Darka/RedSpan-Darkan War

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I am Nirandor Jezralhm. A quick look at my biography will have you questioning my partisanship on the following report. This source is not intended to be completely reliable or infallible. I do not have enough records nor objectivity to sufficiently document this conflict impartially. Nevertheless, it is an attempt. To attain full knowledge, use this document only as a partial source to your analysis.

As of the 27th of January, this is factually as close to the events as I could get. I will add more as more is had. However, don't expect it to be fast, this is history not news.

Prelude to War

To first understand the coming of war itself, it must be known the condition and the climate of which a war is fought. That is, the preluding events which led up to the war, and popular opinion of the participating members and factions. This chapter hopes to outline popular sentiments to the realms and the events which led up to the war.

The War of Annihilation

In Issue 6 of Abington First!, nobles of the Abington First guild documented the alleged rampant looting in their lands with the intention to "destroy Abington," as in remove it as a realm. The editor and author of Abington First!, Gauihu Olik, coined this the "War of Annihilation" - citing the fact that many enemy troop leaders deferred facing Abington troops in combat, rather, "MURDERING, RAPING, BURNING, LOOTING" (so ran Abington Account's headline) their way through Abington to leave a "bloody mark of an unjust war of aggression". Of course, Abington was not the sole propaganda machine churning out spurring headlines, in Volume Three of the Cagilan Citizen, the editor Sephirah Bishamon wrote on the bloody battle of Wayburg, "these sacrifices against the unnoble war machine of Abington, we must be thankful."

The origins of this "War of Annihilation" was initially an invasion by Ash Sea Islands (circa. September 2006) to 'reclaim' the islands on the east coast of continental Atamara. However, with the arrival of forces from the west which, as Abington First claims, sought to pillage and destroy Abington through looting.

"Ashlantean troops quickly retook the Islands, however the war was then complicated by the appearance of another war on Abington's western front. A war to found a new realm in Wayburg in order to limit Abington's power. This effort was primarily supported by Minas Ithil and Talerium, with Darka and the Cagilan Empire also offering their support for the colony." (source: Ash Sea Islands)
"Coming as no surprise, the Ash Sea Islands declared war on Abington once the former's allies were close by to protect them. The reason? Doc's Revenge demanded that Abington give up five of its own territories (offering three in return), and when this demand was rejected, ASI decided they would rather take it by force." (source: Abington Account)

Opinions of Darka in the South

As the headline "Darka Burned, Raped and Killed to 'Advertise'" in Issue 7 of Abington First! shows, the opinion of the self-proclaiming mercenary state, Darka, in southern Atamara was murderous. This was due to documents the Abington judge obtained. The Abington judge at this time Gauihu Olik who is also editor of Abington First!

"According to confessions given by several captured Darka[n] mercenaries, Darka was not under contract to attack Abington, but did it to 'advertise' their 'superior military' to 'potential clients.'" (source: Issue 7 of Abington First! - late November 2006)

In the same article, Judge Olik questioned the integrity of Darkan lords, stating "the despicable actions carried out by Darkans on unarmed peasants goes to show that Darkans themselves are non-noble." Also Olik brings into question Darkan government policy stating that, "Darka, as a self-described 'Mercenary Company', can be said to be a non-sovereign, non-realm" but "the fact that Darka has declared war on RedSpan disproves this notion".

In response, Urpo stated that the Abington anger was unfounded as there was a funder who hired the mercenary realm, but who wished to remain anonymous and the motivations of invasion to appear non-mercenary. Anonymity is often preferred as many who hire extra arms are from prestigious ranks, and do not want their reputation tarnished. While the appearance of Darka as invaders by purchase may wish to have been deferred for political reasons.

"Abington was especially upset when there [were] rumors that Darka did [invade] just for advertising purposes. [However] there is also the rumor that Darka was actually paid for it, but it is alleged that the client wanted that to be secret." (source: Darka RS War)


In mid-November 2006, an RedSpan infiltrator AJ von Krondor seriously wounded Darka's banker Mr_Jones. The victim banker, Mr_Jones (a former Darkan king), had had a six hundred gold bounty placed upon him and the assassin was able to collect the bounty.

