Dell Family

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The House of Dell is one which has, ever since its emergence as a Noble Family in the South East, grown in prestige, honour and renown. The Dell Family has risen to prominence in many realms attaining such important roles as the Lords of crucial cross-roads regions, the Marshals of the Armies and the Dukes of major Duchies, as well as the council positions of Arch-Priest, Grand Justiciar, Haruspex Maximus, Supreme Arbitrator, High Inquisitor, Fiduciary, Royal Treasurer, High Marshal, Paladin Primus, King, Pontifex and Prime Minister. The Dell Family is also a member of the Advisory Councils of Realms and stands as a testament to their indefatigable will to better themselves in the face of overwhelming odds.



This man, the youngest of all the Dell sons, and also the black sheep of the family, although arguably the most famous, and conincidently infamous, has accordingly been influenced by the rest of his brothers. Xerxes is a man, whose passions lie with the arts of war, however in likeness to his elder brother Luyten, he has a firm belief in the powers of the spirits. Finally, his training by Wenliang has given him a devout fervor towards honourable combat and because of his love and absolute respect for his brother, Xerxes chose to follow his brother down the path of a Hero, so as to be etched into the history books for his heroic deeds....

UPDATE: After becoming increasingly agitated with the deafening silence of the former King of Taselak Syfo-Jaydon, Xerxes rallied those loyal to Taselak and led them in a revolt against the oppressive Monarchy. After overthrowing the government Xerxes then instituted a Republic and proclaimed himself as the inaugural Prime Minister of Taselak.

UPDATE: However in the intial diplomatic talks with the realms of Ikalak and Sandalak he failed those Nobles who he had swore to represent and protect and thusly decided that he must pay for his shortcomings. Unable to stand the shame of what he had done Xerxes fled the island to the Colonies and the small realm of Alowca where he picks up the trail of where his brother Sonny left off....

UPDATE: After reaching the Colonies Xerxes, in an attempt to pick up the trail of his elusive brother joined Sonny's former realm of Alowca. He arrived during the middle of a rebellion and civil war and revelled in the strife. Advising Margrave, the rebel leader and then Pontifex of the realm, upon the correct courses of action during the war. He then gained support and, after the former ruler using unexpected guile to destroy all the infrastructure of the realm, he was elected as the Fiduciary and entrusted to repair the massive damage caused.

UPDATE: After two long months of work, Xerxes, through excellent planning and sheer grit and determination on his and his Buro's part, Alowca became even stronger than it was before. Recently, the existing Paladin Primus Margrave, was forced to step down from his position due to ill-health and Xerxes was elected as the Paladin Primus of the realm, in addition to his financial tasks.

UPDATE: Xerxes has been one of the chief framers of what is to be the Constitution of the new Monarchy of Alowca. With the attempted rebellion of one of the religious leaders and the over-influence of the Church in what should be state controlled spheres of influence, the Alowcan Council decided that it was time to have a peaceful rebellion to ensure the survival of both Church and State. However, this course of action has been received by some of the older members of the realm with hostility, the debate continues....

UPDATE: After stepping down as the Paladin Primus of Alowca, Xerxes was rewarded for his long service to Alowca with the command of the Duke of Alowca after Absolute was elected as the new Pontifex. However only a short while after Absolute was elected he was forced to step down due to sickness, and Xerxes ran for the Pontifecal regency until his return. However in a close election, the former Paladin Primus, Margrave the Drake was elected, with Xerxes coming in second place and remaining Duke of Alowca City, his story continues....

UPDATE: With the surprise abdication of Lord Margrave from the Pontifex's office only days after his election, Xerxes has been elected into the rulership with an overwhelming majority. His tasks now lie in ending the vicious and pointless war between Alowca and Alebad and restore Alowca back to pre-war status....

UPDATE: With the return of Lord Absolute, Xerxes' sense duty to his former Lord was too great for him to remain as the Pontifex. Thus, he chose to step down and allow free elections to occur.

UPDATE: After a few stints as the Duke of Alowca City and various other jobs, Xerxes decided once more to continue on as the Paladin Primus of Alowca, winning back-to-back elections with an overwhelming majority of the vote. He is now able to complete the task he has wished for, for many months, that of being able to lead Alowca's armies into the final battles with Oritolon, his most hated enemies.

UPDATE: With the return of Always to Alowca, Xerxes' protests sparked a realm wide discussion as to the implications of his return, and whether he should be permitted to remain. As the protests became more vehement, Xerxes rallied his supporters in a class action against the incumbent Pontifex Margrave, who re-admitted Always back into Alowca in the first place. This in turn resulted with Margrave's forced resignation from office and Xerxes subsequent election to the Pontifex's role.

