The Rampant Lion/Archives/One

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The Rampant Lion
Archives, Volume 1

The News
March 30, 2006 - The armies of Ibladesh and Itorunt continue to run from the armies of Perdan and Ubent. In the most recent occurrence, their forces abandoned Ar Raqqah in the face of our oncoming armies. Of the 15 Ibladesh/Itorunt nobles in Ar Raqqah, 11 of them ran, abandoning their remaining compatriots. Previously, in Al Aquabah, 32 Ibladesh/Itorunt nobles ran away, abandoning 9 of their compatriots in the face of the oncoming armies.

It is a time for big changes in Old Rancagua. Grig, the ruler of Old Rancagua has disappeared! Rumours abound that this is related to the recent string of rebellions in that country. The question now is who will emerge as the new ruler, and what effect will this have on the political scenario on the East Island. Will Old Rancagua continue to press the war against Oligarch? [OOC: Grig's player deleted the Grig character.]

March 29, 2006 - It has come to my attention that Perdan and Fontan also had a "no executions" pact. The recent execution of Juttie by Fontan illustrates the heinous acts our enemies will perform to further their nefarious plans. Fontan, like Ibladesh, has proven that they are not worthy of our trust.

March 27th, 2006 - Some of the most despicable acts in the current war between Perdan and Ibladesh, are the actions of the Judge of Ibladesh. Doomgiver, so-called Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh, and Count of Itor Boss, has proven to be a power mad, bloodthirsty, maniac. In clear and direct violation of a no execution agreement between Perdan and Ibladesh, Doomgiver publicly executed Checky, a noble of Perdan, and attempted the execution of Jebo, another noble of Perdan. Were it not for Jebo's exceptional skills a little bit of luck, he also would have met an untimely end on the executioner's block. This act alone demonstrates the bloodthirsty and treacherous nature of the so-called nobles with which Sorcha has surrounded herself. Ibladesh has yet again proven that they cannot be trusted by honorable men.

March 23rd, 2006 - The Kingdom of Perdan is currently involved in an ongoing war on our souther border with Ibladesh. Perdan is being aided in this struggle by our allies, Ubent. Ibladesh is being aided by their allies, Itorunt. While Perdan and Itorunt are officially neutral toward each other, the armies of Itorunt are providing extensive aide to Ibladesh. In many cases, the Itorunt forces are actually the backbone of the Ibladesh army, with but a token force from Ibladesh.

This is a clever strategy on the part of the Ibladeshian-Itorunt alliance. It allows the Itorunts to move around with impunity, knowing that they will not be attacked by Perdan forces, and that the Perdan forces cannot attack and loot the Itorunt regions. However, when joined by even a single group of Ibladeshian soldiers, the Itorunt armies will "come to the defense" of their Ibladeshian allies. This is the perfect way for the Itorunt troops to support their allies without having to actually commit themselves to formal war with Perdan.

The northern borders of Perdan are being attacked by forces from Fontan. So far, these forces have proven themselves ineffective, even when outnumbering our militia by more than 2 to 1 odds.

March 31, 2006 - The people of Hagley have revolted and declared independence from Fontan!

Yssaria has seized control of Supra from Caligus.

Thalanteus has been appointed as the new dictator of Old Rancagua.

Glomly II, an infiltrator working for Ibladesh, was seriously wounded during an assassination attempt on Sir Ambrosius, a noble of Perdan. Fortunately, Sir Ambrosius' sword skills were no match for the assassin, who was driven off before he could complete his dastardly mission. Although seriously wounded, Glomly II managed to evade capture.

March 30, 2006 - Atos, an infiltrator working for Fontan was captured by Perdanese guards in Evora. Atos was captured while attempting to assassinate Keyoke, Marshall of the Army of Partora.

