Fontan (Realm)/Alise's History: Difference between revisions

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(New page: Greetings. I am Alise Athins. The following is the history of Fontan as I know it. I came to Fontan just as the war in the north broke out, and will detail the h...)
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Greetings.  I am [[Athins Family/Alise|Alise Athins]].  The following is the history of Fontan as I know it.  I came to Fontan just as the war in the north broke out, and will detail the history from there until the present.  The East Continent is an old island, with alot of history.  Thus I think it necessary to detail some prior events.  We will start long ago.  I should say that the following is second hand knowledge and most likely is not one hundred percent accurate.
Greetings.  I am [[Athins Family/Alise|Alise Athins]].  The following is the history of Fontan as I know it.  I came to Fontan just as the war in the north broke out, and will detail the history from there until the present.  The East Continent is an old island, with alot of history.  Thus I think it necessary to detail some prior events.  We will start long ago.  I should say that the following is second hand knowledge and is most likely not one hundred percent accurate.

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The continent then entered a time of peace and prosperity.  Many tournaments were held, and although a few small wars broke out (namely the destruction of [[Kalmar Islands]] and the [[Avamar Selective]], and a war between Fontan and [[Light of Fountain]]), the continent still was not plagued by the long wars of it's past.  After quite some time, the gods grew angry, after all our world is made for conflict.  The gods forced the leaders of the nations into action with lightning from the sky.
The continent then entered a time of peace and prosperity.  Many tournaments were held, and although a few small wars broke out (namely the destruction of [[Kalmar Islands]] and the [[Avamar Selective]], and a war between Fontan and [[Light of Fountain]]), the continent still was not plagued by the long wars of it's past.  After quite some time, the gods grew angry, after all our world is made for conflict.  The gods forced the leaders of the nations into action with lightning from the sky.