UPDATE: As time moved on, Xerxes has remained the Pontifex with near universal popularity despite some controversial decisions regarding political realignment with long time bitter-sweet allies, Alebad. Now having ruled for over 100 days, his name now lies in Alowcan history books. However the highlight of his reign so far has been the commissioning of the first Temple, dedicated to the Trinity. A milestone in Alowcan history.

UPDATE: Xerxes time as the Pontifex of Alowca has continued on for many more months and years with universal popularity as he continues to represent his realm successfully on the international arena. Gaining more allies to aid his realm in its fight against the tyranny of Lukon and her lapdog Oritolon. Unhindered by his signing of a controversial treaty with Alebad, the combined armies of the Southern Theocratic Federation continue to score victorious against a far larger enemy. But as the battles grow even more dangerous, will Xerxes live to see the end of this conflict which has raged ever since Alowca's foundation?

UPDATE: Much has happened in the times since Xerxes chose to re-establish ties with Alebad to the north. With the Federation came unprecedented co-operation and friendship between the two realms, and from this friendship spawned a military strength great enough to humble Oritolon's armies and lead to a position of dominance in the south. Idleness in-realm however has threatened to undo all the hard work done to place Alowca in a position to achieve a final victory. Now having ruled for the second longest time in Alowcan history, Xerxes continues to lead his realm on successfully.

UPDATE: After having ruled for over 600 days, the longest of any ruler in Alowcan history, Xerxes finally abdicated from his place as the Pontifex of Alowca, seeking to re-invigorate the nobility he stood aside to allow someone new and fresh to become the new Guardian of the Faith. For his services, he was appointed as the new Duke of Alowca, and the Marshal of the Alowcan Elite, by the new Alowcan Pontifex, offices he continues to serve in today as he continues to work for the greater glory of the Church and the realm.

UPDATE: After realising that after his many years of service, it was time for him to leave Alowca to spread the word of the Trinity afar in distant lands and seek new shores, Xerxes departed from Alowca to the war-ravaged island of Beluaterra. Upon arriving on the island, he took up residence in the small mountainous realm of Bara'Khur where his skills and worth were immediately recognised and he was appointed to Lordship in the newly taken region of Gaxano. Following on from this appointment, Xerxes was then elected as the High Inquisitor of the realm after the incumbent was taken by daimons during a bloody rout of Bara'Khurian forces whilst attempting to takeover a region from the evil realm of Vlaanderen.

UPDATE: Xerxes time in Bara'Khur has now lasted for quite a while, finding a new home in the land of Heroes and being appointed to several positions over time. When the opportunity came to acquire Lordship of a larger more important region, Xerxes utilised what influence his service and record yield to ascend into the Lordship of Verdomite. From there though, life became tougher as factional in-fighting within the realm pitted a group of reformers led by Xerxes and several others, against the old guard which coalesced around the then Queen Joan. After a period of protracted political dogfighting, and harsh words on both sides, the reformist faction experienced some success with the resignation of Queen Joan and the election of a new Queen, the original ruler of Bara'Khur, Lady Jenny. Whilst a member of the old guard Queen Jenny, far more moderate and reformist that her predecessor, was willing to work with the reformists and nominal peace returned to Bara'Khur for the time being....His story continues....


