Far East/Timeline

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Below is a comprehensive timeline of Far East.

To prevent redundancies, events of territory gains or losses will only be recorded if they pose special significances or are on the level of duchies; events of government official replacements will only be recorded on the level of rulers.





  • 2004.12.18 - Svunnetland: Morthwyl secedes from Svunnetland to form Narmotur.
  • 2004.12.20 - Svunnetland: Einar elected King.





  • 2005.03.11 - Principality of Zonasa: Zhao Ziyang Ilwaukim elected King.
  • 2005.03.20 - Arcaea: Yarah Arya elected as King.
  • 2005.03.22 - Lasanar: Sarig TithOnanka steps down from rulership for uncertain reasons.
  • 2005.03.23 - Lasanar: Milan elected Prime Minister.



  • 2005.05.18 - Batesaor: Valius founds the guild, Hall of Blood and Battle.
  • 2005.05.18 - Lasanar: Sarig TithOnanka returns, leads a successful rebellion, and is protested out of office and banished.
  • 2005.05.19 - Lasanar: Daran Hawk, founder of the realm, elected Prime Minister.
  • 2005.05.24 - Nighthelm: General Thraymn successfully takes the Kingship in a rebellion.


  • 2005.06.02 - Principality of Zonasa: Zhao Ziyang Ilwaukim founds the guild "Guardians of the Flame".
  • 2005.06.29 - Highland Empire: Zane Ilwaukim founds the guild "ME&T".



  • 2005.08.09 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected Prime Minister.
  • 2005.08.10 - Soliferum: Annwn secedes Ortedail to form the Grand Lodge of Lunaria.
  • 2005.08.26 - Principality of Zonasa: Zhao Ziyang Ilwaukim elected King.
  • 2005.08.30 - Grand Lodge of Lunaria: Alpha elected Pontifex.


  • 2005.09.29 - Grand Lodge of Lunaria: The hero Trenton killed in battle.


  • 2005.10.10 - Taith Aenil: Helios Raiva steps down as Pontifex.
  • 2005.10.22 - Grand Lodge of Lunaria: Eirik II elected Pontifex.
  • 2005.10.29 - Principality of Zonasa: Zhao Ziyang killed as a hero in battle and is removed from Kingship.


  • 2005.11.18 - Highland Empire: Zuni Ilwaukim elected Dictator.
  • 2005.11.20 - Lasanar: Daran Hawk is killed by Yarah Arya in a duel and loses the Prime Ministership.
  • 2005.11.21 - Lasanar: Milan elected Prime Minister.


  • 2005.12.10 - Ethiala: Serko Relak is elected as King.
  • 2005.12.12 - Ethiala: Serko Relak is forced to step down due to massive protests.
  • 2005.12.19 - Svunnetland: Hoshi elected Queen.
  • 2005.12.25 - Nighthelm: Gul'Dan Stormreaver elected King.
  • 2005.12.26 - Arcachon: Octavio Lawson elected Pontifex.



  • 2006.01.04 - Grand Lodge of Lunaria: Nobdy founds the guild "The Chaos Requiem".
  • 2006.01.07 - Grand Lodge of Lunaria: Eirik II forced to step down from Rulership due to massive protest of his claims to divine rights to rule.
  • 2006.01.18 - Antoza Commonwealth: A.J and Maltheo found the "Far East Trading Company".
  • 2006.01.19 - Highland Empire: Zuni Ilwaukim elected Dictator.


  • 2006.02.28 - Nobdy dies in duel against Valius.


  • 2006.03.14 - Soliferum: Aspire executed in Osaliel by Viracocha.



