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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''Commentary'''
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''Commentary'''
date = March 2, 2007|
|date=February 14, 2008
headline = Kalmar Islands and Avamar Selective Dissolved|
|headline= Ashforth Sacked
article= In a long awaited event, the governments of [[Kalmar Islands]] and [[Avamar Selective]] have been officially dissolved. This momentous event has paved the way for the creation of a new and peaceful ream in the Islands. All remaining nobles still holding allegiance to the two realms have been declared officially rogue. In a gesture a good will, all former prisoners from these realms have been released and sent on their way to find a new home.}}
|article= At the same time that [[Fontan]] has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking [[Old Rancagua]]. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of [[Ashforth]]. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.}}
date =February 25, 2007|
|date=February 14, 2008
headline = New Friendship|
|headline= Light of Fountain Is No More
article = [[Perdan]] has entered into an alliance with [[Light of Fountain]]. This development has come after repeated notice from Fontan, that although they grow frustrated with Light of Fountain occupying Fontan city, they will not dishonour their [[Fontan/Treaties/Light of Fountain Formation|signed peace agreement]] that promises that neither realms will lower relations to one another from peace.
|article= [[Fontan]] has captured the stronghold of [[Akesh Temple]], the capital of [[Light of Fountain]]. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|headline= Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
|article= Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of [[Itorunt]], was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of [[Tuchanon V]]. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of [[Ubent]]. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: ''"Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."''

I personally see the new alliance between the two realms as an an indirect and bold warning from Perdan that it will not bystand any possible onesided war that Fontan is renowned for conducting. Hooray for Perdan for continuing to be a "defender of the freedoms".}}
Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he ''"..will make their nobles pay..."''. This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.}}
date =February 21, 2007|
|date=January 9, 2008
headline = Grand Treaty Expires|
|headline=Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
article = The [[/Treaty|Grand Treaty]] has expired. This grand collaboration of seven realms of the East Continent ended one of the longest wars in history. This treaty was a massive undertaking of compromise and negotiations among the realms of Sirion, Fontan, Perdan, Caligus, Yssaria, Itorunt, and Ibladesh. The treaty has , for the past four months, held most of the continent at peace, and allowed for the extermination of the occupational government of the Kalmar Islands. With the treaty expired and no sign of it being extended, many people are worried that the war will simply resume where it left off. While there have been general rumblings of turmoil along the eastern coasts, there has as yet been no firm information on the commencement of hostilities.}}
|article=Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, [[Fontan]] has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by [[Sirion]], [[Old Rancagua]], [[Obsidian Islands]], and [[Light of Fountain]]. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from Old Rancagua, and [[Tokat]] and [[Sordidus]] from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of [[Montijo]] to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of [[Oberndorf]] away from Sirion in return.
date =February 16, 2007|
headline = Kalmar City Liberated!|
article = [[Old Rancagua]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar city]]! The taking of this final region marks the end of [[Avamar Selective]]. The [[Kalmar Islands]] only has a single region remaining, [[East Continent/Wasteland|Wasteland]], which will be the target of a Perdanese takeover within hours. With the acquisition of this final region, the liberation of the Islands will be complete.}}
date =February 14, 2007|
headline = Chaos Temple Liberated!|
article = With remarkable speed, the army of [[Perdan]] has taken control of the stronghold of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]! The loss of the stronghold is a sure sign of the impending demise of the occupational [[Kalmar Islands]] government. The last remaining region under their control is [[East Continent/Wasteland|Wasteland]], a region which lives up to it's name! Plans are already being made to reform the Islands government in cooperation with [[Old Rancagua]].}}
date =February 9, 2007|
headline = The Brutality Continues|
article = For the past week, the judges of the Islands have embarked on a ''tour de force'' of terror. Supreme Judge Kamenos has been torturing every possible Perdanese noble that he can capture. To date, we have recorded '''nine''' separate torture sessions, including the following:

Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in [[Akesh Temple]]. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.}}
* Sir Maelg, Prince of Perdan, husband of Queen Evangeline
* Lady Tabatha, a priest of the [[Church of Humanity]], tortured '''twice'''
|date=December 17, 2007
* Lady Clarissa, former Queen of Perdan, tortured '''three times'''
|headline=Caligus Retakes Domus!
|article=Word has recently reached us that [[Caligus]] has retaken control of the city of [[Domus]]. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.}}
| width="1%" |
| width="39%" valign="top" |
{| border="0" style="width: 100%; float: right; margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; Padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border-right: 1px solid #C4A140; border-left: 1px solid #C4A140; border-bottom: 1px solid #C4A140; border-top: 1px solid #C4A140; background-color: #DCB547"
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News'''
|date=Bounty Watch!
|article= Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: '''4,750 gold'''}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Akesh Temple]] from Light of Fountain.}}
|date=January 10, 2008
|article=The people of [[Aureus]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Yssaria]]!}}
|date=January 9, 2008
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Enubec]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=January 8, 2008
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Perdan]].
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Enubec]]!''' The army of [[Tuchanon V]] has attacked the forces of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero [[Hynes Family/Alois|Alois Hynes]] of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)}}
|date=January 5, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Sirion]]
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Supra]]!''' The army of [[Caligus]] has attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)}}
|date=January 4, 2008
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Itor Boss]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)}}
|date=January 4, 2008
|article=[[Perdan]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Ibladesh]].}}
|date=January 3, 2008
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Akesh Temple]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Light of Fountain]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)}}
|date=December 31, 2007
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].}}
|date=December 30, 2007
|article=[[Sirion]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Fontan]].}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article='''Battle in [[Al Aquabah]]! The [[Perdan]]ese army has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article=[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[Aestus]] from [[Yssaria]].
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the combined forces of [[Obsidian Islands]], [[Old Rancagua]], and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)}}
|date=December 27, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from [[Old Rancagua]].}}
|date=December 26, 2007
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Itor Boss]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=December 17, 2007
|article=The people of [[Zawr]] have revolted and abandoned [[Ibladesh]], joining [[Itorunt]] instead.

In addition, Sir Remorse was tortured by Amreadil, the judge of Avamar Selective, twice.
[[Caligus]] takes control of the city of [[Domus]] from [[Yssaria]].}}
|date=December 16, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Bisciye]]!''' The [[Ibladesh]]ian army has attacked the army of [[Perdan]]. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)}}
|date=December 15, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

This list does not include the torture of Sir Sinebrychoff by Chi'n of Kalmar Islands. That regrettable incident was punished when Chi'n surrendered himself to the custody of Perdan to be tortured for his brutal actions.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)}}
|date=December 14, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Oberndorf]] from [[Sirion]].}}
|date=December 12, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] attacked teh defending army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

'''Update:''' ''Lady Clarissa has been tortured a fourth time, and Sir Maelg a second. This brings the total number of tortures by Kamenos to '''nine'''.''}}
[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].
date =February 7, 2007|
headline = Chaos Temple Falls!|
article = The walls of Chaos Temple failed to protect the usurpers a second time, as the waves of attacking soldiers from [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] swarmed over the fortifications. The second wave of attackers completed the work begun by the brave first wave of attackers that destroyed a large portion of the walls. The second fierce round of battles resulted in several more nobles from both sides getting captured and wounded. One notable prisoner delivered to the dungeons under Perdan city was Lady Donna Ragna, former ruler of the Kalmar Islands.

