Redspan Revealer/January Edition 2007

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Redspan Revealer
Price: 1 Gold
Written by Tony Malone, Shamus O'Shea, Dielo Filador and Dabug Habap

Disclaimer: The Redspan Revealer would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Redspan Government, only that of three old men and a young goatling.

All you Need to Know about Da Great Goat And Redspan! January 2007 Edition

Current News

Climatic Battle In Sullenport!

31st January 2007

As dusk was on the horizon, the forces of Darka and Talerium appeared. The defending forces of Redspan plus one noble of Abington, stood bravely on the walls of Sullenport, ready to face the onslaught that awaited them. The battle was a hard fought one with many prisoners and wounded on both sides. The battle ended in a defeat for the defenders but was a victory none the less, as now Darka has no army left to fight. Fresh soldiers ready to fight are just waiting in Stargard for the chance to get revenge on those who have plagued the land for the past few days.

Redspan and Abington forces were victorious in Ambermel, as they fought off the stragglers of Darka and Talerium, left behind in the region. The only forces that are left are the few forces in Meldeen and Byblack.

--Article written by Tony

Addition: Rumor has it that Dielo, High Marshal of Redspan was kidnapped some time during the battle. He was last seen surrounded by soldiers bearing the Talerium flag, and a wounded soldier of Dielo's company recalls seeing someone wearing Filador Blue robes being taken away forcefully by hostile soldiers.

Brave Darka Runs To Upperfell! Talerium In Tow!

30th January 2006

Today the battle that all have been waiting for...has not happened. This time it is not due to the undead... oh no. It is because Darka and Talerium ran away into Upperfell! The insults were rife in Stargard last night with them going back and forth. The most interesting thing is that the Darkan General has shown his cowadice (along with the rest of his army) by refusing to Duel of the King of Carelia! Only one brave man stepped up to fight, but was rejected as the duel was not intended for the brave warrior. So the situation is this... Darka runs to Upperfell and it looks like they are moving to Ambermel.

--Article written by Tony

Strange Happenings In Stargard

29th January 2007

Today the all important battle that we have been waiting for...has been postponed for another night. The attacking forces of Redspan, Carelia and Abington had all marched on the capital to oust the forces of Darka and Talerium. But when they got there they found that the Undead was around, so they fought them instead. Darka and Talerium did not know which group to they just sat and watched the slaughter of the undead...always a pleasent sight who ever you are. So the battle is on tomorrow hopefull. --Article written by Tony

Darkan Judge stealing from Prisoners

29 January 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

In what would be considered a breach of honour in an honourable realm, Arch Priestess Lady Lavigna has been searching the pockets of prisoners and stealing their gold. Of course, since Darka is a Mercenary Company instead of a realm and is interested in only gold and not honour, one assumes her actions are fully sanctioned by the rest of the sell-swords. In Darka, justice is not blind, just greedy.

Lavigna has further announced that she will torture prisoners, again blaming RedSpan. She places the blame on RedSpan for not signing a prisoner agreement. I guess her prior statement that she would not be torturing others was meaningless and she can now expect that all Darkan troop leaders could be tortured in any war in which they participate. It is truly sad when one fights against leaders with no honour, but one supposes that Darka will blame everyone else for their barbarity yet again.

How Hard Is It To Loot?

28th January 2007

Today news has filtered through that the production in Stargard is 100% at capacity! Now, that measn our peasents are either lying about the looting or that Darka and Talerium are so uterly useless and incompetent they cant even loot right. Stargard has been under looting for the last couple of days and has seen more than 100 cases of the brutal act, yet there is no effect to the production stat of the city. So Darka you will ahve to do alot more work if you want to "reduce us to burning ruins"

--Article written by Tony

A Small Irony?

27th January, 2007

This reporter finds some irony in the fact that present at the assault on Stargard were the Minister of Defense of Talerium, Horace, and the General of Barony of Makar, Edgar. However, this attack on the only official enemy that Darka had at the time did not seeem to warrant the presence of their High Marshal, Herumor.

-- Dielo

Extreme acts of Brutality!

27th January, 2007

Over the last few days in Meldeen and in Stargard, forces from Darka, Talerium, and Barony of Makar have looted and plundered the innocent peasants. These vile acts of sheer brutality obscene and uncalled for. At about three hours before sunset, there had already been 71 incidents of looting. This is not to say that Redspan will or will not engage in similar actions in the future should the chance arise. This has long been a realm that fights fire with fire, and will likely continue to do so.