  • 2005-10-03 - Began his career in Taselak.
  • 2005-10-15 - Appointed as Count of Endelee.
  • 2005-12-23 - Appointed as Count of Neralle.
  • 2005-12-27 - Appointed as General of Taselak.
  • 2006-01-20 - Appointed as General of Taselak.
  • 2006-01-30 - Stepped down as General.
  • 2006-01-30 - Appointed as Duke of Taselak.
  • 2006-02-05 - Initiated a rebellion in Taselak.
  • 2006-02-06 - Lead a successful rebellion and took rulership in Taselak.
  • 2006-02-09 - Stepped down from Rulership.
  • 2006-02-09 - Immigrated to Colonies.
  • 2006-02-11 - Joined realm Alowca.
  • 2006-03-01 - Elected as Banker in Alowca.
  • 2006-04-01 - Re-Elected as Banker in Alowca.
  • 2006-04-10 - Elected as General in Alowca.
  • 2006-05-01 - Re-elected as General in Alowca.
  • 2006-05-01 - Re-elected as Banker in Alowca.
  • 2006-05-05 - Stepped down as Banker.
  • 2006-05-21 - Appointed as Duke of Alowca.
  • 2006-05-28 - Elected as Ruler in Alowca.
  • 2006-06-05 - Founded the guild "National Bank of Alowca".
  • 2006-06-13 - Stepped down from local lordship position.
  • 2006-06-14 - Stepped down from rulership.
  • 2006-06-21 - Elected as General in Alowca.
  • 2006-07-01 - Re-Elected as General in Alowca.
  • 2006-08-01 - Re-Elected as General in Alowca.
  • 2006-08-30 - Elected as ruler in Alowca.
  • 2006-08-30 - Elected as general in Alowca.
  • 2008-02-04 - Stepped down from rulership.
  • 2008-02-08 - Appointed as Duke of Alowca.
  • 2008-02-10 - Appointed as the Marshal of the Alowcan Elite.
  • 2008-03-31 - Immigrated to Beluaterra.
  • 2008-04-01 - Joined the realm of Bara'Khur.
  • 2008-04-16 - Appointed as Baron of Gaxano.
  • 2008-04-23 - Elected as judge in Bara'Khur.
  • 2008-06-01 - Appointed as the Marshal of the Bara'Khur Defenders.
  • 2008-09-30 - Stepped down from local lordship position.
  • 2008-10-01 - Appointed as Earl of Verdomite.

Age: 46.

Honour/Prestige: 115/33

Current title: High Inquisitor of Bara'Khur, Earl of Verdomite.



Luyten is a man whose upbringing was very similar to all other sons of the Dell family, however he, unlike his brothers, chose to take the life of a man devoted to the arts of religion. That is what brought him to the fabled Far East and the Theocractic society of Taith Aenil. Their study of angelic beings was always a passion of this bright young man, and upon hearing of this realm, he immediately set off to discover the meanings of these spirits....

UPDATE: After becoming increasing agitated and annoyed at the seemingly indefatigable neutrality of the Taith Aenilians and their close-minded attitude towards foreign affairs, a the angels returned to Luyten in a dream and proclaimed to him a quest which would give him ultimate glory. So, with only a day of decision, Luyten set off to join the realm of Ethiala where he was welcomed with open arms by most Nobles of the realm. He feels more at home in the lands of the Ethialans than he has anywhere else....

UPDATE: Luyten thrived in the warm atmosphere of Ethiala and after only 40 days within the realm he was appointed to the crucial cross-roads region of Arempos and to the Ethialan Senate. During his time in Ethiala he has become a trusted advisor of the crown and become a chief ambassador to the northern realms of the Far East.

UPDATE: Luyten has been involved in his first battle for his new realm, as well as the first battle for his realm as the Marshal of Topenah in the occupation of Lantzas. Additionally, Taith Aenil has declared war on his new home. Hopefully now he will get to deal the crushing blow to his old realm that he has long craved.

UPDATE: Luyten is no longer an Ethialan! He was finally given a chance, through collaboration with his former enemy Orphen, to finally cleanse Taith Aenil of the heretics and form his own realm of Greater Aenilia. Once King, he established relations with many rulers, and looks for re-election when the realm has its first free elections after the destruction of the remnant of Taith Aenil.

UPDATE: His tasks were done, a new realm was formed in the ashes of the old and the last of the heretics were swept away. Thus, Luyten stepped down as the ruler of Greater Aenilia to allow her first free elections to be held. However in a surprising chain of events, he was elected as the new Arch-Priest in the place of his long friend Caerid who was elevated to the rulership. Now Luyten is bent upon upholding Greater Aenilian honour and forming new traditions and laws (as well as winning a tournament).

UPDATE: Time continued to pass inevitably onwards as Greater Aenilia's position as a powerful and well-connected realm grew. Though suffering setbacks in the madness of its second King, Caerid, order was restored through his suicide and now Luyten fights a war in the south, to honour an agreement with its ally Soliferum as it fights an uphill battle against a powerful enemy.

UPDATE: The war in the south ended, and with Aenilia's help Soliferum survived the onslaught of its enemies in Nighthelm. With the unprecedented showing of strength that came from the professional soldiers of the Aenilian army, the prestige and political prowess of his nation has been increased to place Greater Aenilia upon the international stage as a realm with an opinion and influence to be valued by the other realms of the Far East. It seems that it was not madness that forced Luyten's hand in the creation of this new realm, but divine providence from the angelic beings that have guided his hand.

UPDATE: Luyten has won his first tournament! After arriving late to a tournament held by the King of Nighthelm in the faraway city of Hatdhes, Luyten was able to defeat many a skilled opponent in his quest to claim the title of tournament Champion. In a fortunate turn of events his final opponent was none other than a man whom he has sworn to kill for his betrayal of Greater Aenilia, Kazuma. A sweet revenge for the ageing Lord.

