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==== A New Lord ====
==== A New Lord ====
Duke Lindow Moonsun of Shadow's Bluff Duchy has appointed Mordred Pendragon to the vacant lordship position in Commonyr.
Duke Lindow Moonsun of Shadow's Bluff Duchy has appointed Mordred Pendragon to the vacant lordship position in Commonyr.
=== Summer Evening - [[Perdan]] ===
==== Aila Storme ====
'''An Uncommon Meeting'''
Through time, the Bloody Stump had become a familiar place for Aila. Over the months she had come to know staff and regulars, and felt a true ease when resting there. News of Lady Brigdha's arrival had reached her and she sat sipping a drink in the commonroom with an uncommon excited buzz within her. She hadn't seen the Lady of Evora for a long time, not since Aila was just nineteen and exchanging letters with the mysterious Lady had only brought more and more curiosity about her...
The young Dame watched the door closely, when the Ambassador arrived she would be there to show her the way to a room that was Perhaps not as splendid as the King's private rooms but secluded and restful. The common room was a Ruckus of guests and music, a fine atmosphere for a drink but not much of one for a conversation, which was what she was really after.
"A refill milady?" A maiden with a large jug of wine asked loudly over the bards singing, and Aila raised her cup. "Your meal is ready when you are Milady" She informed as the last drop fell into Aila's cup.
Aila was in such a nice mood, she even thanked the girl before she left.

Revision as of 08:50, 28 August 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17785
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st August

Summer Day - Fontan

William Armsworth

Caligus campaign day 10, noon.
Getting the unit in tip-top shape again left me exhausted.
Fortunately taxes was leveraged and I was able to exchange the bonds from last week.
I think I can afford another battle this week, should it be desired.

Brigdha Dubhaine

Brigdha emptied the pitcher into her companion's tankard and signalled to a passing serving girl for another. It seemed that Tormald, fourth of his name of the respected Tanners dynasty, was intent on drinking himself into the same dreamless stupor as her other guests, but the famed stubbornness of his bloodline had so far kept him conscious even if not sober.

"To hell with Rowan and his cronies," it had been a very long night and Tormald slurred his words badly, "What good have they ever done us anyway?"

"There, there my friend," Brigdha had a hand on his shoulder, as much to keep him upright as to console him. This was the mainstay of her service to the Shadow King, mixing with those ranks other nobles considered beneath their dignity.

Anagridh cast a critical eye across the littered remains of the night's drinking, surrounded by a bulwark of snoring, unconscious flesh. She snorted and shook her head slowly from side to side in disgust.

"Not up to the standard of your father's soirees?" Brigdha released her grip on Tormald and he slowly slumped on the wooden trestle, the last of his fight drowned in ale.

"You'd be a better judge of that Lady Ambassador," the Elven princess chuckled, a surprisingly warm and earthy sound, and clinking cups the two women toasted the memory of Erik Eyolf Serpentis, by far the most extravagant of his name.

The Ambassador had established herself in the Smugglers' Den, a favourite haunt from her days as a blockade runner and her regular base of operations in the city. Three generations had grown to manhood since the Caligan conquest. Three generations! And what had they to show for their coopted loyalty? Not much. Not much at all. The city prospered well enough from the trade between Karbala and Hamadan, but it had somewhat understandably become an afterthought since the restoration of Domus. And it stood to reason that a city so close to the capital of Shadowdale, with long ties of blood and faith to the lands of Old Fontan, should feel more in common with their northern neighbours than with a distant government focused on southern adventures.

Thus it was that for the past two days Brigdha had held court in the common room, paying host to a succession of old friends and acquaintances struggling to make sense of the recent turn of events - and to turn them to their own advantage if there was a profit to be made.

Some like Tormald had longed for a past which never truly existed, back before the Civil War and Gregor's treachery. She well remembered a day many years ago now debating just that point with him, upstairs in the private lounge when the young burgher was a hot-headed voice for democracy. Though older and wiser he still dreamed of suffrage and a franchise which included men of his station. As if the nobility would ever agree such an absurd notion...

Those were the days when King Rowan's banner had flown over the city, seat to his government in exile whilst the Vix and their allies despoiled the soft furnishings and priceless heirlooms of his lost palace in Domus. The radicals had made a good job of overrunning the rest of his realm, useful idiots for the King of Perdan, and Brigdha had spent most of her time behind the enemies' lines, organising resistance wherever her gold and reputation could open the necessary doors, freely spending the Shadow King's gold to save His southern neighbour.

To say His Majesty had been poorly repaid for His investment was an understatement. The very same King Rowan who owed his throne - and quite possibly his life - to the unstinting generosity and support of the Shadow King had proven himself no ally at all when put to the test. Brigdha had rarely misjudged a man more, and the sense of betrayal cut deep. There were limits even to the forgiveness of a Balance Walker and Rowan was now as dust to her.

Of course there were those in Fontan who wanted to blame the Shadow King for bringing war to their settled lives. And more than a few Caligan loyalists, men and women whose families had either moved here from the south or risen to prominence under Rowan's rule and were now justifiably terrified that conquest meant penury or worse. Allaying their fears would take time and gold and the good governance which in recent years they'd gone without.

Karbala, Krimml, Fontan, Akesh Temple. How many years had she laboured in the shadows to reunite them? Hoping beyond hope for the restoration of her people. It was so close now she could taste it! But Brigdha refused to let hope cloud her mind. There was still so much work to be done if the lands of dearly departed Basilius were likewise to be returned to their rightful owners.

2nd August

Summer Evening - Fontan

William Armsworth

Pacing slowly up and down in my study in my families mansion while reading a local report before dinner, I am interrupted by 3 knocks on the door.

"Yes?" I inquire distractedly.

"A letter from high command, Sir." the muffled voice of Osmona answers.

"Ah, thank you, captain. Please come in."

She enters and hands me an envelope with the mark of the Grey Exarch imprinted in the wax seal. I open it with anticipation and read it quickly.

"We're not marching for An Najaf, are we, Sir." she asks with downward intonation after I put the orders on my desk.

I shake my head, my lips briefly compressed in regret and make a mental note not to play cards with her.

"Not yet, captain. You see," I say as I beckon her to come closer to the map covering three quarters of my desk, "our forces here in Fontan have been ordered to refit. It will be a few days before they are all ready."

She nods thinkingly.

"But the main reason for our standoffish attitude, I think, is that there is some high level diplomacy going on with Caligus. I suspect that if they do not give in to our demands by the time we are good and ready, we will be getting marching orders," a gleeful smile appears as I speak the last two words.

Osmona smiles in return. "Understood, Sir. Any orders for us?"

"Errrr, yes." I say as I glance over the orders again. "Have the men do some light training after dinner. Make sure they are well rested for tomorrow. Just in case."

Caligus campaign day 11, evening.
I stationed the men around the house and told Osmona to get them fit for a full days work.
Marshal Tempest asked for volunteers to guard Fontan but by the sound of it she didn't get enough.
I can't blame them. Who wants to babysit a city when there is honour to be gained?

