Athins Family/Alise

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Error: No "source" parameter specified.
Error: No suitable data source is defined for this external data query

Error: no local variable "name" has been set. Error: no local variable "family" has been set.Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "family" has been set. Family" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Status: Alive
Gender: Error: no local variable "gender" has been set.
Age: Error: no local variable "age" has been set.
Honor: Error: no local variable "honour" has been set.
Prestige: Error: no local variable "prestige" has been set.
Rank: Error: no local variable "rank" has been set.
Class: Error: no local variable "mainclass" has been set. / Error: no local variable "subclass" has been set.
Continent: Error: no local variable "continent" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "continent" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Realm: Error: no local variable "realm" has been set.Property "Member of" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "realm" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Previous Realms:
Current Titles:
  • Countess of Commonyr
  • Sponsor of the Fontan Strike Regiment
  • Vice-marshal of the Democratic Guard
  • Minister of Defense of Fontan
Titles Held:
  • Baroness of Tabost
  • Vice-marshal of the Order of Thunder
  • Editor of The Fontan Democrat
  • Marshal of the Order of Thunder
  • Chancellor of Fontan
  • Sponsor of the Fontan Strike Regiment
  • Minister of Defense of Fontan
  • Baroness of Evora
  • Countess of Commonyr
  • Sponsor of the Lions
  • Sponsor of the Democratic Guard
  • Vice-marshal of the Democratic Guard
Unique Items: None
Unique Items Held: Ring of Prestige (Can't remember exact name.)

At a very young age she had a love affair with her cousin Rev which was discovered when she was determined to be with child. Though she tried to hide it Rev stepped forward as the father. She bore a daughter (Elys), though she was never told what the baby was, or allowed to see it. Her father, who was head of the family at the time declared that once they turn 17, the age at which they could become knights, that they be sent off to separate continents, and that if they should ever arrive back on Atamara, or end up on the same continent as each other he would throw them out of the family, thus stripping their nobility.

She started off in Itorunt with intent to spring board to Beluaterra. Not being able to find a ship captain that would travel there do to the monster invasion, she decided to move to the Far East in search of war. Itorunt ended up in a war just before she left, but the wheels were already in motion. Se arrived in Ethiala and fought a few battles with them. Not finding the Far East to her liking she decided to move on in search of bigger and better things. She arrived back on the East Continent and saw Fontan involved in a 4 on 1 war and knew she had found her home.

After fighting for Fontan for a short while she became an active member of the Assembly, and a little while later the baroness of Tabost. During the war she witnessed the destruction of Light of Fountain and the rise of Fontan as the East Continent's most powerful realm. During this time she decided to open up a news paper to document Fontan's success. Thus began The Fontan Democrat, for which she became the founder and editor. She was also appointed SiC of the Order of Thunder, and later it's marshal when Lord Helos stepped down.

Only a week or so after her appointment, the duchy of Fontan City seceded from Fontan, forming the Confederacy of Fontan which declared war on Fontan. Perdan and Caligus quickly joined them, and Fontan found itself fighting five enemies. Only a few short days after that, The Krimml Incident occured leaving The Revenger as Chancellor of Fontan. When he was imprisoned a week latter, Alise was elected as his replacement. When the next election came, Alise ran for re-election but was closely beaten by The Revenger. A couple days later he was imprisoned again and Alise was once again elected to Chancellor. During her second term, Duchess Amelia Bernstein of Krimml was killed in battle, and the sponsorship of the Fontan Strike Regiment passed to her. With the coming of the next election and the announcement that Mikhail would be running, Alise chose not to run again for the position.

Alise continued to serve as the Marshal of the Order of Thunder for the remainder of the war with the Confederacy. With the death of the Confederacy, and the secession of Westmoor from Perdan, General Basilius choose that his time as General was at an end. Alise ran against Malfurion, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers, for the position, and was defeated. She tried again in the next election, and in a heated race lost again. When Malfurion was later imprisoned by Sirion, she briefly held the position. Later in the war, when Baron Lionheart was elected Duke of Karbala, she ran for the position Lionheart vacated, and was elected Baroness of Evora. The region was lost before she could ever be instated. Around this time she also close The Fontan Democrat.

Peace came with Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor, which left only the war in the north versus Sirion, and Old Rancagua. Alise briefly returned as Baroness of Tabost, but the region was quickly lost again. Not too long into the return to the war in the north, Alise again ran for Minister of Defense, and beat out Malfurion and Jon Paul for the position. She then resigned as Marshal of the Order of Thunder, but was reappointed as it's Second in Command when no other candidates stepped forward. She also gave up her claim to Tabost.

She lost the next month's election to Jon Paul, who replaced her as Minister of Defense. She was then voted into the position of Countess of Commonyr. She again briefly served as Minister of Defense when Jon Paul was imprisoned. She ran against him the next month and lost. When Jon Paul was later wounded, Alise again ran for the position of Minister of Defense, and was narrowly beat by Luke. She then beat him in the regular election a few days later. She served in the position for a few terms before being captured after a failed assault on Avamar. She decided not to run again for the position.

Family Relations

Jase - Twin Brother

Rev - Cousin

Mathis - Cousin

Syrus - Cousin

Bryce - Brother

Borin - Cousin

Elys - Daughter