Metsamees Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

Clan of Metsamees


NameRealmNatureAffinityBirth (death) date
Raimond MetsameesNoneBerserkerBattlefield470 fourth-era
Rainor MetsameesRealm of the deadDead wandererWilderness470 fourth-era - 501 fourth-era
Alnus MetsameesIbladeshAssassinJourney470 fourth-era
Arctos MetsameesRealm of the deadFallen heroGlory469 fourth-era - 509 fourth-era
Ragnar MetsameesIbladeshWarriorMight494 fourth-era
Urus MetsameesAssassinsBeastBlood492 fourth-era

Clan Treasury

Weapons and armor

List only includes exeptional pieces.
Conseptual weapons without enhanced propertis or other anomalys are not listed.

Ancestral sword - created by the unknown ancestor(s) of Metsamees, current possessor: Alnus Metsamees.
Blood servant (and its sealing seath) - created by Edmund & Silvia Metsamees, currently without a possessor.
Bloodhound dagger - created by Hector Metsamees, current possessor: Vahur Metsamees.
Sacred Chainmail of the Kings - created by a ancient king of some norse land, found by Rainor Metsamees, current possessor: Thawny Metsamees.


Esoteric knowledge.
Curses, summonings, direct attacks are mostly from Silvia Metsamees, legacy.
Nearly half of binding spells and enchantments are from Metsamees ancestors, that crossed over time in scriptures.
Although the ability to read those scriptures was somewhat degenerated, with Silvias knowledge they were revived, and some even improoved.

History of Clan

The family of Metsamees has deep and strong bonds with nature.
Much isn't known from their ancestors, it is said that their ancestors come from far
north from small shamanistic tribes that was rumored to have powers of wendigo
(guardian of the forest) or lycanthropy and that they were able to speak with all
sorts of animals, plants and nature, organic or not.

Regardless what their ancestors are rumored to be the last remains of their family
settled in Amriel (on the continent of Atamara), and as a clan set up a trade of monster and undead hunting,
eliminating undead and the ones who create them as well as monsters all over the continent.
After some generations theyr influence grew and eventually they were lifted to state of nobles.

This much is certain, theyr ancestors have perfected theyr martial skills and honed theyr bodys, minds and senses, in every generation starting from early youth and not stopping even in old age. And passing on this tradition to theyr children.
Continuing to train, from generation to generation. It surpasses mere tradition and resembles breeding.
They still keep the old traditions and religion that is passed on from parents to
children, a unique mythology thought to be died out.
As well as monster hunting and undead eliminating, profession kept alive by most of the family members.

Note that Metsamees family's birth-death dates are not in the general calendar, but rather in the calendar of their ancestral tribes.
Fourth-era began at the time when the war ended on Metsamees family's ancestral homelands. Which was invaded by religious crusaders attempting to expand their faith and "save" the local people by fire and sword.
It seems as if they failed most of people lie in graves and what is left is scattered over the world.
Metsamees family as the only known, and thus counted to be the largest of the remains of tribe keeps alive its old ways and customs along with those their calendar.

Clan chronicle

  • 0 of fourth era - Metsamees ancient tribes were annhiliated, and the feau remaining were scattered.

Nothing of them were heard for hundreds of years.

  • 334 - Hector Metsamees was born.
  • 344 - Hectors parents were killed in a incident, and Hector became the owner of theyr house. He survived and sustained himself successfully.
  • 348 - Hector found Myria near dead in the forest, apparently her parents died when she was young and she had been sustaining herself via pickpocketing and thieving.
  • 354 - Hector married Myria.
  • 355 - Hector began a business of undead and monster hunting,(thus Hector is considered the founder of Metsamees family, and its monster hunting business)

feau months prior Myria and Hector had a daughter and named her Eve.

  • 357 - Hector and Myria had a son and named him Engwar.
  • 375 - Eve married a 20 year old stonemason named Alfred Hook.
  • 376 - Hector died while fighting too many too strong undead, after which Myria killed herself by taking sipping poison.

Engwar became the successor of the business.

  • 377 - due to Engwars recklessness Engwar lost his left eye and hand in combat with undead.
  • 378 - Engwar was nearly killed while combating undead, but managed to escape with heavy wounds.

He was found and saved by a herbalist named Gloria Tinsap.

