Tian Family/Sargon
Coming to Nobility
There are many rumors surrounding Sargon as to just how he came to be a noble. Some say he gave the title to himself, others say a now dead royal awarded him the title. For almost every known generation up to the one that included Sargon, the Tians were freemen. Not peasants, but not quite nobles either.
After some heavy research by numerous scribes, it was determined that the Tians inherited the title. Sargon was determined to have received the title of noble by inhertance, from a now dead noble, whose name was unable to be determined. No matter the cause, the family did inherit the mansion in Noritor, Itorunt.
Life in Ibladesh
Ibladesh, the south land of 4 gods. It is known that Sargon served in that land for some time. During that time, he was a loyal follower and a believer in their gods. Let the tale of his coming now be known.
At a time no later than the 16th, of the 10th month of a year not long past, known as 2005, Sargon first stepped onto the soil of Ibladesh. His scribes about him, hustling in a flurry to get off the ship that had carried him accross the inland sea, to the city of Ibladesh.
The city was a magnificient one. A large temple seemed to dominate the center of it, and walls carressed it's edges, forming the city into something of a fortress. Statues of the 4 gods dawned the walks with their presence, and temples were not a thing hard to find.
After following orders into several traps or mistakes-by-the-general Sargon found himself imprisoned in the lands of his enemy... In the lands of Perdan. What rotten luck he had.
However, fate, or perhaps it was Ramsus (he didn't know which to go with) decided that he was not needed there, for he eventually found himself banned as a "heretic" of the realm. Being in their prison when this happened, made it rather easy to find a new realm. His old realm abandoned him, and called him the enemy. And since, your enemies' enemy is your ally, then Perdan was therefore his ally. Since then, he has had many hateful thoughts of the realm of Ibladesh, but still, remains a believer in the four gods.
A New Home in Perdan
After being banned from Ibladesh, Sargon still remained in the Perdanese prison cell that he was in when banned for a day or two. He already knew that they were at war with Ibladesh, for that was how he was captured. Almost immediately, he was given a small sum of gold for recruiting, and told where to go. He followed orders as any TL should... loyally and without question.
Since that small time in a prison cell, he has done well in Perdan. He became a hero after deciding that troops fight better when their commander is there with them, than just behind them giving orders. He has also published Perdan's first newspaper, the Perdan Pride.
Life in Perdan
During his stay in Perdan, Sargon has done numerous things. He has acheived the rank of Duchal Marshal, and has participated in a number of duels with other nobles of the realm.
For some time in his life, he was a member of the Perdanese council. Unfortunately, his live was shortlived, but he died doing what he wanted...
Death on the Front
There are by the time some read this, there are probably stories of heroes long past. Sargon would be one of those heroes, who died valiantly in battle against some Itorunt troops.
While the details of this fight are not known, it is known that he did not go into this alone. An ally, Turbo Returns, went into battle as well. There are some interesting rumors that Sargon lost his life saving his ally from injury. This story may never be confirmed true or false.
In a large ceremony, his family commemorated the him, a legend known all over the world. For days, the family graveyard swarmed with his friends and admirers. Artists composed songs and poems about him, and young maidens cried in their chambers.
Duels - A listing of all duels in which Sargon participated.
The Final Battle... - The report of the battle, in which Sargon lost his life.