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The realm of Drachenwald was a small, but fairly wealthy realm of mountian regions. Known for its friendship to all realms, it strived to expand through diplomacy and honest dealings, rather than betrayal and war. However that fell to the wind when they, with Falasan's assistance, took the city of Tuchanon IV, former city of Cagilan Empire. The Cagilan Empire had finally had enough with what they considered were backstabbers and began the annihilation of Drachenwald.

On January 29th, 2006, a Cagilan force took Nazia, the final remaining region of Drachenwald. While the realm is lost, her tradition will live on.

On the map to the upper left you can click on the icons to visit the regions at the height of Drachenwald's power.

The Government of Drachenwald

Drachenwald had spent most of its history as a Republic. But following the Drachenwald Civil War, it became a Tyranny under its former Prime Minister, Skanders Grandrith and with the support of its people. Afraid of the abuses tyranny can bring, the New Tyrant Skanders instructed Executor Gilead Occam to draw up the First Constitution of Drachenwald, promising the basic freedoms to all nobles.

However, a second civil war was fought as enemy armies invaded Drachenwald's capitol. While loyalist forces eventually regained control of the government, the government was converted to a monarchy, and the capitol city lost to the enemy. Thus, Drachenwald currently lacks a capitol.

The Last Officals of Drachenwald

  • King : Si Ju Jarugi
  • Arch Priest(ess) : Envirgar
  • High Marshall : Arcadia
  • Royal Tresurer : Stimok

The History of Drachenwald

The most complete account of Drachenwald's history is Gilead's Account of Drachenwald's History. He also wrote of his duties during the Final Battle of Tarasac.

The Culture of Drachenwald

Though the mountains are harsh and the living hard the culture of Drachenwald is rich. As time passes writings will be seen here:

The People of Drachenwald

These are the backbone of Drachenwald, contributing and helping the realm become what it is today.

The Stalwarts of Drachenwald

Those who have truly helped Drachenwald, and keep it strong today.

If you are a Citizen of Drachenwald, add your name to this order.

The Lost of Drachenwald

Gone, but not forgotten. Some claimed by the Dragon, others retired, some left for parts unknown. Some day, they may return...

  • Arathorn, one of the first bretherin to join DrachenWald.
  • Nightblade, Arathorn's heir.
  • Karl-Otto, Banker, Master of Intrigue.
  • Jacket, General
  • Gilead, Judge, the Last Dictator.