Dubhaine Family/Etain

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17675
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent


Properly translated from the original Fontanese dialect, the name Etain means "passion", "jealousy" giving her full name the meaning "passionate woman of dark countenance".


Etain is the only daughter of Naevan, the son of Lady Brigdha Dubhaine and Bedhwyr, and Erfrayj a minor elven noblewoman somehow related to the sprawling Serpentis clan. The Dubhaines trace inheritance matrilineally placing Etain outside the line of inheritance and she was raised at her grandmother's court in Negev, recognised as family and much loved but with her life mapped out for her. She would hold a commission in her grandmother's Toxophilites and serve some knight loyally, marry respectably amongst the lesser nobility, have a daughter or two, then in the fullness of time be knighted or take the cowl.

This was in the days when Negev was the centre of the Flow of the Balance with a renowned monastic school dedicated to the arts, the sciences, the mysteries, and arms. Young Etain excelled in her studies with ease yet for all the training and discipline, the long hours of meditation and reflection, her blood raged against the future set for her. Her parents might be content to live the courtly life but she hungered for adventure. So it was that not long after attaining her majority she resigned her rank and set forth into the wilds to prove her worth not only to her grandmother and the Lords of Shadowdale but more importantly to herself.

Many decades would follow during which Etain earned a reputation as an explorer, a procurer of rare items, a scholar of mysteries, and a hunter of fell beasts. In time she would become a Stalker of the Adventurer's Guild and gain the confidence of Crowned Heads and Dukes, remarked for her discretion. Her commercial acumen and wise investments allowed her to build a substantial fortune, allowing her to live the independent life she had always desired.

Yet eventually Etain would have to accept her destiny as a noble when her grandmother's last act as Shadow Queen was to ennoble her, a single signature changing her life forever. In due course she would rise to become Lady of Viseu, one of the wealthiest towns in all of East Continent, then Cauldron Master of Shadowdale, and following the abdication of Shadow King William she would herself become Shadow Queen.


If Etain's parents are night and day, then she is the glorious dawn. The gold threads of elfland weave through the dark forest of Dubhaine tresses, the prominent features of her grand-dames tempered by ancient summers when the world was young and the First War a future memory. Golden irises swirl into pits of deepest black, at one moment filled with ancient knowledge, at the next bubbling with youthful passions. The same lithe, willowy frame is there, but it moves more subtly, the primal power of the predatory great cat sheathed in a harlequin's humorous grace.

Whilst the Curse of Sirion has calmed somewhat the fiery Elven blood Etain inherited from her Serpentis ancestors she still seems as blissfully unaffected by time as her sorcerous grandmother, though to what extent this is natural or imputed only the most learned of the wise can speculate with any certainty. What few signs of aging there are in her face escape all but the most determined inspection and her demeanour is most often that of a young woman in her early twenties, tempered at times by a seriousness at odds with her apparent youth.

Etain's wargear is that of a Toxophilite minus its insignia. The long concave stave of Sirion rosewood strung with spider silk, the black bodkins, the slender stabbing sword and hooked hunting knife, the lantern target shield, the night-black brigandine doublet, the russet coat and hood.

Her dress uniform comprises a sombre maroon military doublet with rank insignia at the collar, and thick hose under long suede boots, black and fastened from top to ankle with delicate jet buttons. A maroon cloak hangs about her shoulders, fastened with a platinum brooch bearing the Dubhaine coat of arms, and a longsword in the elven style rests at her side.



Whilst Etain lives the life of a common adventurer she's well read - probably more so than most nobles - and pursues a deeper practical understanding of the mysteries. Many rumours are told of the powerful sorceries Lady Brigdha commands and Etain is inspired to seek out such knowledge even at the risk of her life.

Her ancestry has given her a double-dose of passion for life and liberty. Freed from the strictures of her contemplative upbringing she finds pleasure in her vices, though rarely with the malice of the Serpentis nor the seriousness of the Dubhaines.

Etain’s deepest vice is the hunger for knowledge and left to her own devices she would still be a rootless adventurer, an antiquarian wanderer, an explorer of lost tombs and ancient ruins. She has however found solace in her new status as the Matriarch of House Dubhaine, the vast fortunes at her disposal affording the opportunity to enrol at Krimml Academy for the genteel education her studies at the Grey University in Karabala failed to provide. She has also begun the construction of a magnificent library in the town of Viseu, inspired by accounts of her cousin Aibhlidhn’s collection in Ar Agyr.

