The Rampant Lion

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In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)


Excal-icon.gif   September 11, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Old Rancaguan Invasion Fails
In a move that has long been expected, the army of Old Rancagua has launched an invasion of the Kalmar Islands. What was not exepcted, however, was the crushing defeat of the Old Rancaguan army. It seems that the Old Rancaguan army was having problems coordinating the movement of their forces, resulting in the attackers arriving in piecemal, instead of in a massed attack. The first wave of Old Rancaguan attackers was met with more than twice their number in defenders.

With the initial wave of attackers rapidly vanquished, the defending Kalmarians sent even more defenders to teh shores of Stora. It is not yet clear why the Old Rancaguans continued on with the attack in a second wave. They were clearly outnumbered, and had no hope of victory. The second mustered only slightly more attackers than the first, but the defenders summoned even more reinforcements. The second was also outnumbered, and the Old Rancaguans received a second bitter defeat.

This is becoming a disturbing trend for Old Rancgua. They have been routinely beaten by a smaller, poorer realm. Is it a lack of coordination? Lack of motivation? Lack of combat experience?

Excal-icon.gif   September 4, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
In two very sad days for Perdan, Lord Rattler, count of dimwood, was killed in action while fighting in Bescanon. He was a gentle, quiet, but generous man, and all he wanted to do was show his families fighting blood to all realms.

But, that isn't the only loss we mourn, for two more knights have died. Gloin, and Pete of the. They were both fantastic nobles of Perdan with undying loyalty to the realm. They will be sorely missed. Fingers have already been pointed at Nobles who did not move. Of course this is a reason for Rattlers, Gloin and Pete of the's terrible losses. But one shouldn't be so quick to pick out his friend, instead he should look out with hate at the enemy. We killed two Fontanese heroes, and they take three. How many more lives will be taken before this war ends?


The News

September 11, 2006
Battle fought in Troyes! The army of Perdan has attacked the forces of Sirion and Fontan. The attackers vastly outnumbered the defenders and quickly defeated them. (15,800 vs 3,100)

September 10, 2006
Huge battle fought in Aestus! The Yssarian army has attacked the Caligan army. The attackers were outnumbered, but still managed to overcome the defenders. (5,000 vs 6,000)

Itorunt has taken control of the rogue region o fClermont.

September 9, 2006
Huge battle fought in Stora! The army of Old Rancagua has attacked the army of the Kalmar Islands in Stora. The attackers were vastly out numbered and quickly defeated. (4,000 vs 10,000)

A second huge battle is fought in Stora! The army of Old Rancagua again attacks the army of the Kalmar Islands in Stora. In a repeat of the previous battle, the attackers were again vastly out numbered and quickly defeated. (5,000 vs 12,000)

September 7, 2006
Yssaria has taken control of Aestus, a former rogue region.

Huge battle fought in Woolton! The army of Perdan has attacked the army of Ibladesh. The attackers overwhelmed and defeated the defenders. Sir Xylon, Baron of Ar Raqqah, Marshal of the army of Ibladesh was killed in the battle. (13,300 vs 12,600)

September 4, 2006
Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The forces of Perdan have attacked the forces of Fontan and Sirion, who are attempting to take control of Bescanon. The attackers were outnumbered and defeated. In the process, the invading forces were severely damaged. Lord Rattler of Perdan, Count of Dimwood, was killed during the battle.(20,000 vs 25,000)

Summoning additional troops, the army of Perdan again attacks the invasion forces of Fontan and Sirion in Bescanon. Although the attackers were defeated, the remaining defending forces are decimated, and forced to retreat. The takeover is stopped. Gloin and Pete, knights of Perdan, were killed in the battle. Lord Kerwyn of Perdan, Count of Beziers, was seriously wounded. (8,250 vs 9,850)

September 3, 2006
Huge battle fought in Aestus! The forces of Yssaria have attacked the forces of Caligus. The forces were evenly matched, and the attackers won. (5,000 vs 5,000)

September 3, 2006
The people of Aestus have revolted and declared independence from Yssaria!

