Old Description
Verdomite is a nice townsland north of Wudenkin. It lies at the mouth of the river that divides Verdomite and Xerus, with at the other side Vozzesdor. Recently, the region has changed hands to the newly created realm of Valhus.
New Description
Green hills, lake and large river border and shape noticable landscape of Verdomite.
Region is very developed having rich supply of craftsmen coming from nearby large cities - Wudenkin is in close vicinity, but Vozzessdor is not far away as well - and being supported by caring lords.
Many aspects of economy are present, providing multitude of services to users from wider area.
Being positioned near the center of the continent, Verdomite is also close to main trade routes and continetal crossroads. Traders allways have reason to seek for opportunites here, as well as to properly rest and refit after long travels. last updated on 2009-09-23 by Matija