  • 2006.05.03 - Antoza Commonwealth: A.J and Maltheo found the religion of Communionism
  • 2006.05.10 - Taith Aenil: Luyten Dell seceeds the City of Idapur and founds the new realm Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006.05.11 - The Aenilian Civil War begins.
  • 2006.05.11 - Taith Aenil: Helios Raiva elected as Pontifex.
  • 2006.05.15 - Sanctum of Casshern: Valius elected Ruler.
  • 2006.05.20 - Antoza Commonwealth: Olwe of Toren seceeds the City of Anacan and founds the new realm League of Anacan (This is called by some the "Age of Anacan").
  • 2006.05.24 - Taith Aenil: Helios Raiva is removed from the office of Pontifex after dying in battle(Nahad) against Greater Aenilia.


  • 2006.06.22 - Arcachon: Dormondt elected Pontifex.
  • 2006.06.30 - The Aenilian Civil War ends with Taith Aenil's destruction at the hands of Greater Aenilia.


  • 2006.07.04 - Antoza Commonwealth: Tournament held in Taop.
  • 2006.07.04 - First Day of Summer.
  • 2006.07.09 - Arcaea: Fromir SkullDarks of Lasanar is executed in Remton.
  • 2006.07.09 - Greater Aenilia: Caerid elected King after Luyten Dell steps down.
  • 2006.07.10 - Soliferum: Tournament held.
  • 2006.07.11 - Greater Aenilia: Orphen Vincent founds the religion, Magna Aenilia Ecclesia.
  • 2006.07.12 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2006.07.13 - Legendary hero Cheveyo Militant buried.
  • 2006.07.16 - Arcaea: King Feis abdicates throne.
  • 2006.07.17 - Arcaea: Mahto elected King.
  • 2006.07.20 - Lasanar: Cleft, Count of Sanzzos, killed in Battle of Lasop.
  • 2006.07.20 - Nighthelm: Senoske Himoura founds the guild, "The Order of Thieves".
  • 2006.07.22 - Ethiala: Tournament held.
  • 2006.07.28 - Soliferum: Tournament held.
  • 2006.07.29 - First Day of Autumn.


  • 2006.08.01 - League of Anacan: Maltheo elected Prime Minister.
  • 2006.08.02 - Lasanar: Colasan secedes, creating the new realm Miraglonn.
  • 2006.08.19 - Sanctum of Casshern: Declares War on League of Anacan.
  • 2006.08.21 - Antoza Commonwealth: Declares War on League of Anacan.
  • 2006.08.22 - First Day of Winter.
  • 2006.08.22 - League of Anacan: Maltheo killed in a duel with Valius.
  • 2006.08.22 - League of Anacan: ShaddarRim elected Prime Minister.
  • 2006.08.22 - League of Anacan: Declares War on Svunnetland.
  • 2006.08.22 - Soliferum: Declares War on League of Anacan.
  • 2006.08.23 - Miraglonn: Ossaet secedes to form Ardh Osai.
  • 2006.08.23 - Sanctum of Casshern: Take over Ansopen from the League of Anacan.
  • 2006.08.24 - Sanctum of Casshern: Signs alliance with Nighthelm.
  • 2006.08.24 - Greater Aenilia: Declares War on Svunnetland.
  • 2006.08.24 - Soliferum: Declares War on Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006.08.24 - Principality of Zonasa: Declares War on Greater Aenilia.
  • 2006.08.24 - League of Anacan: Battle of Pates against the Antoza Commonwealth; League victory
  • 2006.08.26 - Greater Aenilia: Orphen Vincent elected King.
  • 2006.08.28 - Lasanar: Aethius Kain elected Prime Minister.


  • 2006.09.10 - Arcachon: Cerber DeRouen elected as Pontifex.


  • 2006.10.14 - Greater Aenilia: Luyten Dell founds the guild "Knights of Aenilia".
  • 2006.10.19 - Arcachon: Cerber DeRouen steps down as Pontifex.
  • 2006.10.20 - Arcachon: Octavio Lawson elected as Pontifex.


  • 2006.11.01 - Arcachon: Octavio Lawson founds the guild "Bank of Arcachon".



  • 2007.03.01 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected Prime Minister.


  • 2007.07.26 - Arcachon: Octavio Lawson elected as Pontifex.


