Concept:Regions without a lord

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Description of concept "Regions without a lord"RDF feed

Regions for which the property "has lord" is not set

[[Category:Regions]] [[Has lord::!+]]

Can't get this to work, and don't know, why it won't. Anyone with an idea? --Tom 19:45, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
You can select pages that have a property value which is unequal to a given value. For example, [[Area code::!415]] will select pages that have an area code which is not «415». Note that this is query description does not look for pages which do not have an area code 415. Rather, it looks for all pages that (also) have a code unequal to 415. In particular, pages that have no area code at all cannot be the result of the above query.
Basically, you can search for a parameter that does not have a specific value set for a property, but it will not match a page that does not have any value set for that property. The way I read it, [[has lord::!+]] is not a valid criteria. It appears to just return [[has lord::+]]. --Indirik 22:00, 24 March 2009 (UTC)