Rettlewood, as the name suggest, is a dense forrest that surrounds Rettleville. At first glance it seems inhabitted, but if you are brave enough to leave the paths, you will soon find small villages hidden in the wood. Peasants of Rettlewood are working as lumber jacks and hunters. They are tough people, hardened by the environment.
Rettlewood is a woodland region in the south west of Dwilight. It surrounds Rettleville and borders Thysan, Maeotis, Celtiberia, Kydonia and Nark. Its weather is that of South Forest. Borders with the capital and 5 other regions of Ordenstaat made Rettlewood a key province in food distribution.
Beginnings of the region are not certain. There lived a small community of peasants who hid in the woods. Nobody managed to make any contact with them. Whatever civilization they had represented, no signs of it remained.
On the third day of spring of the 5th year of Dwilight, Rettlewood was taken over by Ordenstaat. Reynevan Silesian was appointed as the first Count. He started with organizing repairs and establishing a proper administration. Bringing civilization to Rettlewood made rogues from nearby regions really angry. Rettlewood was soon attacked by hordes of monsters and on the 5th day Ordenstaat lost Rettlewood.
As Monsters took over, darkness fell again on Rettlewood. Every sign of civilization that Ordenstaat had been able to establish, was destroyed. Not much more is known about this period of Rettlewood history.
Civilization overcame darkness and Rettlewood was restored to Ordenstaat on day 18th of the realm's history. Reynevan Silesian was reinstated as the Lord of the region. The monsters did not give up. Hordes of them came and even an aliance with undead was formed. At one point all of Rettlewood's population was wiped out - only a single peasant stayed alive. Ordenstaat however withstood the attacks and kept Rettlewood forever.
Ordenstaat did not achieve to survive because of political problems and as the civilization and defense dissappeared monsters started to destroy everything reducing the population to the minimum.
A big battle took place half a year after the disappearance of Ordenstaat. Nobles of Terran and D'Hara, helped a group of nobles that served long time ago in another realm, to establish a new colony named Barca. The first battle cleared the region of monsters, but nobles continued their way to Rettleville. After the Take Over of the city Rettlewood was also conquered. By the Take Over of Rettlewood only one peasant was alive, but with lots of work the region started to grow. Laia Marley was the first noble appointed as new lord of the region in times of Barca, but only during some weeks cause of the other politic position of Laia. After this period she stepped down and Lord Randwulf Driscol was appointed.
1. Reynevan Silesian - Ordenstaat
Region was taken over by a monster horde.
2. Reynevan Silesian - Ordenstaat
Region went rogue for a long, dark period.
3. Laia Marley - Barca
4. Randwulf Driscol - Barca
5. Brackern of Burgundy - Barca
Rettlewood is rich in wood and has therefore a economy based on carpentry and wood work. As it is also a constant crossing region there are several hostals and bars for the travelers.
Major Faiths:
- Verdis Elementum