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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''Commentary'''
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''Commentary'''
date = August 1, 2007|
|date=February 14, 2008
headline = Turbo Returns Wins the Joust|
|headline= Ashforth Sacked
article = Congratulations go out to Turbo Returns for winning the 700 gold first prize in the joust during the tournament in [[Fontan]].}}
|article= At the same time that [[Fontan]] has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking [[Old Rancagua]]. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of [[Ashforth]]. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.}}
date = July 30, 2007|
|date=February 14, 2008
headline = Bounty Extravaganza|
|headline= Light of Fountain Is No More
article =Queen Evangeline of Perdan has broken records with a bounty of 3,500 gold. Perdan has been discussing the source and reasoning for the bounty. Sir Corax, early this week, summarised and outlined some of the discussed "Conspiracy Theories".
|article= [[Fontan]] has captured the stronghold of [[Akesh Temple]], the capital of [[Light of Fountain]]. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|headline= Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
|article= Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of [[Itorunt]], was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of [[Tuchanon V]]. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of [[Ubent]]. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: ''"Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."''

<i>"Theory #1
Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he ''"..will make their nobles pay..."''. This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.}}
Multiple realms, its council members are involved in placing the bounty. What they hope to achieve, as Duke Nightmare pointed out, we attack a realm because an infiltrator attacked her majesty, they will come together and "defend" this realm. The infiltrator's home realm will claim that it is an action of a rogue infiltrator - politically, if we start a war base on the action of an individual, they will have all the justification they need to enter the war. So which realms are most likely to do that?
|date=January 9, 2008
|headline=Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
|article=Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, [[Fontan]] has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by [[Sirion]], [[Old Rancagua]], [[Obsidian Islands]], and [[Light of Fountain]]. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from Old Rancagua, and [[Tokat]] and [[Sordidus]] from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of [[Montijo]] to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of [[Oberndorf]] away from Sirion in return.

Theory #2
Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in [[Akesh Temple]]. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.}}
Some nobles are trying to dethrone her majesty and hope to grab power, so their leader asked support from the high nobility of other realms to place the bounties on her majesty. They would have prepared all their voting documents and if her majesty is ever seriously wounded unexpectedly (ooc:right before turn change) without prior notice, that person and its supported stand a very good chance and grabbing power before the rest of us could react. Why would the others help? Again, the opportunity to start a war with us.
|date=December 17, 2007
Theory #3
|headline=Caligus Retakes Domus!
High nobility of certain realms - could even be our allies - wants to start a war but they want us to start it. If it were our allies or enemies of the realm we attack, they will "support" us, if it were our enemies they will defend whoever we attack."</i>
|article=Word has recently reached us that [[Caligus]] has retaken control of the city of [[Domus]]. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.}}
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Although these are perhaps the most commonly discussed theories, they aren't the only ones to sweep the message system of Perdan. For what ever reason the Queen has attracted such attention, it is know for certain that she is now an irresistible target for thieves and brigands the world over. --[[User:Thegep|Thegep]]}}
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date = July 20, 2007|
headline = Royal Treasurer Retires|
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News'''
article =Queen Evangeline has announced to the realm that Royal Treasurer Cesare will be stepping down.
<i>Report from Evangeline
|date=Bounty Watch!
Message sent to everyone in your realm (71 recipients)
|article= Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: '''4,750 gold'''}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Akesh Temple]] from Light of Fountain.}}
|date=January 10, 2008
|article=The people of [[Aureus]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Yssaria]]!}}
|date=January 9, 2008
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Enubec]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=January 8, 2008
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Perdan]].

