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Descended from the broken [[Bishamon Family]].
Descended from the broken [[Bishamon Family]].

===East Island===
[[Image:Hamilton.jpg|frame|left|Hamilton upon his election as Banker of the Confederacy of Fontan]]
[[Image:Hamilton.jpg|frame|left|Hamilton upon his election as Banker of the Confederacy of Fontan]]
Twin of [[Vita Family#Jefferson|Jefferson]], son of the elder [[Bishamon Family#Sejieda|Sejieda Bishamon]]. Began as a noble in [[Fontan]] because it was the realm of his family's home and there were nobles whom he recognized from the old family stories. Though soon after joining he was banned as part of the [[Timeline of East Continent/The Krimml Incident|Krimml Incident]] for speaking up for his beliefs. Hamilton was the last one to correspond with Alexi Pelevin. Joined the [[Confederacy of Fontan]] is now Marshal of the Confederate Army of Fontan and Banker of the Confederacy of Fontan. He has founded the newspaper [[Confederate Vindicator]].
In under three and a half hour of arriving in Itorunt, Queen [[Lefanis Family/Morgana|Morgana Lefanis]] had placed Hamilton Vita upon the Military Council. Within days, he was an ambassador. And in a matter of a few more days, he had refounded the [[Itorunt Informer]]. Within a month, he was Duke of [[Itorunt]] and began his plan to regain its glory.

Hamilton was eventually captured by the Fontanese in a Negev skirmish. He stayed behind while ordering those who could to move back to Fontan because he had used his time up briefing and debriefing scouts and doing civil work. After much discussion in the Fontan Assembly, he was spared execution and deported to the Colonies. At first he was gleeful he was spared execution, but soon became bitter when it was discovered the ship was headed to the [[Colonies]]. He joined Outer Tilog and become a knight of Hilly Holes.
However, he and Grand Marshal Epaminondas started a serious of arguments that resulted in a [[/Duel|duel]]. As is usual, insults flew from Hamilton's pen with such gems as "Your impotence on the battlefield is only matched by your experience in bed, so my spies report. Finally, I will serve Itorunt by ensuring your corpulent mother is chained to the walls of Itorunt City as another level of fortification!". He wrote it quite quickly. In retrospect, he meant "inexperience in bed". Shortly before the duel, he ordered all the rulers of East Continent to kill [[Caligus]] for their decades of treachery and betrayal.

Hamilton escaped the Colonies and rejoined Fontan on the East Coast. His future is in peril. As requested by Knight Theron, he wrote a more precise history of the events leading up to his ban in [[Vita Family/Hamilton's Ban|Hamilton's Ban]]. He has since signed the [[Hamilton Vita, Dated September 1st 2008|Confederate Reinstitution Oath]]. His current oath to Oligarch is detailed in [[Vita Family/Hamilton's Oath|Hamilton's Oath]]. He recently wrote a more detailed history of his life entitled [[Vita Family/Fontanese Betrayal|Fontanese Betrayal]]
Surviving the duel, Hamilton began to lose support within Itorunt. [[Ibladesh]] soon sacked Itorunt City, and Hamilton was lost to the depths of insanity. Eventually convinced Regina Morgana was undermining his power, he seceded to form the [[Protectorate of Obsidian Islands]] and launched a tournament with confused reasons (celebrate Caligus' Death, his wedding to [[McDowell Family|Kaylan McDowell]], the victory of [[Obsidian Islands]] etc.). During the coming days as ruler of the Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, his policies made little sense and he continually insulted fellow rulers.

===Hamilton's Wife Search===
Succumbing to a cold for a few days, the Itorunt City was lost to rogue forces and Hamilton fled north to [[Akesh Temple]], where he found a claim. Suspiciously, the family lost thousands of gold around this time. Upset by his inquiry into [[Sanctus Acies]]' belief regarding the [[Cult of Kaylan]], he sacked their temple twice and closed it. This destroyed formerly excellent control, morale, and loyalty of the stronghold. Stepping down, he appointed [[Driscol Family|Randwulf Driscol]] as Duke and then exiled himself. It was at this point, a split personality began to appear. The stronghold eventually went rogue and he found himself in Ibladesh, where he was banned. Next, he joined [[Fontan]] where Supreme Justice Duncan Atreides abused his power by banning Hamilton without a trial, as was law of Fontan.

