Nark is a region full of a dense forrest. It's difficult to find lots of people in the region living in there, but many people used to pass through the region as the region divides the duchy of Twainville from the duchy of Rettleville. The people in the region use to live hunting and trading with the wood from the dense forrest.
Nark lies next to Rettlewood to the East, Twainwood to the West, Eregon to the North-West, Thysan to the North-East, Kydonia to the South and Gallaecia to the South West
Before Ordenstaat took Nark under it's wings, it was under brutal control by the monsters, or sometimes under the control of the Bandits.
With the fall of Ordenstaat the rogue forces took control of the region and monsters started to invade the region.
In summer after some years Barca's Army took over the region adding it to the Republic of Barca.