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The Galadeon familly comes from a region called Iglavik of the realm Oritolon in the Colonies! Members of the familly are 4 sisters: [[Galadeon Family#Indira Galadeon|Indira]], [[Galadeon Family#Yavanna Galadeon|Yavanna]], [[Galadeon Family#Melian Galadeon|Melian]] and [[Galadeon Family#Lavigna Galadeon|Lavigna]]!
==Election Placeholders==
Just dumping the results here until I can incorporate them itn othe horribly outdated family pages.
== Indira Galadeon ==
(Oritolon(Colonies) -Arcaea(FEI)- Kalmar Islands(East Continent)
Referendum Results  (30 days, 17 hours ago)
The referendum "Vote for the Banker" has ended. Here is the final tally:

Indira is the oldest from all the sisters!Born and raised in Iglavik,she always stayed in her familly mansion and learned the first steps from her father to whom she look up with infinite respect!She is severe with her self but friendly kind and fair with friends!She knew from the beggining she d never leave Oritolon since she throw herself in to battles from her early age!Her first bg leader and unoficcial mentor was Hrothgar,a Hero and a very brave and honourable noble of Oritolon wich she stims a lot!as years passed she learned to discipline herself and hate grown inside her for the enemies of her realm:Alebad and Alowca:a bunch of dishnorouble priests with bad taste on ale too(Ale-bad)Indira studied also mathematics near to Mala and shown her self excellent in financial issues and region maintainance and became Minister of Finances!Iglavik is for her a small paradise and the only soldiers that serve there for the protection of the region were once led by her in battles and still carry her name(The Swords of Indira-she always had excellent relations with every single one of them)
    * 43 votes for Widfara
    * 29 votes for Torvaldo
    * 27 votes for Sibyl
    * 0 abstentions
    * 12 votes were not cast

Although she respects all her comrades she hasn t close relations or friendships with any of them as she s a very dark personality and opens her self only to darkness!

Indira after many months of serving her realm as Banker decided to step down to give others the same opportunity she was once given!Now the career she chose is to become a woman of the shadows and hel her realm as infil ;),After working so many time in regions even battlefield doesn t seem so intresting anymore!Moving targets that gain you gold is surely more intresting for her....  
The winning choice therefore is Widfara, with 43 votes. A simple majority was required, i.e. 1 votes.
All hail to the new Banker, Sir Widfara Exiled, Magistrate of Trade of Terran.

Unfortunatelly though,Indira decided such career in a period of war ,where such career wasn t requested so she returned in what she knew to do best,and was appointed as Baroness of Windaria,where she stayed for a year or so and did her best in the Homeland Security Force.  
As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was:
This is an election for the position of Banker (Magistrate of Trade), initiated automatically because the position was vacated.

Indira s life though was about to change when she met Ali'i,Dictator of Assasins ,a conversation of 10 min with him was enough to wake the deamons inside her and thus decided to leave Oritolon for a small priod ,took a mission to Est Continent,trying to stop her inside threat to her beloved ones.  
All nobles of the realm will vote, each vote having the same weight.

........will emmigrate soon
Referendum Results  (1 day, 17 hours ago)
The referendum "Vote for the Banker" has ended. Here is the final tally:

She emmigrated to Far East were she joined the realm Arcaea.She fought as soldier and when she met Lady Anya joined the Guild "Les Femmes Collusoires".She dissapeared from Arcae after a couple of months and noone knows were she is now.Her sister Lavigna heard she returned to Oritolon and that she s in bad shape.she hardly recognizes anyone,or talk.She speaks about Arcaea sometimes but most ofher familly thinks she ended up mad.
    * 53 votes for Widfara
    * 14 votes for Torvaldo
    * 10 votes for Glomac
    * 9 votes for Elias
    * 6 votes for Lothar
    * 0 abstentions
    * 8 votes were not cast

Indira s weapon:she hold 2 daggers given to her by Ganimede s the Ghost her "twins" as she like to call them but the real name is "Punte maledette"(cursed needles)
s .
All hail to the new Banker, Sir Widfara Exiled, Magistrate of Trade of Terran.

==Yavanna Galadeon ==
As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was:
(Sandalak(SWI) -Ikalak(SEI) -Tara(Atamara) -Taselak(SEI) -Carelia (Atamara))
This is an election for the position of Banker (Magistrate of Trade), initiated automatically because the position was vacated.
All nobles of the realm will vote, each vote having the same weight.