Hamilton recently sent out a letter to East Continent in search of a wife:
Upon the ban's completion he joined [[Westmoor]], where he was finally accepted, though often humorously mocked. His lord was [[Relak Family|Gregor Relak]], someone Hamilton considered a friend from the days of the Confederacy. Hamilton's evidence was used in the banning of Monte Cristo (formerly Highguard) Tezokian from Westmoor. In a tournament held to honor Westmoor's first Queen, Evangeline Uceek, he outbought all with regard to rounds of alcohol. And he drank a round of each of his own, making him quite the fool. When the tournament finished, Guis'wa TithOnanka of Fontan (beating [[Anaris Family|Kenarth Anaris]] of [[Perdan]] in swordsmanship) thanked Hamilton for getting the opposition drunk. Hamilton replied with a demand for a share of the prize, but has not yet received it, furthering the insult from Fontan. Meanwhile, Screndt of Perdan beat Malek of Caligus in jousting.

"She must be young, pretty(a good shape is important), reasonable (a little education will suffice), noble-bred, chaste, and tender (I am enthusiastic about fidelity and fondness), good personality, and no love of money or nagging, for an economist and a nagger are equal evils. Politically I am indifferent of her opinions for I think I have arguments that will easily convert her to mine. As far as religion, moderate opinions will satisfy me. She must believe in a higher power, but hate the religions of multiple gods. Though I don't risk eternal damnation for greed, money is an essential ingredient
His lord, Gregor Relak, became Duke of Westmoor. Banker of Westmoor [[Steele Family/Kerwyn|Kerwyn Steele]] became Count of Morshes. Soon Hamilton Vita was appointed Pastry Baker of [[Morshes]]. Hamilton has used this position to his benefit with pushing to see rum cakes become the new Westmoorian currency.
to happiness in this world and having not much of my own, nor being little interested in earning much myself, it must be that my wife, if I get one, bring enough to satisfy her own extravagant desires. You will be pleased to know that I have no antipathy to the beauties of women, and that I a willing to accept their troubles.

If you haven't met a woman that fulfills these requirements, please spread news of my search publicly and no doubt you will hear of many competitors for most of my qualifications of a wife who be glad to be candidates for someone such as me.
Growing old of Westmoor, Hamilton returned to [[Outer Tilog]], which soon bored him as well.

In describing me to others, please describe me well as you would a friend. And please understate the size of my nose. It is rather large, but there is no need to reflect on it often or frequently."
Growing old of Outer Tilog due to the boredom, he moved to the rich land of Melhed on Beluaterra, the same realm as his twin. Old rivalries flared up from the very beginning.

*[[/Hamilton|Older Information]]

Twin of [[Vita Family#Hamilton|Hamilton]], son of the elder [[Bishamon Family#Sejieda|Sejieda Bishamon]]. Began as a noble in [[Itorunt]] because the antique family book spoke highly of the place, but quickly discovered he couldn't live within a monarchy. He found a great liege in Dal, Duke of Xavax, though and tallied longer in [[Itorunt]] than planned because he felt loyalty to Dal for treating him so well. Eventually he emigrated to Beluaterra where he joined the [[Republic of Fwuvoghor]]. He ran a passive campaign for senatorship, and an active one for Minister(came in 2nd), but lost both. He was promoted to Marshal of the Fwuvoghor Madmen though.
[[Image:Jefferson.jpg|frame|right|Jefferson at study in the orchards of Bil Havil]]
===Second Melite Experience===
In a trial against One Rogala, Jefferson was unfairly, and abusively, banned for heresy twice by One Rogala (ooc: OOC ban abuse by Josh Rogala). Meanwhile, One Rogala was declared a public enemy of Melhed and to be executed upon capture. Jefferson left to teach new nobility in [[Sirion]] in a self-imposed exile, but he couldn't stay away and quickly returned to Melhed. During his time in Sirion, he learned of his brother's insane exploits and was deeply embarrassed.