Itorunt moved first.  They broke their federation with Ibladesh and Yssaria, and allied with Perdan and Caligus.  Itorunt and Ibladesh moved to war, and Yssaria was forced to defend herself when Itorunt attacked.  The Duke of [[Isadril_(Region)|Isadril]] believed that Itorunts only interest in Yssaria was his duchy.  He seceded from Yssaria and formed [[Tuchanon V]].
Itorunt moved first.  They broke their federation with Ibladesh and Yssaria, and allied with Perdan and Caligus.  Itorunt and Ibladesh moved to war, and Yssaria was forced to defend herself when Itorunt attacked.  The Duke of [[Isadril_(Region)|Isadril]] believed that Itorunt's only interest in Yssaria was his duchy.  Thus, he seceded from Yssaria and formed [[Tuchanon V]].
Perdan and Caligus wished to aid their ally Itorunt, but they were afraid that the Northern Alliance might move against them if they did.  Nightmare, then King of Perdan began talks with Katsuyori who was our Chancellor at the time.  The two rulers signed the Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA).  The effect of the UBA, at least what mattered, was that Fontan and Perdan agreed to a length of peace, and that no attack could be launched on one from the other's land.  This effectively cut off Sirion and Old Rancagua from the south, leaving Perdan completely safe from the north.  At the time we believed that this would let us fulfill a promise we had made long ago to create a new [[Coimbra]].  Fontan approached Old Rancagua with this wish.  Old Rancagua had once signed a treaty stating that they would help create a new Coimbra, but King Dekion, Old Rancagua's King at the time, said that such a treaty did not exist.  Things broke down into a heated argument, and Dekion began throwing insults at our Chancellor.  What happened next is not entirely clear, as everyone tells a differing account.  We know that Fontan broke the federation with Sirion (since they were federated with Old Rancagua) and went to war with Old Rancagua.  Sirion was not please with this.  Fontan asked them to remain neutral, but when a Fontanese TL accidentally wound up in [[Oligarch_(Region)|Oligarch]], Sirion declared war on Fontan.
==The Four on One War==
Soon after Sirion's war declaration, the [[Obsidian Islands]] and the [[Light of Fountain]] decided to join in and declared war on Fontan.  The Obsidian Islands joined in to help their allies Old Rancagua.  The Light of Fountain, however, joined in to regain the land that Fontan had taken back from them (Light of Fountain had been formed when Fontan's namesake city had seceded.  The brief war fought durring the Long Peace had been for Fontan wish to reclaim that city, which it did along with two other regions.  LoF now wanted it back.) .  Fontan's military leaders decided to concentrate on destroying Light of Fountain first, they were the weakest and caused a second front in the south.  Around this time we also decided that we would no longer form a New Coimbra, I cannot remember if it was by vote, or that the few remaining former Coimbrians no longer wished to reform their former realm.  Fontan proved a force to be reckoned with.  We kept Sirion and Old Rancagua at bay, and even gained some territory against them in the north.  We repelled the Obsidian Islands slow and weak assaults, and destroyed Light of Fountain in the south, taking their last region and capital of [[Akesh Temple]]. 
While we were destroying Light of Fountain Tal, our Chancellor, worked on negotiations with King Doombringer of Caligus.  These talks revolved around Light of Fountain regions (the now remainder of which were all former Caligan regions) and Caligus' war against our ally Yssaria(whom they had been making significant gains against).  These negotiations went sour, and Doombringer gained a personal hatred for Tal who he claimed had offended him in their talks. 
A referendum was held to determine the future of the war, and it was decided that we would destroy Old Rancagua.  So we finished off Light of Fountain, and turned our full force north.  We moved fast, crushing Old Rancagua and Sirion's forces and gained quite a bit of territory easily.  We completely cut off [[Oligarch_(Region)|Oligarch]] from Sirion, but waited to assault the city as its Duke, Doc, had raised a large force of militia behind it's walls.  We moved on to take [[Kazakh]], when a huge controversy broke out.
==The Sultanate of Asena==
The Military Council at the time was a group known as the Council of Defense (CoD).  It leaked out that they had planned a colony in Kazakh, and that all arrangements had already been made.  This caused quite an uproar, and angered alot of people.  A big argument broke out.  Many claimed the CoD had no right to do such a thing and that it should have been brought before the Fontan Assembly.  After things settled down it was agreed that the nobles would be given a few days to propose new ideas for the colony, and then the ideas would be voted on. Having the advantage of the advanced preparation, and having already brought knights in for the sole purpose of the colony, the CoD's plan easily won.  So when the city of Kazakh was taken Sir Korkut was made its Duke.  He soon seceded it to form the [[Sultanate of Asena]].  This sat badly with quite a few nobles for a long time.  Eventually these nobles put forth enough pressure and the Minister of Defense, Lord Basilius, disbanded the CoD.  Tal also choose no to run again for Chancellor, and was replaced by Rogal Dorn.
Fontan soon became split into two faction.  The Old Guard, mainly made up of Fontan's older members, was lead by two of Fontan's Dukes, Gregor and Alexi.  The Upstarts was made up mainly of the former CoD members, and was lead by Tal.  The two factions, especially Tal, Alexi, and Gregor, were constantly at each others' throats.  None could have foreseen what this eventually lead to.
==Fontan's Golden Age==