Yavanna left Oritolon in her early age and searched a realm to begin a military carreer ,something she always wanted.She heard rumours a bout a great realm in the South West Island named Sandalak and also knew the brother of Atlas(an once noble of Oritolon)Kronos was the general there!So she joined Sandalak and became a student of Kronos learning from him everything she knew!But Yavanna is a pretty impulsive person and too enthusiastic so she couldn t see clear what she was learning and couldn t understand she took the wrong way from the first military steps!Kronos was an excellent general for this realm but was also filthy and a power junkie!Nothing could stand between him and what he wanted to "conquer" region or other expectations he had because he would do anything to conquer it and eventually did!Yavanna blind of repsect for a name and a position couldn t see what was coming!When Symphonythe Queen of Sandalak was assasinated everyone blamed Kronos due to some words he said against her,and after her assasination he became King in her place till she would recover!This issue caused unrest in the realm and others took his side others accused him as a a traitor and a killer!Yavanna couldn t see or better didn t want to see and took his side without second thought!and eventually left Sandalak in the Great Emmigration some called it((14 tl s left the realm including Kronos because he felt betrayed or so he said.......)At least she did one thing right!She didn t follow him!
==BT Invasion announcement==

Yavanna then joined the realm of Ikalak in South East Island since all these thing in Sandalak taught her only to watch her back even if the only thing followng is her own shadow!There she met lot of intresting ppl and finally learned!Where to begin?Turin,Aralaiquedi,Elkon ,Alanna,Beldur and of course her precious friend Xzeaon,former general of Ikalak,bg leader of the dragon knights in wich Yavanna was named the first !Yavanna earned a name near hìm honour and fame!but most of all knowledge from all these nobles,enough to understand she had to erase from her mind everything she learned in Sandalak as they were filthy as the mouth that they come out!Ikalak though had the younger brother of Kronos ,Prometheus!Yavanna form instict hate him the same!But she understood that she was wrong because he wasn t Kronos!He had the same expectations as his brother but at least he fights to fullfill them!he doesn t play dirty!He did only good in the realm of Ikalak!
Out-of-Character from Stephen  (2 hours, 26 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients)
Out-of-Character from Unknowable (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients)
Is any other realm having concerns about players getting so discouraged by the various aspects of the invasion (slow moving, daimons adapting to thwart every discovery, hopeless battles, bs discussion over "human rulers/generals," etc) that their fun is being ruined by the few in charge of the invasion?

Yavanna after seeing 2 High Council s retiring she got elected Grand Justiciar of Ikalak and did a great job!She feel too connected with her close friends Lady Alanna(General).and Sir Beldur(PM)!Great friends she has in the realm are Xzeaon of course and Stephen C!But her best friend from the beggining of her carreer is Hedon that left Sandalk with him and looks forward to travel with him again!
Quite frankly, half of that is pure lies spread by those who for one reason or another dislike the invasion and instead of leaving prefer to ruin it for everyone else.

Yavanna also had a relationship wich due to the continuous battles never became marriage!Shea is her lover and with him she has a chid named Hoova wich she sent to Oritolon near her sister Indira because she had the fear he would find a quick death if he stayed in Ikalak with her and his father!
The other half is storylines not being followed by people who forgot that this is a roleplayed invasion. We who are playing the Daimons, Monsters and Undead are not so much having fun as putting in a lot of work. But you and some other rulers decide to not share most of it with your players in the realm, and that leaves them no chance to follow or complete the storylines.

Yavanna has a special contact with I am an Hero but she doens t want to talk about it and i can t dissobey her on that!She s crazy you know and i risk my integrity :D
This invasion will not be "won" by the rulers. I know for a fact that the Daimon storyline could have been concluded weeks ago if information would have been shared better among more players. But no, key points are kept among the "elite", the rulers and councils.

Yavanna after years of devotion in Ikalak ,decided with great pain to leave and head to Atamara to meet her som Wimpie,The only leaving son as Shea her husband and Hoova their son died.Some days before eaving she also got elected as ruler of Ikalak when Beldur was captured from Sandalak and stayed till he would return and then left.  
Quite frankly, I'm sick of the complaining. So we'll just lay the whole f***ing island to waste now and be done with it. You don't want a story, so you don't get one.
When arriving in Atamara she stayed days out of Darka watching her son from far but didn t found the strength to approach so she joined Tara.  

