Celtiberia is a region of Barca
Celtiberia is a rural area bordering Rettlewood, Maeotis, Kydonia, Lusitania and Agl. Its people are long-time farmers, said to be amongst the most effective in the area, typically having the ability to single-handedly supply the nearby city of Rettleville with more than enough food.
Beginnings of the region are known only in folklore, suggesting that Celtiberia was never a civilized region prior to Ordenstaat arriving.
Celtiberia was the fourth region to come under the flag of Ordenstaat, less that four dozen days into its existence. Loricatus of the Taurus family was appointed as its Lord. The monsters of the nearby regions did not find this to their liking and have right after that started their campaign to bring chaos back to Celtiberia.
The realm of Ordenstaat proved unsuccessful in holding back the rogue hordes, and before long Celtiberia was lost. This was but a precursor to the fall of Ordenstaat, and the Rettle-area was in anarchy once more.
The realm of Barca was founded after the fall of Ordenstaat. With slow initial growth, it was shortly after the second Barcan Spring that the realm rapidly expanded. It was during this expansion that the region of Celtiberia was brought under the control of Barca (exactly 101 days after realm founding). In a tied vote, Brackern of Burgundy was favoured with the first Barcan Lordship of the region, with Laia Marley being the other tied candidate.
When the Senator's position for Rettlewood became vacant, Senator Brackern took up the seat to safeguard Barca's capital. Senator Farsil Mattic was then elected in a vote that saw a draw between Senator Farsil and Kydonia's Senator Vairaj K'tan. When Aurvandil took Lusitania in the middle of Barca's third Summer, Celtiberia's borders were finally secured. During this time, Barca's first Véinsørmoot Guild House was constructed in the region. That autumn saw Senator Farsil move to Rettleville to represent the capital in the Senate. Arthoor Mandin, a noble who grew up in Celtiberia, was elected in Barca's first extremely decisive vote for the region's Senator.