Shortly after clearing the Republic of the monsters and undead that infested it during the Irombrozian tournament that celebrated Irombrozia's independence, Jefferson grew sick of the Republic. He stepped down saying, "I am not a marshal, but a mere rubber stamp for General Zeteo. This is not intended to accuse General Zeteo of anything, but when told I was needed to serve the Republic I thought I would be doing more than merely rubber stamping orders. I believe General Zeteo should be the marshal himself. He has my full recommendations if anyone cares to accept them.Furthermore, this realm is too full of confusing treachery lately and I do not know who to trust. I mean no ill will to anyone here, but I believe that this Republic is not suited for me anymore. My apologies to everyone here. I grew fond of many of you. My liege, Maximiliaan, I hope you understand my reasons. I will now be heading for Melhed." As he had been conversing with Consul [[Unti Family/Aldo|Aldo Unti]] of [[Melhed]] and had been promised refuge there, he made his way there and swore an oath to [[Arya Family#Rah|Rah Arya]], Senator of Tepmona. He is currently satisfied with Melhed.
Upon returning, he oversaw the rebuilding of the Senate and Old Melhed. Two weeks back into Melhed and he was elected Senator of [[Tepmona]], a region he had long been associated with. Within a week, he founded the [[Institute of Diplomacy]], a guild devoted to increasing ambassador communication and offering services teaching diplomatic skills and resolving disputes. He also worked with Consuasor Marc's Assassin's Guild.

====Monarchists Rebel====
[[Rossini Family/Cypreana|Cypreana Rossini]] launched a rebellion to turn Melhed into a monarchy and succeeded. While opposing the rebellion, Jefferson remained neutral. He was quite upset with the arrest of a priest that damaged Melhed and nearly saw it internally collapse due to the monarchists' greed. The rebellion succeeded due to the ironic failure of their reasoning. They said Melhed did nothing, but it succeeded because Melhed was busy assisting Thalmarkin with its rogues. They said Melhed did nothing, but those senators who did join the rebellion never voted or discussed any issues themselves. Upon the rebellion's success, Jefferson began to devote himself to his guilds moreso. During this time, the Institute spread to [[Fronen]] and [[Avalon]]. It was intended to spread to [[Thalmarkin]] and [[Heen]], but issues arose preventing that. Attempts were made to spread to [[Old Grehk]], [[Bara'Khur]], [[Hetland]], [[Enweil]], [[Kingdom of Alluran]], and [[Riombara]], but to no avail.

Youngest son of the elder [[Bishamon Family#Sejieda|Sejieda Bishamon]] and almost a clone of his father in his personality and physical attributes. Began as a noble in [[Pian en Luries]] because he recognized a family member, Duke Diodorus Exiled, from old family friends from the antique family book. Found himself banned under a clerical order and before it was resolved was attacked by his own region, army, and duchy. Fled to [[Melodia]] where he recognized another member from another old family friend, but was imprisoned in the [[Grand Duchy of Fissoa]] along the way. Eventually he made it to Melodia where he faced some tests from one of the council members. The friend of the old family friends, Hireshmont II Vellos, defended him though. He never had a unit or gold while in Melodia, and not wanting to do paid work he could only visit the locals to assist the realm. He vowed never to partake in such low action again. Soon Paisly joined [[Madina]], and having already been in the republic of Melodia, didn't wish to be in a republic any longer.
====Republicans Counter-Rebel====
Jefferson had been quietly laying the groundwork for a future counter-rebellion amongst those still loyal to the Republic. Using the lessons of history and tactics of the wolf, they swore allegiance to Melhed and bid their time. Infiltration of the council was successful. Jefferson was careful to never swear allegiance to Cypreana or the Empire and was never caught on his wording. Upon the lord of Bil Havil disappearing, Jefferson renounced his claim to Tepmona and endorsed his friend, [[Arya Family#Rah|Rah Arya]], for the lordship, which Duke Marc de Coivos accepted. Meanwhile, Jefferson swore a temporary oath to Duke [[Darby Family/Morgan|Morgan Darby]] of [[Agyr]] to join Agyr Duchy and was soon appointed lord of his beloved [[Bil Havil]].

