Vincent Family

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Revision as of 02:04, 24 December 2006 by DorianGray (talk | contribs)

The history of the Vincent family is long and tedious, followed by brief periods of something slightly interesting, followed again by periods of long tedium. Nevertheless, we chronicle their story here.

The Vincent family has for ages been a family of minor nobility, with none of its members doing anything of note. As the years pass, it sees its generations scatter in the winds, to distant isles and unexplored lands, to make their fortune or simply live out their lives. Some come home, some stay where they fell.

The current scions of the Vincent family descend from three branches of the family, their grandparents in common. There exist of age and making their way in the world today three sets of siblings, scattered across lands and making their fortunes or simply living out their lives as they will.



FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
Orphen, Lucian
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
Orphen, Lucian
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 100th Day
Orphen, Lucian
FB General.png
Orphen, Lucian
FB Judge.png
FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png
Orphen, Keyser, Claudius
Sum: 11 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
Orphen, Lucian, Keyser
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
Orphen, Lucian, Keyser
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 5 points

FB New Palace & Capital.png
New Palace & Capital
Orphen, Lucian
FB Guild & Religion.png
New Guild & Religion
FB Army Sponsor.png
Army Sponsor
FB Investment.png
Family Investment
Orphen, Lucian
Sum: 6 points

Sum: 0 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Orphen (Sword), Keyser (Sword, Infil), Claudius (Preaching)
Sum: At least 1 point

FB Unknown.png
Sum: At most 3 points

Total: 26 points

Lucian and Orphen

Lucian Vincent
Status: Alive
Class Hero
Realm/Island: Itorunt, East Island
Title: King of Itorunt

Marshal of the Imperial Army

Former realms:
Former titles: High Marshal of Itorunt

Marshal of the Army of Semall

Lucian Vincent, King of Itorunt

Lucian Vincent, the older of this set of brothers, set out from the family's ancestral home of Ornaz in the Far East to the East Island, finding himself in the southern realm of Itorunt during the closing days of the [torunt-Ibladesh war. The one most observant to a honourable and noble path of those scions of the house of Vincent, he declared himself a hero of the old order and has since followed that oath during the recent conflicts. Being appointed to be Marshal of Semall was the breakthrough he needed to expand on his military career, and against some hurdles, eventually rose to the position of High Marshal of Itorunt and the preeminent military authority in the realm.

Lucian has tried to use his influence to fight stagnation, and inspire and educate men, to varying degrees of success. In order to prevent his sole correspondence with the realm being orders, he requested contributions and offerings as to how the most recent campaign was proceeding, and how it might be improved. While in the beginning some of his ideas ground against those of the Itorunt old guard, his military skill is indisputed by any in the realm (or many foreign nobles), and his popularity with the common noble was enough to see him elected King in a surprise election when the previous king was captured.

Since he became King, Lucian, with the support of the higher ranking Itorunt nobles, moved to sign a peace treaty with Perdan, recognising both the lack of honour in attacking a woefully overwhelmed realm and the lack of feud between the two realms. He then acted as a primary negotiator for the other realms to ensure the first largely continent-wide peace the East has seen in many years. He has also initiated various development projects in Itorunt to ensure the continuation of his declared theory of an Empire of Honour, by which he leads the realm.

Lucian's code of honour has seen him have a commanding presence and reputation on and off the battlefield, with many foreign nobles coming to him for counsel, and enable him to fight cunningly and speak forceably while remaining generally respected among his many allies and enemies. While sometimes frustrated with the stagnation around him, his example has improved this situation as he fights to bring honour and glory to himself, his realm and his family.

Orphaea Imperium (Orphen Vincent)
Orphaea Imperium (once known as Orphen Vincent)
Status: Alive
Class Mentor
Realm/Island: Greater Aenilia, Far East
Title: King of Greater Aenilia

Prophet of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia

Former realms: Taith Aenil
Former titles: Marshal of Idapur

Pontifex of Taith Aenil
Haruspex Maximus of Taith Aenil
Paladin Primus of Taith Aenil
Count of Larmebsi

Orphaea Imperium, Prophet of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, King of Greater Aenilia

Once known as Orphen, the younger brother to Lucian remained close to the family's home in the Far East, becoming a noble in the realm of Taith Aenil. Following a more scholarly path than the other Vincents of his generation, he quickly ascended the ranks to become Count of Larmebsi, and Haruspex Maximus of the realm shortly thereafter. During this time he served the realm loyally in both positions, endorsing less experienced but high potential nobles to positions of authority, even stepping down from his position in Larmebsi to allow another to assume a position of authority.

These efforts paid off as, after the disappearance of the long-time ruler, founder of the realm and head of the faith Arella after the Book of Promises incident, he was elected Pontifex of Taith Aenil. At first, he showed the signs of leading a peaceful and enlightened rule where the realm would return to its scholarary ways and await any sign of Arella. However, events both in the realm and in the East meant war.

Seeing how much he was a figurehead rather than a ruler, and the corruption, stagnation and heresy which had invisibly infiltrated the realm, Orphen arranged an alliance with those he was meant to be fighting against, promising a new Aenilia without the history of Taith Aenil. When the chance was given, he moved the capital and arranged the secession of the largest duchy in the realm, which included Taith Aenil's former capital, before stepping down and leaving Taith Aenil in chaos. Proclaimed a heretic by some and a prophet by others, he oversaw the creation of Greater Aenilia through his student Luyten Dell and the destruction of Taith Aenil, and now awaits for the time where he will ascend to his throne as Emperor of Greater Aenilia. The last of the Old Aenilians and the first of the new, he is the last to know much of the history and original teachings before Aenilia was divided and lost its way.