Unlike her grandmother, Etain is not known for the use of glamours and illusions in her normal course of dealings but as a Knight of the Balance, a warrior guardian of the mysteries of Shadow and Flow, such powers must surely lie within her ken.

As is common with House Dubhaine little is known of Etain’s private life though in recent years she has taken a younger student at the Academy, Dame Peregrine, under her wing and the two women are often seen together socially.


The following scores are based on anecdotal evidence.

Class Age Honour Prestige Money
W 74 30 27 1493
Reputation 10
Prestige 22
Honour 2
Notoriety 4 Outcast 14
Reaver 1
Skills 24 Swordfighting 44
Jousting 31
Leadership 45
Trading 20
Bureaucracy 15 +10 from unique items
Infiltration 5
Adventuring 29
Spellcasting 26 +7% from unique items
Legacy 21 Rulership 28
Dukedom 8
Lordship 33
Knighthood 16
Wealth 28 Possessions 40
Trader 16

Unique Items

Item Type Condition Prestige Bonus Acquired Lost
White Earrings of the Ancients Accessory 66% +9 +7% Spellcasting 02.02.1024
Ebony Mace of Erik Eyolf Weapon 89% +4 +10% Bureaucracy
Sturdy Suit of Balkeese Armour 46 % + 10 +16% Trading


Knight of Evora, September
Vice-Marshal of The Shadowdale Homeguard, September
Margravine of Viseu, October
Cauldron Master of Shadowdale, November
Shadow Queen of Shadowdale, January
Duchess of Southern March, January


Paternal Grandmother
(Deceased) Paternal Grandfather
(Deceased) Father
Etain’s Mother, a minor princess of the Serpentis clan
Affected by the curse visited on Sirion
Younger Brother, an experienced irregular forces officer
A chosen man, a veteran of The Ghost Watch and then a personal guard of Brigdha, now retired
Owns a smithy near Oporto with multiple daughters he wishes to see married well
A chosen man, veteran of The Ghost Watch and then a personal guard of Brigdha, now retired
Temple guard in Krimml with a priggish wife and three pinch-faced sisters-in-law
once armsman to Hrolf, now one of Etain's personal guard
Elven Aunt and former travelling companion of Brigdha, a minor princess of the Serpentis clan
Due to her involvement in the Akesh Temple Catastrophe which took place in the immaterium she was unaffected by the curse visited on her Elven kinfolk
The Ghost Watch
Formerly Aednadh's bodyguard and the preeminent special forces regiment in Sirion's history, then a shadowy network of agents serving Brigdha, now once more a combat unit
Once Lady Moira's squire, Iraen is now chatelaine of the household holdings in Evora
Captain of The Ghost Watch
Captain of the Bloody Knives
Etain's squire
A young page girl


The only other female student in Etain's classes at Krimml Academy
Ker Iestw the Chirugeon
A surgeon of Krimml
Assistant to Ker Iestw. She trained under Neris the Wise, apothecary to Lady Brigdha.


Name Description Army Captain Men Type T R W A D M C CS Provisions Entertainment Designation Pay Service
Ghost Watch The Shadowdale Homeguard Shadowdale Homeguard Ernst +3 52 MI 78 3 70 45 15 97 76 736
100 -Dance Hall army 100 12.09.1022
Bloody Knives The Shadowdale Homeguard Shadowdale Homeguard Amparo +4 22 SF 81 4 75 90 0 100 100 723
100 -Whores army 49 10.12.1022
Knights of the Balance The Shadowdale Homeguard Shadowdale Homeguard Quintoria +4 24 SF 75 4 75 90 0 99 22 595
0 army 49 08.07.1023
The Queen's Irregulars The Shadowdale Homeguard Shadowdale Homeguard Reuban +6 189 MI 72 3 70 55 0 100 70 1786
100 +Dance Hall
-Pub Crawl
army 308 ??
Ghost Watch Fate Weavers Fate Weavers Hildebart +7 74 SF 95 4 73 79 0 100 100 1710
100 army 196 23.05.1024
Knights of the Hand Fate Weavers Fate Weavers Tibimina +2 94 C 77 85 60 0 100 44 1436
0 army 161 17.01.1025

Personal Journal

Ranging The Shadows -- July, August, September, October, November , December
Ranging The Shadows -- January, February
Memories of Jor
Etain becomes the new Dame of Cual Dubhaine in Evora