Luz de Bia

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Luz de Bia (fondly referred to as Luz), or Light of Doc's Biatch, was created by seceding Jidington from Eno Chia to help fight Riombara. Shortly after, God said the New World would end and the gates of Hell opened unleashing its hordes. Mankind united to fight for survival but the hordes were big and realms vanished. Fighting for survival the grand leader of the hordes was killed in the north desert and mankind turned the table. As the hordes slowly disappeared Luz and Eno joined forces to create a new golden age together.




If our original mother realm, Eno Chia, which was later to become one with Luz, was losing so badly to the new threats of the inhuman, the undeads and the monsters, where in the world did she get the troops to takeover Jidington and start a secession? This is an interesting question about the founding of Luz.

Luz de Bia traditionally meant Light (Luz) of (de) Doc's Biatch (Bia), it could also mean Light of Bianca, meaning white, or Beatriz, meaning she who brings happiness.

First Age

Before the first undead invasion, our realm was a Monarchy ruled by Doc's Biatch. She and her peers warred with Riombara and in fact sent Roimbara to the isles. Luz de Bia's other great successes were in the area of diplomacy where they allied with Enweil, Voghor and Eno Chia, the mother realm and forced Grehk to relocate to where it is now known as Old Grehk.

When the work began against Riombara, Luz de Bia forces pushed eastwards against incredible odds... Eno Chia had really messed up, and given the enemy plenty of opportunity to set up powerful defenses, and a powerful army, while Eno Chia had neither. However there were few gains and the war progressed slowly.

And change did happen, Luz no longer had the influence of Doc's Biatch which was for the better. It changed to democracy under Danan Isig. Some say it is a result of Enweil's pressure to force all realms on Beluterra to a democracy others claim that that had nothing to do with it. As Chancellor Nhoc puts it:

"Our change from a Monarchy to a Democracy has nothing to do with the realm's name and as much to do with any of our neighbours as with the hump on my camel's back, and for the record I have no camel. It happened after the first undead invasion, during which all nobles fought, suffered and died together regardless of having or not titles. From early on we realized we were all equal and free to make our choices, and by the end our ruler, Danan Isig the wisest we ever had, debated with us and we all decided to change the realm into a more democratic institution. At the time we voted and a democracy was chosen. Throughout the continent similar events happened independently in most realms, and as of now only one realm is left that doesn't elect at least half of it's council. There was no noticeable conspiracy that I'm aware, just the realization after the what had faced that all men are equal to each other."

Second Age

Voghor helps us try to end our war by attacking from the Islands.

We keep pushing east, forcing our enemies to focus on us, giving Eno chia time to rebuild... and finally... start to "do something".

Our enemies Riombara's very existense was put on trial. Lady Doc's Biatch Primus (LdB) argues in favor of exterminating instead of sparing the enemy, and then asks for a vote, taking no vote herself. The people decided that it would make LdB ever greater if she showed mercy, and if our enemies were to agree to the terms: Permanent exile to the Isles, and not to create hostile disturbances with us, lest we exterminate them. Riombara accepted.

Luz in the 3rd Age

Duchies and Realms

Duchy of Jidington

  • Brovyl
  • Elloranaal
  • Epinotke
  • Jidington
  • Kuugl
  • Thromegor

Duchy of Grehk

  • Grehk (Capital)
  • Mio Dupaki
  • Ardmore
  • Glongin

Duchy of Eylmon

  • Eylmon
  • Bym

Duchy of Eno

  • Eno
  • Xween

Imperial Duchy

  • Cagamir
  • Ovujemeh
  • Rii
  • Ruefillo

Things of Note

Important Figures

  • Doc's Biatch - Founder and Queen in the first age
  • Danan Isig - Wise leader during the second age
Luz de Bia
Location of Luz de Bia
Continent / Island Beluaterra
Capital Jidington
Largest City Jidington
Government System

Minister of Defence
Supreme Judge
Minister of Finances


Magnum Opus

Region Numbers 11
Population 142974 (7th)