The war in the north continued.  We took the cities of [[Avamar_(Region)|Avamar]] and [[Oligarch_(Region)|Oligarch]] in turn.  We broke the walls of Old Rancagua's Capital of [[Ashforth]] and continually destroyed the city.  The Sultanate gained ground, taking Old Rancagua's regions.  I believe we even broke Old Rancagua's northern city of [[Oroya]] once or twice.  Fontan had become the largest, richest, and most populated realm on the continent.  During this time, Fontan was home to over 180 nobles and controlled seven duchies.
The war in the south came to an end.  Caligus destroyed Yssaria.  Ibladesh was overpowered and had had enough, they signed a peace treaty with Itorunt and Perdan.  Only Tuchanon V and Itorunt remained at war.
==Treachery and the Beginning of the Six vs Two War==
To say the war in the north was going well for Fontan would be a huge understatement.  Fontan had taken the Avamar and Oligarch duchies from Srion.  The Sultanate had taken quite a bit of Old Rancagua's northern regions and was moving on [[Oroya]].  Fontan was occupying Ashforth and had begun a Take Over (Which would have made her eighth duchy, more than any realm had ever held by that point in history).
The war in the south had ended, and many in Fontan were afraid Perdan and/or Caligus might get involved in the northern war.  This fear turned into an almost absolute certainty when Perdan refused to renew the UBA. 
No one would have foreseen what was to happened though.  A mere day before the take over of Ashforth was complete, Gregor, a former Chancellor of Fontan, seceded [[Fontan|Fontan City]] to form the [[Confederacy of Fontan]].  His reasons can be found [[Confederacy of Fontan#Gregor's Plea to the Fontanian Assembly|here]].  Hours later Caligus and Perdan declared war on Fontan.  The reasons they gave were that they wished to protect the new realm, and to stop Fontan's "Empire Building."  It was quite clear that this move had been long planned.  Gregor had been bringing Perdanese nobles into his duchy for weeks, claiming they we joining to help in the war against Sirion.  No one in Fontan had grown any the wiser until it was too late.  Fontan found herself surrounded by enemies, at war with five realms.  Fontan's only ally in this war, the Sultanate, was also at war with the Obsidian Islands.  Fontan found herself in the midst of a six on two war.  Though we had thought we would be fighting Perdan and Caligus, we had not expected Gregor's treachery.  Perdan advanced quickly and took [[Troyes]] and [[Westmoor]].  But the treachery was not over.
==The Krimml Incident==
You can find the details of the Incident [[East Continent/Timeline/The Krimml Incident|here]]. 
Also, I would like to add a few things to the prelude.  Since Gregor's treachery some had been suspicious of Alexi, especially among his political enemies.  Rogal Dorn was one such, and had already announced he would not be running again for the Chancellory.  When he exiled Alexi he gave this as his reason, "I don't want the next Chancellor to have to deal with him."  There was talk of the next Chancellor recalling the Duke's exile before the Duke snapped.
==The Six on Two War and Westmoor's Creation==
Perdan made strong advances at first, taking the entirety of the Westmoor Duchy in a fairly short amount of time, taking advantage of the chaos caused by Gregor and Alexi.  But then Fontan's armies stiffened, and the war turned into a stalemate.
In the North, Sirion managed to turn Tabost, Dale, and Ashforth rogue.  We eventually took back Ashforth, and Sirion took Tabost.  I cannot remember who took Dale.  The Sultanate bore the brunt of Sirion and Old Rancagua's attacks, being pushed back to the Kazakh peninsula at times, which was under attack by the Obsidian Islands.  Fontan helped when we could, but most of our force was spent elsewhere.  In the West, we held Perdan, trading a few regions back and forth.  In the South, we traded a few regions back and forth with the Confederacy who was aided by Caligus.  During this time The Revenger (now known as Reven Gert) and myself traded places more than once in the Chancellor position before Mikhail was elected to the post.
The stalemate eventually broke as we pushed the Confederacy completely back to Fontan city and began a takeover, effectively ending Gregor's farce of a rebellion.  But before the TO could finish, Evangeline seceded the [[Westmoor|Westmoor Duchy]] from Perdan to form the realm of [[Westmoor_(Realm)|Westmoor]].  Fontan had know almost since the beginning of the war that Perdan's main objective in the war was to create a "New Oligarch."  Westmoor was the result.  Westmoor's Queen Evangeline, offered Fontan peace.  Almost everyone in Fontan thought this an insult.  Westmoor claimed that Fontan had no reason to fight Westmoor, even though Westmoor had been built out of Fontan's regions and many in Fontan saw Westmoor as Perdan's puppet.  Chancellor Mikhail told Westmoor's Queen such and declared war on them.  Insults began to fly between both side, many of them through the two realms respective newspapers of the time, [[The Fontan Democrat]] and The [[Westmoor Times]]. 
Soon after Westmoor's creation Fontan struck and managed to break the Walls of Westmoor.  However, we were soon driven out by Perdan's incoming armies.  That was to be Fontan's last major victory in the war. 
Up until this point, Fontan had been holding her enemies at bay.  Fontan's armies were well coordinated and well lead, while her enemies fought on their own.  They begun to realize they could overwhelm Fontan's armies by coordinating their attacks.  First Sirion attacked Avamar, the city was defended only by militia.  Fontan's Minister of Defense, Malfurion, choose to defend [[Bruck]] rather than move to break the TO of Avamar.  We lost the city.  Soon Westmoor and Caligus, with Perdan's help, began making significant advances.  Fontan was losing ground, and many of her regions were heavily damaged.  We soon realized we could no longer fight against these odds, and began to work toward peace.  Mikhail had chosen to step down from the Chancellor position, and was replaced by Katalynfae.  The young Chancellor began to attempt to work out peace between Fontan and her enemies.  