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{| align="right" border="0"
{{Infobox DeadCharData
| Name = Dimian
| __TOC__
| Banner = Dimian Crest.png
| BannerTag = Personal Crest
| <center>[[Image:Dimian Crest.png]]</center>
| Continent = Beluaterra
| Family = Indirik
|<center>'''Personal Crest of<br>Dimian Indirik'''</center>
| Class = Hero
| Rank = Royal
| Region = Eno
| Duchy = Eno
| Realm = Kingdom of Alluran

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===King Dimian===
===King Dimian===
Following the founding of the Religion of Alluran, King Distorted of Alluran stepped down from the throne to follow the calling of a priest. The resulting election showed overwhelming support for Dimian, who promptly ascended the throne and was crowned you King of Alluran.
Following the founding of the Religion of Alluran, King Distorted of Alluran stepped down from the throne to follow the calling of a priest. The resulting election showed overwhelming support for Dimian, who promptly ascended the throne and was crowned you King of Alluran.
During Dimian's reign, the [[Beluaterra/Third Invasion|Third Invasion]] began. The forces of the necromancer's Servants, Monster Swarm, and Netherworld appeared. Following the capture of Arch Priest Osrido by the Netherworld forces King Dimian was elected to the Arch Priest position and briefly served as both ruler and judge.
===The Brilliant Guard of the Dragonslayer===
The [[Brilliant Guard of the Dragonslayer]] is an ancient shield of legend. It reappeared in the world in the hands of the daimon lord Reflecting. When he was slain in Bolkenia, the shield was found by Freeman Sven. Freeman Sven offered the Guard to Dimian, who bore the Guard during many battles in the Third Invasion of Beluaterra.
===The Cursed Mace of Blood===
The [[Cursed Mace of Blood]] was discovered by Freeman Melvin of the [[Kingdom of Alluran]]. He offered the weapon to Dimian to aide in the defeat of the invaders.
===The Daimons===
During an epic battle in {{Reglink|BT|Avengmil}}, Dimian was captured by the daimons. Prudent, the daimonic ruler, promised the "royal treatment", and she followed through with several episodes of torture. After a full week in captivity, Dimian found himself in Avengmil, cut off by a daimonic army in {{Reglink|BT|Ardmore}}, and with no money left to pay his troops. It was truly a [[/Torture|horrible situation]].
==The End==
A few months after returning to the Kingdom, Dimian returned to the daimon-infested region of {{Reglink|BT|Ardmore}}. The combined armies of the [[Kingdom of Alluran]], [[Riombara]], [[Irombrozia]], and [[Enweil]] joined together to attack the daimonic forces. Over 2,700 soldiers from the combined realms attacked over 300 daimonic creatures. Dimian was killed in the opening charge of the attack. Many nobles had kind words of condolence to offer the family.
|Type = Letter
|Sender = Delvin Anaris
|Recipients = everyone in the region Ardmore
|Content=Warriors of the South,<br><br>Allies from Enweil and Fwuvoghor,<br><br>Today we lost a great man.<br><br>I have worked with King Dimian Indirik for years now, and always found him to be honourable, wise, and intelligent, with an iron courage and a deep caring for his people. Today, he fell in battle against the Daimons of Ardmore, fighting to free Ardmore, Riombara, and all of humanity from the power of the Daimons.<br><br>But we will ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain! We must fight on, until every last Daimon is gone from the Southlands, and their stain is wiped from the land forever.<br><br>We will remember King Dimian, and fight in his name, and for his honour!<br><br>For Riombara and the South,
|Title = High Chancellor of Riombara
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Brynden Hynes
|Recipients = everyone in the region Ardmore
|Content=A sad day for our Kingdom. We've lost the greatest ruler I've ever known, the man that made our great Kingdom what it is today, and the greatest friend a Knight could have.<br><br>It has been years since I first put his name forth for nomination, and I stood with him through some of the most trying times in our Kingdom's history, and watched him build the Kingdom into a vast, self-sufficient Kingdom that stood for honor and Chivalry from a two region realm that relied on others for it's survival.<br><br>Surely not many men could boast of such feats, and he fell in the service of our oldest allies, in service to his personal sense of honor he spent most of his entire life upholding,that sense in which he brought to the Throne, and in the defense of the Kingdom he built.<br><br>I was lucky to have called him Friend, and King, and we are all bettered by the acquaintances we had with him, however brief.
|Title = Royal Treasurer of Kingdom of Alluran}}
|Type = Roleplay
|Sender = Distorted Psych
|Recipients = everyone in the Kingdom of Alluran
|Content=Today is a day of great sadness for all of us. He was a king to all of us, and close friend to many. His wisdom was well beyond his age, and his soul as right as they come.<br><br>He was the very first noble to come to this kingdom after the
