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North Mediterranean

City Lore

Muspelheim, the ancient city of brimstone sits atop and about a dying volcanic peak. During past dark ages of the grand olé city warmth of the mountain brought both prosperity and calamity upon it's citizenry with entire districts lost to fire and ash. The resilient populace and stubborn Firelords rebuilt the city anew after each disaster and with the aid of time across ages the volcano became docile tamed with the construction of the Eternal Forge of Muspelheim.

The City of Brimstone stands at a crucial crossroads between the great cities of north-eastern Dwilight, with Aegir to the south, Nifelheim to the North and Niflehold to the east. Such a strategic location has been sought out by people and realms alike as a place to call a grand seat of noble society. With the surrounding townslands of Muspel riches always flow hand over fist for any who lay claim to the fiery namesake regions.

With the dawn of the current era Muspelheim is home to a vibrant variety of vicinities, most notably Muspelheim Citadel, dubbed Brimstone Citadel for it sits just below the volcanic peak at the center of the city. Other fortifications guard the peripheries of the city walls such as Garrison Bulwark, Orchard Hill Keep, and Woodland Castle.

The populace of the city have dubbed their neighborhoods to express their individual culture as well. There is the Eternal Forge, notable for it's discharge for the fiery peak resulting in smithies that never go cold. Noble Foothill and Manor Wall serve as the homes for many prominent aristocrats and bureaucrats alike going about their business. Gladiators Ward has seen the birth of many storied heroes, soldiers and fighters. Lastly there is Commoners Run, and then the Slag Pit for those less fortunate in the brutal medieval society.

Muspelheim, the city of Brimstone, Cinis et Ignis, stands as testament to humanities ingenuity and tenacity against even the greatest adversity.

City Map


Economic Sector Workers Quality
Manufacturing 52 % Exceptional
Commerce and Trade 25% Good
Arts & Learning 18% Excellent
Black Market 5% Unknown

Ancient Eras

Emblem of Muspelheim.

The city of Muspelheim, long an economic center for all of Springdale, is the former capital of the Morek Empire. Muspelheim has profited being on the main road from Nifelhold to Aegir and became one of the largest and richest cities of Springdale. Within Muspelheim is the Crown of Virovene, an inn known for its high nobility frequenting its beds.

Currently, the large fortress in the center of the city is being restored by the current Duke, Cato De La Fere. All the levels of fort have been restored with his family crest crafted onto every archway and every gate.

The reason for this is because Muspelheim was the old capital of the lost realm of Virovene. This realm was destroyed by daimons, with the people scattered through the world, long before the founding of The Empire Springdale and the creation of modern Virovene. However, the fates conspired, leading to a descendant of the old Virovene monarchy currently ruling over the city today.

But on the fourth level of the fortress the design changes in two ways.

First, to honour De La Fere's lost realmof old Virovene there is a De La Fere family chest (blue with golden lilies)and name Virovene crafted into the main gate.

Second, next to the gate there is a copper memorial plate inside the wall. There are names:

  • Charles De La Fere, last ruler of Old Virovene.
  • The Lords of Muspelheim: Marquess Tye von Snipe and Viscount Kole Kalmar.
  • The Knights of Muspelheim who helped and supported the building of the wall:

Lady Evangelina Driscol, Lady Kurecalle Kestrel, Alister Defender, Terus Dragonite, Ferber DeRouen, Landro Darlor Lawrence and Randemicos Pope.

The city seceded to form Virovene after Emperor Neel broke his half of the oath to the duke to protect his lands. The Duke saw how Emperor Neel failed to protect the rest of Springdale and sought to protect his own duchy from such tragic failures. Thus when New Virovene was founded Muspelheim once again became the realms capital.