Metsamees Family/ArnoldEislin

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448 of fourth era Arnold was born shortly after his twin brother Vahur.
The twins grew up together, Arnold was slightly less bulky built but in turn taller than Vahur.
As Vahur was rather silent but not obedient Arnold was the opposite.
He obeyed his parents well, but was like a loose cannon, a small bundle of energy, he would bother everyone often or drag his brother along to play, he seemingly never got tired.
Arnold also was rather short tempered, if one would anger him he would pay dearly, Arnold had trouble restraining his impulses and usually acted upon them.
Unlike his brother Arnold was rather fond of warfare, and learned martial arts eagerly.
Arnold came to take on jobs rather early, and did his jobs so eagerly.
He also enlisted himself in to a mercenary band for a feau battles.

471 Arnold married a weaver woman named Eislin Snowstone.
They met when Arnold when to a weavers to buy some cloth.
Eislin always had a weak body and was often ill, she had a long period of illness and by the time she was to give birth to Arctos she already was in the "jaws of death".
Arctos was born safely and was a very healthy child, but feau days after Arctos birth Eislin died.
Arnold was struck with grief for a meny months, during which Arctos was in the care of nursemaids.
However he eventual got over it, and raised his son properly, to become a strong and respectable man.

2 years after the death of Eislin, Arnold ran in to a woman with a daughter, in the midst of his job.
The woman was going to be attacked by some cursed monsters, but Arnold saved her and her daughter, later he married the woman, her name was Catherine Hickory, and her daughter was Anna.
A year later they had a son and named him Ikki.

Catherine was a peasant's daughter who married to a mercenary.
The mercenary died in some battle, and the womans family was killed by undead and her farm burned to ground, she fled with her child who at that time was a infant.
And then ran in to Arnold when a monster attacked her.


(OOC: none of these characters were played, just some clan chronicle particle)