secession, and our first Arch Priest. I recall when I gave up the crown after getting to know him, and thinking that I would help to
campaign him as our leader; however, many here know that such a man never needed kind words of him to let people know his greatness- No words can justify this loss.<br><br>I will travel to the front with our monks to retrieve the king's body for ritual at the temple in Eno. There, in our capital that he defended so many times, we will construct a new shrine to honor him.
|Title = Duke of Jidington}}
|Type = Letter
|Sender = Annaej Urominiel
|Recipients = the Rulers of Beluaterra
|Content=Dear Esteemed Rulers and Lords.<br><br>Thank you for your condolences regarding King Damian. He will be greatly missed within the realm. But the death of our King is not a tragedy, he died a heroes death on the battlefield. He died fighting for his values and his beliefs. He died defending the values of all human realms. We will hold a funeral in Eno, not to mourn his death, but to celebrate his life. We will follow his examples and sacrifices to preserve the values which we hold dear.
|Title = Queen and High Marshal of Kingdom of Alluran}}
|Type = Letter
|Sender = Baiko Hyral
|Recipients = everyone in the region Ardmore
|Content = Dimian Indirik died a warrior's death in the midst of a grand battle, the likes of which have not been seen in the southlands for some time. I suspect that, come the end of our days, many of our fates will pale in comparison to his.
|Title = Dame of Irombro}}
|Type = Letter
|Sender = Hireshmont Vellos
|Recipients = everyone in the region Ardmore
|Content = This is a dire day indeed.<br><br>I awoke from my wounds only to hear that our good cousin King Dimian is dead. This is an outrage unprecedented. The daimonds now bear the blood of kings and the crime of regicide on their heads: this will not be forgiven, this will not be forgotten. King Dimian and I were by no means the nearest of friends, and, indeed, oftentimes warred against each other. But when the time came for all peoples to assemble against a foe, when the mettle of each man's blood and heart was measured, he indeed was one of the very truest. It is a great sorrow to me that he will not live to see the new south after this plague has been eradicated.<br><br>But with his heroic death, we must become even more committed to that cause for which he died. This day has seen the death of hundreds, and among them one of the very mightiest of the race of men, and of the kings of men. That debt to Dimian will be collected.
|Title = Sunrise King and Banker of Irombrozia}}
|Type = Letter
|Sender = Distorted Psych
|Recipients = everyone in the region Ardmore
|Content = Today we have come for the truest of friends and allies. We have come to collect our fallen brother for the ritual.<br><br>The temple guards prepare the body and begin their long march home.<br><br>Those who have not already heard, if you choose to pay your respects to the king, he will be buried near the Temple of Alluran in Eno, where a new shrine will be erected to honor the fallen king. All who come in peace will be welcomed.
|Title = Duke of Jidington}}
==The Aftermath==
Following the second battle against the daimons in Ardmore, the daimon lord Collector began to tear apart the bodies of the fallen, and raise new daimons from the very ground.
|Type = Event
|Sender = Collector
|Recipients = everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore
|Content =--Collector is seen among the many bodies, collecting them along with his subordinates--<br><br>"Collect as many as you can, while their dead bodies' flesh is still warm, the fresher the better."<br><br>--The people watch in horror, as the dead humans are flown across the Daimon's ranks, towards the center of what is rumored to be a large underground nest --<br><br>"These fools will learn why they call me Collector soon enough, I am sure." With that sentence, Collector makes a sudden motion, and 100 Daimons line up in a circle around the dead bodies.<br><br>"Begin the awakening."<br><br>What happened next was beyond comprehension...the Daimons began to yank a corpse form the pile, and squeeze crushed them, like wet rags, ready to hang on a warm day. The sound of human flesh, and bones, being crushed, and the gross splattering of blood could be heard by all those around. Bloody pulps that used to be men and women were tossed aside, where thousands of avian scavengers flow above, a dark cloud of despair, as they swooped down to feast on the remains. What horror, these Daimons have no respect for these warriors, and desecrate the dead for what reason!?
|Title = }}
|Type = Event
|Sender = Collector
|Recipients = everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore
|Content =The ground begins to rumble, and an Elite Guard of Daimon guards rises forward, and Collector's Guard leaves his side to patrol the area.<br><br>Up rise 60 Daimon children, all drawn to Collector. "You young children, will be my new Guard. Now feed, feed and grow strong. I will teach you our ways of combat, and you will never go hungry on this Island..."
|Title = }}