September 2, 2006
Yssaria has siezed control of Sordidus from Caligus. The region is handed over to Light of Fountain.

September 1, 2006
Itorunt has taken control of Az Zarqua, a former rogue region.

August 30, 2006
Huge battle fought in Woolton! The Perdanese army chased an Ibladesh invasion force back into Woolton. The battle was extremely bloody, with the Ibladesh defenders suffering extremely heavy losses. Twenty nobles were wounded during the battle, including Sir Xylon, Baron of Ar Raqqah and Marshal of the Army of Ibladesh, who led the defending forces. Sir Targe, Paladin Primus of Ibladesh, was captured by the Perdanese forces. (17,500 vs 14,500)

August 27, 2006
Attack on Partora! Forces from Ibladesh have attacked the Perdanese capital of Partora. The attackers were unable to breach the walls, and were defeated. (3,000 vs 2,000)

Battle in Bescanon! The Perdanese army again attacks the invading Fontan and Sirion armies in Bescanon. The Perdan forces defeat the invaders. Queen Clarissa of Perdan was captured during the battle. (9,000 vs. 5,300)

August 26, 2006
Huge battle in Bescanon! The Perdanese army attacks the invading Fontan and Sirion armies in Bescanon. The Perdan forces were outnumbered and defeated, but managed to inflict heavy casualties on the defenders. (11,900 vs. 15,600)

August 22, 2006
Battle fought in Bescanon! The invaders from Fontan and Sirion have returned to Bescanon, and attacked the forces of Perdan. The invaders overwhelmed the small garrison and defeated them. (7,000 vs 2,000)

Guards in Bescanon have arrested luke, apparently an infiltrator from Fontan, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.

August 22, 2006
Huge battle fought in Troyes! The army of Perdan attacked the gathering armies of Fontan and Sirion. In a long and bloody battle, the attacking troops were defeated. Many nobles on both sides were wounded or captured. (19,750 vs 23,250)

Battle fought in Bescanon! Fontanese and Sirion forces attempted to overtake the retreating Perdanese forces, but were intercepted by reinforcement from Perdan. The attacking forces were outnumbered and defeated. (5,000 vs 8,800)

August 16, 2006
Battle fought in Bescanon! The Perdanese army mops up some stragglers from the retreating Sirion and Fontan armies. (2,500 vs 16,000)

August 15, 2006
Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The Perdanese army continues to beat back the invading Sirion and Fontan forces by delivering a crushing defeat to the latest invasion force. Sir Boom Boom, Minister of Defense of Sirion, Duke of Slimbar, and Lord of Blood, Marquis of Al Amarah, Marshal of the army of Karbala were wounded in the battle. (14,700 vs 18,400)

Huge battle fought in Supra! The Yssarian army has attacked the Caligan army in Supra. The battle was evenly matched, and the Yssarians were victorious. 5 Caligan nobles were captured. (9,000 vs 10,000)

August 13, 2006
Battle in Woolton! The Perdanese army continues to drive back the invading Ibladeshian forces with a victory in Woolton. (5,600 vs 3,100)

The rebellion in Old Rancaguais over, and according to the rumours, it has failed.

Yssaria and Perdan have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.

August 12, 2006
Battle in Montauban! The forces of Perdan have attacked the invading Ibladesh forces. The Perdanese forces outnumbered and defeated the Ibladesh invaders. (8,600 vs 4,600)

Huge battle fought in Stora! Forces from Old Rancagua have attacked the Kalmarians in Stora. The attack appears to have been poorly planned, and was defeated. (4,000 vs 14,000)

Guards in Becanon have captured Asgard, an infiltrator working for Fontan while he was trying to escape from his failed assault on Sir Ambrosius, Marquis of Bescanon.

Rebellion in Old Rancagua! A rebellion is breaking out in Old Rancagua. Earlier today, Heel has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.

