Near the end of the The Great Crusade, Ortedail broke away from Soliferum and became a rogue city. Thus when Ziode Calanar, then Duke of Anacan, arrived with the Company of the Golden Lion, he was able to establish the colony in a relatively bloodless manner. This colony of Cathay was dedicated to the most noble of goals. Soon it was brimming with Lords and Knights from across the Far East, eager to finish Soliferum.
Since then, Kindara has grown and flourished as a realm of learning and understanding. While no realm exists without difficult, Kindara has grown to encompass a majority of the southern tip of the Far East and has cultivated these lands with dedicated nobility that allows for prosperity and peace.
A more detailed history of the realm can be read in The Chronicle of Kindara.
Kindara is a realm dedicated to learning. Kindara strives to ensure that every noble has an opportunity to serve on all levels and that no noble's voice goes unheard when decisions are being made that can effect their well-being and lives.
Kindara holds monthly elections to determine who will rule her. The Grand Justicar is also elected quarterly. All other positions of power are appointed. In general, landed nobles do not serve as Commander nor Minister of Finance, though rural region lords have at times served on the council when none else stepped forward. It is very much encouraged for these positions to fall upon knights of the realm, even the inexperienced, so that they might learn.
Kindara hosts many religions, and never has a temple or religious totem been destroyed in her name. Religions within her borders are strongly encouraged to coexist and move away from the prejudices of the past, especially with relation to other religions of the realm.
Current Kindaran law has this to say on the matter of religion:
Founding a new religion is legal, but it is strongly advised that you consult widely before doing so. Priests of all religions should seek the permission of the regional lord before preaching in a region. Temples should be respected. Closing or sacking a temple may result in punishment and will be investigated on a case-by-case basis. If the preaching of a religion is found to be aiding another realm by causing unrest, that religion may be banned from Kindara.
The Masahakon Times covers current events in Kindara and across the Far East.
Kindaran Law
As recorded upon the Grand Justicar's Bulletin, all Lords, Ladies, Knights, and Servants of Kindara and her Crown are expected to adhere to the following laws or suffer a punishment fitting the crime committed:
- No noble shall act to harm our beloved home, or her allies. Such behaviour includes but is not limited to:
-Divulging sensitive information to those outside Kindara be it friend or foe.
-Sending gold to foreign realms, not even when they are your relatives, without permission from the High Lord.
-Razing critical infrastructure without approval from the Commander.
- All nobles shall respect the chain of command. This means acting swiftly upon the orders of those who may legitimately issue them to you, such as a member of the Realm Council, a Marshal, or your liege.
- Nobles shall not conduct disruptive activities in any region, foreign or domestic, unless ordered. This includes but is not limited to:
- Looting
- Razing of buildings
- Hanging or arresting rebels
- Police Raids
- Nobles are expected to spend gold sensibly and in ways which benefit the nation. Ways of breaking this law include, but are not limited to:
- Suicidal military manoeuvres
- Unnecessary infrastructure
- Bounties upon the heads of other members of the nobility
- The purchase of unsustainable units which must then be subsidised by Lords or Dukes (except when over-recruiting is ordered during war).
-- This law is subjective and each case shall be considered by the Grand Justiciar.
- Nobles shall not assign militia to a region without permission of the Local Lord.
- Duels are forbidden under the following circumstances:
- Preparing for war, or
- During war, or
- During the defence of our country.
-- A duel outside these circumstances shall be investigated on a case-by-case basis by the Grand Justiciar.
- All nobles, regardless of position, should treat each other with respect. The law is not blind to the likelihood of differences of opinion, or the rights of all to defend their view point passionately, but do so with eloquence. Veiled threats, repeated insults, or blatant slander will not be tolerated.
- Nobles shall pay fines promptly.
- Nobles of Kindara have the right to trial. All crimes by Kindaran nobles will be brought before the Great Debate Hall by the Grand Justiciar. Nobles will have a reasonable opportunity to consider each case, offering their opinions and discussing punishments, before the Grand Justiciar passes final judgement. The enemies of Kindara will be dealt with at the discretion of the Grand Justiciar, in consultation with others if appropriate.
- All nobles are subject to the rulings of the office of Grand Justiciar, and the Grand Justiciar is answerable to all.