At first our enemies worked toward a collective treaty, but Sirion and Old Rancagua proved to be tough to work with asking for treaties that would leave Fontan either completely dead or with only three regions.  Then Sirion's Prime Minister, Handow, decided to try and go behind his allies back and attempt his own treaty with Fontan that would betray his allies.  I cannot remember the exact specifics of his proposal, but the gist of it was that Sirion and Old Rancagua would turn to Fontan's side to war against Caligus, Perdan and Westmoor.  He wanted Fontan to eventually return all the lands Fontan had took from them, and then some, and would only help Fontan take back the regions she had lost to what would be his former allies.  The members of the Fontan assembly were insulted by this, and it was suggested that we send this proposal to Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor, a suggestion which was carried out.  Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor obviously did not like their allies' lack of loyalty and soon broke their pacts with Sirion and Old Rancagua.  Eventually a peace treaty was worked out between Fontan and Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor.  You can see it [[Fontan (Realm)/Treaties/Treaty Ending Hostilities Between Fontan, Caligus, Westmoor, and Perdan 12-10-08|here]].  Fontan was to continued it's war with Old Rancagua and Sirion as a treaty could not be reached. 
==The War in the North Continues and Old Rancagua is Destroyed==
Somewhere toward the end of the Six on Two war, Ibladesh and Itorunt once again began to war, and it was going in Tuchanon V and Ibladesh's favor.  Free of the war in the north, Caligus and Perdan turned to aid their ally Itorunt.  Perdan moved against Tuchanon V and Caligus moved against Ibladesh.  Ibladesh soon asked for peace, and Caligus attempted to work one out, but Itorunt would not agree.  Eventually Caligus signed a peace, and Ibladesh and Itorunt continued to fight.  This caused a rift between Caligus and Itorunt, and their alliance was dissolved.  Caligus eventually also enacted a peaceful integration of what was left of Tuchanon V, whose leaders choose to join Caligus peacefully and in turn keep their land.  This Drove a spike between Caligus and Perdan.  There is more to this situation, and more fallout between Perdan and Caligus, but there is little need to explain it here.
In the mean time, Fontan and the Sultanate of Asena fought against Old Rancagua and Sirion.  We gained some ground against them, and began to push on Old Rancagua.  After some time, our former enemy Westmoor approached us about joining the war on our side, citing Sirion's attempted betrayal.  Before a decision was reached, Westmoor's King mysteriously disappeared and Westmoor blamed Sirion.  They soon joined in the fighting, and we later signed an alliance.  With Westmoor 's strength added to that of ours and the Sultanate's we pushed hard on Old Rancagua and soon took her capital and last city of [[Oroya]], and the Sultantate took it over.  Old Rancagua's remaining regions quickly changed allegiance to Sirion, and Old Rancagua was no more.
==The Great Stalemate (Up to Present Time)==
Fontan and her allies continued to fight Sirion.  Soon the Obsidian Islands and Perdan joined on our side.  Even with the overwhelming force we could not break Sirion's defensive front of Avamar and [[Trinbar]].  Most of the fighting would take place in [[Tabost]], [[Dale]], [[Sermbar]], [[Obando]], and [[Csopa]], with the regions changing hands quite often.  This would continue for quite some time (OOC: Over a year), and in fact is still the status quo.
Soon after OR's fall controversy would again strike Fontan.  It began when the newly elected Minister of Defense, Jon Paul, called out the Lions army for often not acting according to MoD orders, but taking matters into their own hands.  This lead to a great deal of argument, mainly between Jon Paul and Sulliven (the former Duke of Oligarch and leader of the Lions).  Both attempted to have the other banned for treason, and if I recall correctly both got votes started in the assembly (though neither panned out).  It was eventually resolved by an assembly vote that the Lions could act outside the MoD.  To give weight to the situation it should be said that the Lions were Fontan's elite army, their ~=K.D.F=~ banner was feared by all of Fontan's enemies.  They were so feared that our enemies would make all their plans based off their movements.
Fontan, THe Sultanate of Asena, and Westmoor continues to fight Sirion.  We were soon joined by the Obsidian Islands, and eventually by Perdan (also citing Sirion's attempted betrayal).  Fighting has largely taken place in  and Old Rancagua's former regions ([[Obando]], [[Csopa]], [[Caqueta]], and [[Pedrera]]).  Perdan pulled out when Caligus declared war against them, and the two have been fighting since.
Of note during this time is the loss of the Lions, Fontan's feared elite army.  There was quite a controversy, and suddenly many of the Lion's members, including Duke Sulliven, disappeared.  The remaining Lion members decided that the army should be disbanded, which it was after some more arguing.  Just before it was, Jon Paul was found dead.  It was later revealed that Lady Moria had carried out the deed, as she had evidence that he had kill the members of the Lion's that had disappeared.  Chancellor Katalynfae took the death of her husband Jon Paul hard.  She stepped down and left Fontan for a time.  Her brother Zadek replaced her as Chancellor.
It should also be noted that during this time Ibladesh and Itorunt's war continued and Ibladesh has pushed Itorunt back to a single duchy.
==Random Facts==
*Rogal Dorn
*The Revenger (Now known as Reven Gert)
====Minister of Defense====
*John Paul
*Aulus Severus
====Minister of Finance====
====Supreme Justice====
*Fontan - Gregor, The Revenger(Now known as Reven Gert)
*Karbala - The Revenger, Niles, Lionheart, Requiem
*Krimml - Alexi, Amelia, Richard, Alise, Murat
*Westmoor - Sartan Morningstar, Basilius
*Akesh Temple - Jai, Andrew
*Avamar - Katsuyori
*Oligarch - Sulliven
*Kazakh - Korkut
*Ashforth - Duncan, Elberan

