Wish List

From BattleMaster Wiki


Wishes Related to Players/Characters

  • Mentors able to see when there students last logged in. -- Ghostly 13 November 2005 01:23 (CET)
  • Bankers being able to se how many CVs a TL has, whether Trader or not. So they dont have to ask every so often. -- Ghostly 13 November 2005 01:23 (CET)
  • The ability for infiltrators of a certain skill level to intercept messages sent to any noble in the region they're sitting in (either automatically, or as a specifically activated ability), thus allowing them to actually infiltrate. --Anaris 17 January 2006 22:10 (CET)
  • Character Traits - I think for the purpose of Role Playing, and to add more flare to the game it would be very enjoyable to have character traits (check the link for more detail) -- Darfix
  • Getting Drunk Wish
  • Last-Words message: For heros killed in battle, it could be something like "as the hero (name) lies dying, these last words were heard by one of his/her squires and reported:" Then the person could just type a short little message (like less than 100 characters or something, dying people don't speak novels). Of course, there would have to be some sort of time limit on how long after the battle you can type the message, like a turn or something, so there isn't a message from a dead person two days later. I don't know how well this would work for executions or assassinations because a) the enemy judge wouldn't give your realm the last words of a prisoner, and b) the assassin wouldn't be reporting back to his victim's realm his/her last words.
  • Foreign battle reports to be put in the same category as your own battlereports.
  • Ability to put on more than one message filter at the same time, or have an option to filter out certain types. -Marouane 00:29, 16 October 2006 (CEST)
  • Heroes being able to have unique weapons and armour (this would be shown in the info box with the character information such as age, class, honour/prestige.) The weapon/armour for the hero along with his/her swordfighting skill could affect the CS of a hero (the CS wouldn't increase to the hundreds, but somewhere near 50-60 ) An option similar to 'Pick up volunteers' and 'Tell Your Tale' would appear where the hero would find an isolated blacksmith who would make and upgrade weapons and armour at the cost of gold. This would give all heroes something to compete against, to see who is more legendary in battle skills. Heroes live to be legends, so why not give them something to be legendary about? --Pinetree_Family October 17th, 2006

Wishes Related to Troops

  • Wood is used in repairs. Wood would be used to fuel the blacksmith fires, replace broken bows, etc. Why not make wood a bit more useful? The wood could come directly from the regions wood supply and if not available, repairs couldnt be made (or a higher limit on how much repairs cost in time/gold)?
    • Going with the wood request. How about regions with wooden Palisades, requiring wood to build and repair them also maintain them. It would open up a new tradeable good, with Traders not far behind a battle, ready to sell wood to the region. (Just like in modern day conflict you have the engineers and reserve echelons to help repair what has just been damaged)
    • A better idea: make wood a requirement to do civil work. (There aren't always enough trees around to rebuild a town that was razed durring a war.)
  • To be able to scout different regions while travelling. You need one hour to scout, which in reality would mean to stop the whole troop till the scout returns one hour later to the same place. Then you could continue your travel with one hour less.
  • New Battle deployment options and Ambushing - Fenrir
  • Possible death from infiltrator attacks. People were killed by assassins in the middle ages. Why not also in Battlemaster?

A suggestion for that Infils being able to kill heros. (only) - Fenrir

Wishes Related to Regions and Realms

  • Weather readings, or other information important to battles: Wouldn't it be nice if a scout report showed the weather that was expected that day or the next. Helpful in battles for Marshals and Generals to plan battles based on if it's windy, calm, etc. Whatever it is that causes archers to fire wildly or lucky should be viewable from the scout report. This would allow the generals to decide if they are going to deploy an archer opening round, or charge with Cavalry because it's too windy. Pete February 14, 2006 01:15 (CET)

I don't think that would be very logical as people don't really have weather forcasts like we do...therefore I would suggest being able to notice trends in the weather after many scout reports...say about a hundred?.--J 22:17, 18 October 2006 (CEST)