UPDATE: Many, many years have passed since his victory in the tournament in Nighthelm, with wars fought, new friends and enemies made, but Luyten continues to play a major part in the shaping and leadership of Aenilia as the on-going enforcer of justice and long-time Duke of Nahad. Aenilia itself has undergone many changes in the last few years, growing to become one of the most powerful realms on the continent under the direction of its greatest Council, and its most pragmatic ruler. So too does the Faith of the Aenil exceed all expectations, as it rises to be arguably the largest religion in all of the Far East. Truly have the Aenil smiled down upon Luyten as he continues to do that Aenil's will...

UPDATE: Much has changed over time, and the Aenilia which was once proud and strong under the ruler of Emperor Orphen, fell into disrepair and stagnation. Luyten, seeing the need to reinvigorate the offices of leadership following a disastrous war with Arcaea in the north which saw significant losses to Aenilian territories and prestige abroad, counseled Emperor Orphen privately to step down and allow new elections. Unfortunately, so entrenched in his role at the head of the realm Orphen refused, and Luyten was forced to wage a campaign of political destabilisation in order to force the elections at any cost.

UPDATE: Eventually Orphen relented and stepped down, only to be re-elected by a razor-thin plurality of 36% of the vote. Unsatisfied, Luyten continued his campaign for reform in Aenilia and forced a second election where he was then elected as the new Emperor with 65% of the vote. Using this newfound mandate to enact sweeping reforms to the governmental systems of Aenilia, as well as refreshing her diplomatic image abroad, Luyten brought an end to the Empire of Aenilia which had been formed under Orphen, and gave rebirth to the High Kingdom of Aenilia which had existed during his first reign. During his second reign he also normalised relations with Arcaea, solidified the alliance with Cathay and achieved peace treaties with many of the southern realms....His story continues....


  • 2005-10-04 - Began his career in Taith Aenil.
  • 2005-12-01 - Left Taith Aenil to join Ethiala.
  • 2006-01-18 - Appointed as Baron of Arempos.
  • 2006-02-15 - Appointed as Marshal of the Army of Topenah.
  • 2006-05-08 - Stepped down as Baron of Arempos.
  • 2006-05-08 - Stepped down as Marshal of the Army of Topenah.
  • 2006-05-08 - Left Ethiala to join Taith Aenil.
  • 2006-05-10 - Appointed as Duke of Idapur.
  • 2006-05-10 - Seceeded from the realm and founded his own.
  • 2006-05-11 - Appointed as Banker of Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006-05-12 - Stepped down as Banker.
  • 2006-05-22 - Appointed as General of Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006-05-28 - Stepped down as General.
  • 2006-07-07 - Constructed a magnificent palace.
  • 2006-07-09 - Stepped down from rulership.
  • 2006-07-09 - Elected as judge in Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006-08-14 - Appointed as Duke of Nahad.
  • 2006-10-04 - Founded the guild "The Knights of Aenilia".
  • 2007-03-10 - Re-elected as judge in Greater Aenilia.
  • 2008-12-12 - Stepped down as Judge.
  • 2008-12-12 - Elected as judge in Greater Aenilia.
  • 2008-12-19 - Stepped down as Judge.
  • 2009-01-06 - Elected as ruler in Greater Aenilia.

Age: 45

Honour/Prestige: 134/36

Current title: High King of Greater Aenilia



Teniel is the oldest of the Dell children and has lived for her entire life within the Mansion of the Dell Family in the South-East. A quiet and quick-witted woman she has devoted her life to a combination of scholarly works, but unlike the rest of the Dell Family, has taken a particular interest in the field of infiltration and assassination. After learning of the actions of Dash and more importantly Xerxes she set out from the Mansion to the realm of Ibladesh where she resides to gather the required honour and prestige to enter into a life of infiltration to regain the Family's honour and hunt down her brother Xerxes from his hiding place in the Colonies....

UPDATE: After gaining the prestige and honour required to enter into a life of infiltration and assassination, Teniel departed to the Far East to begin her training and to check up on her brother Luyten upon her father's wish. However, she quickly grew tired of the realm of Ethiala and decided to travel to a much darker realm which suited her purposes. Ikalak in the South-West, was her destination and not long after arriving she was appointed as the Countess of Jerelin for her services. She currently trains for the day when she might track down Xerxes and complete her appointed task.