Following the battle Lucifer Jr., a vile assassin in the employ of the Kalmar Islands and one time ruler of the same, attacked and stabbed Queen Evangeline of Perdan. Luckily the wound was minor, and Queen Evangeline is expected to make a rapid and complete recovery.}}
The realm of [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Shady as its new Ruler.}}
date =February 7, 2007|
|date=December 11, 2007
headline = The Assault on Chaos Temple Begins!|
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' [[Yssaria]] has attacked [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)}}
article = The massed assault of forces from [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] on the fortress of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] has finally begun. 1,500 troops assaulted the fortress walls with numerous siege engines, against 1,041 defending troops. The battle raged for many hours, with the attackers eventually being pushed back. During the battle the fortifications were breached in several places, reducing their effectiveness from a fortress ''(5)'' to a stronghold ''(4)''. Most of the militia manning the walls were killed, and the remainder of the defending forces were decimated. The lack of population in the region, plus the wounding of the local Duke, will prevent the adding of more militia to reinforce the walls and the hiring of more troops by the nobles.
|date=December 10, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)

Many valiant nobles were wounded and captured on both sides. Two of the defending nobles were captured, including Fia, the Minister of Defense of Kalmar Islands. Twelve additional defending nobles were wounded, including Sir Lalakis, Duke of Chaos Temple, and Sir Kocur, Minister of Finances of Kalmar Islands.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]] and [[Old Rancagua]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)

Three Perdanese and one Itoruntian noble were captured, and 10 more wounded, including Countess Lily, Marshal of the army of Perdan's Murderous Wrath and Sir Nero, Count of Montauban. A few nobles of Perdan, who arrived a few hours too early, were captured in an early battle, including Lady Clarissa, former Queen of Perdan.
The [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Kerwyn as their new king.}}
|date=December 9, 2007
|article=Battle in [[Woolton]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)}}
|date=December 8, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Aeng]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] have attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)}}
|date=December 7, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Westmoor]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] has attacked  the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

However, the saddest tragedy of the day was the death of Sir Garrick, Royal Treasurer of Itorunt. His mixed infantry were one of the last few attacking units to stay the field. His men were surrounded and overwhelmed. Sir Garrick, who had already suffered a prior wound in the battle, was not able to pull his men back before he suffered a fatal blow. Our most sincere condolences to his family.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)}}
|date=December 6, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[East Continent]] from [[Light of Fountain]].

The battle is expected to continue in a few hours. Several nobles who were not able to arrive for the first battle will be reinforcing the battered attackers. This second wave is expected to achieve an easy and quick victory.}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)}}
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|date=December 3, 2007
{| border="0" style="width: 100%; float: right; margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; Padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border-right: 1px solid #C4A140; border-left: 1px solid #C4A140; border-bottom: 1px solid #C4A140; border-top: 1px solid #C4A140; background-color: #DCB547"
|article=[[Yssaria]] has declared war on [[Perdan]].}}
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News'''
|date=December 2, 2007
|article=[[Tuchanon V]] has taken control of [[Betholm]] from [[Itorunt]].
date = March 2, 2007|
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Sirion]] has attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)}}
article = A rebellion is breaking out in [[Ibladesh]]. Earlier today, Bellonngian has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.}}
|date=December 1, 2007
date = March 1, 2007|
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Tabost]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)
article = The realms of [[Fontan]] and [[Sirion]] have announced that they now form a federation.}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!'''  The armies [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] have attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)
date =February 25, 2007|
article = The realms of [[Light of Fountain]] and [[Perdan]] have joined into an alliance.}}
date =February 16, 2007|
article = [[Old Rancagua]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Kalmar|Kalmar city]] from [[Avamar Selective]]! }}
date =February 14, 2007|
article = [[Perdan]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] from the [[Kalmar Islands]].}}
date =February 14, 2007|
article = [[Old Rancagua]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Alvaret|Alvaret]] from [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =February 9, 2007|
article = [[MacCumhal Family/Fionn|Fionn MacCumhal]] of the [[Kalmar Islands]] has suffered a fatal blow in a duel against [[Hynes Family/Johann|Johann Hynes]] of [[Perdan]]. He died quickly.