  • 2007.08.04 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro elected as Prime Minister.


  • 2007.09.20 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro elected as Prime Minister.


  • 2007.10.01 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected as Prime Minister.


  • 2007.11.20 - Arcachon: Octavio Laweson elected as Pontifex.



  • 2008.01.22 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro elected as Prime Minister.


  • 2008.02.28 - Ethiala: Keffer Leonidas elected as Archduke.


  • 2008.03.01 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.03.01 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.03.14 - Lasanar: Esorp Motab secedes Akanos to form Ohnar.
  • 2008.03.16 - Sartania: Azgath Cyrith elected as Divine Soul.
  • 2008.03.16 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro steps down as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.03.16 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.03.16 - Lasanar: Vulpes de Zorro steps down as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.03.20 - Ohnar: Esorp Motab elected as Prime Minister.


  • 2008.04.05 - Arcaea: Dentara deLacy elected as Queen.


  • 2008.05.07 - Arcaea: Dentara deLacy elected as Queen.
  • 2008.05.07 - Ethiala: Keffer Leonidas elected as Archduke.
  • 2008.05.07 - Sartania: Azgath Cyrith elected as Divine Soul.
  • 2008.05.07 - Soliferum: Conan McGahee elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.05.18 - Sartania: Azgath Cyrith stepped down as Divine Soul.


  • 2008.06.05 - Ohnar West: Cornelius II Hsieh elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.06.20 - Ohnar West: Fallin McBlathery elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2008.06.23 - Sartania: Hyrus Kartak elected as Divine Soul.


  • 2008.07.15 - Cathay: Hamish O'Ways elected as High King.
  • 2008.07.22 - Arcaea: Jenred Bedwyr elected as King after Queen Dentara steps down.


  • 2008.08.12 - Sartania: Hyrus Kartak seriously wounded by a lightning bolt.
  • 2008.08.29 - Sartania: Hyrus Kartak seriously wounded by a lightning bolt.


  • 2008.09.02 - Mosesadelphia: Tony Soprano elected as Capo.
  • 2008.09.20 - Soliferum: Takes over the city of Masahakon from Nighthelm.


  • 2008.10.?? - First Day of Autumn.
  • 2008.10.01 - Ohnar West: has elected Cornelius II Hsieh as its new Prime Minister.
  • 2008.10.05 - Cathay: Cathay reclaims the rogue city of Colasan.
  • 2008.10.05 - Ohnar West: Takes over the city of Ozrat from Ethiala.
  • 2008.10.19 - Ethiala: Keffer Leonidas steps down from Archdukeship.
  • 2008.10.23 - Principality of Zonasa: Alexi Ilwaukim elected Regent.


  • 2008.12.05 - Papania: Anatrok Skoorbosla elected as High Lord.
  • 2008.12.19 - Ohnar West: Fallin McBlathery founded the guild "Initiates of the Fal Pact.".



  • 2009.01.06 - Greater Aenilia: Luyten Dell elected as Emperor.


  • 2009.02.01 - Ohnar West: Fallin McBlathery elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2009.02.03 - Mosesadelphia: Tony Soprano is overthrown in a rebellion by Valhus Valentine.
  • 2009.02.05 - Mosesadelphia: Valhus Valentine is overthrown in a rebellion by Tony Soprano.
  • 2009.02.05 - Mosesadelphia: Nora Gayle Wite-Out elected as Capo.
  • 2009.02.07 - Mosesadelphia: Stephanie changes allegiance of Azros to Cathay.
  • 2009.02.07 - Mosesadelphia: Volvus Kartak elected as Capo.
  • 2009.02.08 - Cathay: Stephanie changes allegiance of Azros to Mosesadelphia.
  • 2009.02.09 - Mosesadelphia: Volvus Kartak steps down as Capo.
  • 2009.02.15(?) - First Day of Spring.
  • 2009.02.22 - Ohnar West: Cornelius II Hsieh elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2009.02.25 - Mosesadelphia: Nora Gayle Wite-Out steps down as Capo and Tony Soprano is elected Capo.
  • 2009.02.28 - Ohnar West: Hamilton Vita changes allegiance of Akanos to Arcachon.


