Exiled Family

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The Exiled Family is a reasonably well-known house amongst the noble ranks. It's members have been seen in person influencing events on all continents bar the Colonies, but it's main claim to fame as an entire entity is it's one time title as the second wealthiest known noble house.

Alex (RIP)

Alex was a Hero of Itorunt and the firstborn of the Exiled sons (Alex, Gorch and Widfara). He is best remmebered for being the founder of the II, one of the first and most influential East Continent newspapers, and for being (until his death) the High Marshal of Itorunt. Alex's friends included notable figures such as Dal van Belhanka, Robert Chadwick, Ichigo Kurosaki and Aurum Bishamon. Alex harboured great dislike and resentment towards the realm of Ibladesh, but ultimately died in a battle defending against the Caligan raiding party in the Yssarian region of Igno after less than a week as high marshal.

/Alex/Singing lessons
/Alex/Tales of Perdan
/Alex/last stand
/Alex/The Fate of Widfara

Widfara (Wouldn't RIP)

It has been said, and with some backing, that "Widfara" is the name of many enigmatic yet accomplished figures who tend not to relate to the family as a whole but follow his or their own theme. The tale of Widfara began as Alex's younger brother, who was sent to start his career in Itorunt as well. Widfara's career, however, is not remembered with the same fondness as Alex's; he was banned for schemes against a confederate, after having already been warned for his role in a pseudo-rebellion inside Itorunt itself. His wanderings took him the length of the continent and earned him many bans from many realms. He finally came to rest in the last days of Oligarch, a realm which he took as his cause for some time afterwards. After the fall of Oligarch, though, he left the island for the conflict of the South-East. There he met nobles who would later have a significant influence upon him, including the infamous Sera Osha. He was said to have died there at the blade of Glorawarthein Urominiel.

This is where it becomes difficult to track the history of Widfara accurately, as most biographies end with the death of the protagonist. However, word was touted that someone claiming to be Widfara Exiled had emerged in Fontan. he spent many months there, once tying for first place in the General elections before being banned of trumped up charges of treason. He fled to the realm of Avamar Selective, where he served for a short time, even being elected Paladin Primus, before leaving for Beluaterra with a select group of acquaintances.

On Beluaterra, he was told to leave his first arrival realm, which was the Kingdom of Alluran, on charges of fraud. he headed north, to the realm of the Republic of Fwuvoghor. he played a significant role in it's history, rising to the role of ruler and making considerable byroads into making peace with the 4 realms that were warring the small realm only to be deposed through rebellion some 8 days later. His path then took him without too much incident through Riombara, Luz de Bia, Caras Galadhon, and Khthon, but ultimately he left them all for the short-lived and already besieged realm of Lemundia. He served as the Executor there, as well as a Dictator, until it was finally destroyed by undead hordes led by Dimitri and belonging to the Necromancer's Servants, who were working with the realm of Thalmarkin. Given the Summoner's inability to respond to Widfara's requests about why they would do so, he harbours a special dislike for these undead.

Widfara arranged a refugee deal with the realm of Neo Grehk, then led by its founder Gias Kay. he headed there, along with a few other Lemundian exiles, and quickly took an active role in the politics of the realm. After Gias stepped down, Nami was elected Queen, a period in which Widfara was active in the protests against her leadership and decisions. Despite this, Nami named him as her successor to the post of High Marshal (later Grand Imperator). He did not run in ruler elections, but gathered a significant number of votes supporting him nevertheless, but the Duke of Vozzessdor, Stephen Kane, was elected King and stepped down as Duke. After some deliberation, Widfara was named also Duke of Vozzessdor, and he has remained the military and duchy leader of Neo Grehk to this day. During this time, he has organised and led much of the anti-daimon fighting, facing such daimon lords as Wispy, Unspeakable, Invisible, Prudent, Obstructing and Devastating. He is also known to be against the realm of Vlaanderen due to it being led by the daimon lord Arcane. He currently commands in the civil war of Neo Grehk versus Old Grehk.

/Meeting Tor
/The death and burial of Widfara
/Widfara/Back to Reality
/Widfara/New religions, and a revelation

Gorch (Retired but returned to duty)

Gorch is the youngest of the three siblings, cautious by nature and always looking to be better with his gold. He started his career in Falasan on Atamara as a trader under the command of then banker, Tokanan Salad'ilm. After some months and a few run ins with Estonite trading authorities, however, he retired.

