Dwilight University/History/A Concise History of Occidentalism

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Occidens is, according to the formal geography of Dwilight presently in use by the cartographers of D'Hara and academics of the University campus in Chesney, the large, western landmass of Dwilight. However, for the purpose of discussion, this landmass often includes and refers to the Tomb Islands and the Madinan Archipelago, which have played important historical roles in the development of Occidens, as well as the island of Libidizedd, and even Averoth. However, in general, Occidens is the large, contiguous, western landmass. Thus, Occidentalism would be the attitudes or ideas which typify the peoples of Occidens.


However, this does not answer the question of what Occidentalism actually is. Indeed, to define Occidentalism as a cohesive cultural idea will require the exclusion of certain parts of Occidens; namely, Astrum. Though Sanguis Astroism is an element in Occidentalism, Astrum itself, as well as its offshoot Niselur will be given little discussion in this text, the focus of which shall be to describe Occidental culture and life as it is distinguished from Toprakian, which is overwhelmingly Astroist. Thus, Occidentalism is characteristic of those areas which could be called Maroccidental, Far Western, and Mesoccidental or Caerwynian. D'Haran culture would also be included, as would significant elements of Madinan culture.

The Origins of Occidental Society

The native folk of Occidens are a strange and barbarous people for the most part, only becoming civilized under the influence of nobility arrived from other continents from 0 DY onwards. As they have mingled with waves of colonists, the natural depravity of these brutish people has been so tempered that the original race of people has become almost lost to history, saving only in the shadow of Volcano Nightscree, where the Zuma Coalition resides.

Madinan Origins

The great bulk of Occidental realms trace their lineage to Madina. The two initial Pirate Colonies (Melodia, and Caerwyn) were founded in the major ports of Occidens (Paisly and Golden Farrow, respectively), where the red-sailed ships from the south could make easy ports of call and strike deep to the interior. However, while the rapacious and expansionary instincts of the Madinans may have originated many Occidental realms, Occidens is now a place of civilization in its own right. Caerwyn has spawned two colonies (Terran,and Asylon) which have grown far beyond the heritage of pillaging. Indeed, Terran in particular, through its alliance with D'Hara, has often stood against piracy and defended the stable and civilized life. Madina also colonized the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, to its east, which in turn sent a westward expedition to Ordenstaat, which, though constantly beleagured by monsters and undead, though reduced to a single region, fights on with grim and heroic determination. Melodia eventually collapsed to internal strife and monster pressures and, despite attempts to refound it, Paisly reverted to Madinan control, with its hinterlands becoming infested by monsters. However, when Caerwyn founded Terran, the former Melodians traveled north and joined it, thus forming another influx of Madinan culture. The last influx of Madinan culture into Occidental society, as of this writing, is in their conquest of Candiels, whereby they have a foothold in the southernmost bastions of Occidens. Also, Ordenstaat briefly had an offshoot colony called Silverfall, and Madina also launched an ill-fated colonial venture to Chateau Saffalore, resulting in the short-lived colony of Avenel.

Lurian Origins

While undoubtedly Madina is the mother of Occidens, the influence of Pian en Luries cannot be discounted. Though the primary concerns of the Lurians have been on their own affairs, in the early years they sent forth a colonization effort under Edelstein Greneburie, which founded Shadovar in Port Nebel. In keeping with the time-honored Lurian tradition of haughtiness, division, and secession, Shadovar provoked war with Melodia, much to its detriment. Though it eventually took Port Raviel, this was to be Edelstein's undoing, for Raviel in time seceded to form the realm of D'Hara. Now Madina claimed Port Raviel due to Melodia's old claim to Port Raviel, and thusly did Madina also hold Paisly. But when Madina eventually attacked Terran, D'Hara came to Terran's aid, and Paisly was taken. Since then, the pirates of Madina have launched constant assaults on the battered walls of Paisly, which have been upheld by the stalwart alliance of Terran and D'Hara. D'Hara has been ravaged by starvation, attacks from Caerwyn and Madina, rebellion, espionage, monsters, and even a brief war with their mother-country Pian en Luries. Yet through this D'Hara has stood and become a defining member of the Occidental community. There was also a short-lived Shadovarian colony in Qubel Lighthouse.

Other Origins

In the west lies the Zuma Coalition. Among them are many nobles from many realms, including a number of Toprakian nobles. Also, Astroist dignitaries from Toprak often visit Terran and D'Hara, and it is rumored that some go as far as Asylon. The only known established center of Astroist worship is in Terran, around Chateau Saffalore, though the main religion of Terran is Triunism.