Nearing the end of his rule of Taith Aenil, rumours arose of a being, mortal or otherwise, known as Orphaea Imperium, which followed Orphen at all times. Among the many rumours were that Orphaea was Orphen's guardian Aenil, Orphen was an Aenil known as Orphaea, or that Orphaea was Orphen's true, Aenilic, name. Eventually, the latter was proven, Orphaea revealing this name after the foundation of Greater Aenilia. However, some still believe that there is more than a simple change of name, citing several miracles attributed to him since this revelation.

In elections after the former King, and Orphaea's student Luyten Dell, stepped down to allow free elections, it was a surprise when Caerid Isendin, a student of Luyten's, was elected instead of him. Realising that in his pursuit to cleanse the secular world of heresy, he had abandoned his duty of cleansing heresy in the faith, he tore down the guild of the Vandaenil and refounded the Aenilic faith in the form of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia. During the dedication ceremony, the thousands massed in the temple declared Orphaea the true Prophet of Aenilia. Faced with adoring worshippers, Orphaea accepted the responsibilities of founder of the faith (his popular title, however, being Prophet), declaring that he would serve the faith until such time as secular Aenilia needed him again. Interestingly, when Orphaea was blessed by an attending priest at his investiture, his hair changed from black to white.

However, the weight of the crown on Caerid slowly drove the man to madness, causing much diplomatic upset and driving the realm to war before death. Orphaea set aside the immediate concerns of religion to accept the crown, and remains the preeminent authority of two soverign Aenilic institutions - the Aenilic religion Magna Aenilia Ecclesia and the faithful realm of Greater Aenilia. Despite holding both religious and political titles, he makes sure that the two do not influence the other by increasing the influence of other members of both. Despite this, other realms have thus far been wary of accepting the faith.

Keyser and Sibelius

Keyser Vincent
Keyser Vincent
Status: Alive
Class Soldier
Realm/Island: Ikalak, South-East
Title: Marquis of Korlok
Former realms: Sandalak (Old SEI)
Former titles: Marquis of Korlok (Sandalak)

Marshal of the Army of Ikalak
Minister of Propaganda (Honourary, Sandalak)

Sibelius Vincent
Status: Missing
Class Adventurer
Realm/Island: Tara, Atamara
Former realms: Southasland
Former titles:

Keyser Vincent

The oldest of the four, Keyser made his way to the South-East Island, where he has served with honour in the army of Sandalak. Since then, he has fought in the battles which have seen Sandalak sieze control of the entire north-east of the island, and destroy the hated realm of Ikalak. He has been appointed the Marquis of Korlok, and the honourary position of Minister of Propaganda. All those that have been honoured with a medal of Sandalak have recieved the award from his hand.

After the South-East devolved back into four warring duchies, he finally had his chance to serve as an infiltrator, this time for Ikalak. Having seen both incarnations of Sandalak fall, he was finally captured and deported to Atamara by the Taselak judge, where he joined the realm of Minas Ithil to finally begin the long-postponed hunt for Sibelius.

Keyser is the darkest and least merciful of all the brothers. While known as a charismatic and intelligent man to his fellow nobles, he is brutal to his enemies, both in debate and in battle, and has been known to be something of a sadist while charming at the same time. While not on the path for political power as Lucian, spiritual authority as Claudius, or both as Orphaea, he seeks infamy that will strike fear into the hearts of all across the world, simply for the pleasure of having that infamy.

Sibelius Vincent

Sibelius has had misfortune follow him through most of his life. When he arrived in Atamara, he had the misfortune of becoming a noble of Southasland the day before it was destroyed. In his desperation, he joined Minas Ithil by falsely swearing an oath of fealty, before heading to Caligan. Having been turned down there, he knew only that Tara had declared open borders for any refugees from Southasland. Making his way there, he fought as Tara, as well, collapsed around him. In a last act of desperation, he offered to rejoin Minas Ithil, claiming he had no idea of the ways of the island, but was turned down.

He escaped the war, escaped Tara, and hid in the mountains of Atamara until he could stow away on a ship, later finding himself back in the home island of the Far East. He has hidden his noble lineage and assumed an unbecoming appearance of an adventurer along with falsifying his age to hide from Keyser. Despite being only days away, he has not made his return known to Orphaea, who also resides in the Far East, but it is unclear exactly what the two know of the successes and falls of each other.

Sibelius is the black sheep of the family. The member of the Vincent family with the least ability, he has a history of bad judgements, and is not known to be particularly brave or noble, although his sometime ill-meaning actions are often born out of cowardice or irrational desperation than true malice. While his situation once garnered sympathy from some members of his family, as his actions became more widely known they began to distance themselves from him. Keyser in particular has sworn to hunt down his brother and restore by the blood of Sibelius on his blade the nobility that Sibelius spurned.

Claudius and ????

Claudius Vincent
Status: Alive
Class Priest
Realm/Island: Sint, Beluaterra
Title: High Priest of Hemaism
Former realms: Sandalak, South-West
Former titles: Baron of Va dus Taam

Count of Hirzmet

Claudius Vincent, High Priest of Hemaism