide Ordenstaat a respite until we are able to help. Whatever the case, by all reports, it was a spectacular battle: a great horde of foul creatures on one side, and a league of proud human nobility on the other: we in Terran, and at the Véinsørmoot, are happy to see our neighbors and fellows supporting each other.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
Southwestern Update July 28, 2009
In recent days, many momentous events have occurred in southwestern Dwilight. They were not the sort of events which were heralded in distant realms, but rather of the subtler sort, which shapes the foundations on which nations are made. First, Terran's expansion has shifted directions. With the acquisition of Odona, and it coming under control, we have no further ground to take in the south. But our adventurous spirit remains and, conveniently, The Shokalom Accord has expired. Since its signing, Terran and Caerwyn have engaged in active trade and trade agreements, and it is with good will and faith towards our northern neighbors that we venture onwards to claim our lands in and around Shokalom. However, we have not been lax regarding the south: even as Ordenstaat seems to be struggling, plans have not been abandoned to provide it material aid, and trade with Madina continues. Moreover, a judicial treaty with Madina is being discussed, which could further strengthen southwestern solidarity.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
Paisland is Returned to Madina July 13, 2009
Several days ago the region of Paisland revolted from its Madinan owners and declared loyalty to Terran. Wishing for good relations with Madina as well as noting their lack of want and ability to properly care for the region, Terran wanted to get the region back to Madina as soon as possible, if they did indeed want it back. However, Chief Magistrate Teniel Dell experienced several confusing days of desperate attempts to reach the Madinan leadership to discuss the matter. Noting Madina's slow to respond nature, Magistrate Dell waited patiently for a response.... only to get none. Finally she traveled to Paisland itself in an attempt to make contact with several Madinan Nobles who were in the region, but made little head way. Finally with the election of a new Grande Doge in Madina the Chief Magistrate finally received a response from the Madinans, who did indeed desire the region back, and after Sir Elias Stormreaver, the Terranian appointed Lord of the region stepped down, Paisland was promptly handed back over to Madina.
Comment on this story. by Kale Perth
Senator of Gretchew
& Magistrate of War 
More Elections... in Paisland? July 11, 2009
With the recent acquisition of Odona and Paisland, even more new positions have opened up in Terran. These various reshufflings and expansions seem to be providing astonishing new options. After abbreviated elections and discussion in the Senate of Terran, it was decided that Marshall Saffron Recluse would become the Senator of Odona, and Sir Elias Stormreaver would become Senator of Paisland. Indeed, the situation of Paisland has proved to be precarious. While the region is formally claimed by Madina, and Terran does recognize that claim, no member of Madina has offered any reply to the numerous queries sent their way by the Terran leadership. As such, Paisland seems to be in a bit of limbo, as Madina has not reasserted any claim. It may be that Senator Elias serves only as an interim until the region is returned, or, who knows, perhaps Madina has decided to let Paisland go its own way? Time shall tell.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
Elections July 4, 2009
Recently, Senator Sibyl Jackson went on foreign leave to visit her family. This left both the post of banker, which she filled after Sir Widfara Exiled was captured by monsters, and the Senate seat of Larur, which she filled after Sir Widfara Exiled was twice ousted by rebels and monsters in the region, absent. As Terran is a republic, both seats have been put up for elections. The Magistracy of Trade is being contested by many nobles, most notably our realm trader Sir Torvaldo Rimida, as well as the former banker Sir Widfara Exiled. Thus far, Sir Widfara's candidacy has been openly supported by Duke Vigilans Animus, Lord Vesna Valentine, Chief Magistrade Teniel Dell, and myself, Duke Hireshmont Vellos II. Sir Torvaldo Rimida has also announced his willingness to serve under Sir Widfara, and has announced that he will contest the election in Larur. Thus far, he is the only candidate in Larur, and, as the region has no knights, the Senate is almost sure to press for a swift election.