3rd August

Summer Evening - Fontan

William Armsworth

Caligus campaign day 12, evening.
I can hardly contain my excitement. I got the news this morning while at home and was able to share it with my relatives: I was promoted to Vice-Marshal!
My mother was so happy, she cried. I made her promise to write Hendrick, who I heard made Lord in a distant realm overseas.
He will not be the only one to bring honour to the name Armsworth.

4th August

Summer Day - Fontan

New War Breaking Out

Perdan has declared war on Eponllyn. They gave the following reason:

Rulers of the East Continent,

The Kingdom of Perdan hereby commits to a war of passage against the Kingdom of Eponllyn.

Accordingly, Perdan will:

  • achieve and fortify a land-bridge to Nivemus, denying these lands to the Eponllyn war machine
  • capture Eponllyn assets in order to restrict their capacity to retaliate and force capitulation
  • pledge to conduct only goodly takeovers, attack only war assets and denounce unwholesome looting options.
  • consider the war completed in their favor when Eponllyn concedes defeat and requisite treaty conditions are signed (which must include a mandatory safe period for the Alexandrian colony).
  • agree to consider provisional return of Eponllyn assets;
    • once the colony has been safely established
    • on the condition that Eponllyn and its allies conduct themselves with nobility and
    • neither betray this agreement or impede the establishment of the colony.
    • consider the war lost when Perdan concedes defeat and signs to mutually agreeable conditions for ceasefire.

Perdan has no interest in permanently diminishing Eponllyn unless they continue to block access for the colonial effort.

Summer Evening - Fontan

William Armsworth

War journal, day 13, evening.
More excellent news today as Perdan finally decided to join the party.
We will tear Eponllyn apart and take the regions their greed prevented them from parting with by force!
The men are itching for a good fight but I am not sure Eponllyn will oblige us. We should know soon enough.

5th August

Summer Evening - Fontan

William Armsworth

War journal, day 14, night.
Excitement builds as we are about to cross into enemy territory once again.
Circumstances appear to be in our favour but at least one unknown remains:
What is Sirion planning to do now that their presence is no longer required to counter Perdan?

6th August

Summer Day - Fontan

William Armsworth

War journal, day 15, noon.
The board is set and the pieces are in motion. Now Perdan threatens Westmoor and Perleone keeps our southern flank secure, we have a shot at what is widely considered the biggest prize of the campaign.
With diplomatic relations interwoven as they are, our attack on Fontan likely sparked a continental war, which means there still is Sirion to consider. They are my main source of anxiety as they can take several routes and their armies composition and strength is still unknown to us. Regardless, it is a great time to serve and I am quite content with the position I managed to secure, for now.

7th August

Summer Day - Evora

Region Changes Allegiance

Gadlock has changed its allegiance to the realm of Eponllyn. The region used to belong to Nivemus.

Summer Evening - Evora

William Armsworth

War journal day 17, evening.
Not much to report today.
The takeover is proceeding as expected.
We should be done here relatively soon.

8th August

Summer Day - Evora

Family Investment

Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale, Baroness of Evora, Priestess of The Shadows has initiated an investment of 430 gold in the region of Evora. Production soars to 88 %.

Summer Evening - Evora

Calvin Carson

Calvin walking around the city of Karbala, he meets some young commoner children.

"Hey there everyone, it's good to see you all again hahaha. Do you all wanna hear a story?"

The children gather around Calvin.

"Yes, uncle Cal tell us tell us!!" They all chanted together.

"Ok ok hahaha, well it wasn't too long ago I battled an interesting creature, not exactly sure what it was. It had 2 heads and there were 3 of them. I was completely surrounded. I sprinted to the first target, it attacked, but I managed to cut its arm off. Killed it and then the others. They weren't very strong."

"Uncle Cal, were you scared?"

"HELL YA!! Hahaha I thought I was going to die."

Kids started to laugh. Calvin still laughing wipes tears out of his eyes from laughing so hard.

"Well kids I have to go for now. I'll come back another time."

"Ok uncle Cal."

Calvin waves to the kids goodbye and walks away to his Captain.

"Sir, might i ask. Why do you waste time with commoners."

"Well that's easy, I used to be one of them."


"Why are you so bent out of shape for?"

"Well... it's just hard to believe--"

"Oh just relax captain."

"As you say sir."

They ride away back to the camp where Calvin's unit is.

Family Investment

Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale, Baroness of Evora, Priestess of The Shadows has initiated an investment of 430 gold in the region of Evora. Production soars to 158 %.

9th August

Summer Day - Evora

William Armsworth

War journal day 18, morning.
The takeover is around halfway done and though Eponllyn and Nivemus are thoroughly entertained, one threat remains.
Where are they? What are they up to? Much worse is the devil you fear than the devil you know the saying rightly goes.
I'm looking forward to the next stage of the campaign. Action guaranteed.

Diplomatic News

Shadowdale and Caligus have ended their hostilities and agreed to a cease fire.

Summer Evening - Evora

Region Joins Realm

Basileus Anax Preston Greer has handed over the region of An Najaf to your realm; the lord was banished from your realm previously and was thus forced to give up the lordship before the exchange. However, any troops and unbanished knights are now also formally part of Shadowdale.

10th August

Summer Day - Evora

William Armsworth

War journal day 19, morning.
As peace was signed with Caligus, my first campaign resulted in a glorious victory for Shadowdale.
The second campaign appears to be similar in nature as we have yet to be opposed.
I'm starting to worry we might run out of enemies soon.

Tax Change for Evora

Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine has changed the tax orders. The tax rate has been changed from 12 % to 10 %.

11th August

Summer Day - Evora

William Armsworth

War journal day 20, morning.
Eponllyn has made a move I do not pretend to understand:
They have the nerve to attack with an army that appears to be less than half our forces strength while we are prepared.
Sure, Nivemus is waiting in the wings but they have yet to even declare war. Can an uncoordinated attack hope to dislodge us and prevent us from achieving our aim? I don't think so.

Luna Tempest

Lady Tempest arrived in Karbala once again at the summons of the Shadow King Lindow Moonsun. Luna wasted no time making her way towards the districts of the palaces for she knew that both her own time and Lindow's was extremely valuable as of late.

Upon arriving at the royal palace the guards would quickly grant the Grey Exarch entrance for the Grey Guard were present and were well aware of the Lady's position. Luna would scale the grand stairs and enter through the massive ornate doorway protecting the Shadow King's Palace.

Once inside the magnificent atrium Lady Tempest announced herself to the attendant, "Inform the Shadow King of my arrival and that I shall be waiting for him royal library."

Luna set off down the hall to explore some of the grand palace while thinking about all the rare books she had likely never even heard of before accessible in within the palace.

The First after the King

Lady Tempest was once again reading numerous a books when the Shadow King entered the library not even noticing his arrival as she was once again buried within a book. However this time the tome was something more abstract, Legends of the Ocean was its title.