He had loved the monarchy of Pian en Luries a lot, but was bitter about the realm's inability to fix a clerical mistake. He traveled through [[Shadovar]], befriending a knight there and acquiring permission, and made his way to [[Verus Luria]], but before making it found they had lost heart and given up. He sought permission to traveling through Shadovar again, but was refused permission, so his journey to the [[Springdale|Empire of Springdale]] was lengthened greatly. He has finally arrived in the Empire of Springdale. He originally was a knight of Duke Cato of Muspelheim, but soon changed allegiance to Duchess Zyrrin of Springdale.
Bringing the wolf to full fruitition, [[Unti Family/Aldo|Aldo Unti]] returned and took control of the Republicans, leading the rebellion against Empress Cypreana with resounding success. In a day and a half, it succeeded with only Empress Cypreana a loyalist. Meanwhile, numerous dukes, lords, and council members joined against the empress in a collective uprising. In one incredibly decisive battle, the empress was wounded and captured (by Jefferson Vita).
Soon, the government was reformed to a republic with Aldo's Second Reformation. Campaigning against Andrew Waltfield Armada and [[Hinamoto Family/Kojiro|Kojiro Hinamoto]] for Praetor (judge), Jefferson won with 24 votes, followed by Andrew Waltfield with 12, and Kojiro with 7. His first task was to deal with an infiltrator who has stolen from Agyr. After analyzing the law, Jefferon Vita relieved him of his gold and bonds, returning them to Duke Morgan Darby, then bound, scourged, and beheaded him according to law. Next, there was the issue of Lin Helon and Agyr not taxing its regions for the new tax system. Praetor Jefferson found them to be breaking no law, but wished for some way for the fine to be reimbursed to the realm. He never could find a solution. Some time later, he won the next referendum for Praetor, with Andrew Waltfield having gained an edge. There was also a brief controversy with Senator Aedgar and Senator Andrew Waltfield's maintenance of their regions (Qual and Lloringel respectively), with Qual revolting to Thulsoma. Soon, a case regarding Senator Aedgar stabbing a Thalmarkin noble came to his office.
*[[/Jefferson|Older Information]]
===Libero Empire===
His fiance returned and his duke gave him a most enticing offer. Meanwhile, [[Donghaiwei]] seceded to form [[Xinhai]], leaving [[Morek]] without their original duchy, but the duchy of secularists. This significantly changed their political orientation. Eventually, Duke Sammael's offer came to existence with the foundation of [[Libero Empire]], a realm whose history Sejieda has kept chronicled. With the empire, he moved from marshal to Field Marshal. It was shortly after this that it was announced that Alanya Costella was his fiance; soon afterward, Sejieda helped his lover become Queen of Libero Empire. At this point he became the Royal Marshal.
He first oversaw the war against Morek with an empasis on marshals conducting it themselves. However, after supreme disappointment with Marshal Kniva Gothicus' attack against Nifelhold, he pressured him to step down, but left it to the marshal's own choice. Later, Sejieda oversaw the war effort by Libero Empire against [[Xinhai]]. After a poor battle due to confusing orders and poor settings by Marshal Hawk Vozah, Sejieda was pressured into taking more action into his hands. After attempting to coordinate with allies ([[Raivan Empire]] and [[Aquilegia]]), who were uncooperative, Libero Empire left the war. Sejieda began overseeing the expansion of Libero Empire to bolster its own strength. It was now he began to put more responsibility within the marshals' hands. Under Marshal Hawk Vozah of the Guardians of The Empire, the war with Morek was concluded and [[Nifelhold]] added to Libero Empire, to be ruled by Sejieda's friend, Royal Justiciar [[Darksun Family/Rohk|Rohk Darksun]].