There she got right away acepted with respect and was also appointed really soon Countess of Andurus and served mostly as a beuro,She there realised ,her life was meaninless aways from her friends in Ikalak and one day decided to return.Ikalak would soon she the Mistress of Torture returing ,this time ready for battles.
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She fought as simple soldier for quite some time and understood that all her hate is directed to Sandalak.She served for a small period again as Judge but tortures weren t enought for her anymore.When Alanna Anaris got caught and tortured hardly by Sandalak she got elected ruler.Along with Castamir as General she tried to save Ikalak from falling and they would actually make it if Lone Wolf ,Kinf of taselak had more trust in her and her words for Sandalak.Unfortunatelly LW prefered to wait and see Sandalak backstabbing him before acting and Ikalak fell as no realm would ever urvived a 2 front war for all those Years.Ikalak is considered by Yavanna the best realm in SEI.They fought braver than anyone else,honourably and survived under this 2 front war more than anyother realm would.She joined Taselak in order to avenge the fall of the White city and kill Moonglum the traitor in the first occasion it appears.  
Out-of-Character from Unknowable (just in)
Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients)
I follow you on the 'hopeless battles' thingy.

Yavanna s weapon:She hold the Dragon Long Sword,given to her by Lord Xzeaon,her friend ,bg leader and General at the time!This Sword is coming from the armoury of the Noble Zaferic Familly!She is proud of it and defended her life from her enemies many times and brought fame and glory to both her Bg and Ikalak.
Now answer me this: If putting a 100,000 CS army into the hands of one Daimon lord (Devastating, when he first appeared) doesn't tell you that military power isn't what's going to decide this, then how else could I have made it clear, without just posting it outright?

==Melian Galadeon==
We have started maybe 20 storylines. As long as you concentrate on "how can we defeat 20k CS?", you are simply missing the invasion.
(Sirion (EC) -Old Grehk (Beluaterra))
But as I said, I and the other GameMasters have put in many, many weeks of work, and tonight I've simply had it. This invasion will be over in a short time, we're gonna burn the whole place down without much roleplaying, as that's apparently what you're looking for.

Melian is a true Lady,small in stature ,sweet and Kind ,sensitive and a person that gives anything she has for her comrades!She started her career in Sirion and her mentor was Doc Primus the ruler of Sirion,probably the best anyone could have!She understood pretty early she had nothing to do with battles cause they hurted too much her sensitive heart!So she dedicated her self in beurocratic work and became an expert in region maintainace.Although she knew she didn t had a future as a soldier she kept asking her mentor all the questions that passed from her mind and always took great answers!
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She worked almost 4 months in the bg of the beurocrats of Sirion with Graf as leader ,friend,and excellent judge of Sirion!Also she met a great friend there wich as long as she knew he was near her she felt more than safe!Sirius!Melian was appointed as the countess of Dolmbar one of her favourite regions but left it eventualy when she left Sirion as well!

Melian left Sirion for experience!She wanted to become a braver person but she felt she couldn t do it in Sirion!She would stay there only as a dedicated beuro!Also she wanted to fulfill a promise her sister Yavanna gave to the council of Old Grehk when daemons had entered her mind and she wanted to leave Ikalak!But then personal issues came up and she had to postpone her trip there and Melian took her place!Melian was happilly accepted by the realm of Old Grehk !Her first day there she was nervous cause she had to start over in a relalm she didn t know anyone and was scared it would took her much time!She presented herself to the council and read a letter from her sister Yavanna to King Vagabond for the reasons she took her place!To her surprise all the realm was kind and friendly to her and accepted her as a meber of their familly!She is excited there cause Old Grehk is a realm full of valuable men and women!Great organized and a big team that works as a clock!When problems are notcied they get fixed directly!All troop leaders love their realm and sacifise honour and prestige sometimes to help!As much as everyone thinks thisis normal the activity of all the soldiers there is something Melian never saw again or heard!
Richard Gibson
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And a note she always carried with her from Yavanna:Do not forget Melian that as long as you arrive there the code msgs will be:"Tank is the best infiltrator in Old Grehk" although she didn t had the chance to see it ,she never forgot it :P

Melian s life changed a lot after the monsters invasion in Beluaterra.Battles became a must in her life and not a choice anymore,She had to leave apart her golden feather and defend Sniika ,her region and her realm with a sword.She really soon got familiar in battles and even enjoyed it as pains of life had given her a motive as well to throw herself in battles without the fear of death anymore,Death sometimes seemed to her more like a solution and an end in her pain.She got seriously wounde once in Kell,where she almost lost her life(6 days seriously and i m not a hero thank god) after that she got appointed as Countess of Kell .  
Out-of-Character from Stephen  (2 hours, 25 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients)
From the looks of that OOC, it appears all I can say is that it has been nice playing with you guys.

