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date =January 19, 2007|
| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''Commentary'''
headline =News of the Liberation|
article = The war to liberate the Kalmar islands from the infestation of the occupying forces proceeds on schedule and according to plans. With the liberation of [[East Continent/Venas|Venas]] complete, the Perdanese forces have moved on and begun the takeover of [[East Continent/Bastad|Bastad]]. The regions are relatively barren, unproductive, and unpopulated due to the gross mismanagement on the part of the Avamarian occupational government. Wresting these poor regions from their grasp is the first step in the long road to restoring the islands to their full capacity.
|date=February 14, 2008
|headline= Ashforth Sacked
|article= At the same time that [[Fontan]] has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking [[Old Rancagua]]. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of [[Ashforth]]. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|headline= Light of Fountain Is No More
|article= [[Fontan]] has captured the stronghold of [[Akesh Temple]], the capital of [[Light of Fountain]]. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|headline= Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
|article= Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of [[Itorunt]], was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of [[Tuchanon V]]. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of [[Ubent]]. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: ''"Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."''

Scout reports of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] provide a very revealing insight into the state of things in that enigmatic stronghold. The population of the stronghold, normally in the thousands, has been reduced to a mere '''42''' commoners! Historical records obtained by our scouts show that the population levels in the past have gotten down as low as '''35'''! We can only guess at the horrible conditions in the stronghold that could have driven the population so low. Rumours speak of press gangs roaming the city, searching for every last living being and forcing them to bear arms against the liberating forces of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]].
Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he ''"..will make their nobles pay..."''. This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.}}
|date=January 9, 2008
|headline=Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
|article=Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, [[Fontan]] has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by [[Sirion]], [[Old Rancagua]], [[Obsidian Islands]], and [[Light of Fountain]]. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from Old Rancagua, and [[Tokat]] and [[Sordidus]] from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of [[Montijo]] to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of [[Oberndorf]] away from Sirion in return.

In other news, the liberation forces of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have completed the destruction of the military infrastructure of [[Avamar Selective]]. All recruiting centers on Kalmar Island have been torn down. This will prevent the vanquished usurpers from forcing any more peasants into their poorly trained armies. With their [[East Continent/Kalmar|capital city]] and two remaining regions occupied by Old Rancaguan and Sirion troops, the destruction of Avamar Selective is surely close at hand.}}
Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in [[Akesh Temple]]. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.}}
date =January 19, 2007|
|date=December 17, 2007
headline ="Equality" in KI a farce!|
|headline=Caligus Retakes Domus!
article =Arch Priestess Balkeese has her hands full with a prison full of Kalmar Island citizens. As known island-wide these citizens are not known for their silent, gentle nature. The most notorious prisoner is Lady Donna Ragna who was captured suspiciously traveling into Venas unaccompanied.
|article=Word has recently reached us that [[Caligus]] has retaken control of the city of [[Domus]]. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.}}
Rumour has reported that Judge Ch'in demanded her release due to her noble and royal blood line and the 'honourability' of the war.  When Arch Priestess Balkeese opened negotiations, the proud Judge refused to barter, and demanded her immediate and unconditional release.
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In a twist, Donna Ragna agreed that she shouldn't receive special treatment and that as a member of her people all the nobless of KI should be released together. In fact, Donna Ragna decreed that the only thing that Royal blood was good for was getting '''theater tickets'''.
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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''The News'''
|date=Bounty Watch!
|article= Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: '''4,750 gold'''}}
|date=February 14, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Akesh Temple]] from Light of Fountain.}}
|date=January 10, 2008
|article=The people of [[Aureus]] have revolted and declared independence from [[Yssaria]]!}}
|date=January 9, 2008
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Enubec]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=January 8, 2008
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Perdan]].

What is ironic is that Donna Ragna only found it in herself to demand the release of all of her countrymen '''after''' she was imprisoned. Before she was imprisoned herself she cared not one damn bit about how many of her nobles were in prison. Arch Priestess Balkeese has reported that not a single message from her, Kalmar Island's judge, or any single "Kalmarian" inquiring as to the safety or freedom of their countrymen was received.
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Enubec]]!''' The army of [[Tuchanon V]] has attacked the forces of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero [[Hynes Family/Alois|Alois Hynes]] of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)}}
|date=January 5, 2008
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Sirion]]