With Queen Alanya's disappearance, Sejieda and the realm were confused. He was quickly recognized as the only heir to the throne, expressed in words by Count Kniva. Partway through the election, the Royal Marshal made contact with the Queen and learned that she was pregnant. Announcing that they had privately married with the Royal Justiciar Rohk and Royal Treasurer Marco as witnesses, he simultaneously announced that Queen Alanya had gone ill due to pregnancy. With priests divining the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, Sejieda announced that the boy would be named Dante, in honor of Edward Raiva who was raised by his Uncle Dante, and the girl would be named Zyrrin, in honor of former Duchess Zyrrin Fallan of Springdale. On March 27, 2010 (Year 10 Summer), Sejieda was elected King by a 75% vote. With his election, King Vita updated the border signs to be more welcoming, updated the realm summary to be more up to date, and wrote the first ruler bulletin to include an explanation of the banner's symbolism as well as relations with various realms. Most significantly, he allowed elections for lordships, but with emphasis that appointments should continue as norm.
Focus on the north resumed and when Torrents Breath went rogue, the Liberate military moved to take it. Count Marco Goodman of Rye was going to be its next lord with Walter Crawford as Rye's next lord. However, King Sejieda was busy tending to Queen Alanya's needs and Walter was elected by the referendum, the first need for it on its first usage. Count Marco issued no objections and Count Walter's reign over Torrents Breath began peacefully.
Eventually, under Ambassador Rohk's recommendation and writing, war was issued under the declaration, [[Libero Empire/Notice of Eviction from Storms Keep|Notice of Eviction from Storms Keep]]. Soon, Haruka offered a duel over the future of Storms End and Storms Keep, which King Sejieda informed her was being contemplated. However, he was rudely insulted when she launched a surprise attack on Torrents Breath, [[Libero Empire/Massacre of Raiding Thulsoman Archer Horde|Massacre of Raiding Thulsoman Archer Horde]], and demanded compensation before accepting the duel. Fortunately, the battle illustrated the complete lack of military thought on behalf of Thulsoma. Tense relations continued as war seemed as if it would return with compensation being refused and the terms of the duel changing from the original offer. However, with a renewed offer of surrender from King Sejieda, talks over the details of a surrender began.  
*[[/Sejieda|Older Information]]
Returning to her family's ancestral homeland, she began to make many friends amongst the nobility of the [[Cagilan Empire]] and was even honored enough to gain a vassalship in her family's old home of [[Alaise]]. From there, she began to spread the message of [[Naicatoism]] within the empire and abroad, at the final tournament of Duke Zog of [[Chocxal]] in [[Talerium]]. Duke Zog died days later. Meanwhile, Earl Fulco, a fellow believer in the Naicato, built an ''Academy of the Naicato'' to serve as an institution of learning for believers and non-believers alike. Kylaine serves as the Messenger of the Naicato, transmitting their teachings to the nobility. She has become Mother of the Moon within [[The Order]] and Viscountess of [[Woodglen]].
The Vita family is a continuation of the Bishamon Family, but their fame must be reacquired in order to prove themselves. (OOC: As a member of the development team, I can't record the fame in the same way as others because it would give knowledge of fame away.)
*Jefferson: 10 individual, 3 family
*Hamilton: 5 individual, 3 family
*Sejieda: 4 individual, 3 family
*1 fame that technically goes to 1 character, but was actually given to a second due to a bug.
*Total: 23
**Game officially says 24, but 1 is a bug fix.