UPDATE: Despite her quest to hunt down Xerxes, her love for the dark halls of Ikalak overcame her and she rejoined the army, fighting alongside her new comrades to rid the island of the Sandalakians to the south. For her services she became a friend of the incumbent Paladin Primus and became one of his most devoted and trusted commanders. Leading important raiding parties and sections of the army in the defense of important regions in the north and south.

UPDATE: After resigning from her duties as the leader of Ikalak's armies in the south, Teniel was then recalled into service by the Council, being appointed as the new Haruspex Maximus of Ikalak with Lord Leo's disappearance. Thrilled with her new role, her drive to serve her new-found religion has only doubled as she fights alongside her comrades for the rulership of the South-West.

UPDATE: The war with Sandalak in the southern regions of the South-West continues, and Teniel's grip upon reality seems to grow less and less with every day. Her newfound faith has caused her to slip into the dark depths of religious zealotry as she butchers both peasant and Noble alike in her lust for blood. She is truly the black sheep of the family and has already been disowned by them, but will she continue her quest to hunt down her brother like her father ordered?

UPDATE: Teniel remained in Ikalak, touched by their devotion to a goddess who has now become the very centre of her life. Appointed as the Haruspex Maximus of Ikalak, her perverted dreams of power became a reality and the "hospitality" of her dungeons legendary. Now a fully fledged disciple of Nergal, and her own mental stability in question, her loyalty to the cause of her Goddess is unshakable. Her loyalty and understanding of military affairs has led to much bounty for her in the lands of Ikalak, being appointed as the Duchess of Ikalak with the death of her former Lord Octimus, and her election as the Paladin Primus of Ikalak to lead the armies of Nergal forward in times of strife.

UPDATE: The war on the South-West Island continued to rage for many months after Teniel's appointment as the Duchess and her election to the office of the Paladin Primus. But through superior skill and tactics, and sheer force of will, she, along with the Faithful of Nergal, fought the powerful Sandalakian infidels to a standstill. Then, they began to turn the tide of the war in their favour. But the Ikalakians would never get to savour the taste of victory, with the island suddenly and tumultously destroyed by fire and water shortly after the discovery and colonisation of the far western lands of Dwilight. Perhaps setting foot upon the island angered the Goddess? Perhaps not. What is truth though, is that the Ikalakians then began the long journey toward the island in search of glory, riches and exploration.

UPDATE: Teniel joined the fledgling realm of Morek when she reached the shores of Dwilight, promptly offering her services to the ruler of the lands and his nobility. But soon she came to realise that Morek was rotting under the poor leadership of the ruling Council, and though she scrambled to seek a solution and hoped to convince the Nobility of Morek that she could help, Teniel was left clutching at straws. Though she was slated to be appointed the new Marshal of the realm's largest army, and had already been promised the richest townslands in Morek, Teniel's desire to cleanse Morek of its weakness was too strong. Thus, when she learned of a rebellion about to be declared by a long-time friend in Sir Zul'Jin, a fellow faithful servant of Nergal, she joined in the hopes of bringing prosperity and strength back to her adopted realm. The rebellion failed however, and banned by the jealous ruling Council, she now wanders the barren wilderness of Dwilight in search a new home...

UPDATE: After the failed rebellion in Morek, Teniel wandered aimlessly for a time before finally settling down in the fledgling realm of Caerwyn only recently founded before her arrival at its gates in the city of Golden Farrow. Quickly rising through the ranks of the nobility due to her forceful personality and considerable experience in the fields of leading men into battle, and maintaining regions in need of guidance, Teniel was elected and then re-elected to the role of the Supreme Arbitrator. Nergal smiles down upon her efforts and one day she will be re-united with the rotten Goddess...Her story continues...


  • 2006-02-10 - Began her career in Ibladesh.
  • 2006-04-23 - Immigrated to Far East.
  • 2006-04-25 - Joined realm Ethiala.
  • 2006-06-06 - Immigrated to South-West.
  • 2006-06-06 - Joined realm Ikalak.
  • 2006-07-20 - Appointed as Countess of Jerelin.
  • 2006-08-15 - Appointed as Countess of Jerelin.
  • 2006-08-22 - Appoint as Marshal of the Army of Ikalak.
  • 2006-11-15 - Appointed as Judge of Ikalak.
  • 2007-03-01 - Appointed as Judge of Ikalak.
  • 2007-06-05 - Stepped down from local lordship position.
  • 2007-06-06 - Appointed as Duchess of Ikalak.
  • 2007-09-01 - Elected as general in Ikalak.
  • 2007-10-03 - Stepped down as Judge.
  • 2008-01-28 - Immigrated to Dwilight.
  • 2008-01-30 - Joined the realm of Morek.
  • 2008-04-05 - Joined the realm of Caerwyn.
  • 2008-04-18 - Appointed as Judge of Caerwyn.
  • 2008-05-07 - Elected as Judge of Caerwyn.
  • 2008-05-12 - Appointed as Judge of Caerwyn.
  • 2008-06-07 - Re-elected as Judge of Caerwyn.