Perdan and Caligus wished to aid their ally Itorunt, but they were afraid that the Northern Alliance might move against them if they did.  Nightmare, then King of Perdan began talks with Katsuyori who was our Chancellor at the time.  The two rulers signed the Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA).  The effect of the UBA, at least what mattered, was that Fontan and Perdan agreed to a length of peace, and that no attack could be launched from the others land.  This effectively cut off Sirion and Old Rancagua from the south.  At the time we believed that this would let us fulfill a promise we had made long ago to create a new [[Coimbra]].  Fontan approached Old Rancagua with this wish.  Old Rancagua had once signed a treaty stating that they would help create a new Coimbra, but King Dekion, Old Rancagua's King at the time, said that such a treaty did not exist.  Things broke down into a heated argument, and Dekion began throwing insults at our Chancellor.  What happened next is not entirely clear.  We know that we broke the federation and went to war with Old Rancagua.  We also know that Sirion entered the war when a Fontanese troop leader accidently ended up in [[Oligarch_(Region)|Oligarch]].

==The War in the North, and the Golden Age==
*More to come latter*
*Highest Number of Nobles - 181
*Highest Number of Regions - 29
*Highest Number of Duchies - 7
*Highest Number of Armies - 7

Latest revision as of 04:30, 25 July 2010

Greetings. I am Alise Athins. The following is the history of Fontan as I know it. I came to Fontan just as the war in the north broke out, and will detail the history from there until the present. The East Continent is an old island, with alot of history. Thus I think it necessary to detail some prior events. We will start long ago. I should say that the following is second hand knowledge and is most likely not one hundred percent accurate.


The East Continent used to be a much different place. Many countries existed that no longer do. Eventually three main factions emerged. Itorunt, Ibleadesh, and Yssaria in the south formed the Southern Federation. Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Fontan in the north formed the Northern Alliance. Caligus, Perdan, and Oligarch formed the Southern Alliance. (*Note* These were not the only realms of the time, only those in the major factions.) Eventually, Oligarch was defeated, and Caligus was forced to take refuge in the Perdanese duchy of Partora.

The continent then entered a time of peace and prosperity. Many tournaments were held, and although a few small wars broke out (namely the destruction of Kalmar Islands and the Avamar Selective, and a war between Fontan and Light of Fountain), the continent still was not plagued by the long wars of it's past. After quite some time, the gods grew angry, after all our world is made for conflict. The gods forced the leaders of the nations into action with lightning from the sky.

Itorunt moved first. They broke their federation with Ibladesh and Yssaria, and allied with Perdan and Caligus. Itorunt and Ibladesh moved to war, and Yssaria was forced to defend herself when Itorunt attacked. The Duke of Isadril believed that Itorunt's only interest in Yssaria was his duchy. Thus, he seceded from Yssaria and formed Tuchanon V.

Perdan and Caligus wished to aid their ally Itorunt, but they were afraid that the Northern Alliance might move against them if they did. Nightmare, then King of Perdan began talks with Katsuyori who was our Chancellor at the time. The two rulers signed the Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA). The effect of the UBA, at least what mattered, was that Fontan and Perdan agreed to a length of peace, and that no attack could be launched on one from the other's land. This effectively cut off Sirion and Old Rancagua from the south, leaving Perdan completely safe from the north. At the time we believed that this would let us fulfill a promise we had made long ago to create a new Coimbra. Fontan approached Old Rancagua with this wish. Old Rancagua had once signed a treaty stating that they would help create a new Coimbra, but King Dekion, Old Rancagua's King at the time, said that such a treaty did not exist. Things broke down into a heated argument, and Dekion began throwing insults at our Chancellor. What happened next is not entirely clear, as everyone tells a differing account. We know that Fontan broke the federation with Sirion (since they were federated with Old Rancagua) and went to war with Old Rancagua. Sirion was not please with this. Fontan asked them to remain neutral, but when a Fontanese TL accidentally wound up in Oligarch, Sirion declared war on Fontan.