-- Dielo

- Update: 01/28/07, 2 Hours before Sunset: 146 incidents of looting.

Mighty Darka Needs Help!

27th January 2007

Darka has attacked Meldeen, with the help of Talerium, and the failed help of BoM. Mighty Darka who, with Talerium, has regions numbering over 4:1 compared to Redspan, and their military is 3:1 as big. Is this the realm who boasts on their great military strength? Do not waste your Gold Atamara! They are not worth Hiring... my goat is better than these people!

--Article written by Tony

War finally begins

25 January 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

Following on the heels of the early arrival of one Talerium noble, approximately 25k CS of troops from Darka and Talerium smashed their way into Meldeen, encountering token resistance by local militia. Apparently, RedSpan had a column of troops away on a training mission. Darka was true to its word that it would attack unexpectedly. Needless to say, looting began in earnest, again, as promised.

Talerium Attacks Redspan?

25th January 2007

Today a warrior form Talerium attacked Meldeen. The militia units there all but annihilated the attacking forces. Wa this a provoked attack? Is this an accident? Does Redspan have to worry about Talerium? Hopefully this is an isolated incident that will not happen again.

--Article Written by Tony

New Infantry Center Built!

23rd January 2007

Today, Lord Irthian anounced the building of a new infantry center. These will be recruited from the people of the plains of Byblack. Although usually only farmers are produced in this region, we do have some very good cavalry scouts that are raised and used to good effect. Hopefully, this new center can be blooded in battle soon.

--Article written by Tony

War In The North!

23rd January 2007

Yesterday, we in Redspan heard the news of the new war breaking out up north. Norland has declared war on Minas Ithil. Details about the war are still sketchy. All that we know is that Norland is intent on hostile actions agianst MI. Will this devolve into a big world war? Will it drag the Eastern Alliance against the Northern Federation? Will the Western Alliance and the Southern Federation get involved? Who knows? We will let you know any details that we manage to get over the coming days.

--Article written by Tony

Monsters Everywhere!

21st January 2007

Once again the monsters that dared to expose themselves were slaughtered under the combined firepower of Abington and Redspan forces. The Abington forces, which had just been victorious this morning fighting monsters in Chasnoff, arrived to help the Redspan militia in the region of Lurgrod. The federation is proving strong as always.

--Article written by Tony

Monster Attacks In Sullenport

19 January 2007 (Stargard) by Jordan Hewson

Two monster hordes attacked Sullenport today, with one of the attacks being made by only eight undead!

Still More Trouble in Darka

17 January 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

The fallout from the appointment of Vatticus Vashmere as Marshal of the Home Guard Army continues. Two more Darkans who opposed the appointment, Fade Kimura and Manic D'Saferate were banned and Fade was slated for execution. Both were accused on trumped up charges of treason by Arch Priestess Lady Lavigna. Fade stated in his defense that he had been ordered to investigate underground activities. Apparently, publishing his objections to the appointment of the fool as a Marshal embarassed Lavigna and her minions far more than they could bear. Apparently, no disagreement or objection to the tyrannical rule of Darkanism is tolerated in the realm of sell-swords. All freedom-loving men and women should weep at the continuing string of injustices.

Perhaps their obvious impotence afield drives them to executions at home.

Fortunately, Lavigna concurrently announced that she will not be executing any more infiltrators. One wonders which of the Darkans on the bounty board would provoke an execution and which one will be next to fall....

  • Kostaja Kosunen Bounty: 500 gold
  • Lavigna 200 gold
  • Herumor 150 gold
  • Vatticus 100 gold
  • Fingo 50 gold
  • Amancair 50 gold

Party in Stargard

16 January, 2007 - Dielo

It all started when the High Marshal announced a masquerade to be held at his manor in Stargard to celebrate Da Holiday of Da Lesser Saint Sandieno. Many nobles showed up in costumes of goats, dragons, Darkans and Estonites; the host was even seen wearing a pair of tights that were supposed to be in high fashion in Abington. However, the party quickly turned to insanity. Between a king dressed as a peasant and arrested for stealing the king's invitation, a person impersonating the Count of Ambermel while the Count of Ambermel was present, the Count of Ambermel's disgruntled wife, and a completely incompetent guard, Stargard has not seen such an odd celebration in some time, and likely will not again for a while.