  • It would be very cool to be able to build a statue in honor of a character -- such as a beloved ruler, a fallen hero, or even a very rich and vain region commander. Basically, the region commander puts down 50-200 gold, selects a name from the list of TLs (which includes recently deceased heroes) and gets a stone, marble, bronze, or gold statue in the region, which would be listed in a region under buildings as, for example, "Marble Statue of Ivan". It'd be nice to be able to honor heroes who've been dead longer than that, but that would require typing in the name -- which would probably result in problems
    • Going with the statue idea, surely it'd be cool to add the option to tear them down like a guild house or recruitment center. When ousting an evil dictatorship, it'd be nice to take down the many statues of the tyrant ;) This could leave very cool RP open, as an invading realm could leave statues of enemy heros or commanders due to the peoples' likeness for him or her, or just remove the statue and build their own. -- Darfix
    • Going along with the above wish, that the statue would also cost wood to construct! Get some use out of underused wood.
  • Vote for a Duke.
  • Realm treasury! Be able to assign points(for taxes) to a "treasury". Then your realm can use it to give money to other realms, save up for hard times, etc. Have bankers be able to "open the treasury" and put certain amounts back into circulation for a tax time. Be able to put personal or family money in the treasury, etc. It'd make giving financial aid to other realms MUCH simpler.
  • Let a Duke see when TL's log in, maybe all TL's, but at least only the TL's of his Dutchy. Or maybe / and the Marshal of the Dutchy. killercoach 17 January 2006 17:28 (CET)
  • Real Harvests. Have two harvests(tax times) a year, fall and spring. But make those tax times be pretty much the equivalent of an entire year of taxes. Going with the treasury request, the taxes enter the treasury, to then enter the money pouches of the nobles. The same thing happens for food. It gets collected all at once, then stored up for later on.
  • I was thinking about how Battlemaster could encourage some smaller realms, and was recently playing a game that mentioned the East and West Roman Empire. So I got to thinking. Advanced Federation --Kag 26 March 2006 03:45 (CEST)
  • Allied General leader commands: It would be nice if allied and/or Federated nations could select one general to be the "allied general" allowing them to issue orders to all realms, and communicate to all people in specific battle groups within each realm. Each realm would create one/two message groups that belong to the allied message group so that the Allied General can message everyone. Also, the allied General would have command of the battlefield over any Marshal. Any other benefits that anyone else may see in this, please note it. Peter Kolak
  • Diseases
  • Now that the option to gather Region Stats has been removed, some function to gather similar, accurate stats (such as independence levels, etc) is needed (beyond visiting your family or a temple). Perhaps this functionality should only be available to Region Lords and/or Bureaucrats.
  • Regional rebellions to replace a local lord! Give a way to replace the lords now that the titles are held even during capture/serious wounds. And of course, the rest of the realm would still be involved in the fighting, able to chose either side. After the rebellion, the Judge would then have to chose which side to ban.
  • New Gov. System

Wishes Related to Guilds and Religions

  • Religious hierarchy page. Like the realm hierarchy, but for religions. Vellos 20 March 2006 03:41 (CET)
  • Guild founders being able to upgrade a guildhouse (in the same region they are in) straight from the guild treasury, regardless of whether they are the region lord, and without the funds used counting against their guild treasury balance. --Kag 22:00, 8 May 2006 (CEST)
  • I think that while guild founders being unable to send gold/bonds to other members, isn't a good idea, it did give me an idea. In guilds, the founder might want to reward certain members (or aspirants) that do something very good (relatively speaking. Very good as in good for the guild), other than just promoting them. In light of this, I suggest guild elders (founders by default. Elders would get this option only if the founder allowed it), be allowed to edit the account balance of guild members (with no loss to their own account). Guild founders/elders would NOT be allowed to edit their OWN balance or those of people above them in rank. --Kag 04:24, 8 May 2006 (CEST)
  • For guilds, a "Promote to..." option and a "Demote to..." option, would be rather nice. For guilds with many ranks, promoting a member from a lower rank to a high rank is rather close to mass messaging. --Kag 00:13, 25 May 2006 (CEST)
  • Taking refuge in guildhouses and temples. If a temple of your religion is in a region, it'd be fun to be able to, fairly reliably, use all of your hours to "take refuge", so you cant be picked up by patrols. Then, to get you, the realm would have to demolish the Temple or Guildhouse.
  • The ability to create message groups in a religion.This would cater for those religions that have seperate orders in their religion.
    • Or just the option, "Message to (specific rank)" for guilds and religions...
    • Wouldn't work for the case in point. We have elder rank for the leader of those in the rank. He wouldn't hear what they said.
  • Religious holidays! Like ducal festivals or, better yet, tournaments. But I think festivals is more likely. Basically, allow a religion to declare a holiday. Pay a few hundred gold, and raise morale in all the regions where that religion has followers, or some other effect like that. It'd be more complex, of course, but thats the general idea. Vellos 18:20, 6 June 2006 (CEST)
  • Ability to donate gold to a religion without just putting it in a treasury - therefore putting gold into the treasury without gaining a balance bonus. That'll help on the money issue most religions have (but more importantly show how much you like said religion).
  • Guilds be able to monitor the treasury information of all members in the guild. Perhaps the information for a couple turns past. This is assuming that the treasury info would only change each turn (I feel a change each transaction would limit the RP aspect of this treasury info. this would also allow guilds to remove those that have outstanding debts against the guild. --Kag 07:11, 31 July 2006 (CEST)
  • Guild Loans --Kag 07:27, 31 July 2006 (CEST)

