Kydonia is a rural region where agriculture and farming is how the people of the region lives. As it lands are very fertile, many people immigrate to the region and therefore you can find lots of people living there, contrary to the regions of the Marwood.
Kydonia is a region of the Maroccidens of Dwilight near to the big forrest of the Marwood. It surrounds to the north with Nark, to the North-East with Rettlewood, to the East with Celtiberia, to the south with Lusitania, to the South-West with Evanburg and to the West with Gallecia.
During its first time Kydonia was almost inhabitted as it was under control of rogue forces, and it was normal to see monsters and undead damaging the region.
During some time Ordenstaat took control of the region, being an imperial region without allegiance to any duchy. During this time Kydonia experienced a expansion in all ways, becoming a productive region.
After the crush of Ordenstaat the rogue forces took control of the region again, making the population flee of the region and destroying all progress done until then.
Barca's republic came one day of spring to Kydonia and took it over in a friendly way. The population accepted the new government excited, as they were quite friendly to the Barca's army, and the whole takeover process did not took more than 2 days. Once the government was established the region started to grow at a very fast making the economy start again and producing lots of food.
Noble Vairaj was elected to the position of Senator of Kydonia in a public referendum done by the Barca's nobles.