[[Category: Families]]
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 14:41, 2 May 2010

Descended from the broken Bishamon Family. VitaTree.PNG


East Island

Hamilton upon his election as Banker of the Confederacy of Fontan

In under three and a half hour of arriving in Itorunt, Queen Morgana Lefanis had placed Hamilton Vita upon the Military Council. Within days, he was an ambassador. And in a matter of a few more days, he had refounded the Itorunt Informer. Within a month, he was Duke of Itorunt and began his plan to regain its glory.

However, he and Grand Marshal Epaminondas started a serious of arguments that resulted in a duel. As is usual, insults flew from Hamilton's pen with such gems as "Your impotence on the battlefield is only matched by your experience in bed, so my spies report. Finally, I will serve Itorunt by ensuring your corpulent mother is chained to the walls of Itorunt City as another level of fortification!". He wrote it quite quickly. In retrospect, he meant "inexperience in bed". Shortly before the duel, he ordered all the rulers of East Continent to kill Caligus for their decades of treachery and betrayal.


Surviving the duel, Hamilton began to lose support within Itorunt. Ibladesh soon sacked Itorunt City, and Hamilton was lost to the depths of insanity. Eventually convinced Regina Morgana was undermining his power, he seceded to form the Protectorate of Obsidian Islands and launched a tournament with confused reasons (celebrate Caligus' Death, his wedding to Kaylan McDowell, the victory of Obsidian Islands etc.). During the coming days as ruler of the Protectorate of Obsidian Islands, his policies made little sense and he continually insulted fellow rulers.

Succumbing to a cold for a few days, the Itorunt City was lost to rogue forces and Hamilton fled north to Akesh Temple, where he found a claim. Suspiciously, the family lost thousands of gold around this time. Upset by his inquiry into Sanctus Acies' belief regarding the Cult of Kaylan, he sacked their temple twice and closed it. This destroyed formerly excellent control, morale, and loyalty of the stronghold. Stepping down, he appointed Randwulf Driscol as Duke and then exiled himself. It was at this point, a split personality began to appear. The stronghold eventually went rogue and he found himself in Ibladesh, where he was banned. Next, he joined Fontan where Supreme Justice Duncan Atreides abused his power by banning Hamilton without a trial, as was law of Fontan.

Upon the ban's completion he joined Westmoor, where he was finally accepted, though often humorously mocked. His lord was Gregor Relak, someone Hamilton considered a friend from the days of the Confederacy. Hamilton's evidence was used in the banning of Monte Cristo (formerly Highguard) Tezokian from Westmoor. In a tournament held to honor Westmoor's first Queen, Evangeline Uceek, he outbought all with regard to rounds of alcohol. And he drank a round of each of his own, making him quite the fool. When the tournament finished, Guis'wa TithOnanka of Fontan (beating Kenarth Anaris of Perdan in swordsmanship) thanked Hamilton for getting the opposition drunk. Hamilton replied with a demand for a share of the prize, but has not yet received it, furthering the insult from Fontan. Meanwhile, Screndt of Perdan beat Malek of Caligus in jousting.

His lord, Gregor Relak, became Duke of Westmoor. Banker of Westmoor Kerwyn Steele became Count of Morshes. Soon Hamilton Vita was appointed Pastry Baker of Morshes. Hamilton has used this position to his benefit with pushing to see rum cakes become the new Westmoorian currency.


Growing old of Westmoor, Hamilton returned to Outer Tilog, which soon bored him as well.


Growing old of Outer Tilog due to the boredom, he moved to the rich land of Melhed on Beluaterra, the same realm as his twin. Old rivalries flared up from the very beginning.


Jefferson at study in the orchards of Bil Havil

Second Melite Experience

In a trial against One Rogala, Jefferson was unfairly, and abusively, banned for heresy twice by One Rogala (ooc: OOC ban abuse by Josh Rogala). Meanwhile, One Rogala was declared a public enemy of Melhed and to be executed upon capture. Jefferson left to teach new nobility in Sirion in a self-imposed exile, but he couldn't stay away and quickly returned to Melhed. During his time in Sirion, he learned of his brother's insane exploits and was deeply embarrassed.