The Present State of Occidens

While the origins of Occidental society reflect the influence of Madina and Pian en Luries, the current story of Occidens is entirely its own. Caerwyn, Terran, and D'Hara have their own stories to tell, their own cultures and concerns, and interests which they pursue, as exemplified in the multiple colonies coming from Caerwyn, such as Terran and Asylon.


In ancient times, there were large, organized realms between Volcano Nightscree and Chesney, where now the Marwood predominates. The Far West was also once governed by the great Echiur Dynasty. But since the arrival of our own more civilized kind, the patterns of human civilization have altered. Fully a fourth of all Occidentals dwell in a single city: the aptly named Golden Farrow. Beyond this, Candiels is an important population center, as are Chesney and Itau, each with around 20,000 people. The cities of Paisly and Chateau Saffalore form the other major urban centers. Small towns exist around Port Nebel and Port Raviel, and Echiur and Rettleville. The beginning of a city is beginning to appear in Shokalom, but only time will tell. Paisly is the undisputed trade center of Maroccidens, though Golden Farrow is the wealthiest place on the continent. Chesney, however, is the queen of the land, with great temples of many faiths, a University campus, and guildhouses of almost every guild in Dwilight. Foreign dignitaries arrive in these cities on a regular basis, for Occidentals are a travel-prone people, despite the many dangers that beset the roads. However, the bulk of that travel, except in the heartlands of Terran and Caerwyn must be done by boat, as the lands between Occidental realms are trackless wastes. The great expanse between Chateau Saffalore and the southern bounds of Caerwyn is not traveled lightly.

Diplomatic Affairs

The firm alliance of Terran and D'Hara is arguably the most conspicuous example of Occidental diplomacy, as it reflects ongoing conflicts with Madina and piracy, as well as historical conflicts with Caerwyn. However, in recent times, Caerwyn, Terran, and Asylon have strengthened their bonds and formed productive working relationships, dividing territorial claims in a fair manner between themselves. Terran has occasional relations with the Zuma Coalition as well, while D'Hara and Ordenstaat have a long-standing dispute.


Occidentals are a religiously diverse people. Undoubtedly the most numerous faith is Verdis Elementum, as it is the faith of Caerwyn, which alone makes up over half of the Occidental population. Second to Verdis Elementum would be Triunism, which is the primary faith of Terran, as well as in many of the wild lands. Sanguis Astroism is practiced in some places, but Occidental culture is largely conspicuous for the absence of strong Astroist influences. The religions of Ordenstaat and D'Hara are largely dormant, though D'Hara has adopted Verdis Elementum in many places.

The Political History of Occidens

It would be fruitless to begin a history with the colonization of Occidens, as only Caerwyn remains from those original settlements. Rather, a brief history of the current realms seems fruitful.





The history of Terran begins in the Autumn of 3 DY, with the conquest of Chateau Saffalore by a colonization party from Caerwyn. This party was led by Vesna Valentine and Vigilans Animus, and also included Teniel Dell. It was a largely Astroist group. The reasons for their departure from Caerwyn are presently being investigated. The Terran colonists initially planned to name their realm Highland, but it was changed upon discussion (though the old name is preserved in the names of the armies: "Pride of the Highlands" being the Chateau's army). Around the time Vashgew and Gretchew were conquered, a contingent of Melodians arrived from Madina, their homeland having been destroyed. Though initially refused entry, they were eventually welcomed into Terran as equals. Terran was initially a highly centralized republic led by Vesna Valentine. However, soon after Chesney was conquered, Caerwyn assaulted Terran due to a series of disputes regarding Sanguis Astroism's role in Terran, as well as colonial claims to Shokalom. With destruction hanging over their heads, the Terranians replaced Vesna with Teniel Dell as their leader. Since then, Terran has become a more decentralized Republic, led by a Senate composed of the lords of the realm. For several years Terran's growth essentially stalled as regions were developed and infrastructure built. During this time, Madina launched a large attack on Terran, claiming we were an upstart colony and a Sanguis Astroist puppet. A raid got almost to Chesney before it was defeated. In response, D'Hara and Terran attacked Paisly, the coven of the corrupt and even Duchess Nightling Bailwind, the Assassin Queen of Maroccidens. Paisly was taken, and Madina was expelled from Maroccidens. Madina launched many more raids on Paisly, but was defeated by the alliance of D'Hara and Terran. Since that time, Terran has continued to prosper, though southern expansion has been curtailed in favor of pressing northwards to Shokalom and the surrounding area, and diplomatic progress has been made with Caerwyn and Asylon.


The Idea of Occidentalism