Latest revision as of 16:02, 26 May 2011

Dimian Crest.png
Personal Crest
Continent Beluaterra
Family Indirik Family
Class Hero

Rank Royal
Region Eno
Duchy Eno
Realm Kingdom of Alluran


The Ibladeshian Campaign

Dimian is a young soldier who left the family home in Montauban on February 14, 2006. Dimian recruited a small unit of archers and headed for Partora, the capital of Perdan. Dimian is currently serving the Army of Perdan, as a noble soldier leading his elite unit of archers, the Red Fletchers, in the Perdan Ghost Riders, and as a Mentor of the realm.

Shortly after joining the PCW, Dimian participated in two assaults on the city of Ibladesh, the capital of Ibladesh. The assaults met with great success, and city of Ibladesh was extensively looted both times.

Following that successful campaign, Dimian was dispatched to the Kalmar Islands following a revolt against the lawful monarchy there. The long, and rather boring, campaign was inconclusive. Although several rebel units were decimated, the small expeditionary force was not able to muster enough troops to lead an assault on the capital.

The Oligarch Mission

Returning to Partora, Dimian refitted his unit, repairing the damage and paying his men. The next campaign led the Red Fletchers off to Westmoor to support Oligarch in their defense against the attacking forces of Fontan and Sirion. After several moderate victories, the expedition met with extreme resistance from the Fontanese and Sirionite forces in Bruck and was forced to retreat.

The next campaign was an expedition into the Itorunt regions of Az Zarqua and Zawr. After several more bloody battles, both sides retreated to refit and recruit more troops.

Tournament in the City of Fontan

Taking a break from the war, Dimian attended the tournament held by Lycastus on the city of Fontan, capital of Light of Fountain. Being new to the ways of war, he managed to defeat one opponent in the swordfighting competition and was knocked out in the first round of the jousting competition. The tournament was not a waste of time, however. He managed to gain quite a bit of skill during his several days at the tournament. All in all, it was time well spent.

Back to the Southern Front

Following the tournament, Dimian took a few weeks off from the war and traveled in the mountains for a few weeks with his family. Well it was that he got to relax for a short while, since after his return to active duty he plunged back into the thick of the war. After a few minor skirmishes in Zawr and Al Arab, his unit was trapped in Al Arab by a large force of Itorunt and Ibladesh troops. The battle was very bloody and many men died on both sides. His unit nearly wiped out, Dimian was captured and thrown in a deep and dark Ibladeshian dungeon. During his stay in the dungeons of Ibladesh, Dimian received a visit from Sorcha, the judge of Ibladesh. The dishonorable wench stole all of his gold, laughing the whole time.

The Sirion/Fontan Invasion

After stealing his gold, the miserable Ibladeshians set him free. With all of his men hunted down by the Ibladesh units in Al Arab, Dimian returned to the Perdan capital of Partora to recruit a new unit. After a small battle in Mulhouse, the Perdan army moved to Meuse to intercept a major incursion of Fontan forces. In this long battle the outnumbered Perdan troops fought like wildcats. The Fontan troops couldn't handle their ferocity, and were defeated. During the course of the battle Dimian was wounded by a vicious volley of arrows. Following his recovery, Dimian continues to serve on the front lines, defending his homeland from the invasion.

Donning the Mantle of the Mentor

Passing through Meuse, Dimian applied for membership in the guild known as the Academy of Knowledge. The Academy maintains a library, and is dedicated to the spreading of knowledge across the lands. Soon after joining, he took up the role of a mentor and began working with young nobles, teaching them the skills they would need to survive in Perdan.

Dimian had great success as a mentor. After teaching a few students, Dimian decided to use some of his newfound notoriety to publish a book. In his book, he recorded some of his observations regarding the tactical uses of archery in combat. This treatise was well received, and soon became a highly sought after work. (OOC: My first ever book, and Dimian gained 2 prestige and a fame.)


After attending tournaments in Partora and Castle Ubent. Dimian decided it was time for him to take his leave of the East Island. Boarding a ship on December 4, 2006, Dimain headed for Beluaterra.