The realms of [[Caligus]] and [[Ibladesh]] have joined into an alliance.}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Al Aquabah]]!''' The armies of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] have attacked the [[Ibladesh]]ian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)}}
date =February 7, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]! The second round of this morning's battle was won by the attackers' forces of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]], who eventually managed to defeat the defenders of [[Kalmar Islands]] and the few soldiers of [[Avamar Selective]] showed up, and managed to occupy the fort of Chaos Temple. (10508 vs 4414)}}
date =February 7, 2007|
article = Huge battle fought in [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]]! The armies of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] combined in an assault on the stronghold, defended by [[Kalmar Islands]] and [[Avamar Selective]]. The attackers were defeated due to large travel delays with the arriving troops and the level 5 fortifications of the stronghold. Lord Garrick, Royal Treasurer of [[Itorunt]] was killed during the battle. (22,002 vs 14,161)}}
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Latest revision as of 22:43, 18 January 2021

TRL Header.png

In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)
Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Ashforth Sacked
At the same time that Fontan has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking Old Rancagua. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of Ashforth. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain Is No More
Fontan has captured the stronghold of Akesh Temple, the capital of Light of Fountain. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of Itorunt, was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of Tuchanon V. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of Ubent. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: "Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."

Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he "..will make their nobles pay...". This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.

Excal-icon.gif   January 9, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, Fontan has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by Sirion, Old Rancagua, Obsidian Islands, and Light of Fountain. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua, and Tokat and Sordidus from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of Montijo to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of Oberndorf away from Sirion in return.

Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in Akesh Temple. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.

Excal-icon.gif   December 17, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Caligus Retakes Domus!
Word has recently reached us that Caligus has retaken control of the city of Domus. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.

The News
Bounty Watch!
Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: 4,750 gold

February 14, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Akesh Temple from Light of Fountain.

January 10, 2008
The people of Aureus have revolted and declared independence from Yssaria!

January 9, 2008
Itorunt has taken control of Enubec from Tuchanon V.

January 8, 2008
Ibladesh has taken control of Al Aquabah from Perdan.

Huge Battle Fought in Enubec! The army of Tuchanon V has attacked the forces of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. The hero Alois Hynes of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)

January 5, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Montijo from Sirion

Huge Battle Fought in Supra! The army of Caligus has attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)

January 4, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Itor Boss! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)

January 4, 2008
Perdan has taken control of Al Aquabah from Ibladesh.

January 3, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)

Huge Battle Fought in Akesh Temple! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Light of Fountain. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)

Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The army of Fontan has attacked the armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)

December 31, 2007
Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

December 30, 2007
Sirion has taken control of Montijo from Fontan.

December 28, 2007
Battle in Al Aquabah! The Perdanese army has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)

December 28, 2007
Caligus has taken control of Aestus from Yssaria.

Huge Battle Fought in Oberndorf! The army of Fontan has attacked the combined forces of Obsidian Islands, Old Rancagua, and Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)

December 27, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua.

December 26, 2007
Itorunt has taken control of Itor Boss from Tuchanon V.

December 17, 2007
The people of Zawr have revolted and abandoned Ibladesh, joining Itorunt instead.

Caligus takes control of the city of Domus from Yssaria.

December 16, 2007
Huge battle fought in Bisciye! The Ibladeshian army has attacked the army of Perdan. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)

December 15, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)

December 14, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Oberndorf from Sirion.

December 12, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The army of Old Rancagua attacked teh defending army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

The realm of Obsidian Islands has elected Shady as its new Ruler.

December 11, 2007
Huge battle fought in Domus! Yssaria has attacked Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)

December 10, 2007
Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion and Old Rancagua. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)

The Obsidian Islands has elected Kerwyn as their new king.

December 9, 2007
Battle in Woolton! The army of Perdan has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)

December 8, 2007
Huge battle fought in Aeng! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent have attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)

December 7, 2007
Huge battle fought in Westmoor! The army of Old Rancagua has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)

December 6, 2007
Fontan has taken control of East Continent from Light of Fountain.

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)

December 3, 2007
Yssaria has declared war on Perdan.

December 2, 2007
Tuchanon V has taken control of Betholm from Itorunt.

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Sirion has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)

December 1, 2007
Huge battle fought in Tabost! The army of Fontan has attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The armies Caligus and Perdan have attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)

Huge battle fought in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the Ibladeshian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)