UPDATE: On July 5 the votes for the Magistracy of Trade were counted and revealed. Sir Widfara Exiled won handily with 57.60% of the votes cast. Sir Torvaldo Rimida came in second with just 15.21% of the votes cast. Also, Lord Glomac, former lord of Larur, has announced his candidacy for the Senatorial seat in Larur.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
The Voice of the South June 25, 2009
For too long, the southwest has been a land of dangerous colonies, darkness, daimons, and whispered rumors. We who live in these lands know that we are as civilized as our eastern kin, as noble, as good, and will someday be as great. It is in this spirit that we have founded this paper, and its accompanying guild, Véinsørmoot: a guild where nobles of the southwest, of D'Hara, Madina, Terran, Ordenstaat, and any other future realms in these lands, can come together for commerce, communication, and fellowship. Moreover, we shall pass along news, and develop our culture and society. This paper will focus exclusively on the events of the southwest: on its people, its realms, and its culture.
Comment on this story. by Hireshmont Vellos II
Senator-Duke of Chesney 
August 4, 2010
War Declared!
Terran has declared war on Quadrivium.
August 2, 2010
Ordanstaati Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of Ordenstaat has elected Arden Fury as its Grand Master. He received 13% of the valid votes cast.
July 27, 2010
War Declared!
D'Hara has declared war on Quadrivium.
July 25, 2010
Quadrivium Ruler Elected
Blank.png The realm of Quadrivium has elected Eliza Fanath as its Grandmistress.
July 25, 2010
Morek Empire Forms Colony in Port Nebel!
Blank.png Morek Empire has taken control of Port Nebel , a former rogue region, and established a colony there, Quadrivium.
July 14, 2010
Terran Takes Control of Odona
Blank.png Terran has taken control of Odona, a former rogue region. Terran now controls 8 regions.
July 5, 2010
Terran Ruler Re-elected
Blank.png The realm of Terran has reconfirmed Torvaldo Rimida as its Chief Magistrate. He received 50% of the valid votes cast.
July 4, 2010
Mistight Overrun With Monsters
With outstanding brutality, Monsters have taken control of Mistight, killing Terran civil leaders there and slaughtering any who opposed them. Mistight is no longer part of Terran.
July 2, 2010
Ordenstaati Ruler Re-elected
Blank.png The realm of Ordenstaat has reconfirmed Brynden Tully as its Grand Master. He received 11% of the valid votes cast.
June 23, 2010
Panamana Revolts
The people of Panamana have revolted and declared independence from Madina!
June 18, 2010
Madina Takes Control of Panamana
Blank.png Madina has taken control of Panamana, a formerly rogue region. Madina now controls 13 regions.
June 18, 2010
Nebel Revolts
The people of Nebel have revolted and declared independence from D'Hara!
June 16, 2010
Rettlewood Revolts
The people of Rettlewood have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
Template:DDNews/Zuma Coalition June 17, 2010
Zuma Coalition Takes Control of Dragon Song
Blank.png Zuma Coalition has taken control of Dragon Song, a formerly rogue region. Zuma Coalition now controls 9 regions.
June 16, 2010
Panamana Revolts
The people of Panamana have revolted and declared independence from Madina!
Template:DDNews/Zuma Coalition June 15, 2010
Zuma Coalition Takes Control of Underroot
Blank.png Zuma Coalition has taken control of Underroot, a formerly rogue region. Zuma Coalition now controls 8 regions.
June 14, 2010
Rogue Takes Control of Dragon Song
Template:DDNews/Netherworld Rogue has taken control of Dragon Song (formerly part of Netherworld). Rogue now controls 103 regions.
Template:DDNews/Netherworld June 13, 2010
Netherworld Takes Control of Grympen Mire
Blank.png [Netherworld]] has taken control of Grympen Mire, a former rogue region. Netherworld now controls 8 regions.
Template:DDNews/Netherworld June 12, 2010
Netherworld Takes Control of Overroot
Blank.png [Netherworld]] has taken control of Overroot, a former rogue region. Netherworld now controls 7 regions.
June 12, 1010
Candiels Fields Revolts
The people of Candiels Fields have revolted and declared independence from Madina!