Royal Treasurer Cesare has announced that he can no longer continue with his duties as banker. Cesare, along with ][osferatu, is one of the longest serving realm council members in Perdan. He has served with dedication, commitment and tireless devotion for a long time now, and deserves a break more than anyone.
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Enubec]]!''' The army of [[Tuchanon V]] has attacked the forces of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero [[Hynes Family/Alois|Alois Hynes]] of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)}}
|date=January 5, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Sirion]]

Cesare, saying thankyou isn't even worthy of all the work you've done for our realm. But Thankyou.=) We all really appreciate all the effort and time you've put into making our realm great and will have a hard time replacing you. However, even though it will be hard, we will have to find a replacement.
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Supra]]!''' The army of [[Caligus]] has attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)}}
|date=January 4, 2008
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Itor Boss]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)}}
|date=January 4, 2008
|article=[[Perdan]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Ibladesh]].}}
|date=January 3, 2008
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)

Perdan is currently looking for a new banker. Cesare has said he won't step down until a suitable replacement is found. Before the decision is made for the new appointment, I give this opportunity to everyone to candidature themselves for the position or support those that they think would do a good job.
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Akesh Temple]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Light of Fountain]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)

Lady Evangeline
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)}}
Queen of Perdan, Marshal of the Shadow Knights</i>
On behalf of The Rampant Lion, I wish Cesare all the best for the future. -- [[User:Thegep|Thegep]]}}
|date=December 31, 2007
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].}}
date = July 18, 2007|
headline = Southern Federation Crumbling?|
|date=December 30, 2007
article =Word has reached Perdan of a coming rift in the Southern Federation. In a speech to the rulers of the East Island today, King Lucian announced that Itorunt would be breaking ranks with Ibladesh and Yssaria and leaving the Federation.<sup>[[The Rampant Lion/LucianJuly18|[ref]]]</sup> Among the reasons cited were Ibladesh's support of the Kalmar Islands during Itorunt's war with the Islands, giving refuge to Kalmar refugees, and appointing former Kalmar leaders to positions of power in Ibladesh.
|article=[[Sirion]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Fontan]].}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article='''Battle in [[Al Aquabah]]! The [[Perdan]]ese army has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article=[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[Aestus]] from [[Yssaria]].

Although King Lucian's announcement stated that Itorunt did not intend to prosecute a war against Ibladesh. However, he also stated that "...if such is the path decided we shall not falter...". Such statements are producing some confusion among the nobles of the East Island. Itorunt has stated that they do not intend to prosecute a war, but will do so if such is decided? But who will decide whether or not to let the situation devolve into a war? Will a faction in Itorunt make the decision? Or will the armies of Ibladesh or Yssaria decide to punish Itorunt for the breaking of the Federation? The entire East Island is anxiously awaiting the outcome, whichever it may be.
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the combined forces of [[Obsidian Islands]], [[Old Rancagua]], and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)}}
|date=December 27, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from [[Old Rancagua]].}}
|date=December 26, 2007
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Itor Boss]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=December 17, 2007
|article=The people of [[Zawr]] have revolted and abandoned [[Ibladesh]], joining [[Itorunt]] instead.

You can read the entire announcement of King Lucian here.}}
[[Caligus]] takes control of the city of [[Domus]] from [[Yssaria]].}}
date = June 20, 2007|
|date=December 16, 2007
headline = Assassin Captured!|
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Bisciye]]!''' The [[Ibladesh]]ian army has attacked the army of [[Perdan]]. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)}}
article = For the past two weeks a rogue assassin has been rampaging across Perdan. The string of assassinations left three noble seriously wounded, including the very first victim, Baron Milo. Three other nobles reported assassination attempts against their persons, including the editor of this paper: Balkeese, Arch Priestess of Perdan. A failed attack on Sir Modi of Perdan today resulted in the capture of the assassin who is suspected in several of these attacks. The assassin was found to be none other than Sir Kalim, who is also a noble of Perdan. Inquiries are underway to ascertain the the guilt or innocence of Sir Kalim in the other 5 incidents.
|date=December 15, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

'''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)}}
|date=December 14, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Oberndorf]] from [[Sirion]].}}
|date=December 12, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] attacked teh defending army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

Queen Evangeline stepped forward with evidence that Kalim was not in the region of at least one of the assassinations, but no other evidence or proof was forthcoming either way.
[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].