August 11, 2006
Guards in Bescanon have captured Katia, an infiltrator working for Sirion while she was sneaking around the camp of Raath of Perdan conspicuously, with a poisoned dagger under her cloak.

August 10, 2006
Az Zarqua has revolted against Itorunt and declared itself independent.

Bisciye has revolted against Itorunt and declared itself independent.

Huge battle fought in Domus! The armies of Yssaria, Itorunt, and Ibladesh have attacked the Caligan capital of Domus. The attackers were unable to muster enough forces to overcome the defenses, and were defeated. Five Itorunt nobles were captured in the attack, including Sir Ichigo, Marshal of the army of Semall, and Sir Thray, Marshal of the army of Xavax. (23,000 vs 25,000)

August 9, 2006
Battle fought in Troyes! In an attempt to salvage the remains of their army, the Fontanese and their Sirionite allies have attacked the army of Perdan in Troyes. The Fontanese and their allies outnumbered the Perdanese, but were still unable to win the field. The hero Parn of Fontan was killed in the battle. (8,700 vs 8,100)

High Marshal ][osferatu of Perdan has been seriously wounded by an unknown assassin. (Update: Upon his return to duty, High Marshal ][osferatu identified the attacker as Asgard, an infiltrator working for Fontan.)

A second battle is fought in Troyes! The Fontan and Sirion armies have again attacked the Perdanese takeover forces in Troyes. The attacking forces were outnumbered by the defenders and defeated. Siriath, hero of Fontan, was killed in the battle. (6,200 vs 6,400)

August 8, 2006
Huge battle fought in Troyes! The army of Perdan has attacked the regrouping army of Fontan. Although significantly outnumbered, the Perdanese attackers completely routed the defenders. (12,600 vs 13,300)

August 7, 2006
Old Rancagua has declared war on the Kalmar Islands.

August 6, 2006
Perdan has taken control of the rogue region of Bescanon

August 5, 2006
As part of the terms of a peace treaty Perdan has transferred control of Bisciye to Itorunt.

August 4, 2006
Battle fought in Troyes! An expeditionary force of Perdanese troops has struck into Troyes to intercept some freshly arrived forces of Sirion and Fontan. The Perdanese troops outnumbered and defeated the defenders. (5,800 vs 3,400)

Bescanon has revolted against Fontan and declared itself independent.

August 3, 2006
Battle in Beziers! The Perdanese army attacks the forces of Ibladesh in Beziers. The Perdanese forces overran and defeated the invading forces of Ibladesh. (7,400 vs 6,500)

Battle in Bescanon! The Perdanese army continues to harass the retreating forces of Fontan and Sirion. The Perdanese forces vastly outnumbered the fleeing troops and quickly defeated them. (1,600 vs 7,200)

August 2, 2006
Battle in Bescanon! The Perdanese army chases the retreating forces of Fontan and Sirion into Bescanon. The Perdanese forces outnumbered the fleeing troops and quickly defeated them. (3,500 vs 2,600)

August 1, 2006
Huge battle in Partora! The fighting in Partora continues as the Perdanian reinforcements arrive. The attacking Perdanese forces outnumber the defending troops of Sirion and Fontan and achieve victory. Two Sirion and two Fontan nobles are captured during the battle. Lord Gadouha, former King of Perdan, is captured by the Sirion troops. (16,800 vs 12,500)

Darmagro, a Sirionite infiltrator has been deported to Atamara.

Sigfried, an Ibladeshi infiltrator, has been deported to Beluaterra.

Sir Fighter, a rogue, was executed by Is Est in Hamadan, capital of Yssaria. Fighter was previously banned from Yssaria for being a member of an aborted rebellion.

Battle fought in Brive! The fleeing forces of Sirion and Fontan have attacked the Perdanese forces cutting off their retreat. The defenders outnumbered and quickly defeated the attackers. (1,000 vs 2,000)