The Four on One War

Soon after Sirion's war declaration, the Obsidian Islands and the Light of Fountain decided to join in and declared war on Fontan. The Obsidian Islands joined in to help their allies Old Rancagua. The Light of Fountain, however, joined in to regain the land that Fontan had taken back from them (Light of Fountain had been formed when Fontan's namesake city had seceded. The brief war fought durring the Long Peace had been for Fontan wish to reclaim that city, which it did along with two other regions. LoF now wanted it back.) . Fontan's military leaders decided to concentrate on destroying Light of Fountain first, they were the weakest and caused a second front in the south. Around this time we also decided that we would no longer form a New Coimbra, I cannot remember if it was by vote, or that the few remaining former Coimbrians no longer wished to reform their former realm. Fontan proved a force to be reckoned with. We kept Sirion and Old Rancagua at bay, and even gained some territory against them in the north. We repelled the Obsidian Islands slow and weak assaults, and destroyed Light of Fountain in the south, taking their last region and capital of Akesh Temple.

While we were destroying Light of Fountain Tal, our Chancellor, worked on negotiations with King Doombringer of Caligus. These talks revolved around Light of Fountain regions (the now remainder of which were all former Caligan regions) and Caligus' war against our ally Yssaria(whom they had been making significant gains against). These negotiations went sour, and Doombringer gained a personal hatred for Tal who he claimed had offended him in their talks.

A referendum was held to determine the future of the war, and it was decided that we would destroy Old Rancagua. So we finished off Light of Fountain, and turned our full force north. We moved fast, crushing Old Rancagua and Sirion's forces and gained quite a bit of territory easily. We completely cut off Oligarch from Sirion, but waited to assault the city as its Duke, Doc, had raised a large force of militia behind it's walls. We moved on to take Kazakh, when a huge controversy broke out.

The Sultanate of Asena

The Military Council at the time was a group known as the Council of Defense (CoD). It leaked out that they had planned a colony in Kazakh, and that all arrangements had already been made. This caused quite an uproar, and angered alot of people. A big argument broke out. Many claimed the CoD had no right to do such a thing and that it should have been brought before the Fontan Assembly. After things settled down it was agreed that the nobles would be given a few days to propose new ideas for the colony, and then the ideas would be voted on. Having the advantage of the advanced preparation, and having already brought knights in for the sole purpose of the colony, the CoD's plan easily won. So when the city of Kazakh was taken Sir Korkut was made its Duke. He soon seceded it to form the Sultanate of Asena. This sat badly with quite a few nobles for a long time. Eventually these nobles put forth enough pressure and the Minister of Defense, Lord Basilius, disbanded the CoD. Tal also choose no to run again for Chancellor, and was replaced by Rogal Dorn.

Fontan soon became split into two faction. The Old Guard, mainly made up of Fontan's older members, was lead by two of Fontan's Dukes, Gregor and Alexi. The Upstarts was made up mainly of the former CoD members, and was lead by Tal. The two factions, especially Tal, Alexi, and Gregor, were constantly at each others' throats. None could have foreseen what this eventually lead to.

Fontan's Golden Age

The war in the north continued. We took the cities of Avamar and Oligarch in turn. We broke the walls of Old Rancagua's Capital of Ashforth and continually destroyed the city. The Sultanate gained ground, taking Old Rancagua's regions. I believe we even broke Old Rancagua's northern city of Oroya once or twice. Fontan had become the largest, richest, and most populated realm on the continent. During this time, Fontan was home to over 180 nobles and controlled seven duchies.

The war in the south came to an end. Caligus destroyed Yssaria. Ibladesh was overpowered and had had enough, they signed a peace treaty with Itorunt and Perdan. Only Tuchanon V and Itorunt remained at war.

Treachery and the Beginning of the Six vs Two War

To say the war in the north was going well for Fontan would be a huge understatement. Fontan had taken the Avamar and Oligarch duchies from Srion. The Sultanate had taken quite a bit of Old Rancagua's northern regions and was moving on Oroya. Fontan was occupying Ashforth and had begun a Take Over (Which would have made her eighth duchy, more than any realm had ever held by that point in history).

The war in the south had ended, and many in Fontan were afraid Perdan and/or Caligus might get involved in the northern war. This fear turned into an almost absolute certainty when Perdan refused to renew the UBA.

No one would have foreseen what was to happened though. A mere day before the take over of Ashforth was complete, Gregor, a former Chancellor of Fontan, seceded Fontan City to form the Confederacy of Fontan. His reasons can be found here. Hours later Caligus and Perdan declared war on Fontan. The reasons they gave were that they wished to protect the new realm, and to stop Fontan's "Empire Building." It was quite clear that this move had been long planned. Gregor had been bringing Perdanese nobles into his duchy for weeks, claiming they we joining to help in the war against Sirion. No one in Fontan had grown any the wiser until it was too late. Fontan found herself surrounded by enemies, at war with five realms. Fontan's only ally in this war, the Sultanate, was also at war with the Obsidian Islands. Fontan found herself in the midst of a six on two war. Though we had thought we would be fighting Perdan and Caligus, we had not expected Gregor's treachery. Perdan advanced quickly and took Troyes and Westmoor. But the treachery was not over.