Melian became Queen of Old Grehk during the invasion.There was not much to be said in that period as mostly all realms were trying to stay alive and survive from monsters.She s now serving as Arch Priestess of Old Grehk,maybe the job fitting more to her than anything else.She s afterall the Golden Feather..
Richard Gibson
[reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal:  Trust]

Of Melian and Sirius:Sir Sirius was a brave soldier of Sirion.They were met in the region of Dolmbar before Melian was named countess there!They had vey long discussions together as Sirius was there after being wounded in a battle and was healing there!Both of them feeled a strong connection!When Sirius was named by the whole realm as a Hero for his deeds chose to become a Knight of Melian!Love grew bettween them and their relationsip became unbreakable!at leas that what they thought!When Melian left for Old Grehk she and Sirius passed their last night in Dolmbar and sweared to never forget each other and that she one day returned in Sirion ...The made years to talk but one day news reached her in Beluaterra by her Sister Lavigna that send her a letter from Sirius recieved by his brother Rowan!Melian promised to her love that if one day she learned of his death she would avenge him!
Link to [ the category].
Fate is such a mysterious power and tragic irony killed her Love a week after their last talk!
Melian s heart is broken and revenge for her Hero will soon come to the Black Hand and it s dishonourable soldiers in W sirion!

Melian s weapon:Melian is a beurocrat ;) she doesn t have a weapon.Her enemy is region control and low stats and her weapon for that is the golden feather :P(Melian the golden feather as she is usuall called in Old Grehk )  
==[[Exiled Family]] Family Tree==
                                Ancestral Forefather(M)
          |                                          |
      Darius(M)      Unknown concubine(F)++++++Patriarch(M)++Matriarch(F)
          |              |                          |           
          |              |                          |       
          |              |                  ---------------------------------------------
          |              |                  |                    |                    |   
      [[Exiled Family/Diodorus|Diodorus]](M)      [[Exiled Family/San|San]](M)  Unknown(F)++[[Exiled Family/Alex|Alex]](RIP)(M)      [[Exiled Family/Widfara|Widfara]](<s>RIP</s>)(M)        [[Exiled Family/Gorch|Gorch]](M)

==[[Exiled Family]] [[Fame]]==

==Lavigna Galadeon ==
{{Userboxtop|Exiled Family Fame|center}}
(Darka (Atamara))
{{Fame Ruler 10|<center>(Widfara)</center>}}
{{Fame General|<center>(Alex, ''Widfara?'')</center>}}
{{Fame Lord|<center>(Diodorus, San)</center>}}
{{Fame Duke|<center>(Gorch, Widfara)</center>}}
{{Fame Prestige 10|<center>(Alex et al.)</center>}}
{{Fame Prestige 20|<center>(Alex et al.)</center>}}
{{Fame Family Prestige 20}}
{{Fame Family Prestige 50}}
{{Fame Family Prestige 100}}
{{Fame Family Wealth 2000}}
{{Fame Family Wealth 5000}}
{{Fame Investment|<center>(Widfara)</center>}}
{{Fame Tournament Champion|<center>(San)</center>}}
{{Fame Palace & Capital|<center>(Widfara)</center>}}
{{Fame Guild & Religion|<center>(Widfara)</center>}}
{{Fame Death Duel|<center>(San; against Freya)</center>}}
{{Fame Heroic Death|<center>(Alex)</center>}}
{{Fame Exceptional Skill|<center>(San; swordfighting)</center>}}
{{Fame Unknown|<center>(24/11/08)</center>|9}}
<center>'''Total: <span style="color: purple">34</span> points'''</center>
===Additional Fame (unclarities/missing)===