Pesky Rogue

14 January, 2007 - Dielo

In the last few days, there has been a rogue troopleader looting the regions of Upperfell and Atblane. For reasons unknown, Redspan's armies have been unable to engage this enemy, even when given orders to attack to kill anyone who is not from Redspan. The man is a former Carelian troopleader who was banned for attacking peaceful realms only a few days ago. A Redspanian infiltrator was able to place a knife in the man's chest, leaving him seriously wounded. Perhaps he will get the message to stop stealing what isn't his.

Undead And Monster Attacks: The Work Of Rosegarden Guy!

11th January 2007

Recently there have been a number of attacks from the Undead and Monsters that roam the lands. Minor skirmishes have resulted in the peasants getting a bit scared of the new threat. Although the Redspan forces have outdone themselves again, beating the rogue elements time and again, but Undead don't die like normal humans, you have to hack and stab them much more often. These aren't the only cases of attacks, reports from the other realms show an increase in attacks. Is Atamara turning into the new Beluaterra?

--Article written by Tony

Trouble in Darka

10 January 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

In a surprisingly frank letter to the leaders of all the realms in Atamara, Count Yeti Elder revealed his distaste for what he calls a "farce of a religious realm" and his desire "for the chance to prove myself to another realm."

Apparently, he had protested the appointment of Vatticus Vashmere, an untested warrior who shows signs of mental imbalance, as Marshal of an Army. He charged that Darka "sells the souls of its nobles and peasants to the highest bidder" and that it rewards "the ability to sweet talk only those in power" rather than "loyalty and service". Yeti had been threatened after his protest by other Darkans, including a priest of the fatally flawed cult, Darkanism.

As revealed in the January issue of the Volcanic Hot Newsletter, Yeti was banned by Arch Priestess Lady Lavigna with a charge of "High Treason" for insulting "Darka and its leaders directly" continent-wide.


9 January, 2007 (Stargard) - Dielo

Today in Stargard, King Tony Malone announced that the names of seven Redspanians were known as members of the rebel movement. All members of the rebellion were invited to turn themselves in within the day to be pardoned from banishment.

The Butter Rebellion Named

4 January 2007 (AFoda) by Dabug Habap

While travelling, I have heard the opportunity to learn more about the world around us. Last month, One Rogala had purchased the role of Duke of Tarasac when Zadar Nargath left to found The Order. What followed is being spoken of as the Butter Rebellion among people in the Cagilan Empire. While launching his rebellion, One taunted the gods with his realm's name and through various instruments, they struck him down. Now, we have a name for his madness.

Vacationing in Tara

4 January 2007 (Foda) by Dabug Habap

The Tarans have avoided me in Foda. As I walk down the street, peasants turn away, walk on the other side of the street or stand mute and immobile. It seems not a welcoming place for a Redspanian. While drinks can be had, one must often drink alone and in silence. The smells of this wooded country are not at all like those of our homeland. The people reek of perfume and soap.

Tournament in Hawthorne

3 January, 2007

Eston's tournament in Hawthorne ended today. 384 representatives from all realms showed up to compete, including 12 from Redspan. The swordfight was won by Cloud of Cagilan Empire over Trevor of Falasan, and the joust was won by DrSceptre of Barony of Makar over Gregor of Falasan. Moses, Duke of Wor'ight announced to those present that there would be an upcomming tournament of swords in his city. --Dielo

New Year Dawns

2 January 2007 (Meldeen) by Dabug Habap

The new year has dawned, but there is still no sign of Darka. While they may have no honor, they do have unlimited supplies of patience. Revenge, I suppose, is best served when someone else can get around to paying for it.

Pick your poison

1 January 2007 (Stargard) by Dabug Habap

The evening's celebrations appear to have prompted RedSpanian nobles to publish a guide to their favorite drinks.

Comments for this month

Tony's Comments

Getting arested as a peasent? Oh yeah...I remeber that party...just.

Shamus's Comments

Yay! The meat shields of Darka are finally here. Chicken-yellow banners waving in the wind, their numbers dwarfed by those of their "allies". They attack unannounced in the night, like a thief or the Rosegarden Guy. Such awe-inspiring courage ... I shall not soon forget it.

Dielo's Comments

Until I think of something better to say for this month, I resent being referred to as an old man, or a young goatling.

Dabug's Comments

Two months to the day after the declared war, Darka still shows no signs of having meant anything by it. They still hide in their mother's skirts, afraid of RedSpan and her allies.