To me, that fact alone gives the lie to all Kalmar's words of equality. Rumour has it that Donna Ragna will be offered the accommodation of Perdan's dungeons for awhile longer so that she can take the opportunity to think long and hard about her "equality", and the complete lack of respect and regard she has for her countrymen.}}
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Supra]]!''' The army of [[Caligus]] has attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)}}
date =January 18, 2007|
|date=January 4, 2008
headline =Mistaken Identity!|
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Itor Boss]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)}}
article = During the recent over-running of Perdan soil with naked [[Gymnistism|Gymnastics]] priests, a case of mistaken identity occurred.  General ][osferatu glimpsed a flash of skin, averted his eyes (those Gymnastics priests aren't attractive) and ordered the arrest of Priestess Tabatha. Once the mistake was realised Lady Tabatha was released from prison and the General offered her a donation for her troubles.  Most likely she'll be rethinking her wardrobe.
Along the same lines, the peasants of the southern island have rejoiced in being freed from the sight of the nude priests trying to spread their self-serving, juvenile religion. They have embraced the freedom and honesty of Perdan with open arms.}}
|date=January 4, 2008
|article=[[Perdan]] has taken control of [[Al Aquabah]] from [[Ibladesh]].}}
date =January 15, 2007|
headline =Undead Horde Attack Perdan City!|
|date=January 3, 2008
article =The common folk of [[East Continent/Perdan|Perdan]] have fled from their homes to the safety of the walls of Perdan city at the sudden appearance of a massive horde of undead! Reports indicate that the horde of undead, numbering nearly 500 of the foul creatures, have been pillaging and marauding across the countryside. The horde is expected reach Perdan city in mere hours. Duke Nightmare and many more staunch defenders have rushed to the walls to prepare for the assault.
|article='''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)

'''Update:'''After a full day of fighting, the undead horde was defeated. Many noble warriors of Perdan lost their lives fighting off the rampaging horde. They shall be hailed as heroes for making the ultimate sacrifice for their realm.}}
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Akesh Temple]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Light of Fountain]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)
date =January 15, 2007|
headline =Old Rancagua Regains Control|
article =It seems as if the common fold of [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]], [[East Continent/Kazakh|Kazakh]], and [[East Continent/Juazeiro|Juazeiro]] were not too happy to learn that they owed allegiance to [[Avamar Selective]]. The common folk of these regions rose up in revolt against their new masters and initiated their own friendly take over of the regions to return themselves to the ownership of [[Old Rancagua]]. The revolts were quick and orderly. All three regions rapidly threw off the yoke of the usurpers, and are now firmly back under the wing of Old Rancagua.

It has been determined that the so-called nobles of Avamar Selective did not assault the rightful lords of the region prior to taking control. Instead, they bribed the officials in the regions to hand control over to Avamar Selective, while the rightful lords were still seated! This incurred tremendous expenses on the part of the usurpers. Our sources indicate that nearly 24,000 gold was spent in forgeries and bribes. While their control of the regions was short-lived, Avamar Selective still maintains their claim that they have a legitimate right tot he regions. This could have some long-term effects on the production and usefulness of the regions to Old Rancagua.}}
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Montijo]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)}}
date =January 12, 2007|
|date=December 31, 2007
headline =Deceit and Corruption Abounds|
|article=[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].}}
article =In a maneuver that surprised the East Continent yesterday, Bladesinger of [[Avamar Selective]] bribed public officials and bought the titles to the region of [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]] out from under the nose of [[Old Rancagua]], and added it to the list of regions that owe fealty to Avamar Selective. Although expensive, the maneuver was only a hinting of things to come. Mere hours later Chancellor Amreadil of Avamar Selective moved into the city of [[East Continent/Kazakh|Kazakh]] and bribed the officials in the city to declare him as the rightful Duke of Kazakh! Amreadil reportedly spent nearly '''8,000 gold''' on bribes before he managed to convince the local officials to risk their lives on the forging of the official document. After the deception was discovered, it was too late. The officials perpetrating the act were nowhere to be found, and Avamar Selective had already taken possession of the region. Old Rancagua is expected to rapidly retake control of the city, but the shadow of the claim by Avamar Selective will have long lasting effects on the productivity of the region.
|date=December 30, 2007
|article=[[Sirion]] has taken control of [[Montijo]] from [[Fontan]].}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article='''Battle in [[Al Aquabah]]! The [[Perdan]]ese army has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)}}
|date=December 28, 2007
|article=[[Caligus]] has taken control of [[Aestus]] from [[Yssaria]].