Lavigna is the youngest member of the familly!She maybe lack experience but she has a sharpen mind and she s thirsty for life!she loves jokes and she acts like a child(actually she was a child when she joined Darka)but when it comes to work she works hard and avoiding mistakes wich she cannot forgive to herself as she wants to become like her sisters and even better! …… to be continued :P
{{Fame Army Sponsor|<center>(Diodorus)</center>}} <!--(Don't think I got this one, I would have noticed)-->
{{Fame Death|<center>(Widfara; against Glorawarthien)</center>}} <!--(Bugged; did not get fame point)-->

After not many days in Darka she was given the leadersip of the Needle of the Darka.Lavigna shown too much activity in her realm and sometimes even talked more than she should!But she s a person that don t care about consequenses since she believes mostly in talking the truth about she finds just and not to talk sweet and kind words just to be accepted by everyone.

Lavigna is a Knight of Clintoc.She chose Ghost Dragon as her liege,count of Clintoc,an honourable ,smart ,capable and handsome man she really respcets!Lavigna hopes Clintoc will always remain an imperial region and that it will always have the delicious blood cookies her liege once gave to her and that her men really enjoy to eat :)
== Titles and achievements held ==
For when I need to restore my ego.

Lavigna s bright future came fast.She appointed High Marshal of Darka in the early begining of her career from King Valglin of Darka and gave her best in it!She fell in love with every map,she passed hours dicussing strategies and gave everything to it.Unfortunatelly she had to step down and run near to her Love(rl problems ,and had to pause =( )Ghost Dragon that faced health problems and entered the guard for that time to help the realm.
Founder of the [[II]]<br>
2IC of DivI of [[Itorunt]]s Army<br>
General of Itorunt<br>
Died in battle against Caligan Raiders

Tolhuar is the region she loves the most not because she s Countess there but for the beautifull lake there that she passes lot of her free time swimming,and when her friend and ex King Valglin,currently Banker of Darka has some free time ,she calls him over as well,besides Tolhuar is devoded to him as well.
Member of [[Riombara]]'s military council<br>
Marshal of the Army of Riombara<br>
Duke of [[Grehk]]<br>
Duke of [[Rines]]<br>
Sponsor of the Lion Rose
Sponsor of the Army of Riombara
Duke of the Capital

Now ,even if it breaks her heart to stay away from her man ,she returns in the battlefield as war is the natural place for her to be,She finds peace only in battles as a typical mercenary.
Member of the WCC<br>
Prophet of Tor<br>
Died and got better<br>
Prime Minister of the [[Republic of Fwuvoghor]]<br>
Overthrown in a monarchist coup<br>
Appointed Executor of [[Lemundia]]<br>
De facto ruler of Lemundia<br>
Reformed the Tyranny<br>
Re-appointed himself as Executor<br>
High Marshal of [[Neo Grehk]]<br>
Duke of [[Vozzessdor]]<br>
Founder and marshal of the Defenders of Dishonour<br>
King of [[Neo Grehk]]

Lavigna served as well as Royal Treasurer of Darka,she continued fighting for the army and steped down from her position when pregnant(paused).She now serves as Arch Priestess of Darka she swore fealty to the Volcano and asked the blessing of Sigrid,and Countess of Zin.While Pregnant Tolhuar was given to her faitfull friend and knight Dawn.She gave birth to a baby boy,named Ballance.
Marshal of the Army of Ortedail<br>
Member of Guardians of Twilight<br>
Presided over the marriage of Tiernan Fionn and Anya Merry<br>
Best living swordsman<br>
Won multiple tournaments and dozens of duels<br>
Count of [[Azohib]]<br>
Paladin Primus of Grand Lodge of Lunaria<br>
Magister of Sol<br>
Count of [[Dsinanas]]<br>
Count of [[Leibo]]<br>
Marquis of [[Igno]]<br>
Marshal of the Golden Dragon's Army

Lavigna also formed a defence of Tolhuar ,or better an army of Tolhuar with all her Knights(Absolon,Dawn,Duo,alittlehopeforhopelesstimes)named the Spanish Inquisition,Nobody expects them and everybody fear them ;)
Member of Guardians of Twilight<br>
Spreader of Light<br>
Priest of the twilight<br>
Died aged 17 at the hands of Nzer Jr.<br>