April 2009 to July 2010

Exact dates are difficult to retrieve due to a lack of efficient record keeping.



  • 2010.08.14 - Arcaea: Retakes Hupar , a former rogue region.
  • 2010.08.16 - Soliferum: Sozon revolts due to looting by enemy forces.
  • 2010.08.19 - Arcaea: Takes Irneas, a region of Arcachon driven rogue.
  • 2010.08.20 - Arcaea: Unotosa revolts and declares independence from Arcaea.
  • 2010.08.20 - First day of Summer.
  • 2010.08.20 - NeoSartania: Selene Octavius elected as its Princess Bishop. She reforms the government to a Theocracy.
  • 2010.08.28-29 - Arcachon: Dormondt Lankmere starts a bloody rebellion and succeeds.


  • 2010.09.02 - The rogue Mordecai is publicly executed in Sasrhas.
  • 2010.09.05 - Joseph von Genf and Cid O'Neill are reconfirmed as rulers of Ohnar West and Soliferum respectively.
  • 2010.09.10 - Arcachon: Retakes the rogue region Unotosa.
  • 2010.09.11 - First day of Autumn.
  • 2010.09.14 - Arcachon: Retakes the rogue region Tuhpos
  • 2010.09.14 - Greater Aenilia: Duke Markus Thurdan of Nahad, Patriarch of the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, secedes to form the religious tyranny of Waar Aenil.
  • 2010.09.16 - Arcachon: Unotosa revolts and declares independence from Arcachon.
  • 2010.09.14-18 - Waar Aenil: Patriarch Markus dies in mysterious circumstances. His corpse is found dead without markings on it outside of Nahad.
  • 2010.09.18 - Waar Aenil: Nahad revolts amidst a Greater Aenilian takeover and the death of their ruler.
  • 2010.09.19 - Greater Aenilia: Retakes Nahad.
  • 2010.09.20 - Arcachon: Unotosa and Tuhpos revolt again.
  • 2010.09.21 - Arcachon: Ryeena Burson elected as its Guardian.
  • 2010.09.24 - Arcachon: Retakes Unotosa.


  • 2010.10.04 - First day of Winter.
  • 2010.10.05 - Soliferum: Osaliel stages a coup and ends the realm of Soliferum, being their last region and capital.
  • 2010.10.08 - Ohnar West: Joseph von Genf is re-elected as Prime Minister.
  • 2010.10.11 - Kindara: Takes the rogue city Osaliel. The Great Crusade ends.


  • 2011.02.09 - Kindara: Takes Masahakon, ending NeoSartania.
  • 2011.04.26 - Kindara: Alpha Enodscopia leads a successful one day rebellion displacing High Lord Ziode Calanar.
  • 2011.05.04 - Kindara: Tissaphernes Ulthran is elected High Lady.



  • 2011.10.01 - Cathay: Optimus McGahee elected King of Cathay.
  • 2011.10.01 - Toupellon: Duke Anatole secedes Colasan from Cathay forming Toupellon, Ozrat quickly follows.
  • 2011.10.01 - Toupellon: Akanos joins the realm of Toupellon.
  • 2011.10.04 - Toupellon: The duchies of Anacan and Taop join the realm of Toupellon.
  • 2011.10.06 - Toupellon: Ossaet joins Toupellon. Toupellon now the second largest realm.
  • 2011.10.11 - Cathay: Me'hoe Chan'gu'Con lead successful single day revolution in Cathay.
  • 2011.10.12 - First day of spring.
  • 2011.10.18 - Kindara: Declares war on Cathay.
  • 2011.10.23 - Kindara: Takes the capital of Cathay, Azros.