The Krimml Incident

You can find the details of the Incident here.

Also, I would like to add a few things to the prelude. Since Gregor's treachery some had been suspicious of Alexi, especially among his political enemies. Rogal Dorn was one such, and had already announced he would not be running again for the Chancellory. When he exiled Alexi he gave this as his reason, "I don't want the next Chancellor to have to deal with him." There was talk of the next Chancellor recalling the Duke's exile before the Duke snapped.

The Six on Two War and Westmoor's Creation

Perdan made strong advances at first, taking the entirety of the Westmoor Duchy in a fairly short amount of time, taking advantage of the chaos caused by Gregor and Alexi. But then Fontan's armies stiffened, and the war turned into a stalemate.

In the North, Sirion managed to turn Tabost, Dale, and Ashforth rogue. We eventually took back Ashforth, and Sirion took Tabost. I cannot remember who took Dale. The Sultanate bore the brunt of Sirion and Old Rancagua's attacks, being pushed back to the Kazakh peninsula at times, which was under attack by the Obsidian Islands. Fontan helped when we could, but most of our force was spent elsewhere. In the West, we held Perdan, trading a few regions back and forth. In the South, we traded a few regions back and forth with the Confederacy who was aided by Caligus. During this time The Revenger (now known as Reven Gert) and myself traded places more than once in the Chancellor position before Mikhail was elected to the post.

The stalemate eventually broke as we pushed the Confederacy completely back to Fontan city and began a takeover, effectively ending Gregor's farce of a rebellion. But before the TO could finish, Evangeline seceded the Westmoor Duchy from Perdan to form the realm of Westmoor. Fontan had know almost since the beginning of the war that Perdan's main objective in the war was to create a "New Oligarch." Westmoor was the result. Westmoor's Queen Evangeline, offered Fontan peace. Almost everyone in Fontan thought this an insult. Westmoor claimed that Fontan had no reason to fight Westmoor, even though Westmoor had been built out of Fontan's regions and many in Fontan saw Westmoor as Perdan's puppet. Chancellor Mikhail told Westmoor's Queen such and declared war on them. Insults began to fly between both side, many of them through the two realms respective newspapers of the time, The Fontan Democrat and The Westmoor Times.

Soon after Westmoor's creation Fontan struck and managed to break the Walls of Westmoor. However, we were soon driven out by Perdan's incoming armies. That was to be Fontan's last major victory in the war.

Up until this point, Fontan had been holding her enemies at bay. Fontan's armies were well coordinated and well lead, while her enemies fought on their own. They begun to realize they could overwhelm Fontan's armies by coordinating their attacks. First Sirion attacked Avamar, the city was defended only by militia. Fontan's Minister of Defense, Malfurion, choose to defend Bruck rather than move to break the TO of Avamar. We lost the city. Soon Westmoor and Caligus, with Perdan's help, began making significant advances. Fontan was losing ground, and many of her regions were heavily damaged. We soon realized we could no longer fight against these odds, and began to work toward peace. Mikhail had chosen to step down from the Chancellor position, and was replaced by Katalynfae. The young Chancellor began to attempt to work out peace between Fontan and her enemies. At first our enemies worked toward a collective treaty, but Sirion and Old Rancagua proved to be tough to work with asking for treaties that would leave Fontan either completely dead or with only three regions. Then Sirion's Prime Minister, Handow, decided to try and go behind his allies back and attempt his own treaty with Fontan that would betray his allies. I cannot remember the exact specifics of his proposal, but the gist of it was that Sirion and Old Rancagua would turn to Fontan's side to war against Caligus, Perdan and Westmoor. He wanted Fontan to eventually return all the lands Fontan had took from them, and then some, and would only help Fontan take back the regions she had lost to what would be his former allies. The members of the Fontan assembly were insulted by this, and it was suggested that we send this proposal to Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor, a suggestion which was carried out. Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor obviously did not like their allies' lack of loyalty and soon broke their pacts with Sirion and Old Rancagua. Eventually a peace treaty was worked out between Fontan and Caligus, Perdan, and Westmoor. You can see it here. Fontan was to continued it's war with Old Rancagua and Sirion as a treaty could not be reached.