Upon identification of Jones' assailant, Darka's king Kostaja Kosunen began communiques with RedSpan's king Tony Malone. For the assassination, AJ gained 600 gold. Darka demanded the indemnity of 1200 gold be paid or the banishment of AJ. Instead, RedSpan fined AJ 500 gold.

"Banning AJ or paying 1200 gold for Darka and Mr_Jones for his pain and suffer[ing]." (source: Kostaja Kosunen in an Interview with the King)
"RedSpan claimed that its infiltrators had the right to hunt bounties and they placed a 500 gold fine on AJ; not sure why was that fine placed if it is by RS leadership to assassinate "friendly" nobles. That fine was not enough for Darka and they offered RedSpan other way to solve this issue, by paying a 1200 gold indemnity to Darka. RedSpan refused." (source: Urpo, note blood relation to Kostaja Kosunen, Darka RS War)
"AJ collected a bounty on the head of Mr_Jones. He completed a contract, just like the ones that Darka usually signs. To get paid doing someone else's dirty work. Well, it seems double standards are ripe in Darka. They demanded AJ be banned or 1200 gold be paid in compensation. We said no. We fined AJ 500 gold as another form of punishment." (source: Tony, RedSpan Revealer, November Edition 2006)


Assassination to collect a bounty itself is not a righteous act. Queen of Abington Armitage III said, "the target had a bounty on him, and the bounty was because of what he had done in his past." (source: Darka RS War) Just because someone does not like you and puts a premium upon your head doesn't mean that a third party execution is right nor justified. Nor should the extent or the sum of the bounty affect the judgment of righteousness.

The assassination itself is a heinous crime and deserved punishment from the forces within Darka's lands and laws. Once AJ escaped the realm and from further prosecution in allied lands, this author can find no fault in AJ's act so long as he acted upon his own prerogative. If there was goodwill between RedSpan and Darka, then AJ should have been extradited to Darka to receive his punishment or RedSpan should have punished AJ according to Darkan wishes. This is based upon goodwill, not as a requirement. It is also understandable if a government decides not to severely punish, rather 'harbours', a local hero.

However if this assassination was sanctioned or even condoned by the RedSpan government, then this can be seen as an act of war.

There is a good side to the assassination. Armitage III also said interestingly, "the target took a serious wound, he now [has] no target on him and he can now live without fear of being attack so he also has [something to] gain from being hit."

Darka-RedSpan War

Declaration of War

On November the 17th 2006, Darka declared war on RedSpan. The Abington Account provides a good summary of this.

"After Darka disagreed with a judicial matter in Redspan, Darka formally declared war on that realm with the expressed intent of gaining gold. Since Redspan is in a Federation with Carelia and Abington, it is likely that those realms will come to Redspan's defense. This combined with war events in North Atamara seems to herald a new age of renewed war, although it seems unlikely that this time Abington's annihilation will be anyone's goal." (source: Gauihu Olik, Abington Account)

Olik here calls the declaration of war as a "judicial" (decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice) matter which is of truth considering Darka and RedSpan disagreed upon the critical punishment for AJ the infiltrator. However, the assassination itself, was the catalyst to the declaration of war.

Federation Alliances

As mentioned in the source above, the Southern Federation of RedSpan, Carelia and Abington was evoked so the declaration of war caused the defensive pact to join.