As Lindow came alone he approached quietly and Luna near jumped when she heard him speak,

- Entertaining between books again, Grey Exach Luna? - Luna would quickly stand and bow before her King before addressing his question,

"At every opportunity your Majesty. This world is filled with so much knowledge I cannot hope to learn it all, not with several lifetimes so anytime I find myself is such a spectacular library I cannot help myself."

The Grey Exarch turns back towards the table to grab a different book and present it to Lindow,

"Have you had chance to read this tome my King? It's titled the history of the Spider Queen of Shadowdale. It's quite a riveting read."

Luna studied the Shadow Kings face before returning the book to the table then continued, "Oh but you likely have not summoned me to the Grey Palace to discuss books with a girl. I assume you wish to speak with your Grey Exarch. As always I live to serve tell me what it is you require and I will see it done your Majesty."

The Grey Exarch awaited for instruction with baited anticipation. Did Lindow wish to alter the Eponllyn Campaign or was he going to congratulate Luna's efforts against Caligus now that they had peace. Her mind ran ripe with the possibilities that were to come.

Lindow extends his arm and looks at Luna

- Let's walk for a while, I have to tell you something -

Lindow took Luna's hand and they began to walk through the Grey Palace.

- Did I ever tell you that when I was young I was a knight in the reign of the Spider Queen? It was a time of learning, where I learned important values ​​such as patience and control of the favor of your nobles. The Spider Queen was a master at controlling the favor of the nobles but she had little patience. When a king treats you disrespectfully you start to stop loving him and that's what happened, a group of disgruntled nobles dethroned her - Lindow met one of his heralds on the way Lady Tempest listened to the Shadow King intently for this conversation was surely another stroke of Destiny. If could be no coincidence that she had just been reading of the Spider Queen when Lindow asked that fated question.

Hand in hand Luna would reply, "No your Majesty I don't think you have ever told me this story. It seems despite all her knowledge the Spider Queen lacked wisdom. Thankfully you have both in spades my King. The Shadowdalians both love and respect you dearly and I know none that wish to depose you."

- Boy, tell the butler Sebas to go to the palace porch -

-Yes, your highness -

- This way, M'lady. You know, seeing you there in the library has reminded me how much has happened since the first day we met at the Grey University of Karbala, I honestly never thought that little bookworm was going to become the Grey Exarch of Shadowdale's armies. - Lindow said smiling as they reached the porch.

Luna followed Lindow to the porch that was prepared stopping only for a moment to have a private word with the Shadow King, "My King, no Lindow. I honestly never thought I would be your Grey Exarch either. All those many years ago when I came to Shadowdale as a refugee from Beluaterra I had no idea what my future would hold. That day we met and you asked me to join the Shadow Legion as a knight has been without question one of the best days of my life. I have devoted my life to your reign and your realm and if I could take the time back I would do it all over again. Again and again. Serving such a wise and kind Monarch has given my life purpose more than you will likely ever understand."

The Grey Exarch would resume her path towards the porch, "Whatever you require of me my King, now and always I will answer whether in the light or the shadows I will always be yours to command."

A New Lord

Duke Lindow Moonsun of Shadow's Bluff Duchy has appointed Dana Blackstone to the vacant lordship position in An Najaf.

Summer Evening - Evora

Knight temporarily absent

Lancer Hamor Hamor, Outlaw has been imprisoned by Eponllyn patrols while travelling through Commonyr.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Troyes:

Perdan vs. Eponllyn
Estimated strengths: 580 men vs. 570 men
The Perdan's Golden Lions (Perdan), sponsored by Imperatrix Lady Alyssa Kingsley, were led into battle by Marshal Ulric Hawk.
Knight Octavian Schwarzherzig is spotted wearing the Emerald Ring of Battle.
Viscount Ulric Hawk is spotted wearing the Dragon-Scale Jacket.
Countess Dustiria Noire is spotted wielding the Splendid Sword of Alex.
Knight Greg Derik is spotted wearing the Ducal Suit of the Father.
Attacker Victory!

Knight temporarily absent

Marcus Towerfall, Knight of Karbala has been captured by Sirion forces during the battle in Commonyr.

Huge Battle Fought

Eponllyn, Nivemus, Sirion vs. Shadowdale
Estimated strengths: 1610 men vs. 980 men
The Army of Nivemus (Nivemus), sponsored by Dame Sandra Jimenez, were led into battle by Marshal Hallvar Schancke.
The Phoenix Hussars (Eponllyn), sponsored by Talon Lionel Kinsey, were led into battle by Marshal Lionel Kinsey.
The Shadow Legion (Shadowdale), sponsored by Shadow King Lindow Moonsun, were led into battle by Marshal Maccio Aurelle.
Duke Hallvar Schancke is spotted wearing the Bone Cloak of Good.
Margrave Foxen Carmine is spotted reading from the Book of Time.
Margrave Foxen Carmine is spotted wearing the Lich King's Chain Mail of Sorcha.
Duke Godric Tórrarin ka Habb is spotted wielding the Old Buckler of Obsidian Islands.
Noble Jaques Talos is spotted wielding the Adorned Shield of the Queens.
Marcus Towerfall, Knight of Karbala was captured by Brian M. Cameron's unit.
Attacker Victory!

Takeover Stopped

The takeover attempt in Commonyr has been stopped.

Tyrann Thrane

As Tyrann crossed into the small plains of Visue the sun sank into the peaks of Evora and the winds eerily exhaled from the foothills. A sensation had overcome the young Viscount, one he had not felt since the mysterious disappearance of Lord Zenta. He turned to face the mountain, as he did his vision began to tunnel and then became consumed in darkness.

He saw the still waters of Evora teased by the tips of the ancient swaying willow trees. The ripples reflected the moon and from these small slivers of light a dense fog began to spew. The wind exhaled once more, but with a chilling bite and pale figures began to rise from the thick fog; shrieking...

Monsters have been seen in the region of Evora.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

12th August

Summer Day - Evora

Tax Change for Evora

Baroness Brigdha Dubhaine has changed the tax orders. The tax rate has been changed from 10 % to 7 %.

13th August

Summer Day - Evora

William Armsworth

War journal day 22, night.
With Karbala in sight, I finally stopped looking over my shoulder. My fears finally materialized and it was even worse than I suspected.
Both Nivemus and Sirion joined in on the attack on Commonyr by Eponllyn unprovoked. They have yet to even declare war!
We were wiped out in the first charge and half my men lay dead with very little to show for. This calls for vengeance!

Tournament Announced

Eros Harte, Royal of Yssrgard, Duke of the Horde, Margrave of Itorunt, Priest of The Way of the Aethir has announced a Tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Itorunt 7 days from now.
The winner will be rewarded with 1200 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 800 gold for the runner-up.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Summer Evening - Evora

Monterys Velaryon

Monterys painfully moaned as the cart rolled over a bump in the road. The wound suffered in battle for Commonyr reminded him of foregone events.