Huge battle fought in Supra! Forces from Caligus attacked the invading forces of Yssaria that are occupying Supra. The attackers were outnumbered, and defeated. (7,000 vs. 11,000)

Huge battle fought in Ar Raqqah! Forces from Perdan and Ubent attacked the armies of Ibladesh and Itorunt. Again, the forces of Ibladesh and Itorunt tried to retreat before the arrival of the attacking armies. Again, the retreat was only partially successful, as several of their nobles were left behind. The defenders were vastly outnumbered, and quickly defeated. (17,000 vs. 2,000)

Grig, the ruler of Old Rancagua has disappeared! The realm of Old Rancagua is without a leader!

Fed up with all the looting in Ar Raqqah, 22 peasants have taken up arms to defend themselves as a citizen's militia.

March 29, 2006 - The people of Az Zarqua have revolted, and declared themselves idependent from Itorunt.

The executioner in Old Rancagua is at it again. Azathoth was executed in Oroya, the capital of old Rancagua, for his part in the recent rebellions.

Tempest, the Supreme Judge of Fontan has deported Pipeta to the Colonies.

Forces from Perdan and Ubent attacked the armies of Ibladesh and Itorunt in Al Aquabah. The armies of Ibladesh and Itorunt attempted to evacuate the region prior to the arrival of the Perdanese and Ubentian armies, but failed. The battle was short and deadly. The combined Perdanese and Ubentian forces easily overwhelmed the defenders and won the battle. Over two thirds of the defending forces were killed. (11,000 CS vs. 3,000)

The realms of Caligus and Kalmar Islands have joined into an alliance.

March 28, 2006 - In violation of a "no executions" agree between Perdan and Fontan, Juttie, a noble of Perdan, was executed in Krimml, in Fontan.

The rebellion in Fontan has failed.

A huge battle has been fought in Kazan! Forces from Old Rancagua and Sirion attacked the forces of Oligarch. The attacking forces outnumbered and defeated the defenders. (7,000 vs. 3,000)

March 27, 2006 - The rebellion in Fontan continues, but appears to be failing.

Sirion has seized control of Oberndorf from Oligarch.

March 26th, 2006 - Ibladesh seizes control of Ar Raqqah from Ubent.

Rebellion in Fontan! Jabberact has called for a rebellion against the government of Fontan.

March 25th, 2006 - Ibladesh seizes the province of Al Aquabah from Perdan.

March 24, 2006 - Huge battle fought in Kazakh! Forces from Old Rancagua attacked the forces of Oligarch. Although they were outnumbered, Oligarch emerged victorious. (5,000 vs. 4,000)

Huge battle fought in Greatbridge! Forces from Fontan attacked the forces of Oligarch. The forces of Fontan greatly outnumbered and defeated the forces of Oligarch. (10,000 to 3,000)

Oligarch has seized the province of Gadlock from Old Rancagua.

The executioner of Old Rancagua has been busy today. The nobles Elmaira, Aguratsumuli, and argiris were publicly executed in Oroya for their parts in the recent rebellions against Old Rancagua.

Peasants fleeing Al Aquabah carry news of the brutal takeover of Al Aquabah by troops from Ibladesh. The troops of Itorunt loot Al Aquabah.

A huge battle has been fought in Supra! The forces of Yssaria have attacked the forces of Caligus. Outnumbering the defenders, the attacking Yssarians are victorious. (12,000 vs. 10,000)

Sirion has taken over the province of Ashforth from Oligarch.

March 23, 2006 - The rebellion on Old Rancagua has failed.

Huge battle fought! Fontan attacks Oligarch in Bruck. 14,000 vs. 3,000. Fontan wins.

March 22, 2006 - In violation of a "no executions" pact between Perdan and Ibladesh, Doomgiver of Ibladesh executes Checky, a noble of Perdan.

Katia, an infiltrator working for Sirion, is captured in Partora during an assassination attempt on Anubis, Knight of Ar Mosul, of Perdan.

March 21, 2006 - In violation of a "no executions" pact between Perdan and Ibladesh, Doomgiver of Ibladesh orders the execution of Jebo, a noble of Perdan. Fortunately, Jebo escapes before the execution can be carried out.

Celeste, an infiltrator working for Itorunt, is captured in Ibladesh during an assassination attempt on Sir Gates, Knight of Beziers, of Perdan.

