
From BattleMaster Wiki
Hendrick Armsworth
Central Lake
Manufacturing, Trade


The crown jewel and magnificant city that overshadows Lake Salaman, stands as a testament and tribute to the prosperity and perseverance. Many realms have held dominion over the city throughout it's history, including Old Grehk, Neo Grehk, Fronen, Thalmarkin, Grehkia, Vordul Sanguinis and finally Reven in the present day. On the north western side of the great Lake Salaman, Vozzessdor stands as a centre of trade surrounded and supported by the prosperous regions of Yipinalke, Xerus and Verdomite, as well as the luscious farmlands of Junohep.

The main stronghold, known to the locals as Divine Castle, houses most of the administration buildings and granaries. The barracks and blacksmiths of the infantry are located in the eastern side, while the cavalry train in the Vozz Plains outside the main castle, which also runs a yearly point-to-point show where the peasantry can gamble their meager earnings in the summer months.

In it's early years Vozzessdor had been isolated from most major conflicts, protected by allies on all sides and strong fortifications, notably the former fortress. During the Third Invasion of Beluaterra, however, the city was seceded by its Duke, Gias Kay, to form the realm of Neo Grehk. This in itself brought little change to the peaceful inhabitants of the duchy other than a raise in taxes, administration and local security, but 'twas during this time that Daimons, lead by the dreadlords Wispy and Unspeakable, stormed the city and ravaged the administration. After many days struggle, the inhuman forces were repelled from the city, their forces in tatters, but having heavily damaged the fortress in the process.

After the third invasion the fortress ended up under the control of the empire of Fronen, and this prompted conflict between Fronen and the cities original claimants in Old Grehk. The city was changed hands several times between Fronen and Old Grehk between the Age of Betrayal and the Age of Ruin, the Fourth and Fifth Invasions causing upheavals that would move the cities political ties. The city was returned to a prosperous and productive economic powerhouse of the north in the Age of Ruin when it saw some final stability under the banner of Old Grehk, equal to if not surpassing its former glory.

During the Sixth Invasion the city was taken over by Thalmarkin, which maintained control of the city up until the dawn of the Age of Shadow, when Thalmarkin splintered and the city was placed under the control of the newly formed Grehkia. So it remained until the fall of Ghrehkia and it subsequent conquest by the Sanguine Empire in the period known as the Morning of the Age of Shadow. While the name of the Sanguine Empire eventually changed to Reven it has remained under their control into the modern day.