'''Update:''' Lady Althea of Avamar Selective has now bought the title of [[East Continent/Juazeiro|Juazeiro]] away from Old Rancagua. It is believed that assassins from Avamar Selective are attacking the regional lords of Old Rancagua in order to clear the titles so the region lordships can be bought. This string of region losses will surely be extremely damaging to Old Rancagua.}}
'''Huge Battle Fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the combined forces of [[Obsidian Islands]], [[Old Rancagua]], and [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)}}
date =January 6, 2007|
|date=December 27, 2007
headline =Perdan and Itorunt March to War!|
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Poitiers]] from [[Old Rancagua]].}}
article =The armies of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] have joined together and sailed to war! Yesterday morning, the armies of both of the realms put to sea from the [[East Continent/Perdan Mines|Perdan Mines]] for [[East Continent/Venas|Venas]]. The expeditionary force is ultimately bound for the realm of [[Kalmar Islands]] to liberate it from the occupying government. Resistance is already being met in the form of infiltrator activity delaying travel. With the long travel times across the islands, it remains to be see how much of an effect this will have on the invasion forces. As expected, the defenders have decided to retreat behind the walls of [[East Continent/Chaos Temple|Chaos Temple]] and await the assault. This is typical of the tactics used by Kalmar Islands and [[Avamar Selective]] against the invasion forces of [[Old Rancagua]], [[Sirion]], and [[Fontan]]. It will take much work from the Marshals of the invasion force to coordinate the arrival times of the multitude of troops.  But if it can be done properly, the attackers should have no trouble overwhelming the defenders.
|date=December 26, 2007
|article=[[Itorunt]] has taken control of [[Itor Boss]] from [[Tuchanon V]].}}
|date=December 17, 2007
|article=The people of [[Zawr]] have revolted and abandoned [[Ibladesh]], joining [[Itorunt]] instead.

'' '''Update:''' January 7, Perdan has declared war on the Kalmar Islands.}}
[[Caligus]] takes control of the city of [[Domus]] from [[Yssaria]].}}
|date=December 16, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Bisciye]]!''' The [[Ibladesh]]ian army has attacked the army of [[Perdan]]. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)}}
|date=December 15, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] have attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

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'''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The armies of [[Old Rancagua]] and [[Sirion]] attacked the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)}}
| width="49%" valign="top" style="border-top:1px solid gray; border-bottom:1px solid gray; background:#EDC34D;" |
|date=December 14, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[Oberndorf]] from [[Sirion]].}}
|date=December 12, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Oberndorf]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] attacked teh defending army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

===The News===
[[Ibladesh]] has taken control of [[Zawr]] from [[Itorunt]].
date =January 16, 2006|
article =The realm of [[Kalmar Islands]] has elected Kamenos as its new Chancellor.

The realms of [[Perdan]] and [[Old Rancagua]] have joined into an alliance.}}
The realm of [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Shady as its new Ruler.}}
date =January 15, 2007|
|date=December 11, 2007
article =[[Old Rancagua]] has regained control of [[East Continent/Juazeiro|Juazeiro]] from [[Avamar Selective]].}}
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' [[Yssaria]] has attacked [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)}}
date =January 14, 2007|
|date=December 10, 2007
article =[[Old Rancagua]] has regained control of [[East Continent/Kazakh|Kazakh]] from [[Avamar Selective]].
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)

[[Old Rancagua]] has regained control of [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]] from [[Avamar Selective]].}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] attacked the army of [[Sirion]] and [[Old Rancagua]]. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)
date =January 12, 2007|
article =[[Kalmar Islands]] has declared war on [[Fontan]].

[[Kalmar Islands]] has declared war on [[Sirion]].
The [[Obsidian Islands]] has elected Kerwyn as their new king.}}
|date=December 9, 2007
|article=Battle in [[Woolton]]! The army of [[Perdan]] has attacked the forces of [[Ibladesh]]. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)}}
|date=December 8, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Aeng]]!''' The armies of [[Tuchanon V]] and [[Ubent]] have attacked the army of [[Itorunt]]. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)}}
|date=December 7, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Westmoor]]!''' The army of [[Old Rancagua]] has attacked  the army of [[Fontan]]. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

[[Avamar Selective]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Kazakh|Kazakh]] from [[Old Rancagua]]. Forgery and bribery is suspected in the incident.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)}}
|date=December 6, 2007
|article=[[Fontan]] has taken control of [[East Continent]] from [[Light of Fountain]].

[[Avamar Selective]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Kazan|Kazan]] from [[Old Rancagua]]. Forgery and bribery is suspected in the incident.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!''' The [[Yssaria]]n army has attacked the armies of [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]]. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)}}
|date=December 3, 2007
|article=[[Yssaria]] has declared war on [[Perdan]].}}
|date=December 2, 2007
|article=[[Tuchanon V]] has taken control of [[Betholm]] from [[Itorunt]].