Marquis of Bieth<br>
Sponsor of the Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders<br>
Marshal of the Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders<br>
Paladin Primus of Ikalak<br>
[[Infiltrator Stats#Diodorus Exiled|Infiltrator]]<br>
Member of Falasan's elite Black Army<br>
[[Priest Game|Priest]] of the [[Way of the Warrior Saints]]<br>
Possessed of Elanzil<br>
Grand Imperator of [[Pian en Luries]]<br>
Duke of [[Giask]]<br>
Knight of Lantzas

Lavigna s weapon:Lavigna brought a sword from Oritolon given to her by her father.She named it Needle d Light.  
==Dwilight Banners==

=== Positions held by the Galadeon Family ===

Indira: BG Leader of the Homeland Security Force,Minister of Finances of Oritolon,Countess of Grentzen,Baroness of Windaria,Baroness of Lantzas in Arcaea

Yavanna:BG Leader of the Trials in Ikalak,Grand Justiciar of Ikalak,Duchess of Ikalak,Ruler of Ikalak,Countess of Andurus in Tara,Countess of Seggelin in Ikalak,Marchioness of Belus in Taselak

Melian:Countess of Dolmbar in Sirion,Duchess of Vozzessdor in Old Grehk,Countess of Sniika in Old Grehk,Countess of Kell in OldGrehk,Baroness of Jedinchel in Old Grehk,Arch Priestess in Old Grehk

Lavigna:BG Leader of the Needle of Darka,High Marshall of Darka,Countess of Tolhuar in Darka,Royal Treasurer in Darka,Countess of Zin in Darka,Arch Priestess in Darka.

=== Blessing gems ===
[[Category:The1exile's Draft Pages]]

All sisters were given a white gem the day they were born from an elven maiden.  
== Placeholder for message ==
Need to file this with char page updates at some point.

Each and single one of them changed colour after touching the body of each of the sisters.  
Diodorus was floating around Askileon's already pacified districts, when his squire arrived.

Melian s is Purple and gives hope--->:she gave it to Sirius that always had it on his neck
"My lord, I have some news for you from the courts, if you are not too busy to hear it?"

Yavanna s in blue and gives protection--->:She gave it to Xzeaon that send it to his brother Onlink in Sirion and was emblazed to his Sword ,the Kementari Sword named like this by Yavanna herslef after her name (name of the Valier that her parents chose)
"Hm?" Diodorus turned slowly, his eyes somewhat bloodshot and looking tired. "Of coure. Go ahead."

Indira s is black--->:the familly never talks about it!The elf maiden once said that in Indira s future Darkness wil prevail and thus........  
"Well, not that much new sire. Some new nobles, especially those you formerly knew, have arrived. I trust I do not need to vouch for their conduct. However, there is some interesting news of the king and some pig?"

Lavigna s is white and gives purity---> :Lavigna is pure!She has her gem always with her but doesn believes so much in elf maidens :P
Diodorus signalled for his squire to continue.
"Well, if you would credit it, the king asked some night to go hunting a large pig for him."
Diodorus snorted.
"And the knight complied with this instruction, rather than, say, inviting his Majesty on a hunt?"
"Well, the word is that his Majesty doesn't get out much, sire. Apparently his throne is too high."
Diodorus smiled with amusement.
"I shall be sure to keep that in mind. Anything else?"
The scribe hesitated slightly.
"Out with it," ordered Diodorus.
"Well, I wouldn't like to comment on the habits of the nobility, but one Dame, the name is Edith Hashy-something I believe, is heard to be looking for armour for a boar. From what I gather, she'd be frequenting a pig farm of some description - she certainly smelled like it!"
Diodorus raised his eyebrow with distaste.
"Wonderful. It's nice to know the peers respect their station, eh?"
"Quite, sire."
"Very well. Do tell me if I disgrace myself. You may go."
== House based hierarchy ==
The idea that separate and probably parallel to a duchy layout, there could be houses. Probably best to work with a colony. Houses would have to be overseen by an absolute ruler who is neutral (not in any house).
Houses would be run in guild form. Creation of new houses could be done by any noble with at least one supporter (number subject to change) but must be approved by the ruler, and must have a certain amount of time.
If any House achieves membership of over 50% of the nobles in a realm, they must split into two separate houses - though they may still be allied, it increases political potential and fluidity.
The details of houses and their relationship and members would be recorded in the ruler bulletin, to be regularly updated (maybe once every week at least). This would include inter-house diplomacy, and potentially topics being discussed in the House.
House leaders (and founders) have to have the requirement of being politically savvy. Apathy is a sure way to lose your house.