Age: 43

Honour/Prestige: 107/26

Current title: High Magistrate of Caerwyn.



The newest member of the Dell family to leave the confines of the mansions in the South-East and seek his fortune abroad, Arkantos is a cousin to the Dell family on his mother's side. A man of great personal strength, and strong convictions concerning the place of the peasantry, and of the rights of Nobility. Arkantos also has a great belief in the powers of faith, and as such was immmediately attracted by the tenets of the servants of Magnus, of which he is a follower.

UPDATE: Arkantos set out for the island of Atamara, the last remaining island where the Dell family has not exceeded and gained fame and reputation amongst Noble and commoner alike. Arriving in the realm of the Ash Sea Islands, he was immediately taken under the wing of the Duke of Wor'ight who appreciated his potential and his links to other Dell family members. Becoming his knight, Arkantos has thrived under the leadership of his Lord whom he has devoted his life to and now has a position as 2IC of the Guardians of Magna Serpansism.

UPDATE: Over time Arkantos standing in the Ashlantean Nobility continue to rise, and when the time came he was appointed to command the Guardians of Magna Serpansism, though his long service and the patronage of this Lord. Serving with distinction, Arkantos remained the Marshal of the Guardians through several conflicts, and well into the Great War which had plunged the Ashlantean nobility into despair, attacked on all sides by a total of 7 realms.

UPDATE: With the death of his Lord, the mighty Duke Moses, Arkantos considered taking his own life to end his grief, but through faith and devotion of the great Serpant Magnus, he survived these troubled times to become an active member of the Council of Marshals. Then, with the unexpected resignation of the former High Marshal, Lady Harlequin, Arkantos applied, and was appointed as the High Marshal of the Ash Sea Islands. He has finally been given a chance to lead, but during troubled times, his skill and devotion will be sorely tested....

UPDATE: After a long and brutal struggle which wrung every fibre from his being, Arkantos realised that he was not making headway in the desperate war which had pitted the Ash Sea Islands against an unassailable alliance of many realms. Despite fighting the enemy to a standstill on many occasions, the weight of greater numbers and resources led to the Isles slowly hemorrhaging region after the region. Deciding that it was time to let another lead the armies of the Ash Sea Islands, Arkantos stepped down reassuming his role as the Marshal of the largest army within the Ashlantean military...

UPDATE: Though he wished to remain the Marshal of the Guardians for many years to come, a terrible illness stuck Arkantos shortly after his re-appointment forcing him to step down and allow a younger and more energetic Marshal take command. After spending several weeks recovering Arkantos returned to the front, fighting alongside the Guardians as an ordinary soldier for a time, but ultimately becoming more reclusive as he searched for a new career and a new means through which he could aid his realm. Thus has he now taken up a life of the shadows and trains to become an infiltrator of the Isles...his story continues...


  • 2007-03-22 - Began his career in Ash Sea Islands.
  • 2008-03-14 - Appointed as General of Ash Sea Islands.
  • 2008-03-30 - Appointed as General of Ash Sea Islands. (Re-appointed after loosing his title to imprisonment after captured in battle).
  • 2008-04-25 - Stepped down as General.
  • 2008-04-26 - Re-appointed as the Marshal of the Guardians of Magna Serpansism.
  • 2008-05-18 - Stepped down as the Marshal of the Guardians of Magna Serpansism.

Age: 34

Honour/Prestige: 71/31

Current title: None.



Distantly related to the high Nobility of the Dell Family through is father, who was the cousin of the patriach of the Dell Family, the father of Luyten, Wenliang, Teniel and Xerxes. The story of Sir Hobbs is one of great woe, a victim to the machianations of the enemies of his family in the lands of the former Antoza Commonwealth, he was exiled at the tender age of fifteen and forced into the life of an adventurer. After travelling far and wide across the entire breath and length of the Far East, Hobbs finally managed to acquire the necessary patronage from influential Lords on the continent to re-ascend into the ranks of the Nobility. Thus, fifteen years after his family was murdered in their sleep, he has become a Knight of Zarimel in the realm of Cathay where the old Antoza Commonwealth once stood and looks to redeem his name and that of his family.