After 2 days, Arch Priestess Balkeese deported Kalim to the FEI.  There is a restless, unease remaining.  After over 1,000 days service for the Perdan, nobles wonder why Kalim would turn on his realm or whether the assassination on Modi was an accident.  It appears these mysteries will remain unanswered.
The realm of [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Shady as its new Ruler.}}
|date=December 11, 2007
date = June 19, 2007|
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' [[Yssaria]] has attacked [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)}}
headline = Freedom a Farce in Aix|
article = The city of Aix already boasted a strong following of the Church of Humanity before Duke Screndt decreed that no Humanity priest was allowed to preach in Aix (see article, Arch Priestess Vs High Priestess, 13/6/07).  These peasants are now forced to pray in secret and hide their faith since public services are now <i>"outlawed"</i> by the Duke.  Some have even begun to dub their lord <i>"Duke Screndt the Tyrannical"</i>. 
|date=December 10, 2007
Priest OldenRat today risked persecution to minister to the Church's followers. 
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)
Rumours are surfacing that the Duke has estranged from the Government of Perdan and has no support in the restrictions he has ordered, but an official has yet to comment on the situation. - [[User:Thegep|Thegep]]}}
date = June 19, 2007|
headline = Shadow Stalker Continues to Haunt Perdan|
article = Perdan has suffered at the hand of an unknown assassin for the past 10 days.  Sir Cal Grindle is the 6th victim to be the target of the hiding culprit, whose most notable victims have been Baron Milo and Arch Priestess Balkeese. The repeated attacks are characterised by occurring 5-10 minutes before either sunrise or sunset.

Queen Evangeline has requested all rulers to ensure their infiltrators aren't on Perdan soil to rule out mistaken identity and Arch Priestess Balkeese has been working closely with the other Judges to confirm that foreign infiltrators are in known locations away from the assassinations.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]] and [[Old Rancagua]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)

Perdanese nobles are ordering their units to patrol the streets continuously, and eventually this 'ghost' will materialise, be captured and brought to justice. - [[User:Thegep|Thegep]]}}
The [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Kerwyn as their new king.}}
date = June 13, 2007|
|date=December 9, 2007
headline = Arch Priestess Vs High Priestess|
|article=Battle in [[Woolton]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)}}
article = Amongst the undead and monster invasions, there has been a heated realm-wide discussion between the Arch Priestess of Perdan and the Prophet of Humanity. Arch Priestess Balkeese, at the direction of the Church Treasurer and Founder (since abdicated from their positions), negotiated a religious arrangement with Itorunt in which priests of either religion could preach freely in either realm. Prophet Tabatha asserted that Perdan's religion was not interested in expanding its religious borders and would've preferred the Arch Priestess to not have made the deal. Heated discussion on who holds authority over religious negotiations has been had for all to witness.
|date=December 8, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Aeng]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] have attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)}}
|date=December 7, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Westmoor]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] has attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

In response to the arguments, Duke Screndt made a public proclamation that no priest of the Church of Humanity was to preach in the city of Aix.  Count Maelg of Dimwood, elder of the Church of Humanity and devote follower of Goddess Celestine realigned his region to the Duchy of Perdan with the following words: <i>"I will not have as my liege someone who forbids my religion."</i>}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)}}
date = June 13, 2007|
|date=December 6, 2007
headline = Pontifex Sorcha Steps Down|
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[East Continent]] from [[Light of Fountain]].
article = In a surprise announcement Pontifex Sorcha has stepped down from the rulership of [[Ibladesh]]. She gave the following reason:

''Ladies and Gentleman of Ibladesh and the East Continent my time as Pontifex of Ibladesh must come to an end. It is time for younger, newer blood to rule this land. Fresh eyes will bring fresh solutions to all our concerns as a realm and as a member of this great continent. May the gods guide us all.''
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)}}
|date=December 3, 2007
|article=[[Yssaria]] has declared war on [[Perdan]].}}
|date=December 2, 2007
|article=[[Tuchanon V]] has taken control of [[Betholm]] from [[Itorunt]].

