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North Mediterranean


Libidizedd is a prosperous trading city located on an island at the northern end of the great central sea of Dwilight. It has a warm pleasant climate. It is now held by the Kingdom of Westgard but is famous as the birthplace of the Theocracy of Astrum. As such it is holy to Sanguis Astroism and is a place of pilgrimage. Due to it's central position on the trading routes, the city is a hotbed of intrigue, with domestic and foreign spies, diplomats and assassins all vying for advantage.

The people are a garrulous, olive skinned race, who pride themselves as inheritors of the high culture of Morek and Astrum. They feel superior to peoples of less sophistication. Although the Astroist faith features prominently in public life, they have a liberal culture given to debating, philosophy, local democracy, poetry and play writing. They also have a strong martial culture in defense of their city. Fitness and martial skills are encouraged in the young. There is a tradition of settling matters of honor through duels.

The city is located on the northern shore of the island, and has a natural harbor opening into the Cobalt Gulf. The western shore of the harbor is a tall, sheer cliff, while the eastern shore has gentle sloping cliffs leading to sandy beaches. Several piers extend into the harbor to provide mooring. The city is well protected in all directions by strong walls and towers. The harbor being guarded by a heavy chain that can be raised to seal the entrance and by towers bearing artillery to ward of any enemy fleet. To the south of the city walls lie farming estates producing wheat, olives, grapes, lemons, oranges and dairy produce.

Trade is the lifeblood of the city. Many commoners work in sea or trade related professions, but there is also an industry to service the pilgrims who flock to the city, while other workers tend the farming estates or quarry the cliffs for white limestone.


The Governor's Palace

Constructed in 2008 by Duke Brance Indirik (First Astrumite Margrave of Libidizedd)

Once known as The Royal Palace of Astrum and seat of the ruler of Astrum, this building now serves a more humble role as the seat of the Westgardian Governor of Libidizedd. It is a grand, rectangular, flat roofed building of three stories, built of the local white limestone, and fronted by a classical peaked entrance supported by six pillars. It is situated atop the cliffs above the western reaches of the harbor. From this location it commands a breath-taking view of both the harbor and the ocean.

Star of the Sea Temple

Constructed in 2008 by Duke Brance Indirik (First Astrumite Margrave of Libidizedd)

This temple of Sanguis Astroism is located next to the Governor's Palace and shares the same cliff top views. It was constructed by Duke Brance Indrik in 2008, but was renamed by Governor Vincenzo Falconi in 2023. When the liberating forces of Westgard arrived by sea, Vincenzo saw the white towers of the Temple on the cliffs and remarked "It is like a fair Star hanging over the Sea". The temple is constructed as most temples of Sanguis Astroism, with three tall towers. Each tower is dedicated to one of the three Blood Stars. One of the most remarkable features of the temple is the large, three-paned stained glass ceiling of the main hall. The three panes depict a stylized map of the continent of Dwilight. The windows are aligned such that the Blood Stars shine through the window to indicate the current phase of the Stars. At midnight on the day of each Star's Ascencion, it shines brightly through the city of Libidizedd in the central pane.

The Arena

Constructed in 2023 by Governor Vincenzo Falconi (First Westgardian Governor of Libidizedd)

Built on the site of an earlier smaller Ampitheatre, this vast oval construction has become the heart of entertainment in the city. It is used to hold games, sporting competitions, circuses, horse races and several plays and small events can be held simultaneously in different parts of the Ampitheatre. Duels of honour are often held in its grounds by special license.


Settlement of Libidizedd & Founding of Astrum (2008-05-01):

The city of Libidizedd was first conquered by seven nobles from the realm of Morek, it had never before acknowledged the governance of a human realm. Long-secret plans finally came to fruition on the First of May 2008, under the brightly shining Austere star. The citizens responded positively to the advances of the new colonists. In a little over 24 hours the colonists had completely taken control of the governance of the city. After taking the city, the colonists founded the realm of Astrum with Libidizedd as it's capital.

The seven founding colonists were:

  • Alexandria Dwarvenite, Vasila and first ruler of Astrum
  • Justin Greystone, Strategos and first General of Astrum
  • Aram Stien, Haruspex Maximus and first Judge of Astrum
  • Marrick Montrez, Fiduciary and first Banker of Astrum
  • Brance Indirik, Duke and Margrave of Libidizedd
  • Boreal Arakiss, Marshal of the Order of Astrum
  • Sergio Mozzoni, First Count of Libiddo

City abandoned during The Great Monster Invasion - Starting (2014-03-03):

In the years leading up the Great Monster Invasion, Astrum stretched down the entire central coast of western Dwilight, spanning from the North Shore down to the West Hills . Once the Great Monster Invasion struck (2014-03-03), Astrum, like all other realms, was forced to abandon the west and move to the eastern half of the continent, and also temporarily abandoned Libidizedd. The city was abandoned the city on 2014-04-27 and recovered on 2015-04-12.

War between Astrum & Tol Goldora for Libidizedd (2020-07-10 to 2021-02-07):

On Astrum's western border was Tol Goldora, at that time a privateering and trade-based realm with a tradition of raiding. Tol Goldora instituted raids on Astrum near its capital of Libidizedd. The raids escalated and a full war ensued. The war resulted with Tol Goldora taking the regions of Dizeddo and Libiddo and receiving the city as a prize of the war. Astrum's capital was relocated to Freke.

Tol Goldoran Rule (2021-02-07 and 2022-01-28 ):

Tol Goldora held Libidizedd during this period, after which it was returned to Astrum as part of a treaty settlement.

City abandoned with the Passing of Astrum (Dec 2022):

By Dec 2022 the realm of Astrum had dwindled to just seven nobles and they decided to dissove the realm. Their regions along with the city of Libidizedd were allowed to fall into anarchy and the nobles departed, most of them joined the nearby realm of Westgard.

Liberation by Westgard (2023-03-03):

The realm of Westgard, greatly expanded by the addition of ex Astrum knights, took over the city of Libidizedd on 2023-03-03, putting to the sword the regiments of monsters and undead who were preying on the surviving citizens.

The liberating force was made up of the following nobles:

  • High King Gheric Arylon
  • Duke Sparticus II Bathgate
  • Lord Vincenzo Falconi (First Westgardian Governor of Libidizedd)
  • Lord Aelius Rousselor
  • Lord Hengist deLacy
  • Dame Iulia Baceolus
  • Sir Arceo Pandorium
  • Dame Sonya Jimenez

Revolt to join Wicrose (2023-05-04)

Due to over expansion by Westgard, the people of Libidizedd revolted and embraced Wicrose. They elected Eiric Wilde, one of the leaders to the Wicrose rebellion, as their leader. Eiric immediately demolished all the great recruitment centers from the golden age of Astrum.

Reclaimed by Westgard through military action (2023-05-14)

Westgard reclaimed the city from Wicrose by military action and takeover.

Lords of Libidizedd

  • 2008-05-01 Astrum - ???
  • 2014-01-06 rogue -
  • 2014-02-07 Astrum - ???
  • 2014-04-27 rogue -
  • 2015-04-12 Astrum - ???
  • 2016-03-28 rogue -
  • 2016-04-15 Astrum - ???
  • 2022-01-28 Astrum - ???
  • 2022-05-15 Astrum - ???
  • 2022-10-29 rogue -