[[Avamar Selective]] has taken control of [[East Continent/Juazeiro|Juazeiro]] from [[Old Rancagua]]. Forgery and bribery is suspected in the incident.
'''Huge battle fought in [[Commonyr]]!''' The army of [[Sirion]] has attacked the army of [[Fontan]].  The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)}}
|date=December 1, 2007
|article='''Huge battle fought in [[Tabost]]!''' The army of [[Fontan]] has attacked the army of [[Sirion]]. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)

The King of [[Old Rancagua]] has publicly derided the people, government and ancestors of [[Avamar Selective]], and declared them to be evil people devoid of soul and undeserving of mercy.}}
'''Huge battle fought in [[Domus]]!'''  The armies [[Caligus]] and [[Perdan]] have attacked the army of [[Yssaria]]. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)
date =January 11, 2007|
article =[[Itorunt]] has declared war on [[Avamar Selective]].}}
date =January 10, 2007|
article =[[Avamar Selective]] has declared war on [[Sirion]].}}
date =January 9, 2007|
article =[[Kalmar Islands]] has declared war on [[Itorunt]].
[[Avamar Selective]] has declared war on [[Fontan]].}}
date =January 7, 2007|
article =[[Perdan]] has declared war on [[Kalmar Islands]].}}

'''Huge battle fought in [[Al Aquabah]]!''' The armies of [[Perdan]] and [[Itorunt]] have attacked the [[Ibladesh]]ian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)}}
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| width="100%" style="font-size:140%;" | '''[[The Rampant Lion/Archives|Archives]]'''
===[[The Rampant Lion/Archives|Archives]]===
[[Category:Island News]]
[[Category:Island News]]

Latest revision as of 22:43, 18 January 2021

TRL Header.png

In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)
Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Ashforth Sacked
At the same time that Fontan has been taking control of the capital of Light of Fountain, they have also been fiercely attacking Old Rancagua. While successfully attacking and defeating the Old Rancaguan army, the Fontanese army has been plundering the Old Rancaguan capital city of Ashforth. Fontan's simultaneous military accomplishments against Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Light of Fountain have been extremely successful.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain Is No More
Fontan has captured the stronghold of Akesh Temple, the capital of Light of Fountain. This brings an end to the theocracy of Light of Fountain.

Excal-icon.gif   February 14, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Itorunt Nobles Tortured and Executed
Two days ago Sir Geoffrey, a noble of Itorunt, was executed by Sir Eleran Perfect II, judge of Tuchanon V. This follows closely on the heels of the execution of Itoruntian noble Sir Olorin at the hands of Sir Lothar of Ubent. Both realms had non-execution agreements with Itorunt at the time. Both judges also claimed that they were new to the office of judge, and were not aware of any such agreement. Sir Eleran not only stated that he did not know of any agreement, but that it did not matter if a prior judge of Tuchanon V had made such an agreement, as the agreement was not made with him. Sir Eleran's statement regarding the matter was extremely confused: "Itorunt and Tuchanon V do not have any agreements. Itorunt may have one with Tuchanon V, but I do not have one with Itorunt."

Sir Geoffrey was also repeatedly tortured only 10 days ago by Sir Rackir, also of Tuchanon V. When questioned about the events, Sir Rackir replied that since he was incapable of defending his lands militarily, that he "..will make their nobles pay...". This tactic is reminiscent of the tactics of those employed by the Avamarian occupational government of the Kalmar Islands against the liberating army of Perdan. These tactics backfired against the Avamarians in the Islands, and they will no doubt backfire against the Tuchanons as well. Such desperate brutality only engenders hatred and resentment against those who employ it.

Excal-icon.gif   January 9, 2008   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain On Its Last Legs
Despite being caught in a war against four enemies, Fontan has shown great military acumen in prosecuting the war. They have held off assaults by Sirion, Old Rancagua, Obsidian Islands, and Light of Fountain. Not only that, they have managed to gain territory despite the number of enemies they have faced. Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua, and Tokat and Sordidus from Light of Fountain. Although they lost control of Montijo to Sirion for a short while, they took control of the region of Oberndorf away from Sirion in return.

Following a series of battles and TOs, Fontan has now reduced Light of Fountain to a single region: Their capital in Akesh Temple. Fontan is also currently in uncontested possession of Akesh Temple, with Light of Fountain having no military forces left at all. It will only be a matter of time, days perhaps, before Fontan completes eliminates the realm that seceded from them nearly two years ago.