The Kingdom of Alluran


After a short boat trip, Dimian arrived in the coastal city of Eno, in the Kingdom of Alluran. The city has recently seceded from the realm of Luz de Bia, and the only other noble of the realm was King Distorted. This truly was just a fledgling realm.

Elections, and a Surprise

Immediately upon arrival, Dimian noticed that three of the government positions were unoccupied. Checking the eligible candidates, it became apparent that he was the only eligible candidate for the position. Fulfilling his civic duty as a noble of the Kingdom of Alluran, he cast his votes. Mere hours later, a messenger arrived to inform him that he had won the elections in a landslide, with 100% of the eligible votes having been cast in his favor!

The Scroll of Good and Evil

A few weeks after taking up the mantle of Arch Priest, a new wave of commoners began flooding the realm. These commoners called themselves Adventurers. Several days later, Dimian heard that an adventurer by the name of Gorgon had recovered the Scroll of Good and Evil from the lair on an undead champion. Following a short negotiation, Dimian purchased the scroll for an unspecified amount of gold.

King Dimian

Following the founding of the Religion of Alluran, King Distorted of Alluran stepped down from the throne to follow the calling of a priest. The resulting election showed overwhelming support for Dimian, who promptly ascended the throne and was crowned you King of Alluran.

During Dimian's reign, the Third Invasion began. The forces of the necromancer's Servants, Monster Swarm, and Netherworld appeared. Following the capture of Arch Priest Osrido by the Netherworld forces King Dimian was elected to the Arch Priest position and briefly served as both ruler and judge.

The Brilliant Guard of the Dragonslayer

The Brilliant Guard of the Dragonslayer is an ancient shield of legend. It reappeared in the world in the hands of the daimon lord Reflecting. When he was slain in Bolkenia, the shield was found by Freeman Sven. Freeman Sven offered the Guard to Dimian, who bore the Guard during many battles in the Third Invasion of Beluaterra.

The Cursed Mace of Blood

The Cursed Mace of Blood was discovered by Freeman Melvin of the Kingdom of Alluran. He offered the weapon to Dimian to aide in the defeat of the invaders.

The Daimons

During an epic battle in Avengmil, Dimian was captured by the daimons. Prudent, the daimonic ruler, promised the "royal treatment", and she followed through with several episodes of torture. After a full week in captivity, Dimian found himself in Avengmil, cut off by a daimonic army in Ardmore, and with no money left to pay his troops. It was truly a horrible situation.

The End

A few months after returning to the Kingdom, Dimian returned to the daimon-infested region of Ardmore. The combined armies of the Kingdom of Alluran, Riombara, Irombrozia, and Enweil joined together to attack the daimonic forces. Over 2,700 soldiers from the combined realms attacked over 300 daimonic creatures. Dimian was killed in the opening charge of the attack. Many nobles had kind words of condolence to offer the family.

Letter from Delvin Anaris
Message sent to everyone in the region Ardmore
Warriors of the South,

Allies from Enweil and Fwuvoghor,

Today we lost a great man.

I have worked with King Dimian Indirik for years now, and always found him to be honourable, wise, and intelligent, with an iron courage and a deep caring for his people. Today, he fell in battle against the Daimons of Ardmore, fighting to free Ardmore, Riombara, and all of humanity from the power of the Daimons.

But we will ensure that his sacrifice was not in vain! We must fight on, until every last Daimon is gone from the Southlands, and their stain is wiped from the land forever.

We will remember King Dimian, and fight in his name, and for his honour!

For Riombara and the South,
Delvin Anaris (High Chancellor of Riombara)
Roleplay from Brynden Hynes
Message sent to everyone in the region Ardmore
A sad day for our Kingdom. We've lost the greatest ruler I've ever known, the man that made our great Kingdom what it is today, and the greatest friend a Knight could have.

It has been years since I first put his name forth for nomination, and I stood with him through some of the most trying times in our Kingdom's history, and watched him build the Kingdom into a vast, self-sufficient Kingdom that stood for honor and Chivalry from a two region realm that relied on others for it's survival.

Surely not many men could boast of such feats, and he fell in the service of our oldest allies, in service to his personal sense of honor he spent most of his entire life upholding,that sense in which he brought to the Throne, and in the defense of the Kingdom he built.