Latest revision as of 15:39, 13 March 2010

Election Placeholders

Just dumping the results here until I can incorporate them itn othe horribly outdated family pages.

Referendum Results (30 days, 17 hours ago) The referendum "Vote for the Banker" has ended. Here is the final tally:

   * 43 votes for Widfara
   * 29 votes for Torvaldo
   * 27 votes for Sibyl
   * 0 abstentions
   * 12 votes were not cast

The winning choice therefore is Widfara, with 43 votes. A simple majority was required, i.e. 1 votes. All hail to the new Banker, Sir Widfara Exiled, Magistrate of Trade of Terran.

As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was: This is an election for the position of Banker (Magistrate of Trade), initiated automatically because the position was vacated.

All nobles of the realm will vote, each vote having the same weight.

Referendum Results (1 day, 17 hours ago) The referendum "Vote for the Banker" has ended. Here is the final tally:

   * 53 votes for Widfara
   * 14 votes for Torvaldo
   * 10 votes for Glomac
   * 9 votes for Elias
   * 6 votes for Lothar
   * 0 abstentions
   * 8 votes were not cast

s . All hail to the new Banker, Sir Widfara Exiled, Magistrate of Trade of Terran.

As a reminder, the full text of the referendum was: This is an election for the position of Banker (Magistrate of Trade), initiated automatically because the position was vacated.

All nobles of the realm will vote, each vote having the same weight.

BT Invasion announcement

Out-of-Character from Stephen (2 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients) Out-of-Character from Unknowable (just in) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients) Is any other realm having concerns about players getting so discouraged by the various aspects of the invasion (slow moving, daimons adapting to thwart every discovery, hopeless battles, bs discussion over "human rulers/generals," etc) that their fun is being ruined by the few in charge of the invasion?

Quite frankly, half of that is pure lies spread by those who for one reason or another dislike the invasion and instead of leaving prefer to ruin it for everyone else.

The other half is storylines not being followed by people who forgot that this is a roleplayed invasion. We who are playing the Daimons, Monsters and Undead are not so much having fun as putting in a lot of work. But you and some other rulers decide to not share most of it with your players in the realm, and that leaves them no chance to follow or complete the storylines.

This invasion will not be "won" by the rulers. I know for a fact that the Daimon storyline could have been concluded weeks ago if information would have been shared better among more players. But no, key points are kept among the "elite", the rulers and councils.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of the complaining. So we'll just lay the whole f***ing island to waste now and be done with it. You don't want a story, so you don't get one.

[reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

Out-of-Character from Unknowable (just in) Message sent to the Rulers of this world (20 recipients) I follow you on the 'hopeless battles' thingy.

Now answer me this: If putting a 100,000 CS army into the hands of one Daimon lord (Devastating, when he first appeared) doesn't tell you that military power isn't what's going to decide this, then how else could I have made it clear, without just posting it outright?

We have started maybe 20 storylines. As long as you concentrate on "how can we defeat 20k CS?", you are simply missing the invasion.

But as I said, I and the other GameMasters have put in many, many weeks of work, and tonight I've simply had it. This invasion will be over in a short time, we're gonna burn the whole place down without much roleplaying, as that's apparently what you're looking for.

[reply to sender] | [reply to list] | [ignore] | [userdetails]

Richard Gibson [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust]

Out-of-Character from Stephen (2 hours, 25 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (12 recipients) From the looks of that OOC, it appears all I can say is that it has been nice playing with you guys.

Richard Gibson [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [give medal: Trust]

Link to the category.

Exiled Family Family Tree

                               Ancestral Forefather(M)
         |                                          |
      Darius(M)       Unknown concubine(F)++++++Patriarch(M)++Matriarch(F)
         |              |                           |            
         |              |                           |         
         |              |                   ---------------------------------------------
         |              |                   |                     |                     |    
     Diodorus(M)       San(M)  Unknown(F)++Alex(RIP)(M)       Widfara(RIP)(M)        Gorch(M)

Exiled Family Fame

Exiled Family Fame

FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
FB General.png
(Alex, Widfara?)
FB Lord.png
(Diodorus, San)
FB Duke.png
(Gorch, Widfara)

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
(Alex et al.)
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
(Alex et al.)
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 5000

FB Investment.png
Family Investment
FB Tournament Champion.png
Tournament Champion
FB New Palace & Capital.png
New Palace & Capital
FB Guild & Religion.png
New Guild & Religion

FB Death Duel.png
Death Duel Prevalence
(San; against Freya)
FB Heroic Death.png
Heroic Death

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
(San; swordfighting)

FB Unknown.png

Total: 34 points

Additional Fame (unclarities/missing)

FB Army Sponsor.png
Army Sponsor
FB Death.png
(Widfara; against Glorawarthien)

Titles and achievements held

For when I need to restore my ego.