Flashback hit him as he saw the Thunderborn valiantly defending the last banners of Shadowdale under a massive hail of arrows and a savage charge of enemy cavalry. "Hold the line!" He bellowed, seemingly exhausted from a long and painful melee. Thunderborn stood their ground amidst confusion and commotion of a bloody encounter. Captain Donario came rushing to his side "My Lord, the ninth banner has fallen! Shall I sound the retreat?!". "Hold the line, Donario! No retreat, we fight till the last man!" Monterys was persistent, a trait of his father Tahaerys, a trait which usually was productive but not in this particular situation. A mighty northern steed then came charging right at him, deflecting his shield before delivering a powerful blow. His plate mail cracked, he struggled for air and then fell into blackness and unconsciousness.

The battle was over, a solid and clear defeat, he was told as he laid bandaged in a cart. As the battered unit travelled on he reminisced the events that unfolded in the last few weeks. He received a letter bearing the crest of House Velaryon, an invitation by his sister Dynys to arrange a meeting in Avamar. I can't wait to finally meet you, brother. I have so many things to tell you and show you, the letter wrote.

Monterys found himself torn betwixt mixed allegiances. Will he honor his pledge and oath of fealty to Evora and the Shadow King, or will he answer his sister's call? He was eager to finally meet his sister as he has never seen her before. On the other hand he was well aware that leaving for Avamar will brandish him a traitor in Shadowdale and his House will forever fall from grace of the Shadow King. In the end, the blood oath prevailed. Family was family and the Boreeans usually stuck with one another.

Open grasslands were slowly being replaced by pine trees and forests as the unit traversed onward. A messenger then arrived from the north. A tall and gallant rider spoke with a stern voice "My Lady Lyanna Arylon invites you to her estate. The Duchess is eager to meet Your Lordship."

Arylon, Monterys whispers, Gheric's little sister. This was a twist of fate, he was sure of it. He heard so many tales of her beauty and her stark character when Gheric and him shared the northern hearths in the wild of western Dwilight. "Inform your Lady that I will gladly meet with her. House Arylon and House Velaryon stand side by side in many lands. I would gladly see this pledge honored."

Region Allegiance Changed

Dana Blackstone has changed the allegiance of An Najaf to the duchy of The Shadow's Citadel. The region used to be part of the duchy of Shadow's Bluff.

Region Allegiance Changed

Robin Shepherd has changed the allegiance of Viseu to the duchy of The Shadow's Citadel. The region used to be part of the duchy of Shadow's Bluff.

14th August

Summer Day - Evora

Region Allegiance Changed

Maccio Aurelle has changed the allegiance of Akesh Temple to the duchy of The Shadow's Citadel. The region used to be part of the duchy of Shadow's Bluff.

Siren Song

A missive with a faint glow and a thin blue seal comes into your hand. As you open the letter there is a poem:

Two relics of power,
One found in a tower,
From a corpse one fumbled,
From a beast I rumbled,
The Ancient Band of Zedd,
Wield to keep your foes dead,
Its condition pristine,
Many Sages I've seen,
A boost in prestige,
Fit for any liege,
The Cursed Nightblade of Oligarch,
A blade for whom many would march,
To assert claim over a city,
Which has a history not pretty,
The blade is battered and damaged,
Repairs I have not yet managed,
For nobles they are,
available for claim,
To boost your prestige,
and variable fame,
Offer's I am taking,
All shall be considered,
But at my discretion,
Shall they be delivered.

You are startled as a beautiful female sing-song voice echos through your head as you read the missive. As the last line resounds through your head, the missive dissipates into water that runs through your fingers and splatters on the ground. What sorcery was this?!

15th August

Summer Day - Braga

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Sirion has elected Ivo Mersault Player experience level
experienced Player play preference: combat as its new Prime Minister.
The realm of Nivemus has elected Brian Wilde Player experience level
mentor Player play preference: inactive as its new Kronogos.
The realm of Eponllyn has elected Godric Tórrarin ka Habb Player experience level
new Player play preference: unsure as its new Blood King.

Taxes Received

As the Baroness of Evora, you earn 478 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

William Armsworth

War journal day 24, morning.
We were first to arrive in Krimml so I rewarded the men with some heavy training. They will thank me later.
Hit a slight bump in the shape of some monsters in Oporto. One of them gave Frank a nasty cut before we dispensed with them.
I expect to have some time to get the new recruits in shape as many of our units are only now refitting in Karbala. Fortunately this city has all I need.

Siren Song

A familiar faintly glowing missive with a blue seal arrives in your hands. You open the letter and once again hear in the same beautiful sing-song voice:

My greetings from the sea good knight,
I sing this song bathed in moonlight,
Many seeker's of the blade now fight,
To call the cursed item their's by right,
In the night I choose to hunt the lairs,
Fulfilling peasantry holy prayers,
Slaying the evils that plague the land,
Protecting all worth created by hand,
Many requests have now come to me,
But consensus among all I see,
To repair the blade,
Prior to trade,
So now I stay,
My considerable rage,
To seek a sage,
For now please enjoy my open stage,
May the war of bids continue to wage,
Allow me a moment to summarize,
The Cursed Nightblade of Oligarch the prize.

Like before as the the last melodic word resonates the missive dissipates into water and splashes to the floor.

16th August

Summer Day - Braga

Strange Lights - Evora

Rumours spread of unusual lights being seen within mountain caves.

Strange Lights - Eldoret

Rumours spread of weird lights being seen within mountain caves.

Plentiful Drinking Water - Krimml

Drinking water becomes more abundant throughout the city as wells seem more full than usual.

Increased Customers - Perdan

Pubs and coffeehouses note an increase in their clientele. Many establishments are becoming accustomed to standing room only.

Siren Song

A familiar faintly glowing missive with a blue seal arrives in your hands. You open the letter and once again hear in the same beautiful sing-song voice:

In Sir Temple I am,
Where two Sages be,
To repair a relic of power,
A Giant Eagles Feather I need,

Like before as the the last melodic word resonates the missive dissipates into water and splashes to the floor.

Tyrann Thrane

There was a strange feeling in the air, a presence seemed to move about the face of the continent. Tyrann had been patrolling the streets of Karbala and noticed the wells, they seemed to be more full than usual. The pubs and eateries too seemed to swell with patrons.

Reading over the missives of the day there was one in particular that caught his attention, the strange lights in Evora. His heart began to race, all the strange occurrences flashed before his eyes and now this.

“Donar!” His shout was soon followed by the entrance of a stout man with salt and pepper hair and sword drawn.

“What is it me lord?” Donar scanned the room quickly. Tyrann rose and handed him the parchment.

“Hire a few extra hands and ride for Evora at once, “ Tyrann began to pack as he continued, “ and be sure they are hearty and able to wield a pick axe. I will see about acquiring the proper permissions once you leave.” Tyrann frantically shoved parchment where he could and closed his trunk. Then turned to Donar and handed him a pouch of gold, “This should do it.”

“Aye me Lord, I’ll see to it.” Donar bowed his head and left with haste.