I was lucky to have called him Friend, and King, and we are all bettered by the acquaintances we had with him, however brief.
Brynden Hynes (Royal Treasurer of Kingdom of Alluran)
Roleplay from Distorted Psych
Message sent to everyone in the Kingdom of Alluran
Today is a day of great sadness for all of us. He was a king to all of us, and close friend to many. His wisdom was well beyond his age, and his soul as right as they come.

He was the very first noble to come to this kingdom after the

secession, and our first Arch Priest. I recall when I gave up the crown after getting to know him, and thinking that I would help to

campaign him as our leader; however, many here know that such a man never needed kind words of him to let people know his greatness- No words can justify this loss.

I will travel to the front with our monks to retrieve the king's body for ritual at the temple in Eno. There, in our capital that he defended so many times, we will construct a new shrine to honor him.
Distorted Psych (Duke of Jidington)
Letter from Annaej Urominiel
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra
Dear Esteemed Rulers and Lords.

Thank you for your condolences regarding King Damian. He will be greatly missed within the realm. But the death of our King is not a tragedy, he died a heroes death on the battlefield. He died fighting for his values and his beliefs. He died defending the values of all human realms. We will hold a funeral in Eno, not to mourn his death, but to celebrate his life. We will follow his examples and sacrifices to preserve the values which we hold dear.
Annaej Urominiel (Queen and High Marshal of Kingdom of Alluran)
Letter from Baiko Hyral
Message sent to everyone in the region Ardmore
Dimian Indirik died a warrior's death in the midst of a grand battle, the likes of which have not been seen in the southlands for some time. I suspect that, come the end of our days, many of our fates will pale in comparison to his.
Baiko Hyral (Dame of Irombro)
Letter from Hireshmont Vellos
Message sent to everyone in the region Ardmore
This is a dire day indeed.

I awoke from my wounds only to hear that our good cousin King Dimian is dead. This is an outrage unprecedented. The daimonds now bear the blood of kings and the crime of regicide on their heads: this will not be forgiven, this will not be forgotten. King Dimian and I were by no means the nearest of friends, and, indeed, oftentimes warred against each other. But when the time came for all peoples to assemble against a foe, when the mettle of each man's blood and heart was measured, he indeed was one of the very truest. It is a great sorrow to me that he will not live to see the new south after this plague has been eradicated.

But with his heroic death, we must become even more committed to that cause for which he died. This day has seen the death of hundreds, and among them one of the very mightiest of the race of men, and of the kings of men. That debt to Dimian will be collected.
Hireshmont Vellos (Sunrise King and Banker of Irombrozia)
Letter from Distorted Psych
Message sent to everyone in the region Ardmore
Today we have come for the truest of friends and allies. We have come to collect our fallen brother for the ritual.

The temple guards prepare the body and begin their long march home.

Those who have not already heard, if you choose to pay your respects to the king, he will be buried near the Temple of Alluran in Eno, where a new shrine will be erected to honor the fallen king. All who come in peace will be welcomed.
Distorted Psych (Duke of Jidington)

The Aftermath

Following the second battle against the daimons in Ardmore, the daimon lord Collector began to tear apart the bodies of the fallen, and raise new daimons from the very ground.

Event from Collector
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore
--Collector is seen among the many bodies, collecting them along with his subordinates--

"Collect as many as you can, while their dead bodies' flesh is still warm, the fresher the better."

--The people watch in horror, as the dead humans are flown across the Daimon's ranks, towards the center of what is rumored to be a large underground nest --

"These fools will learn why they call me Collector soon enough, I am sure." With that sentence, Collector makes a sudden motion, and 100 Daimons line up in a circle around the dead bodies.

"Begin the awakening."

What happened next was beyond comprehension...the Daimons began to yank a corpse form the pile, and squeeze crushed them, like wet rags, ready to hang on a warm day. The sound of human flesh, and bones, being crushed, and the gross splattering of blood could be heard by all those around. Bloody pulps that used to be men and women were tossed aside, where thousands of avian scavengers flow above, a dark cloud of despair, as they swooped down to feast on the remains. What horror, these Daimons have no respect for these warriors, and desecrate the dead for what reason!?
Event from Collector
Message sent to everyone in the vicinity of Ardmore
The ground begins to rumble, and an Elite Guard of Daimon guards rises forward, and Collector's Guard leaves his side to patrol the area.

Up rise 60 Daimon children, all drawn to Collector. "You young children, will be my new Guard. Now feed, feed and grow strong. I will teach you our ways of combat, and you will never go hungry on this Island..."