  • 378 - Engwar and Gloria married, and had a son whom they named Ergo.
  • 379 - Engwar was heavily injured again. (likely lost his fertility in the incident since he was unable to have more children afterwards)
  • 396 - Ergo married a 19 year old woman named Veronica.
  • 397 - Ergo and Veronica had a daughter, named her Daphne.
  • 399 - Ergo and Veronica had a daughter, named her Heather.
  • 400 - Ergo and Veronica had a son, named him Edmund.
  • 417 - Engwar retired and thus Ergo became the successor of the business.
  • 417 - Daphne married a 20 year old trader named Ralph Mezereum.

And Heather married a 21 year old hunter/woodcutter Collin Vulgaris.

  • 419 - Engwar and Gloria left the mansion in unknown direction, probably to die alone. (bodys werent found and they are assumed dead)
  • 420 - Edmund married a 18 year old woman named Silvia Gutrest.
  • 440 - Ergo died of illness.
  • 443 - Veronica died of illness.
  • 445 - Edmund and Silvia had a son, named him Ingus.
  • 446 - Edmund and Silvia had a son, named him August.
  • 448 - Edmund and Silvia had twin sons, named them Arnold and Vahur.
  • 455 - August left the clan and had not been heard of much after that.
  • 468 - Ingus married a 19 year old fisher's daughter named Agnes Shorthorn.
  • 469 - Vahur married a 19 year old woman named Linda Glade.
  • 469 - Edmund retired the business making the eldest son, Ingus its successor.
  • 469 - Arnold married a 20 year old weaver woman named Eislin Snowstone.

They had a son but Eislin died while giving birth to him. Arnold named him Arctos Metsamees.

  • 470 - Ingus and Agnes had a son, named him Alnus.
  • 470 - Vahur and Linda had twin sons, named them Raimond and Rainor.
  • 472 - Ingus and Agnes had a daughter, named her Isabell.
  • 473 - Arnold married to Catherine Hickory, whom already had a 2year old daughter named Anna.
  • 474 - Vahur and Linda had a daughter, named her Eve.
  • 474 - Arnold and Catherine had a son, named him Ikki.
  • 475 - Ingus and Agnes had a daughter, named her Ashly.
  • 487 - Metsamees family's relentless struggles and hard work in eliminating the undead and monsters from the world, and also a some special professional favors to many higher nobles had payd off, they were recognized as lesser nobility.
  • 488 - Raimond, Rainor, Arctos Metsamees and Alnus became knights and warriors.

But soon after Rainor took upon himself the role of Woodsyone(a religious zealot of Metsamees family, or something to that like) and left the service, and civilization.

  • 489 - Edmund and Silvia died of old age.
  • 490 - Raimond found a woman without a last name or any sort of history, named Aurora, in the ruins of a village he had participated in concurring, whom he later married.
  • 492 - Anna married a 23 year old, nobleman named Edward Braccardo.
  • 493 - Isabell married a 21 year old, trader named Manfred Suett.

And Eve married Manfreds twin brother, who was a successful tavern owner, Herman Suett.

  • 492 - Arctos married a common woman named, Riel Sapwood.
  • 492 - Arctos and Riel had a son, named him Urus.
  • 494 - Raimond and Aurora had a son, named him Ragnar.
  • 495 - Ikki Married a woman named Amber Kimpale.
  • 496 - Ikki and Amber had a daughter, named her Mana.
  • 497 - Alnus married a woman named Elise Strong, and had a son, named him Ulmus.
  • 498 - Ashly married 25 year old mercenary Keith Sandstone.
  • 500 - Arctos and Riel had a daughter, named her Simone.
  • 501 - Rainor died when fighting an overwhelming force of undead.
  • 507 - Ingus retired but instead of nominating a successor he instructed those who wish to settle it among themselves. Raimond, Alnus and Arctos were eligible candidates, in the end Raimond was made the next clan head.
  • 508 - Alnus, being deported to East Continent, went to pay his respects on the grave of Rainor. Once finding the place, he also found a woman kneeling and also respecting the grave of Rainor. Who apparently was Rainors wife, her name, Thawny. They had two sons Silvan and Palus.
  • 509 - Arctos atempts a magic experiment, which fails and he turns in to a monster that kills Ulmus(son of Alnus) and all of Arctoses family, save his son Urus. In the end is put down by his half brother Ikki and Urus.
  • 511 - Ragnar entered service as a warrior in the realm of Ibladesh.