Tyrann stayed behind and began to dictate to his scribe while pacing.

18th August

Summer Day - An Najaf


Perdan has taken control of Troyes. The region used to belong to Eponllyn.

Takeover Initiated

Shadow King Lindow Moonsun has initiated a takeover in Commonyr. The region currently belongs to Greater Eponllyn.

Wandering Stranger - Itorunt

A Stranger from an recognized origin excites the city with his petty illusions. Soon he has gathered a small, but intensely fanatical, following, while incensing the greater majority of the city. Before blood can be shed, the Stranger and his followers travel onward.

But when it comes time to take account of the population, no one can name anyone who left to follow the Stranger. Most credit this to the surplus population due to the tournament, but others...wonder

Summer Evening - An Najaf

Court Astromancers - Castle Ubent

Yesterday, the Royal Astromancers were scurrying around court engaging in hushed whispers with one another. Tonight, they've been staring at the skies with intent interest, penning copious notes.

Duck Flock - Dimwood

A flock of ducks descend upon Salem Belmont. One pair land upon his shoulders, while the remainder land upon the ground. They follow his every move.

19th August

Summer Day - An Najaf

Geese Flock - Commonyr

A flock of geese descend upon Luna Tempest. One pair land upon her shoulders, while the remainder land upon the ground. They follow her every move.

Shoulder Fox - Commonyr

Without noticing it sneak up on him, a fennec fox jumps upon William Armsworth's shoulders. Regardless of his reaction, the creature is relentless in following him. And preferring his shoulder as a mode of transit.

Lindow Moonsun

Geese and foxes band

Lindow was in the market street on the Talon's Nest estate. His Grey Guards guarded the area while Lindow and a group of Shadowdale merchants traded goods, performed into business deals, and convinced the population of the benefits of being part of the Shadowdale Kingdom.

Walking through the street, he saw Sir William Armsworth in the distance with an orange and white ball on his shoulder.

"What is that on his shoulder ... is it a fox!" Lindow thought, as William disappeared down the other streets of the town.

Lindow stopped to talk to other locals, when in the distance he began to hear the sound of many geese. He looked and saw Duchess Luna Tempest passed and followed by and a column of geese behind her.

"What the hell is going on here ?!" Thought Lindow confused

Sailor Tales - Abadan

Recently arrived sailors report choppier seas than typically seen.

Shoulder Chinchilla

While travelling under a tree, a chinchilla jumps upon Lindow Moonsun's shoulders. Regardless of his reaction, the creature is relentless in following him. And preferring his shoulder as a mode of transit.

Maccio Aurelle

Maccio was walking around the entrenched encampment deployed by the Shadow Legion in Commonyr from where to perform the disuasive actions to try and convince the local population to abandon their allegiance to Eponllyn. Some animals seemed to be scared and jumping on top of soldiers and nobles alike, a very strange occurrence, even stranger knowing the many reports of strange events around the continent.

Maccio lied down, placed one ear on the floor, and tried to listen. His brother Mandolyn, always the wisest of the three, usually sent his way many books of varying matters - sometimes cookbooks, even - that he considered interesting, and Maccio had been using them to improve his reading and writing skills. A very old treaty said very unnerving things, about entire continents sinking into the ocean, never to be seen again. Atamara and the Far East, both suffered this tragic end.

Court Astromancers - Sirion

Yesterday, the Ministry of Astromancers were scurrying around court engaging in hushed whispers with one another. Tonight, they've been staring at the skies with intent interest, penning copious notes.

Shoulder Ferret - Kazakh

While travelling under a tree, a ferret jumps upon Hallvar Schancke's shoulders. Regardless of his reaction, the creature is relentless in following him. And preferring his shoulder as a mode of transit.

William Armsworth

War journal day 28, noon.
The weirdest thing just happened; a fox jumped on my shoulder and is refusing to leave.
Fortunately for it I'm quite taken with the little bugger and he's nice and warm to boot.
Several other strange and noteworthy events are also taking place. I'm not sure what to make of them.

Summer Evening - Aureus

Mass Migration - Oporto

Reports arrive of a large cluster of tarantulas, as far as the eye can see, migrating towards Akesh Temple.

Silent Nights

No one notices quite at first, yet there's an eerie sense that something is different. Even after becoming conscious of this unease, no one can quite put their finger on what's unusual, at first.

But soon someone finally hits upon the source of anxiety. Crickets, and any other bugs, have been silent tonight. The entire night has been eerily silent.

And so it would remain. As would following nights.

Luna Tempest

Luna pondered why now of all times a flock of geese would be following her around the encampment. The newly appointed Duchess had always had a way with birds but the current situation was quite the farce. How was a Lady to get any work done with a goose on either shoulder and a flock in tow.

Lady Tempest accepted the circumstance, clearly such a unexpected arrival of these random geese could only be viewed as a favor of the gods.

"Well it better be the favor of the gods," Luna muttered to herself, "Otherwise the Shadowdalians will enjoy a nice feast of stuffed goose tomorrow night."

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann traversed the dense growth of willow trees lining the perimeter of Evora’s massive pool. Through the dangling branches, illuminated by the moonlight, Tyrann could see the lonely tower he had only ever heard about; it was beautiful.

Flashes of strange lights, faint turquoise and purple, from several caverns caught the young Viscount’s eyes. As he approached he noticed an odd stillness, the crickets had gone silent. How long has it been since they last made their music? He did not know, but the entire night seemed to be waiting.

Another bright flash demanded his gaze and a chill rolled down his spine. The light seemed to pulse hypnotically, Tyrann felt himself consumed and began to step closer and closer through no thought of his own. His eyes widened as he drew closer and, with each step in unison of each pulse, he descended into the depths of Evora...

Surprise Bear - Ar Mosul

A hunting party is both surprised by and surprises a bear, normally hibernating at this time of year. Startled by the hunters, the bear mauls one of the hunters to death.

Jumping Catfish - Ar Mosul

Reports arrive that Raqqah River is thrashing with jumping catfish, from the river's source to its mouth.

Sea Invaders! - Salta

Beaches are lost to foreign invaders rising from the depths of the sea as crabs congregate upon the beaches and rocky cliffs, aggressively shooing humanity away.

Surprise Bear - Braga

A hunting party is both surprised by and surprises a bear, normally hibernating at this time of year. Startled by the hunters, the bear mauls one of the hunters to death.

Exhausted Fishermen - Avamar

Bringing in the morning's catch, fishermen seem far more exhausted than typical. There are few words, but one manages to learn that today's catch fought back far more fiercely than is normal.

Surprise Bear - Scio

A hunting party is both surprised by and surprises a bear, normally hibernating at this time of year. Startled by the hunters, the bear mauls one of the hunters to death.