"Our allies Abington and Carelia are gathering in Stargard, eagerly awaiting the first attack from Darka... The mood is good down here in Redspan as we are all waiting for the fisrt sign of blood. Hey Darka maybe you could come and join us soon. We are dying of boredom!" (source: Tony in RedSpan Revealer November Edition, 23rd November 2006).
"The streets of Stargard are crowded with soldiers, Knights, Cavaliers, Heros and Lords. They move in large bodies from tavern to inn, from market to training field, in training, conference and revelry. All the world wonders, "Where are those sell-swords?" Scouts traveling to the hinterlands have yet to spread the word on the street in regards to the progress of the sworn enemies of Goatdom. Morale remains high as ale, wine and whiskey flow, soap is eschewed and stories are told." (source: Dabug Habap in RedSpan Revealer December Edition, 1st December 2006)

Political Stances

  • RedSpan is very willing to meet Darka in battle. They are generally very pleased by the challenge by the declaration of war, and to 'teach those sell-swords a lesson'.
  • Darka is under previously signed contract with Eston and so they are not to march until their contract expires.
  • In Interview with the King, Kostaja Kosunen expresses the opinion that Abington seems keen to attack Darka. This is understandable considering the Abington perspective on the 'War of Annihilation'. Therefore it would be natural for Abington to seek retribution to plunder Darkan lands.
  • Carelia is much less aggressive considering good relations with Darka. They seem committed to their Federation Alliance and the defense of the homeland, however it is apparent they may not wish to partake a major war.
However, I will never attack Darka, except of course if they threat Carelia. Something that there is no reason to happen. (source: Kronos Titans in Darka RS War)
  • Tara, while at peace with RedSpan and allied to Darka, wish to maintain neutrality and declared their borders open for travel but no battles were to operate within Tara's lands.
  • Eston has refused right of passage to RedSpan.


Due to prior engagements, Darka was not able to march onto RedSpan nor were they willing to march against three realms. Nevertheless, a commitment to Eston in which Darka was to oversee the transfer of land between Minas Ithil and the Northern Alliance meant that they could not commit troops to warfare.

Darka had just signed contract and were not able to launch attack on RedSpan, and I believe they would not have had the chance to do much for RedSpan while entire Southern Federation were giving support to RedSpan. Darkan army had been seen at Eston soils, making sure that region exchange between MI and NA is going smoothly. (source: Urpo in Darka RS War)

Also, the political stances of Tara and Eston have proven to create a stalemate between the two realms.

Eston growled a bit when RedSpan unit wandered on their lands while RedSpan had some maneuver training going on at Falasan lands. (source: Urpo in Darka RS War)
Coat of Arms Realm
File:Mini-Darka.gif Darka
File:Mini-Eston.gif Eston
File:Mini-Abington.png Abington
File:Mini-Carelia.png Carelia
File:Mini-RedSpan.png RedSpan
The political map of Atamara with this conflict in mind. See the table for more details.

Infiltrator Warfare

Since the declaration of war and the evident inaction or 'cold war', there has been many infiltrator assassination attempts and hampering region production and black marketing ploys by traders. These are attempts to make inefficient use of materials and land so to hinder the preparations for war. Captured infiltrators faced the judges' (Ralph the third of RedSpan and Lavigna of Darka) torture and deportations.

The Hot War

The first bloodshed between over this war was on the 25th of January, 2007.

Battle in Meldeen

On the 27th of January, Darka, Talerium and Barony of Makar forces were seen in Meldeen, RedSpan lands. RedSpan troops in the region was overwhelmed by Talerium and Darkan troops. Makarian troops remained neutral.

Not long after, RedSpan declared war upon Talerium. And Abington, ally of RedSpan, declared war upon Darka.

  • There were over 1400 men attacking, led by 43 troop leaders. Combat strength: 23355.
  • Defending were 6 militia units and a troop leader, totaling over 100 men at the walls of Meldeen. Combat strength: 2084.

The January edition of the RedSpan Revealer, Tony Malone reported, "Darka who, with Talerium, has regions numbering over [four times] compared to RedSpan, and their military is [thrice] as big." While Dabug Habap stated that, "Darka was true to its word that it would attack unexpectedly. Needless to say, looting began in earnest, again, as promised." This references the apparent 'annihilation' tactics allegedly employed.