This is a momentous event in the annals of Ibladesh. Sometime tomorrow we will learn who will become the next Pontifex and take the reigns of the theocracy.}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Sirion]] has attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)}}
date = June 13, 2007|
|date=December 1, 2007
headline = Bescanon Attacked!|
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Tabost]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)
article = [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]], the northern border of Perdan, has been attacked by an army of monsters lead by a monster hero called Watching. This monster hero led a horde of 410 creatures against the walls of Bescanon, held by 950 valiant defenders. Through the course of several hours the defenders managed to kill over 100 of the monsters before the attackers panicked and fled. The walls of Bescanon are being reinforced with fresh troops, as the monsters rally for a second attack.}}
date = June 11, 2007|
headline = Undead Invasion?|
article = The East Island has recently come under attack by several hordes of undead. These vile creatures have appeared across the continent, with strong leaders claiming some enigmatic names. At this time, the following seven leaders have been discovered:

* Detecting in Dayr
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!'''  The armies [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] have attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)
* Discovering in Abadan
* Investigating in Wasteland
* Looking in Gadlock
* Revealing in Greatbridge
* Scouting in Meuse
* Searching in Skezard
They speak in unintelligible languages, which the scholars are attempting to translate. Some of the messages they deliver can be read [[/Undead Messages|here]]. We will provide more details as they become available.}}
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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News'''
|date= Bounty Watch!
|color= red
|article= Queen Evangeline's Current Bounty: '''3,750 gold'''}}
date = August 1, 2007|
article = The realms of [[Light of Fountain]] and [[Fontan]] have signed a cease-fire.}}
date = July 23, 2007|
article = The realms of [[Caligus]] and [[Fontan]] have joined into an alliance.}}
date = June 14, 2007|
article = The theocracy of [[Ibladesh]] has elected Quake as the new Pontifex.}}
date = June 13, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Evora|Evora]]! An undead horde attacked the armies of [[Fontan]]. The undead horde was defeated. (5000 CS vs. 17000)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Bescanon|Bescanon]]! A monster horde attacked the armies of [[Perdan]]. The monster horde was defeated. (11000 CS vs. 15000)}}
date = June 12, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Rollbar|Rollbar]]! Undead hordes attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. THe Sirionite armies were victorious. (5000 CS vs. 10000)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Hamadan|Hamadan]]! Undead hordes attacked the armies of [[Yssaria]]. The Yssarian army was victorious. (3000 CS vs. 9000)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Woolton|Woolton]]! An undead horde has attacked the army of [[Ibladesh]]. The Ibladeshian army was defeated. (4000 CS vs. 5000)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Zawr|Zawr]]! An undead horde has attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The Itoruntian army was defeated. (4000 CS vs. 5000 CS)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Zamor|Zamor]]! The undead horde continued on to Zamor where it was defeated by the regrouping Itoruntian army. (3000 CS vs. 12000)}}
date = June 11, 2007|
article = Huge Battle Fought in [[East Continent/Kazakh|Kazakh]]! An undead horde has attacked the forces of [[Old Rancagua]]. The battle was indecisive. (4000 CS vs. 4000)
Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Mashhad|Mashhad]]! An undead horde has attacked the armies of [[Yssaria]]. The battle ends undecisive. (4000 CS vs. 4000)}}
date = June 5, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Fontan|Fontan City]]! Forces from [[Fontan]] have have launched a massive assault on the city of Fontan, defending by [[Light of Fountain]]. In a massive assault, the attackers were victorious. Basilius, Minister of Defense of Fontan, Count of Morshes was captured by Light of Fountain forces. (40,000 vs 23,000)
Later in the day the defenders rallied to attempt to route the invaders, but were unsuccessful. Lightning, Paladin Primus of Light of Fountain, Marshal of the Guardians of Lunarii was captured by Fontan forces. (5000 vs. 26,000)}}
date = June 1, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Viseu|Viseu]]! Forces from [[Fontan]] have attacked the raiding forces of [[Light of Fountain]]. The attackers were victorious. (4000 vs 4000)}}