Fontan has taken over the rogue region of Hagley.

March 20, 2006 - The Perdan army attacks the White City of Ibladesh. After a short but brutal battle, the severely outnumbered Ibladesh army holds the walls against the Perdan army. The walls of Ibladesh suffer severe damage during the attack. (15,000 vs. 11,000)

Que, a noble of Ibladesh, is executed in Ibladesh for his part in the recent rebellion.

Later that day, after a second long battle, the armies of Perdan are victorious, and sack the White City of Ibladesh. The hero Sir Lion of Perdan is killed in the attack. In the course of the battle, the city's defenses are severely damaged, and reduced to a mote and bailey. (10,000 vs. 7,000)

March 19, 2006 - The rebellion in Ibladesh fails.

Atmar, a noble of Old Rancagua, is executed in Oligarch.

March 18, 2006 - The rebellion in Old Rancagua is a success. Grig has been appointed as the new ruler of the Tyranny in Old Rancagua

Itorunt has completed a takeover of the rogue region of Az Zarqua.

The people of Ashforth revolt against Old Rancagua and rejoin Oligarch.

March 17, 2006 - Rebellion in Old Rancagua! Charger has called for a rebellion against the government of Old Rancagua!

Ubent has taken over the region of Ar Raqqah from Ibladesh.

A huge battle is fought in Supra! The forces of Yssaria have attacked the forces of Caligus. Yssaria claims the victory. (9,000 vs. 10,000)

Rebellion in Ibladesh! Thani has called for a rebellion against the government of Ibladesh!

The rebellion in Old Rancagua has succeeded! Charger is appointed the ruler of the new Tyranny.

Grig immediately begins a new rebellion against Charger's Tyranny in Old Rancagua.

The troops of Caligus rally and counterattack the Yssarian forces in Supra! Yssaria claims the victory again. (10,000 vs. 11,000)

March 16, 2006 - After six days, Perdan completes the takeover of Al Aquabah from Ibladesh.

A huge battle is fought in Kazakh. Oligarch has attacked Old Rancagua, and won! (5,000 vs. 4,000)

Achanarius, a noble of Old Rancagua, is executed in Oligarch.

March 15, 2006 - Oligarch takes over the rogue region of Oberndorf.

Later that day, a huge battle is fought in Oberndorf. The attacking forces of Sirion defeat the defending troops of Oligarch. (11,000 vs. 10,000)

March 12, 2006 - Forces from Fontan attack Bescanon, a region of Perdan. Outnumbered by more than 2 to 1 odds, the Bescanon militia completely devastates the attacking Fontan forces, which used the waves formation against the fortifications. Following the humiliating defeat, the forces of Fontan retreat from Bescannon.

The people of Hagley have revolted against Fontan, and declared independence.

The people of Az Zarqua have revolted against Itorunt and declared independence.

March 11, 2006 - Old Rancagua has taken over Ashforth from Oligarch.

The people of Oberndorf have revolted against Sirion and declared independence.

Forces from Fontan move into Troyes, a region of Perdan, and begin plundering the region.

March 10, 2006 The forces of Perdan attack the armies of Ibladesh in Al Aquabah, and meet with overwhelming success. Perdan begins a takeover of Al Aaquabah.

A rebellion has begun in Oligarch. The rebellion is being led by Roth. The rebellion quickly fails.

Oligarch takes control of Poitiers from Old Rancagua.

White, and infiltrator working for Ibladesh, was captured in Meuse, a region of Perdan, attempting to break into the tax offices.

Macrh 8, 2006 - Sirion takes control of Oberndorf from Oligarch.

March 6, 2006 - Cypher, a noble of Old Rancagua, is executed in Oligarch.

March 2, 2006 - Forces from Perdan sack the city of Ibladesh! After a long battle, the walls of Ibladesh are breached, and the troops from the victorious army of Perdan loot the capital of Ibladesh.

February 23, 2006 - Sargon, a Hero of Perdan, is killed in battle in Zawr, fighting the forces of Itorunt.