  • 2007-02-13 - Began a life of adventure in Svunnetland.
  • 2008-03-25 - Joined the realm of Cathay.
  • 2008-06-05 - Ascended from the life of an outcast adventurer and joined the family.

Age: 30

Honour/Prestige: 19/11

Current title: None.

Those members of the Dell family who have been lost or killed



Wenliang is the first son, and future patriarch, of the Dell Family, a man who has earnt himself a fair reputation amongst many of the most powerful and wealthy families in the East Continent. As a young man, he studied the arts of war within the confines of the Dell Manor house, and when he was only 17 he joined the ranks of the Ikalakian nobility in the South East, his patron realm. In accordance with the warrior code of an ancient and long-dead race, he places Family and Honour above all else, with the needs of his comrades, family and King coming above his own. He believes in honourable combat and has been rewarded for his service and support among his fellow Nobles with many lordships, honours and Council positions.

UPDATE: With the eventual demise of his home realm of Ikalak, Wenliang found himself as a man filled with the need to fight on and exact revenge upon those who had desecrated his homeland. Thus, with the loss of his homeland Wenliang set off to join the realm of Taselak, to fight on against the snakes which had destroyed his rightful home.

UPDATE: However after only 2 months fighting alongside the Taselakians, Wenliang found that he was empty within their ranks and his longing for the days of old among his comrades in Ikalak City had become a physical as well as an emotional pain, his scars had begun to affect his day-to-day existence and he decided to leave behind the pain of his past. After learning that his renown brother Xerxes had rebelled and reformed the government in Taselak of the South West, Wenliang departed to join with his brother. However when he reached his destination, Xerxes had already left for the Colonies and the realm of Alowca, to search for his lost brother Sonny.

UPDATE: Wenliang, angered by the mute acceptance of defeat which had seemed to have manifested within Taselak in the South West, immigrated to the East Continent where he joined the realm of Old Rancagua. A realm which had been known to him in Ikalak as a realm where Ikalakians would be welcomed with open arms by the King of the realm, Fuinir, a relation of Castamir. However, as Wenliang arrive, a series of multiple rebellions rocked the realm. Wenliang did all that he could to help his new realmmates. Earning a place on the Military Advisory council of the new ruler of Old Rancagua, Thalanteus.

UPDATE: Old Rancagua has endured hard times, but is coming out the stronger, with region control rising and Oligarch falling. Wenliang has been rewarded for his service and input into military affairs within the Military Advisory Council with the command of the "Kalmarian People's Front" BattleGroup, charged with the liberation of the Kalmar Islands from the Avamarian usurpers there after Oligarch City has fallen, and the Lordship of the region of Poitiers. His story continues....

UPDATE: With complete surprise, Wenliang was offered the position of High Marshal within the realm of Old Rancagua, a position which he accepted with open arms. His tasks now lie in restoring Kalmar to to true Kalmarians, a task he is more than willing to take and execute with extreme predjudice, the story continues....

UPDATE: After contracting a desperate sickness, Wenliang regretfully was forced to step down as the High Marshal of Old Rancagua. However, his service did not go unrewarded and he was appointed to the region of Obando, to care for it's people, he also retained his position as the Marshal of Ashforth's armies. The war with Kalmar continues, and Wenliang must plough ahead, now under the leadership of his close friend Lord Johnny. The story continues....

UPDATE: With time and elections came Wenliang's surprise elevation back into the Council by the Nobility of Old Rancagua, as he was elected the new Arch-Priest of the realm, taking over from the former Judge Antan. He now works for the improvement of Old Rancaguan regions, and the restoration of her conquered regions.

UPDATE: Wenliang is dead! Slain by the traitor Morton in a duel to the death within his beloved new home of Old Rancagua. A twisted and sad turn of events to have survived so much death in the many wars he fought across two continents, only now to be struck down by one of such ignoble upbringings. Admired by both friend and foe, Wenliang was honoured by his fellows with Old Rancagua and buried in the city of Ashforth. Already his father, enraged by his most favoured son's death seeks the head of the man who took him from this world.


