Petterson Family

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Revision as of 12:25, 1 February 2006 by Fanta (talk | contribs) (wealth)

Their Desciption

Originally from Nida, Atamara but later moved to a bigger mansion in Athol Margos, Beluaterra, to regularly check up on their son in Monster Land! This family is well established across few continents and earned themselves a respectable name. Many believe they are honourable, others treacherous. Like every family, they do have their dark side!
Fame: 16 (How?)
Wealth: 3960 gold

The family has met many kinds of people, both good and bad. The majority of the Petterson family pledge their eternal hatred to Abington, Atamara, for sending a infiltrator to kill its father, Ulondear! Others arent as bothered. Since they are either of no relation to Ulondear or arrived into the family after his 'departure'.

Family Page

The Characters

Please note that I do play each of my character differently. So one being a villain doesnt neccessarily make the others villians. The same for the Hero's in the family, although it is by the family "religion" that all shall be heroic!


Mentor of Perdan
Weapon of Choice: Marble Staff Dyramiir
Story: An honourable priest whom emmigrate at a young age from his home in Nida, Atamara to join Perdan on the East Continent. He enjoys relaxing and fighting for his realm and his rights. Letting none stand before him. When he is wounded or away in some way, he still helps th realm as much as he can. With slow trading, bureaucracy and keeping the religious in faith!

Hail SADA! Hail Perdan! Hail the King!

Guilds: SADA and The Academy of Knowledge


Hero of Riombara, Minister of Finances
Weapon of Choice: Mjolnir, Hammer of Thor
Story: An honourable, heroic troop that is motivated by the death of his father. His aim is to make sure Ulondear's death was not in vein. He has travelled far and wide to find the infiltrator the killed his father. He is the most upset about his father's death because he was the only family member forced to watch his father bleed to death! He began his career in Cagilan Empire and fought hard against the Abingtonian forces to seek revenge of the Abington Infiltrator, Soldinge! Later he emmigrated to Beluaterra, joining the fine realm of Old Grehk, in search of an old friend, named Vagabond. After a good long time with the Grehkians he left due south in search to start his own realm, in Athol Margos. Another group beat him to it, so he joined their side. These were the Riombarain's which he devotes himself to today!

Guild: Illuminati

Si Ju Jarugi

Retired Infiltrator of Drachenwald, Last King
Weapons of Choice: Dwarven Battle Axe and Mithril Daggers of Rykoo
Story: A devious, stealthy man. He keeps himself in the shadows and lets no-one see his face. Only few people have ever seen his face. These people are SJJs most trusted friends. Maybe one day you will join these people?
SJJ began his career in Darka. He travelled from his home with a small family guard. He had a great time in Darka but after a year of service to his Royal, Mr_Jones, he felt it was time to move on and so joined the Darkan Colony, Drachenwald. He has spent his whole life on Atamara and has never once seen another continent.

In the dieing time of his character SJJ was elected Arch Priest of a dead realm and he has moved to Beluaterra with his family to finally view another continent. SJJ retired as The Last Priest King of Drachenwald.

Guild: Black Mamba


Retired Soldier of Tara
Weapon of Choice: Long Sword (Censored by Inquisition until notice)
Story: The oldest of the Petterson sons.
More soon! (OOC: Cant be bothered right now!)
More... Soon!

Or'es Por

Soldier of Barony of Makar
Weapon of Choice: (No weapon of selection at this time)
Story: Son of Kais, Nephew of Rangonio, Ghostly and SJJ! He left the golden city of Athol Margos in an attempt to follow the footsteps of his household.
More... Soon!

Realm List

Realms I have been in, still am in or plan to go to.


The religion of my family. Each brother seems to have gone his different way with the Gods. Some links wont exist yet, and may never exist, so dont worry. Your always welcome to persuade my characters to join a religion!