'''Huge battle fought in [[Al Aquabah]]!''' The armies of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] have attacked the [[Ibladesh]]ian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)}}
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Latest revision as of 22:43, 18 January 2021

TRL Header.png

In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)
Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Ashforth Sacked
At the same time that Fontan has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking Old Rancagua. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of Ashforth. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain Is No More
Fontan has captured the stronghold of Akesh Temple, the capital of Light of Fountain. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of Itorunt, was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of Tuchanon V. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of Ubent. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: "Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."

Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he "..will make their nobles pay...". This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.

Excal-icon.gif   January 9, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, Fontan has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by Sirion, Old Rancagua, Obsidian Islands, and Light of Fountain. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua, and Tokat and Sordidus from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of Montijo to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of Oberndorf away from Sirion in return.

Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in Akesh Temple. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.

Excal-icon.gif   December 17, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Caligus Retakes Domus!
Word has recently reached us that Caligus has retaken control of the city of Domus. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.

The News
Bounty Watch!
Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: 4,750 gold

February 14, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Akesh Temple from Light of Fountain.

January 10, 2008
The people of Aureus have revolted and declared independence from Yssaria!

January 9, 2008
Itorunt has taken control of Enubec from Tuchanon V.

January 8, 2008
Ibladesh has taken control of Al Aquabah from Perdan.

Huge Battle Fought in Enubec! The army of Tuchanon V has attacked the forces of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. The hero Alois Hynes of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)

January 5, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Montijo from Sirion

Huge Battle Fought in Supra! The army of Caligus has attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)

January 4, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Itor Boss! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)

January 4, 2008
Perdan has taken control of Al Aquabah from Ibladesh.

January 3, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)

Huge Battle Fought in Akesh Temple! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Light of Fountain. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)

Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The army of Fontan has attacked the armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)

December 31, 2007
Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

December 30, 2007
Sirion has taken control of Montijo from Fontan.

December 28, 2007
Battle in Al Aquabah! The Perdanese army has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)

December 28, 2007
Caligus has taken control of Aestus from Yssaria.

Huge Battle Fought in Oberndorf! The army of Fontan has attacked the combined forces of Obsidian Islands, Old Rancagua, and Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)

December 27, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua.

December 26, 2007
Itorunt has taken control of Itor Boss from Tuchanon V.

December 17, 2007
The people of Zawr have revolted and abandoned Ibladesh, joining Itorunt instead.

Caligus takes control of the city of Domus from Yssaria.

December 16, 2007
Huge battle fought in Bisciye! The Ibladeshian army has attacked the army of Perdan. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)

December 15, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)

December 14, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Oberndorf from Sirion.

December 12, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The army of Old Rancagua attacked teh defending army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

The realm of Obsidian Islands has elected Shady as its new Ruler.

December 11, 2007
Huge battle fought in Domus! Yssaria has attacked Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)

December 10, 2007
Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion and Old Rancagua. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)

The Obsidian Islands has elected Kerwyn as their new king.

December 9, 2007
Battle in Woolton! The army of Perdan has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)

December 8, 2007
Huge battle fought in Aeng! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent have attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)

December 7, 2007
Huge battle fought in Westmoor! The army of Old Rancagua has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)

December 6, 2007
Fontan has taken control of East Continent from Light of Fountain.

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)

December 3, 2007
Yssaria has declared war on Perdan.

December 2, 2007
Tuchanon V has taken control of Betholm from Itorunt.

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Sirion has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)

December 1, 2007
Huge battle fought in Tabost! The army of Fontan has attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The armies Caligus and Perdan have attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)

Huge battle fought in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the Ibladeshian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)