Report from Luna Tempest

Letter from Rogos V'Orlan
Margravine of Fontan Luna Tempest,
Grey Exarch of Shadowdale,


​​​​​​I write with disturbing news from Perdan and Eponllyn. Animals are acting unnaturally, shores are flooded with crabs and the corpses of whales, and the night is flooded with a profound silence. Our astronomers speak in hushed tones about ill omens but make no further sign of their portents. Have the lands of Shadowdale been similarly afflicted?
Rogos V'Orlan
Knight of Perdan Mines
Letter from Luna Tempest
Sir Rogos
Indeed there has been odd reports from our way as well. Just this morning there was reports of schools of trashing catfish in Sirion River.
Before this morning strange lights were observed coming from the caves of Evora, a horde of tarantulas in Oporto heading towards Akesh and a random assortment of animals making friends with nobles.
Personally two geese landed on my shoulders with the rest of the flock following me like little ducklings for the rest of the day. My own Vice-Marshal gained a shoulder Fox and the Shadow King himself gained a shoulder chinchilla.
Strange times indeed.
From the Shadow,
Lady Luna Tempest
Grey Exarch of Shadowdale
Duchess of The Shadow's Citadel
Margravine of Fontan

20th August

Summer Day - Aureus

Tournament Report

The tournament in Itorunt is over. 36 nobles from 8 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
Tsingu Orobar, Earl of Clermont won the swordfighting tournament (Barthogan Starck, Ambassador of Perleone, Duke of House Liberty, Margrave of Castle Ubent came second place).
The jousting contest was won by Theodius Goldhammer, Count of Dolmbar (Second place: Niall De La Fere, Knight of Mines of Isadril).

Jumping Catfish - Montijo

Reports arrive that Sirion River is thrashing with jumping catfish, from the river's source to its mouth.

Rotten Eggs - Isadril

Emanating from the Mines of Isadril is a stench akin to as if the entire system of mines had been filled with rotten eggs.

Rotten Eggs - Evora

Emanating from Evora is a stench akin to as if the entire cave system had been filled with rotten eggs.

Summer Evening - Abadan

Rotten Eggs - Eldoret

Emanating from Eldoret is a stench akin to as if the entire cave system had been filled with rotten eggs.

Drinking Water Warmed - Krimml

The wellwaters of Krimml have noticeably warmed over the last day. It wasn't immediately perceived, but now it was impossible to deny. What was once slightly cooled water from the depths is now not even just lukewarm; the wellwater is now warm to the touch.

William Armsworth

War journal, day 29, evening.
The multitude of changes in our immediate surroundings are beginning to worry me.
I still have no idea what's cooking but I don't like the smell of it.
Especially not if the reports from Evora are to be believed.

21st August

Summer Day - Leibo

Tyrann Thrane

Deeper and deeper Tyrann did delve into the caverns of Evora and a foul stench began to exude from the walls. His eyes began to water and he felt short of breath. The complex tunnels of the Evoran depths were vast and uncharted, he knew not if it was day or night nor the hour. The smell of sulfur grew thicker and now carried a message that hissed and echoed through the deep...

“Di noaam Vasqu entir Isuin”

“Di noaam Arkonom wyn entir Akesh”

Dustiria Noire

Dustiria pushes open the doors of the Bloody stump with black gauntlet covered hands. Bruce smile wide as he sees her. She goes up to the bar. An Orange and white cat looks at Bruce from her shoulders where its doing its best imitation of a fur scarf.

Bruce goes to say something and she holds up a hand, "Poor me a mead and get a bowl of water and some meat for Burr. Its been a long ride." she looks around to see if anyone she knows is there too

Isana Everlight

Isana arrives back at the Imperatrix's Tower in late morning. She knows Alyssa will likely be busy with meetings somewhere, especially with the strange goings-on, but takes a good look around for her just the same. Her darling nowhere to be found, she leaves a note on the bed (to avert another Chaos Temple adventure) and changes into a clean shirt and travelling skirt in uncharacteristic blue and brown before departing for the Stump.

The familiar red-and-black sign swings on its hinge as though waving hello to the tall knight. She grins. The doors are already slightly ajar so she pushes them both and enters the dark tavern in a haze of sunlight. As her eyes adjust to the interior she makes her way to the two figures by the bar. Wait... three? She calls out greetings as she approaches.

"Dustiria, hey! Since when does the Stump have a cat, Bruce? I'll have what the Countess's having, and something for lunch too if cook's got some on the go?"

Gold Transfer

A foreign noble, Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale, Baroness of Evora, Priestess of The Shadows has brought 1950 gold for you to the main bank in Isadril. The bank has sent you the equivalent sum in bonds.
A foreign noble, Brigdha Dubhaine, Ambassador of Shadowdale, Baroness of Evora, Priestess of The Shadows has brought 100 gold for you to the main bank in Isadril. The bank has sent you the equivalent sum in bonds.

Brigdha Dubhaine

"What do you mean you've only credited two thousand crowns to His Majesty's account?" the elderly Ambassador seemed to grow in stature as her temper flared.

"You made two transfers Ma'am," the nondescript teller tapped his quill against the ledger nervously, his usual cultivated contempt for the mere aristocracy whom he and his masters allegedly served struggling to resist the psychic onslaught of an enraged Balancewalker. To his credit he held his own with considerably more courage than many a battle-hardened knight, "And as you can clearly see the fee for the Bank's considerable efforts on your behalf is two hundred gold crowns."

"Two transfers to your King!" Brigdha's eyes blazed with righteous indignation, "Since when has defrauding a reigning monarch been an acceptable practice in banking circles!"

"Well I wouldn't know anything about that Ma'am. The Bank of Isadril has an impeccable reputation for fiduciary rectitude and client confidentiality. Might I direct you to our privacy policy as well as our schedule of charges? You'll find them all in order."

"I should bloody well think you have a reputation for more than that if you defraud defenceless old ladies out of their hard-earned gold," a gambit which might have carried considerably more weight if the woman now fuming at the shuttered counter did indeed look or sound defenceless, or for that matter old.

"Then I'll damn well speak with your manager now!" and far above in the High Firmament, a force determined to distract the Ambassador from more urgent matters thrilled to see her glamours so elegantly undone. Such a powerful facie needed a name. No, not just a name, a personality.

And thus was Karen, the facie of outrage, birthed from the High Firmament. A curse to generations to come...

Summer Evening - Xavax

Dustiria Noire

She smiles as she sees Isana.

"It's not his I think the cat is mine. Here watch." She gently sets the orange and white fluffy cat down. It immediately jumps back to her shoulders and settles down imitating a fur scarf again.

"So many odd things have been going on not sure if this is connected. Anyway I call him Burr. I just stopped in to check things with Bruce and have a mug of Belmont mead. Troyes mead cannot compare, before I head back to Troyes. How are things with you?"

Bruce sets down mead before Isana and water with a bit of raw fish infront of Dustiria. Burr good down eats and drinks then goes right back to Dustiria's shoulders soon loud purring can be heard

Letter Aila Storme

Forgive my haste;

Whales wash upon the shore, crabs chase men from beaches...Our King sailed the sea many years; I feel the roiling of the ocean has finally caused him true unease.