Founder of the II
2IC of DivI of Itorunts Army
General of Itorunt
Died in battle against Caligan Raiders


Member of Riombara's military council
Marshal of the Army of Riombara
Duke of Grehk
Duke of Rines
Sponsor of the Lion Rose Sponsor of the Army of Riombara Duke of the Capital


Member of the WCC
Prophet of Tor
Died and got better
Prime Minister of the Republic of Fwuvoghor
Overthrown in a monarchist coup
Appointed Executor of Lemundia
De facto ruler of Lemundia
Reformed the Tyranny
Re-appointed himself as Executor
High Marshal of Neo Grehk
Duke of Vozzessdor
Founder and marshal of the Defenders of Dishonour
King of Neo Grehk


Marshal of the Army of Ortedail
Member of Guardians of Twilight
Presided over the marriage of Tiernan Fionn and Anya Merry
Best living swordsman
Won multiple tournaments and dozens of duels
Count of Azohib
Paladin Primus of Grand Lodge of Lunaria
Magister of Sol
Count of Dsinanas
Count of Leibo
Marquis of Igno
Marshal of the Golden Dragon's Army


Member of Guardians of Twilight
Spreader of Light
Priest of the twilight
Died aged 17 at the hands of Nzer Jr.


Marquis of Bieth
Sponsor of the Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders
Marshal of the Grand Horde of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders
Paladin Primus of Ikalak
Member of Falasan's elite Black Army
Priest of the Way of the Warrior Saints
Possessed of Elanzil
Grand Imperator of Pian en Luries
Duke of Giask
Knight of Lantzas

Dwilight Banners



Placeholder for message

Need to file this with char page updates at some point.

Diodorus was floating around Askileon's already pacified districts, when his squire arrived.

"My lord, I have some news for you from the courts, if you are not too busy to hear it?"

"Hm?" Diodorus turned slowly, his eyes somewhat bloodshot and looking tired. "Of coure. Go ahead."

"Well, not that much new sire. Some new nobles, especially those you formerly knew, have arrived. I trust I do not need to vouch for their conduct. However, there is some interesting news of the king and some pig?"

Diodorus signalled for his squire to continue.

"Well, if you would credit it, the king asked some night to go hunting a large pig for him."

Diodorus snorted.

"And the knight complied with this instruction, rather than, say, inviting his Majesty on a hunt?"

"Well, the word is that his Majesty doesn't get out much, sire. Apparently his throne is too high."

Diodorus smiled with amusement.

"I shall be sure to keep that in mind. Anything else?"

The scribe hesitated slightly.

"Out with it," ordered Diodorus.

"Well, I wouldn't like to comment on the habits of the nobility, but one Dame, the name is Edith Hashy-something I believe, is heard to be looking for armour for a boar. From what I gather, she'd be frequenting a pig farm of some description - she certainly smelled like it!"

Diodorus raised his eyebrow with distaste.

"Wonderful. It's nice to know the peers respect their station, eh?"

"Quite, sire."

"Very well. Do tell me if I disgrace myself. You may go."

House based hierarchy

The idea that separate and probably parallel to a duchy layout, there could be houses. Probably best to work with a colony. Houses would have to be overseen by an absolute ruler who is neutral (not in any house).


Houses would be run in guild form. Creation of new houses could be done by any noble with at least one supporter (number subject to change) but must be approved by the ruler, and must have a certain amount of time.

If any House achieves membership of over 50% of the nobles in a realm, they must split into two separate houses - though they may still be allied, it increases political potential and fluidity.

The details of houses and their relationship and members would be recorded in the ruler bulletin, to be regularly updated (maybe once every week at least). This would include inter-house diplomacy, and potentially topics being discussed in the House.

House leaders (and founders) have to have the requirement of being politically savvy. Apathy is a sure way to lose your house.