Upon returning, he oversaw the rebuilding of the Senate and Old Melhed. Two weeks back into Melhed and he was elected Senator of Tepmona, a region he had long been associated with. Within a week, he founded the Institute of Diplomacy, a guild devoted to increasing ambassador communication and offering services teaching diplomatic skills and resolving disputes. He also worked with Consuasor Marc's Assassin's Guild.

Monarchists Rebel

Cypreana Rossini launched a rebellion to turn Melhed into a monarchy and succeeded. While opposing the rebellion, Jefferson remained neutral. He was quite upset with the arrest of a priest that damaged Melhed and nearly saw it internally collapse due to the monarchists' greed. The rebellion succeeded due to the ironic failure of their reasoning. They said Melhed did nothing, but it succeeded because Melhed was busy assisting Thalmarkin with its rogues. They said Melhed did nothing, but those senators who did join the rebellion never voted or discussed any issues themselves. Upon the rebellion's success, Jefferson began to devote himself to his guilds moreso. During this time, the Institute spread to Fronen and Avalon. It was intended to spread to Thalmarkin and Heen, but issues arose preventing that. Attempts were made to spread to Old Grehk, Bara'Khur, Hetland, Enweil, Kingdom of Alluran, and Riombara, but to no avail.

Republicans Counter-Rebel

Jefferson had been quietly laying the groundwork for a future counter-rebellion amongst those still loyal to the Republic. Using the lessons of history and tactics of the wolf, they swore allegiance to Melhed and bid their time. Infiltration of the council was successful. Jefferson was careful to never swear allegiance to Cypreana or the Empire and was never caught on his wording. Upon the lord of Bil Havil disappearing, Jefferson renounced his claim to Tepmona and endorsed his friend, Rah Arya, for the lordship, which Duke Marc de Coivos accepted. Meanwhile, Jefferson swore a temporary oath to Duke Morgan Darby of Agyr to join Agyr Duchy and was soon appointed lord of his beloved Bil Havil.

Bringing the wolf to full fruitition, Aldo Unti returned and took control of the Republicans, leading the rebellion against Empress Cypreana with resounding success. In a day and a half, it succeeded with only Empress Cypreana a loyalist. Meanwhile, numerous dukes, lords, and council members joined against the empress in a collective uprising. In one incredibly decisive battle, the empress was wounded and captured (by Jefferson Vita).

Soon, the government was reformed to a republic with Aldo's Second Reformation. Campaigning against Andrew Waltfield Armada and Kojiro Hinamoto for Praetor (judge), Jefferson won with 24 votes, followed by Andrew Waltfield with 12, and Kojiro with 7. His first task was to deal with an infiltrator who has stolen from Agyr. After analyzing the law, Jefferon Vita relieved him of his gold and bonds, returning them to Duke Morgan Darby, then bound, scourged, and beheaded him according to law. Next, there was the issue of Lin Helon and Agyr not taxing its regions for the new tax system. Praetor Jefferson found them to be breaking no law, but wished for some way for the fine to be reimbursed to the realm. He never could find a solution. Some time later, he won the next referendum for Praetor, with Andrew Waltfield having gained an edge. There was also a brief controversy with Senator Aedgar and Senator Andrew Waltfield's maintenance of their regions (Qual and Lloringel respectively), with Qual revolting to Thulsoma. Soon, a case regarding Senator Aedgar stabbing a Thalmarkin noble came to his office.


Libero Empire

His fiance returned and his duke gave him a most enticing offer. Meanwhile, Donghaiwei seceded to form Xinhai, leaving Morek without their original duchy, but the duchy of secularists. This significantly changed their political orientation. Eventually, Duke Sammael's offer came to existence with the foundation of Libero Empire, a realm whose history Sejieda has kept chronicled. With the empire, he moved from marshal to Field Marshal. It was shortly after this that it was announced that Alanya Costella was his fiance; soon afterward, Sejieda helped his lover become Queen of Libero Empire. At this point he became the Royal Marshal.