The bells of Perdan City are ringing, and I don't know why.

Lady Aila Storme
Dame of Aix

22nd August

Summer Day - Aeng

Taxes Received

As the Baroness of Evora, you earn 254 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann dragged his hands along the cavern walls and could feel what he assumed to be ancient glyphs. He stumbled further and as he did the temperature began to rise and sweat began to bead on his brow.

A roar pierced through the silence and a dread unlike any other Tyrann had known overcame him. A second thunderous roar was then followed with same voice carried upon the sulfur. It began spoken in an unknown tongue but soon the words soon became recognizable. An older dialect, one of early man, but still widely known.

“Halt ye who delves into this accursed pit! Hear my Voice and submit your flesh!”

The voice spoke with a fiery snarl, and shook the ground with each vowel. With a frenzy growl it spoke once more.

“I am Akesh, First of Arkonom, High Sovereign of Shadow. Your eyes shall I take, so that you may see!”

A searing pain struck the eyes of Tyrann, he screamed and fell to his knees clutching his face scratching as his vision went black. He could feel the burning of his lungs and throat as he continued to bellow, his screams then began to audibly vanish.

“Long have I been sealed by the molten stone and flame deep within Evora, and for long have I waited.” The Voice of Akesh roared.

Tyrann’s body began to heat and found himself overlooking the swirling pit of vibrant orange and red magma. As he peered into the vast sea of raw earth a whirlpool formed and at it’s center a pair of massive purple eyes that seemed to emit from them black smoke. Akesh then roared once more and began weave through the magma, causing pieces of the cavern to plunge into the molten sea.

In awe Tyrann watched as glimpses of Akesh could be seen as surfacing and diving. A large, thick tail with black scales and razor sharp talons that seemed as if they were formed of obsidian. Jagged horns the size of siege engine began to rise and so too the smoking purple eyes...

23rd August

Summer Day - Semall

Egg Shortage

In markets across East Continent, an acute shortage of eggs is beginning after several days of chickens, and any other birds, failing to lay eggs. A run on eggs and subsequent egghoarding only amplifies the shortage.

Display, and especially consumption, of eggs has become a show of ostentatious wealth. Nobles talk not of the Wealth List, but of the Egg List.

William Armsworth

War journal, day 31, evening.
The men are distraught. No eggs for miles. All chickens appear to have gone on strike. Most peculiar.
It is as if a great spell has been cast on the continent, which purpose is to create upheaval in weird and unusual ways.
James didn't come back from the scouting mission. I've sent a post-mortem medal for bravery to his next of kin. You couldn't buy an egg with it.

Summer Evening - Zamor

Full, Warming Wells

With everywhere's wells being unusually full, and the wellwater already warmed, the Ewerer's Guilds have been receiving many complaints from nobility of their ewerers lounging around from the lack of work.

Tyrann Thrane

Akesh eyed Tyrann, perceiving his thoughts.

“Dare you mistake my Majesty as a mere winged reptile?! Crude are the tongues of men. I have existed before entirety and unto me shall entirety submit! I shall consume the sun and maul earth! The Reams of Men will be plunged into darkness!” He roared and again shook caverns once more.

“Kaos the Usurper deceived my court and sealed me within the depths of Evora.” Akesh huffed and his purple eyes brightened with rage. “Piece by piece did he dismantle the empire I had built and laid waste to my temple.”

Akesh then began to thrash about, creating enormous waves of magma.

“And for what?! To Rest in Peace?! As he slumbers in his temple our sovereignty was forgotten, reduced to myth and legend! Men no longer bow and bend to our will! But so too has his essence waned, and my liberation will soon be at hand. I need...”

Akesh pondered for a moment then peered at Tyrann and grinned, exposing his razor sharp teeth; gnarled and protruding.

“You...” Akesh laughed menacingly. “Return to your kin, your beloved Realm of Shadows. As my Harbinger gather souls and rebuild my temple!”

With a mighty roar of Akesh Tyrann’s vision went black. His body lay lifeless beneath the rising sun, in the shadow of Evora’s lonely tower.

Strange Tales

Strangers mumble about raining seahorses and kitties blowing in the breeze in the local bars.

Priests Quiet

Less available to attend to your spiritual needs, the lay priests have been unusually busy, silent in their focus upon whatever has their attention.


Deep low-pitched roaring is heard echoing from Scio's caves. It goes on. And on. And on. And on. And...well, you get the idea.

24th August

Summer Evening - Al Arab

Region Taken

We have successfully convinced the people of Commonyr to raise our banner and abandon their old allegiance to Eponllyn.
The region joins the duchy of Shadow's Bluff. The region now needs a lord.

Alliance Forged

The realms of Eponllyn and Sirion have joined into an alliance.


Sirion has declared war on us! They gave the following reason

The Republic of Sirion hereby declares war on the Kingdom of Shadowdale.

Our former allies have seemingly renounced all bonds of kinships recently, warring with each of their neighbours in turn. Caligus and Nivemus have both been beaten into submission and now only tiny Eponllyn stands defiant in their path.

If Eponllyn falls, it will only be a matter of time before Shadowdale turns her gaze north. Sirion marches to support our allies Eponllyn in the face of King Lindow’s greed and avarice.

Since this is purely a defensive war on Sirion’s part, we will not be looking to gain any land from Shadowdale.

Hostilities between Sirion and Shadowdale will end under the following circumstances.

  1. Shadowdale sues for peace with Eponllyn, dropping all claims to Eponllyn regions or reparations
  2. Shadowdale admits they are at blame for the war and agrees to pay 10,000 gold reparations each to both Sirion and Eponllyn.
  3. Shadowdale posts a public apology in the Ruler Channel

Alternatively, circumstances 2 and 3 can be avoided if:

4. Shadow King Lindow abdicates and promises not to hold any government positions for the period of three calendar years.

Letter from Aila Storme

Lady Brigdha,

I have travelled to bastad in regards to the Kalmar business, I have a view of Chaos temple from which a massive plume of black smoke is rising. I can only assume an eruption is imminent. The King has halted our travel in order to survey the situation from Bastad. I will inform you of further changes.

Did you man ever reach Evora?

Other this the only updates are

A lack of eggs, very strange
Fluctuating temperatures. When I left Perdan it was cold as ice, here Bastad it is as if it was still the mid summer.
Talk of lizard people has a 50% upstrike among the nobles

Aila Storme

Dame of Aix

Current East Continent Event

As heralded by the RP events around the island for the past several days, changes are coming to the East Continent. By the nature of such changes, some people will gain, and others will lose. This is, to some extent, intended, as the reason for the changes is to improve the balance and overall fun.

Any loud wailing that the admins are just trying to hurt Realm X, or help Realm Y, will result in temporary account locks, and potentially the loss of positions. Such accusations of corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If you are interested in the specific details of why we made the choices we did, please ask respectfully. If you have specific criticisms of the changes we made, please state them concisely and respectfully and we will seek to address them in the same spirit.

