Metsamees Family/HectorMyria

From BattleMaster Wiki

334 in the fourth era of Metsamees clan history, Hector was born.
At age of ten Metsamees household was destroyed by a incident, what incident is unknown as no records remain, but it is speculated that a bigger group of bandits killed its residents, Hector being the sole survivor. For years Hector sustained himself rather well, via hunting, fishing and gathering of fruits and other edible things.
Hector made money by head hunting, although young he was rather strong, and could kill most opponents without much trouble.

About four years after the incident Hector found a girl near death, in the vicinity of his fishing spot.
He decided to help the girl back to health, after a feau days of treating her the girl became healthy.
Her name was Myria, and her parents had died also years ago, she had been living in the city and stayed alive by pickpocketing, after picking a wrong persons pocket she had been beaten to near death, as the assailants thought the girl to be dead they threw her in to the river, in which she floated down stream and ended up upon Hectors hands.
The girl grateful for her life and afraid of returning to her former life stile asked if she could stay at Hectors place.
Hector didnt object but had a condition that he would teach her his knowledge while she stayd there, so she woudnt go hungry again should Hector die or she choose to leave.

Over the course of 6 years, Myria had absorbed a large amount of knowledge on herbs, edible plants, survival and fighting techniques.
They also had formed a rather strong relationship and eventually got married.
Hector officially started his career of head hunting, as he formed a official agency.
Now as he had become stronger and official headhunter he also under took monster and undead huntings. Myria at times went along with Hector to his bounty huntings, and she also had unofficial assassination jobs of her own, which she did in Hectors place, as Hectors bulk was hardly suited for subterfuge.

They also had two children, Eve and Engwar.

After 40 years Hector had worked himself from ashes to a rather wealthy commoner and renowned headhunter and in the process saved a woman from death and poverty to share all he obtained during his life.
Owning a mansion like house and a large plot of land (although in a place no would normally live, in the middle of a ancient forest, near a bog and a river), all it built upon blood and lives taken by Hectors hands.

And at age of 42 Hector had taken on a job from a distant region under undead invasion, as he heard there was a large amount of them he took Myria with him.
He battled the hordes of undead for several days with Myria at his side, they fought and slayd undead by the worth of over hundred men, for the contractors amazement and joy.
On the 6-th day Myria unable to fend of a abomination with her sword skill alone, asked Hectors help, as Hector slashed and hacked his way through the abominations defenses Myria kept his rear safe from intrusions.
However as the abomination died it exploded, a rotten trick some necromancers do, fatally wounding Hector.
She managed to drag him to safety of the fort that was under siege but he was beyond help, and died a half a hour later.
Myria saddened by the loss of her husband took sipping poison and ended her life.
Theyr bodys were sent back home and buried in the grove near theyr home.

(OOC: just a story of the clan founder, neither of the caracters were played)