Enubec is a heavily wooded region that lies near the large city of Xavax. Enubec lies across the southern trade route that traverses from Xavax to Itorount and on to Semall. As it is so very close to the city of Xavax it is frequently providing timber, game and other resources of it's vast forests to that city. While the forest is quite dark and the beasts within it fearsome the people of the forests are quite friendly and light of heart.
The southern edge of the region is the most heavily populated as the forests thin and there is more space to cultivate the land. The southern edges of the region also touches the sea and here small fishing villages flourish and prosper.
The villages of Enubec are vastly different depending on where they are, yet in one thing they all have in common. In the middle of each town, the tallest tree that the villagers can find within the forest has been turned into a flagpole. These poles are often easily 300-400 handspans or more in height with the oldest villages in the region sometimes topping 500 handspans. Into the poles are carved the village's totems and history of their founding.
As the woodlands of Enubec came under the lordship of Igor Foote, it was decreed by the new lord that all horses were banned from the region. The law reads: "Igor as wise as 'Nico naked, Igor no like hoof hoof. No hoof hoof in Igor woods." Why Sir Igor had to include a line about being as wise as Germanico, the nudist, is naked isn't certain but he insisted upon it.