We know that these changes will result in temporary frustration and struggles as people adapt, but we firmly believe that for the long-term health of the East Continent, these changes are necessary—and have largely been in planning for months or years.

Foxen Carmine

While the man remained in his tent with his army the messengers continually brought news about the strange events that were taking place on the continent. Too many strange things and it all seemed to be related to the great mountain ranges of the continent. Foxen, intrigued by the future of the kingdom, summoned one of his chamber assistants.

- Has my lord called me? - Said the young man with a bow.

- Yes, there is a minor noble family in Krimml that is interested in science. I want you to carry a message to them to investigate the events that are happening in the mountains of Evora. - Carmine ordered while keeping his gaze fixed on some maps.

- As you wish. - The servant answered, leaving in a hurry.


A soldier enters his lord's tent carrying a small collection of scrolls and a letter. The scrolls contained information about volcanoes and tectonic plates along with maps of what they were believed to be. The letter, in a summarized way, explained the concerns of the men of science, fearing a great earthquake or a volcanic eruption that would obscure the sun on the continent. Concern settled on Foxen's shoulders. Will we be prepared to face it? A continent marked by war would hardly be united to avoid a catastrophe… Carmine threw all the maps and papers from the table to the floor, frustrated.

- Captain Friebald! Send messengers to each town of Al Amarah, to prepare supplies and ensure enough water for a while, in case the wells run dry or the water gets hotter than it is.

- Yes my lord. - With a bow, the experienced captain leaves the tent.

If a great earthquake hits the continent we will not be able to do anything, but maybe the magma can be stopped continued thinking the man while writing on a blank letter.


A landslide in Eldoret destroys and blocks a vital roadway.

Soothsayer's Warning

A soothsayer is travelling through Negev warning of doom and destruction. The only comforting words are to, Gather and Take Shelter!

Seer in Vision

Rumours spread of a Seer in Akesh Temple who has become stuck in a Vision.

25th August

Summer Day - Woolton

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Mashhad:

Perleone vs. Caligus
Estimated strengths: 490 men vs. 1550 men
The Blazing Swords (Perleone), sponsored by King Gaheris Camlann, were led into battle by Marshal Faridithous von Hammersmark.
Attacker Victory!

Takeover in Montijo

Commander Elric Altenahr of Sirion has initiated a takeover of your region Montijo.
Troops of Sirion will try to remove this region from your realm and turn it rogue through their actions over the next days.

William Armsworth

War journal, day 34, morning.
Sirion allied to Eponllyn and invaded Montijo.
Come what may, we should make them reconsider their impudence.
Fortunately the army is ready for action. I exchanged bonds and feel confident another refit is affordable.

Summer Evening - Dimwood

Rise of Prophets

In each religion, prophets arise bringing new teachings to their religion. Some talk of rebirth. Others talk of unity. Yet others talk of doom. These prophets have visions they share, but none of them make sense.

Strangers Approach Court

Strangers attempt to have audience with Shadow King Lindow Moonsun. They insist on finding safety in numbers, possibly with other realms. The guards turn them away, but report the interaction to their sergeants.

Ground Rumbles

The ground rumbles, knocking everyone to the ground. A popping noise is heard every so often, alongside ever-present hissing. Jets of steam are visible upon the mountain above Chaos Temple.

Choking Smoke

The island of Kalmar is filled with choking smoke from the west, burning eyes and throats, causing constant coughing.

Peculiar Happening

A flock of dead three-legged crows was found on the steps of the royal palace this morning. There was no apparent cause of death.

Strange Tales

Weird stories and weird tales are being told in the bars.

Strange Noises in the Forest

Strange beasts are rumoured to roam the forests these days, many more than there used to be.

Strangers Approach Court

Strangers attempt to have audience with High King Preston Greer. They insist on finding safety in numbers, possibly with other realms. The guards turn them away, but report the interaction to their sergeants.

26th August

Summer Day - Dimwood

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Mashhad:

Perleone vs. Caligus
Estimated strengths: 540 men vs. 550 men
The Lion's Guard (Caligus), sponsored by High King Preston Greer, were led into battle by Marshal Jimminy Pantucket.
The Blazing Swords (Perleone), sponsored by King Gaheris Camlann, were led into battle by Marshal Faridithous von Hammersmark.
King Gaheris Camlann is spotted reading from the Mysterious Essay of the End Times.
Royal Daedalus Dogsbody is spotted wearing the Shiny Ring of Soliferum.
King Gaheris Camlann is spotted wearing the Bathrobe of Perleone.
Countess Shorloc Soul is spotted wielding the Elemental Warblade of the Grand Lodge of Lunaria.
Royal Daedalus Dogsbody is spotted wearing the Giggling Codpiece of Necromancy.
Defender Victory!

Chaos Priests

The Priests of Chaos Temple preach warnings of Doom and the Rise of Flame. They are hostile to non-locals, by which they mean anyone not born in the region.


A landslide in Bastad destroys and blocks a vital roadway.

Choking Smoke

The island of Kalmar is filled with choking smoke from the west, burning eyes and throats, causing constant coughing. All life on the island suffers.

Choking Smoke, Ground Rumbling, Peasants Fleeing

The island of Chaos is filled with choking smoke from the mountain, reducing visibility. Everyone squints as its impossible to keep one's eyes open in the burning air. Many are leaving the island while others swear to never leave until their last day. Some emigrants are attacked by nativists.

The ground shakes, knocking everyone to the ground. This occurs every few hours.

Animals are rarely seen and domestic beasts are disobedient. Many household pets go missing.

Ferrymen are agitated, more curt and snappier than usual.

27th August

Summer Day - Perdan

Takeover in Commonyr

Earl Alarin Castillo of Greater Eponllyn has initiated a takeover of your region Commonyr.
Troops of Eponllyn will try to remove this region from your realm and turn it rogue through their actions over the next days.

A New Lord

Duke Lindow Moonsun of Shadow's Bluff Duchy has appointed Mordred Pendragon to the vacant lordship position in Commonyr.

Summer Evening - Perdan

Aila Storme

An Uncommon Meeting

Through time, the Bloody Stump had become a familiar place for Aila. Over the months she had come to know staff and regulars, and felt a true ease when resting there. News of Lady Brigdha's arrival had reached her and she sat sipping a drink in the commonroom with an uncommon excited buzz within her. She hadn't seen the Lady of Evora for a long time, not since Aila was just nineteen and exchanging letters with the mysterious Lady had only brought more and more curiosity about her...

The young Dame watched the door closely, when the Ambassador arrived she would be there to show her the way to a room that was Perhaps not as splendid as the King's private rooms but secluded and restful. The common room was a Ruckus of guests and music, a fine atmosphere for a drink but not much of one for a conversation, which was what she was really after.

"A refill milady?" A maiden with a large jug of wine asked loudly over the bards singing, and Aila raised her cup. "Your meal is ready when you are Milady" She informed as the last drop fell into Aila's cup.

Aila was in such a nice mood, she even thanked the girl before she left.