The War in the North Continues and Old Rancagua is Destroyed

Somewhere toward the end of the Six on Two war, Ibladesh and Itorunt once again began to war, and it was going in Tuchanon V and Ibladesh's favor. Free of the war in the north, Caligus and Perdan turned to aid their ally Itorunt. Perdan moved against Tuchanon V and Caligus moved against Ibladesh. Ibladesh soon asked for peace, and Caligus attempted to work one out, but Itorunt would not agree. Eventually Caligus signed a peace, and Ibladesh and Itorunt continued to fight. This caused a rift between Caligus and Itorunt, and their alliance was dissolved. Caligus eventually also enacted a peaceful integration of what was left of Tuchanon V, whose leaders choose to join Caligus peacefully and in turn keep their land. This Drove a spike between Caligus and Perdan. There is more to this situation, and more fallout between Perdan and Caligus, but there is little need to explain it here.

In the mean time, Fontan and the Sultanate of Asena fought against Old Rancagua and Sirion. We gained some ground against them, and began to push on Old Rancagua. After some time, our former enemy Westmoor approached us about joining the war on our side, citing Sirion's attempted betrayal. Before a decision was reached, Westmoor's King mysteriously disappeared and Westmoor blamed Sirion. They soon joined in the fighting, and we later signed an alliance. With Westmoor 's strength added to that of ours and the Sultanate's we pushed hard on Old Rancagua and soon took her capital and last city of Oroya, and the Sultantate took it over. Old Rancagua's remaining regions quickly changed allegiance to Sirion, and Old Rancagua was no more.

The Great Stalemate (Up to Present Time)

Fontan and her allies continued to fight Sirion. Soon the Obsidian Islands and Perdan joined on our side. Even with the overwhelming force we could not break Sirion's defensive front of Avamar and Trinbar. Most of the fighting would take place in Tabost, Dale, Sermbar, Obando, and Csopa, with the regions changing hands quite often. This would continue for quite some time (OOC: Over a year), and in fact is still the status quo.

Soon after OR's fall controversy would again strike Fontan. It began when the newly elected Minister of Defense, Jon Paul, called out the Lions army for often not acting according to MoD orders, but taking matters into their own hands. This lead to a great deal of argument, mainly between Jon Paul and Sulliven (the former Duke of Oligarch and leader of the Lions). Both attempted to have the other banned for treason, and if I recall correctly both got votes started in the assembly (though neither panned out). It was eventually resolved by an assembly vote that the Lions could act outside the MoD. To give weight to the situation it should be said that the Lions were Fontan's elite army, their ~=K.D.F=~ banner was feared by all of Fontan's enemies. They were so feared that our enemies would make all their plans based off their movements.

Fontan, THe Sultanate of Asena, and Westmoor continues to fight Sirion. We were soon joined by the Obsidian Islands, and eventually by Perdan (also citing Sirion's attempted betrayal). Fighting has largely taken place in and Old Rancagua's former regions (Obando, Csopa, Caqueta, and Pedrera). Perdan pulled out when Caligus declared war against them, and the two have been fighting since.

Of note during this time is the loss of the Lions, Fontan's feared elite army. There was quite a controversy, and suddenly many of the Lion's members, including Duke Sulliven, disappeared. The remaining Lion members decided that the army should be disbanded, which it was after some more arguing. Just before it was, Jon Paul was found dead. It was later revealed that Lady Moria had carried out the deed, as she had evidence that he had kill the members of the Lion's that had disappeared. Chancellor Katalynfae took the death of her husband Jon Paul hard. She stepped down and left Fontan for a time. Her brother Zadek replaced her as Chancellor.

It should also be noted that during this time Ibladesh and Itorunt's war continued and Ibladesh has pushed Itorunt back to a single duchy.

Random Facts



  • Katsuyori
  • Tal
  • Rogal Dorn
  • The Revenger (Now known as Reven Gert)
  • Alise
  • Mikhail
  • Katalynfae
  • Zadek

Minister of Defense

  • Basilius
  • johnn(sp?)
  • Malfurion
  • Alise
  • John Paul
  • Luke
  • Murat
  • Gabriella
  • Duncan
  • Aulus Severus

Minister of Finance

  • Lilith
  • Elberan
  • Requiem

Supreme Justice

  • Katsuyori
  • Duncan
  • Moria
  • Prandur


  • Fontan - Gregor, The Revenger(Now known as Reven Gert)
  • Karbala - The Revenger, Niles, Lionheart, Requiem
  • Krimml - Alexi, Amelia, Richard, Alise, Murat
  • Westmoor - Sartan Morningstar, Basilius
  • Akesh Temple - Jai, Andrew
  • Avamar - Katsuyori
  • Oligarch - Sulliven
  • Kazakh - Korkut
  • Ashforth - Duncan, Elberan


  • Highest Number of Nobles - 181
  • Highest Number of Regions - 29
  • Highest Number of Duchies - 7
  • Highest Number of Armies - 7