  • 2005-09-03 - Began his career in Ikalak.
  • 2006-01-03 - Elected as judge in Ikalak.
  • 2006-01-07 - Left Ikalak to join Taselak.
  • 2006-01-08 - Ban from Ikalak lifted by Yavanna.
  • 2006-02-18 - Immigrated to South-West.
  • 2006-02-19 - Joined realm Taselak.
  • 2006-03-16 - Immigrated to East Continent.
  • 2006-03-18 - Joined realm Old Rancagua.
  • 2006-04-25 - Appointed commander of BattleGroup "Kalmarian People's Front".
  • 2006-05-11 - Appointed as Count of Poitiers.
  • 2006-05-25 - Appointed as General of Old Rancagua.
  • 2006-06-30 - Appointed as Marshal of the Army of Ashforth.
  • 2006-07-04 - Appointed as General of Old Rancagua.
  • 2006-07-04 - Appointed as Marshal of the Army of Ashforth.
  • 2006-07-25 - Stepped down as General.
  • 2006-08-01 - Appointed as Baron of Obando.
  • 2006-09-30 - Elected as judge in Old Rancagua.
  • 2007-03-12 - Stepped down from local lordship position.
  • 2007-03-21 - Died in a duel against Morton.
  • 2007-03-22 - Retired at age 30.

Titles held at the time of death: Arch-Priest of Old Rancagua



Dash's relations to the Dell family are, of course, stronger than that of his brother, having spent his entire life in Dell Manor. However his father, a man whose soul passion was war, brought his son up in the ways of the Warrior, teaching him all the skills required to lead men through example and valour. It was this upbringing which brought him to come to the oldest island, that of the East Continent. A place of which has etched itself into history as being a place of honour, prestige, money, power, war and grudges. A haven for both the unsavoury and the courageous....

UPDATE: After learning of the continental war brewing in the Far East, and the invitation from his brother Luyten to join him in these times of trial, Dash departed from the East Continent to seek his fortunes in the Far East, bringing him to the Antoza Commonwealth, he then moved to Nighthelm.

UPDATE: Dash has disappeared! He has been lost somewhere in the Far East! Shortly after joining the realm of Nighthelm he was last seen travelling into the great city of Masahakhon, where he slipped into the shadows and disappeared from view. The Dell Family has dispatched their finest agents to track down the foolish youth but to no avail.


  • 2005-09-10 - Began his career in Itorunt.
  • 2005-11-09 - Left Itorunt to join Yssaria.
  • 2005-12-31 - Left Yssaria to join Fontan.
  • 2006-01-27 - Immigrated to Far East.
  • 2006-01-28 - Joined realm Antoza Commonwealth.
  • 2006-02-08 - Left Antoza Commonwealth to join Nighthelm.
  • 2006-02-10 - Disappeared as he entered the city of Masahakhon.

Current title: NA

Other Members of the Dell Family


There are two other members of the Dell Family, members whose lives were, lamentably short-lived as they disappeared or perished in regrettably unknown circumstances. Sonny travelled to Alowca where he disappeared shortly afterwards and Simon was taken by bandits in the realm of Falascan on the continent of Atamara while travelling. While Simon is confirmed dead, the search for Sonny continues....


  • 2005-09-03 - Sonny began his career in Alowca.
  • 2005-09-06 - Simon began his career in Falasan.

Family Fame

  • Ruler (Luyten, Xerxes): 5 points
  • Ruler for over 100 days (Xerxes): 1 point
  • General (Xerxes, Wenliang, Luyten,Teniel,Arkantos ): 1 point
  • Judge (Luyten, Xerxes, Teniel, Wenliang[Although Wenliang did not receive the Fame Point]): 1 point
  • Banker (Xerxes, Luyten): 1 point
  • Duke (Xerxes, Luyten,Teniel): 2 points
  • Lord (Xerxes, Luyten, Wenliang, Teniel): 1 point
  • Winning a tournament: 3 points (Luyten)
  • Initiated a Family Investment (Xerxes, Luyten,Arkantos): 1 point
  • Founded a guild (Xerxes, Luyten): 2 points
  • Constructed a magnificent palace (Luyten): 1 point
  • Held a Profitable Tournament (Xerxes): 1 point
  • Wrote 3 Mentor Books (Luyten): 1 point
  • Individual Prestige over 20 (Wenliang, Xerxes, Dash, Teniel,Luyten, Arkantos): 2 points
  • Exceptional skill: 1 points (?) (Luyten)
  • Dying as a hero: 1 point (Wenliang)
  • Family Prestige over 50: 2 points
  • Family Wealth over 2000 gold: 1 point
  • Family Wealth over 5000 gold: 1 point
  • Mystery: 7 points

Total: 36 points

The Dell Family is now the 17th most famous family in the entire world, with a total wealth of 4440 gold.

Unique Items held: Yast's Scroll, Mighty Broadsword of Destruction, Mysterious Scroll of Awakening, White Plate-Mail of Strength, Breast-Plate of the Foolish, Ancient Book of Necromancy, Glowing Band of Command.