June 11, 1010
Huge Battle Fought in Paisly
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Paisly: Monsters and Madina vs. D'Hara; Estimated strengths: 310 men vs. 310 men; Defender Victory
June 10, 1010
Huge Battle Fought in Paisly
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Paisly: Madina vs. D'Hara; Estimated strengths: 490 men vs. 440 men; Defender Victory
June 5, 1010
Dantooine Revolts
The people of Dantooine have revolted and declared independence from Pian en Luries!
August 28, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Nark
Blank.png Ordenstaat has taken control of Celtiberia, a former rogue region. Ordenstaat now controls 4 regions.
August 27, 2009
Nark Revolts
The people of Twainville have revolted and declared independence from Silverfall! Silverfall is no more.
August 22, 2009
Nark Revolts
The people of Nark have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
August 19, 2009
Alliance Formed
The realms of D'Hara and the Grand Duchy of Fissoa have joined into an alliance.
August 15, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Nark
Blank.png Ordenstaat has taken control of Nark, a former rogue region. Ordenstaat now controls 4 regions.
August 13, 2009
Celtiberia Revolts
The people of Celtiberia have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
August 12, 2009
Twainville secedes from Ordenstaat
Duke Zanaras Tian has seceded the city of Twainville from Ordenstaat to found the monarchy of Silverfall.
August 12, 2009
Rebellion in Ordenstaat
DDWar.png Marina Andorin has called for an uprising against the government of Ordenstaat.
August 8, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Celtiberia
Blank.png Ordenstaat has taken control of Celtiberia, a former rogue region. Ordenstaat now controls 5 regions.
August 8, 2009
Terran Loses Control of Thysan.
Rouge forces have taken control Thysan, which just days before switched loyalty from Ordenstaat to Terran.
August 7, 2009
Thysan Revolts!
Revolting peasants in Thysan have lynched the local civil servants and vowed loyalty to Terran instead!
July 30, 2009
Huge Battle Fought
Blank.png A huge battle is fought in Thysan! D'Hara, Ordenstaat vs. (rogue). Estimated strengths 400 men vs. 60 men.
July 28, 2009
Ordenstaat Loses Control of Nark
Blank.png The region of Nark, formerly part of Ordenstaat, has been overwhelmed and lost to rogue forces.
July 20, 2009
Ordenstaat Loses Control of Twainwood
Blank.png The region of Twainwood, formerly part of Ordenstaat, has been overwhelmed and lost to rogue forces.
July 19, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Twainville
Blank.png A peasant uprising caused by religious passions of believers in The Order of St. Iestyn has overthrown the regional lord of Twainville. The leader of the uprising, Sir Zanaras Tian has been proclaimed as the new lord. Ordenstaat now controls 8 regions.
July 17, 2009
Celtiberia Revolts!
Blank.png The people of Celtiberia have revolted and declared independence from Ordenstaat!
July 13, 2009
Paisland Handed Back Over To Madina
Chief Magistrate Teniel Dell of Terran has handed the region of Paisland back over to Madina. Terran now controls 8 regions. Madina now controls 14 regions.
July 7, 2009
Terran Takes Control of Odona
Blank.png After a short takeover process, the woodland region of Odona has been converted to the realm of Terran, the people there are now hailing the new government. Terran now controls 9 regions.
July 6, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Twainwood
Blank.png A peasant uprising caused by religious passions of believers in The Order of St. Iestyn has overthrown the regional lord of Twainwood. The leader of the uprising, Zanaras Tian has been proclaimed as the new lord. Ordenstaat now controls 8 regions.
July 6, 2009
Paisland Revolts, Joins Terran
Revolting peasants in Paisland have lynched the Madinan civil servants and local government and have sworn loyalty to Terran instead. Terran now controls 8 regions.
June 28, 2009
Alliance Formed
The realms of D'Hara and Myern have joined into an alliance.
June 26, 2009
Ordenstaat Takes Control of Celtiberia
Blank.png Ordenstaat takes control of the rural, coastal region of Celtiberia. The region has been under Ordenstaati control before, but was lost to monster incursions. Ordenstaat now controls 7 regions.
June 4, 2009
Alliance Formed
The realms of Ordenstaat and Terran have joined into an alliance.
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