He first oversaw the war against Morek with an empasis on marshals conducting it themselves. However, after supreme disappointment with Marshal Kniva Gothicus' attack against Nifelhold, he pressured him to step down, but left it to the marshal's own choice. Later, Sejieda oversaw the war effort by Libero Empire against Xinhai. After a poor battle due to confusing orders and poor settings by Marshal Hawk Vozah, Sejieda was pressured into taking more action into his hands. After attempting to coordinate with allies (Raivan Empire and Aquilegia), who were uncooperative, Libero Empire left the war. Sejieda began overseeing the expansion of Libero Empire to bolster its own strength. It was now he began to put more responsibility within the marshals' hands. Under Marshal Hawk Vozah of the Guardians of The Empire, the war with Morek was concluded and Nifelhold added to Libero Empire, to be ruled by Sejieda's friend, Royal Justiciar Rohk Darksun.

With Queen Alanya's disappearance, Sejieda and the realm were confused. He was quickly recognized as the only heir to the throne, expressed in words by Count Kniva. Partway through the election, the Royal Marshal made contact with the Queen and learned that she was pregnant. Announcing that they had privately married with the Royal Justiciar Rohk and Royal Treasurer Marco as witnesses, he simultaneously announced that Queen Alanya had gone ill due to pregnancy. With priests divining the birth of twins, a boy and a girl, Sejieda announced that the boy would be named Dante, in honor of Edward Raiva who was raised by his Uncle Dante, and the girl would be named Zyrrin, in honor of former Duchess Zyrrin Fallan of Springdale. On March 27, 2010 (Year 10 Summer), Sejieda was elected King by a 75% vote. With his election, King Vita updated the border signs to be more welcoming, updated the realm summary to be more up to date, and wrote the first ruler bulletin to include an explanation of the banner's symbolism as well as relations with various realms. Most significantly, he allowed elections for lordships, but with emphasis that appointments should continue as norm.

Focus on the north resumed and when Torrents Breath went rogue, the Liberate military moved to take it. Count Marco Goodman of Rye was going to be its next lord with Walter Crawford as Rye's next lord. However, King Sejieda was busy tending to Queen Alanya's needs and Walter was elected by the referendum, the first need for it on its first usage. Count Marco issued no objections and Count Walter's reign over Torrents Breath began peacefully.

Eventually, under Ambassador Rohk's recommendation and writing, war was issued under the declaration, Notice of Eviction from Storms Keep. Soon, Haruka offered a duel over the future of Storms End and Storms Keep, which King Sejieda informed her was being contemplated. However, he was rudely insulted when she launched a surprise attack on Torrents Breath, Massacre of Raiding Thulsoman Archer Horde, and demanded compensation before accepting the duel. Fortunately, the battle illustrated the complete lack of military thought on behalf of Thulsoma. Tense relations continued as war seemed as if it would return with compensation being refused and the terms of the duel changing from the original offer. However, with a renewed offer of surrender from King Sejieda, talks over the details of a surrender began.


Returning to her family's ancestral homeland, she began to make many friends amongst the nobility of the Cagilan Empire and was even honored enough to gain a vassalship in her family's old home of Alaise. From there, she began to spread the message of Naicatoism within the empire and abroad, at the final tournament of Duke Zog of Chocxal in Talerium. Duke Zog died days later. Meanwhile, Earl Fulco, a fellow believer in the Naicato, built an Academy of the Naicato to serve as an institution of learning for believers and non-believers alike. Kylaine serves as the Messenger of the Naicato, transmitting their teachings to the nobility. She has become Mother of the Moon within The Order and Viscountess of Woodglen.


The Vita family is a continuation of the Bishamon Family, but their fame must be reacquired in order to prove themselves. (OOC: As a member of the development team, I can't record the fame in the same way as others because it would give knowledge of fame away.)

  • Jefferson: 10 individual, 3 family
  • Hamilton: 5 individual, 3 family
  • Sejieda: 4 individual, 3 family
  • 1 fame that technically goes to 1 character, but was actually given to a second due to a bug.
  • Total: 23
    • Game officially says 24, but 1 is a bug fix.