Miscellaneous Wishes

  • Another competition on the tourney, Teaming. - Gorlack
  • Message to one or more player in region.Instead of just to all in region.
  • More interesting weather effects
  • Theocracies can get a tax bonus for people tithing to the church.
  • Character Equipment
  • Viewing the untrained scout report of the territory you are in (basically, what you see when you click the region name at the bottom of the screen)is a scout report, to make it easy to send out.
  • Island export! Let realms with huge food producing with noone to sell the excess food to send thier food to another island entirely to be sold by local merchants.
  • Anonymous messaging. Takes an hour, or maybe some money, and you can send an anonymous message.... it'd be very useful.... and very, very fun....
  • Internationtal/worldwide wars. This would add a whole new level to war, making a war become so large, that litteraly the whole world is affected.
  • Kind of going along with the above wish, the next undead invasion on Beluterra could be more concentrated into maybe three huge hordes that pillage and burn all over the continent, not smaller armies in all the regions. That'd add a lot of extra challenge!
  • Colour schemes for Council message groups. Each realm can have 1 message group which they can make all message too (from other members) in a different appealling BG (like Yellow for example). This again will allow council members to skip past all the 'unimportant' messages in order to find message that are needed. For more info on what I mean add message to my user discussion page. -- Fanta
  • A 'work' theme for Battlemaster that has white backgrounds and generally looks more like the wiki for those who need to log in at work or school to keep up. Ruben
  • Non-traders/bankers being able to tell what season it is. Right now, unless you remembered when it said season change, you have no idea if it's winter or summer, something that should be obvious without need of a calender. Maybe when it says "It is currently Night" it could also say what season? Either there or somewhere in the Information page. Olik 19:46, 3 May 2006 (CEST)
    • Theres a solution for this. Go last months messages, and use find to search for "A new season" and you'll find it. Also, Marshals can see what the season is. --The1exile 16:46, 18 June 2006 (CEST)
  • Create "boats" as an item that can be used from port cities by Traders to travel from port to port. Also, this could add an additional method of warfare with a couple different sizes of "troop carrier" boats that could drop off in port cities. Obviously they would need to cost a bit and would travel at a reasonable speed but still allow remote attacks and transport of food, etc from other realms.
  • friendly duels during tourney. Get to have a duel between other nobles from all over the island during any tournament.--Alex 14:56, 15 September 2006 (CEST)
  • Marriage should be a bit more than a RP....if married with a lord than the one married with a lord gets a title.baroness,dutches,count etc.but with less command options.märt reose

Rejected Wishes

Freshly Rejected

These are listed here so they don't just vanish.

  • *Have your troops target a single troop leader in battle be it the enemy or ally (for a revolution) - this is almost impossible to implement with the current combat system. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • CS field on family page- shows the total family CS commanded at any given time. Or maybe the cumulative CS.
  • Heroes able to tell tales for a longer period. What use is it to have fought one of the biggest battles in history when the peasants don't care anymore? Maybe let the option stay for the amount of turns the battle lasted? - You apparently think the tales option is related to recent battles. It isn't. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • Heroes changing to Priest class without having to found a new religion. - Here is a "no exit" class. That they can exit by founding a religion is kind of a bug, just one where I'm not yet sure if I want to fix it. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • Traders being able to cash bonds outside of their realm. They are traders, not warriors, they should be able to cash bonds wherever they are, provided they are in a city or realm capital. Traders often travel for weeks on end, its kind of annoying that they get taxed for bonds they can't cash. - bonds are realm-specific, they are essentially IOUs from the king. the very concept forbids that they are honoured elsewhere. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • Wood as a necessity for archer units? All those arrows after all... - negligable amounts in an ecomony. Really. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • The ability to rename realms and regions. - never in a thousand years. I make an exception for colonies because they get a "default name" and very, very rarely for realms badly named when they were founded, but that's all manual and will stay that way. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • Entertainment at Guildhalls! (For Guild members only) - makes guilds too powerful and besides, many guilds are not built around troops and warfare. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • A Spellmaster island, using the Battlemaster engine and effects, but where magic is a common thing, and nearly all nobles have magic powers, and perhaps a 'magecraft' skill exists to simulate the power differences. The island could have a roleplaying requirement or maybe even a roleplaying quality requirement for characters to stay there. - SM is a different game that can't be coded into BM. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • For Tom to join back into the game and people stop bugging him with stupid messages in side the game.Tom why do you just create a account no one knows the of and not tell them and just play. ~Corpse Grinder - tried that, it isn't the same. --Tom 07:54, 16 September 2006 (CEST)
  • jousting duels! You get to choose if it is to be sword or jousting when you duel someone. Eirik felde 12:37, 27 August 2006 (CEST) - I know of no historic examples for this.

Repeatedly Asked, Repeatedly Rejected

These are wishes that people have asked for many times, and Tom has decreed that they will never be granted. So don't ask about them, here, on the bugtracker, or on the discussion list.

  • Recruiting Away from Capital
  • Reply to All on Messages
  • Transfers of Gold (not bonds)
  • Transfers of Money Not in Cities
  • Changing of Region Types (including building or destroying cities)
  • Archery Contest in Tournaments
  • Forums
  • Anything to cater to the specific problems of MSIE users (there's already a solution for them: Use a real browser)
  • Prison Break option for Infiltrators (they already have slightly better chances than others)
  • Priests-as-healers (stupid old D&D concept)
  • Newbie-only island (that would newbies away from some of the most interesting aspects of BM)

Wishes Granted/Made Irrelevant

  • The ability for Bankers to assign tax points to a specific message group could allow more specialized groups without as much hassle. This would allow a realm to give their Lower Councillors a bit extra, or perhaps those who manage the realm newspaper some extra funds for their efforts. --Kag 06:45, 1 August 2006 (CEST) - made irrelevant by the new local taxes option.
  • Assassinating men from mobile units - New Infiltrator Option -- Darfix - already in the game