He emerged from his retirement some years later after the death of both his siblings Alex and Widfara, being the principle family member in charge of their funeral preparations, and travelled on a path that took him through the warring realms of Ibladesh and Perdan, to Atarama and the Cagilan Empire. He remained there for a while, but was somewhat disillusioned by the leadership, especially after the incurable sickness of his liege. After hearing a excellent offer of gold on the continent of Beluaterra at a huge tournament, he departed there.

Upon arrival in the realm of Riombara, he was greeted warmly by his new realm mates and was very pleased with his choice of new realm. He joined the military council within days, became Marshal of the Army of Riombara within weeks and after the capture of the city of Grehk from the Luz de Bians and the lifting of their claims on the region, he and was clearly elected Duke of the city.

He remained in this role throughout much of the Third Invasion, losing his title once when 30,000 CS of former allies in the Necromancer's Servants started torching the region and made it revolt. He fought against daimons, lost souls, and undead, and was later elected the new Duke of Rines. He remained in this role for quite a while, but when Grehk was reclaimed, he jumped at the chance to reclaim his former (albeit poorer) city and was elected to be the new Duke there, stepping down from his position in Rines tofocus on the rebuilding efforts.

During his time in Grehk, the city has prospered to become a bastion of Riombara's military, holding excellent troops and strong fortifications - the Warriors of the Sun, a well trained infantry sect, Grehk's Crossbow Crusaders, a strong archer centre, and best of all, the epitome of Riombara's weaponcraft, The Wreckin' Grehkian's II, Special Forces with the best weaponry known to the continent of Beluaterra (100%).


San is something of an enigma. Born in suspicious circumstances, he is supposedly illegitimate son, and lived in seclusion. From this though, he developed a keen interest in the ways of the sword, and is reputed for the way he and his men wield their dual swords. As a swordfighter San holds some repute, and within a week of joining his chosen realm, the Grand Lodge of Lunaria in the Far east he had proven himself in the preliminary rounds of a tourney, earning him some small repute. However, this made him realise that he still has much to learn in the ways of warfare and is now vowing to train in the academy until his skills improve. Now that he has spent months in training, he is a mighty swordsman, though he prefers not to announce that, preferring to be kept in relative anonymityto give the more arrogant but less skilled nobles a surprise. He is good friends with the brothers Tiernan and Brian Fionn of the GLoL, and he has sworn to help his friends against the evil and arrogance of Valion Hendrix, who he met at his first tournament with Tiernan.

He is also a friend of Anya Merry, a newer noble of the Grand Lodge, now married to his friend Tiernan. His role in Masahakon has been appreciated by both.

San has recently been appointed as Marshal of the Army of Ortedail, the capital of GLoL, and given a commemorative blade for the event as well by Excalibur, Duke of Ortedail and Paladin Primus of the Grand Lodge. His twin blades, Malakar and Darksteel, are still his weapons of choice, but he had to have new blades remade for his role as a Destroyer of Chaos in the Guardians of Twilight, though he kept them the same style and named them the same names, they are forged better and blessed by Luna, so that San is now even more confident of his abilities.

Due to a very surprising turn of events, San was made rich and famous in another tournament where he was paid and became better known not to take part in not only the swordfighting, but also the jousting!

San has now won a tournament in Masahakon, defeating many skilled blademasters to come top, even defeating the narcissistic Renquest!

After the death of Alex and Widfara, San left his home in Lunaria after becoming increasingly disgruntled and distraught, and returned to Itorunt for the first time in a decade. There, he will avenge the death of his brother and the Caligan scum will pay.

Merry-Fionn Wedding Roleplay
Exiled Family/San/The nights at the tournament
/San/Returning Home

Zeriel (RIP)

San's cousin. (Note: Not the others.) A young man, barely old enough to shave when he set out, who greatly admired San but was called after a few weeks to be a priest in the Guardians of Twilight religion which San was an avid follower of.

Alas, his destiny was short lived. When travelling home through allied lands Zeriel was assassinated by an infiltrator working for Lunaria's so-called "ally" Soliferum, and died shortly afterwards. This, combined with a lack of action on the part of the ruler of the lodge, made San make the ultimate decision to leave the Far East for a while.


The high noble member of the family, his training was in the pen but he forsook it for the power and glory of the battlefield. A distant relative of the family but assumed their name for recognition's sake.

He currently serves on the South-West Island as a soldier for Nergal, in Ikalak.

Currently the Marquis of Bieth and Paladin Primus of Ikalak, and proud of it.

Darius (the Second)

Darius is a dark one, that no-one knows of. He is little more than a rumour, the bastard brother of Diodorus, and recently left to become an Adventurer in the Far East, to prove his worth.