Itorunt Informer

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All the news from Itorunt on the East Island. We are currently sponsored by ARSE. We were part of the IJARG, but Hamilton Vita refuses to sign it now and he is sole editor.

OOC Notice: All content in these papers is IC, unless stated otherwise. All insults are IC, so I don't want to hear anyone moaning about writing "both IC and OOC unethically," or "not respecting other players" and their views. Generally, if you have a problem with content, consider if it's just creative reporting before saying it's wrong. Regrettable to mention, but necessary. --The1exile 10 April 2006 22:37 (CEST)


The Itorunt Informer is the longest-running newspaper with a serious of notable editors throughout the years.

Rise of Itorunt Informer

The Itorunt Informer was co-founded by the members of the Exiled Family, primarily Alex and Widfara, and initially it was written by them only. Aurum Bishamon had also joined and was a reporter. After the banning of Widfara from the realm, Ichigo Kurosaki, who sometimes edited the articles, became a full-time editor. Thray Walsh also edited, though was inconsistent with the timeliness of his articles. Lady Valdid began writing a few articles as a guest editor, and was hired as a third editor following the loss of Alex.

Loss of Initial Editors

However, Aurum left the realm for Light of Fountain, stressing that he was not a member of any realm, but of the continent. We wished him luck in his travels and hoped he may continue to stop by and look at our work. Sadly, Alex was killed in a battle against the Caligans, and he will be missed. We wish him luck in the afterlife, if there is an afterlife. He will always be with us in spirit.

Junior Editors Take Reigns

The activity of the editors later declined again; Master San, half-brother of the founders of the paper, was hired as the (then) final editor. San eventually left for his home realm, the Grand Lodge of Lunaria, in the Far East. After San left, Ichigo decided he'd had enough with members of Alex's family coming and then leaving, and decided he was taking over. Valdid suddenly left, her whereabouts unknown, but later came back and agreed to rejoin the staff of the Itorunt Informer. On the other hand, Arlian left the continent to go to the realm of Riombara on the island of Beluaterra. Thray, having become completely inactive in II matters, was first warned and then fired because of not doing anything to help the paper. Valdid later disappeared again. When Thray became lazy again and with Valdid's departure, Ichigo started hiring, resulting in Arlian becoming an additional editor. Valdid later (thankfully) returned, while Arlian left to help with the so-called "Third Invasion".

Junior Editors Quit

Eventually, the junior editors quit for a variety of reasons; most are easily attributable to the lack of time for writing.

Hamilton Vita Resumes Paper

Over a year after the paper ceased distribution, Hamilton Vita, grand nephew of original editor Aurum Bishamon, resumed the paper. During the first month of publication, it was attributed as the cause of Caligus declaring war upon Itorunt.


Original Editors

From here on in we will be changing our format from the (sort of) monthly issue format to story-by-story reports.

Junior Editors

Hamilton Vita's Editorship