Excal-icon.gif   December 17, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Caligus Retakes Domus!
Word has recently reached us that Caligus has retaken control of the city of Domus. This momentous event will surely allow Caligus to prosecute their war on Yssaria with much greater ease.

The News
Bounty Watch!
Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: 4,750 gold

February 14, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Akesh Temple from Light of Fountain.

January 10, 2008
The people of Aureus have revolted and declared independence from Yssaria!

January 9, 2008
Itorunt has taken control of Enubec from Tuchanon V.

January 8, 2008
Ibladesh has taken control of Al Aquabah from Perdan.

Huge Battle Fought in Enubec! The army of Tuchanon V has attacked the forces of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. The hero Alois Hynes of Itorunt was killed during the battle. (4,000 vs 11,000)

January 5, 2008
Fontan has taken control of Montijo from Sirion

Huge Battle Fought in Supra! The army of Caligus has attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (8,000 vs 7,000)

January 4, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Itor Boss! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 13,000)

January 4, 2008
Perdan has taken control of Al Aquabah from Ibladesh.

January 3, 2008
Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. The hero An'ton Unitea of Old Rancagua was killed in the battle. (9000 vs 10,000)

Huge Battle Fought in Akesh Temple! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Light of Fountain. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 4000)

Huge Battle Fought in Montijo! The army of Fontan has attacked the armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (17,000 vs 12,000)

December 31, 2007
Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

December 30, 2007
Sirion has taken control of Montijo from Fontan.

December 28, 2007
Battle in Al Aquabah! The Perdanese army has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (13,000 vs 2000)

December 28, 2007
Caligus has taken control of Aestus from Yssaria.

Huge Battle Fought in Oberndorf! The army of Fontan has attacked the combined forces of Obsidian Islands, Old Rancagua, and Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 12,000)

December 27, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua.

December 26, 2007
Itorunt has taken control of Itor Boss from Tuchanon V.

December 17, 2007
The people of Zawr have revolted and abandoned Ibladesh, joining Itorunt instead.

Caligus takes control of the city of Domus from Yssaria.

December 16, 2007
Huge battle fought in Bisciye! The Ibladeshian army has attacked the army of Perdan. The attaackers were defeated. (9000 vs 7000)

December 15, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion have attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers overwhelmed and the defenders and were victorious. (13,000 vs 9000)

Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The armies of Old Rancagua and Sirion attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (23,000 vs 17,000)

December 14, 2007
Fontan has taken control of Oberndorf from Sirion.

December 12, 2007
Huge battle fought in Oberndorf! The army of Old Rancagua attacked teh defending army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 9000)

Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr from Itorunt.

The realm of Obsidian Islands has elected Shady as its new Ruler.

December 11, 2007
Huge battle fought in Domus! Yssaria has attacked Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 14,000)

December 10, 2007
Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were defeated. (18,000 vs 25,000)

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Fontan attacked the army of Sirion and Old Rancagua. The attackers were victorious. (11,000 vs 12,000)

The Obsidian Islands has elected Kerwyn as their new king.

December 9, 2007
Battle in Woolton! The army of Perdan has attacked the forces of Ibladesh. The attackers were victorious. (6000 vs 2000)

December 8, 2007
Huge battle fought in Aeng! The armies of Tuchanon V and Ubent have attacked the army of Itorunt. The attackers were defeated. (12,000 vs 9000)

December 7, 2007
Huge battle fought in Westmoor! The army of Old Rancagua has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were defeated. (6000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan again. The attackers were once again defeated. (8000 vs 11,000)

December 6, 2007
Fontan has taken control of East Continent from Light of Fountain.

Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked the armies of Caligus and Perdan. The attackers were defeated. (8000 vs 17,000)

December 3, 2007
Yssaria has declared war on Perdan.

December 2, 2007
Tuchanon V has taken control of Betholm from Itorunt.

Huge battle fought in Commonyr! The army of Sirion has attacked the army of Fontan. The attackers were victorious. (8000 vs 5000)

December 1, 2007
Huge battle fought in Tabost! The army of Fontan has attacked the army of Sirion. The attackers were victorious. (10,000 vs 8000)

Huge battle fought in Domus! The armies Caligus and Perdan have attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were victorious. (19,000 vs 7000)

Huge battle fought in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the Ibladeshian army. The attackers were victorious. (23,000 vs 22,600)
