Dwilight Daily

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Dwilight Daily

Crusade for Sallowtown April 29, 2009
The infamous Demon of Dwilight, Lord Bowie Ironsides, has successfully launched a Crusade for the city of Sallowtown in the name of the Great Dragon Sallow. He was given the Mandate of Sallowtown by the Great Dragon himself and charged with reviving the Sallowsian culture and prominence on the continent.

By bringing civilization back to the suffering Sallowsians, and performing the necessary rituals, he has been named their Prince. With the blessings of the ancestors, he shall bring back the glory and power Sallowtown once wielded.

The D’Haran Crusaders who have participated in this noble cause deserve their due recognition. They are: Duke Hexic Jeckyl, Marquis Rathan Himoura, Dame Sorsha McDowell, Sir Gislher Ehrenstein, and Sir Carlos Francisco Torres de los Reyes. The Sallowsian Sir Kratos Wolff participated with honours. The Prophet Tenebrioun Kiri-Jolith also deserves mention for preaching the faith in the city to prepare them for their deliverance.
Comment on this story. by Prince Bowie Ironsides 
Volcano Nightscree Erupts April 3, 2009
Earlier today a massive cloud of dust and ash was seen to spread across the entire sky of Dwilight, making the noon-time sun vanish in darkness. It is not known yet what this will mean for the nobles of the island, but many dire predictions have already been put forth.
Message sent to Dwilight
Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish.

With much cursing and laughing over the entire issue, the humans of the land were soon to discover what had caused such troubles. A faint tremor through the ground cut the puzzlement short. The shaking knocking down thatch and dust, the occasional ladder. Halting their work to look around bewildered there was suddenly a great belch of dust and soot to the west. The billowing cloud of white ash grew quickly along the horizon, rising into the heavens until it blotted out the sun. Mingling with the clouds the blanket covered the sky even as the ground continued to quake and grumble.

Yet as quickly as it had began, the plume of ash fell to the earth as a still hot rain, sizzling against the flesh of those outdoors, and causing plants to smolder. By mid afternoon there was nearly no sign of the strange event, save the damage to crops, men, and wilds.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Kaiser Cato De La Fere Assassinated March 20, 2009
Lord Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim, Kaiser of Virovene was assassinated today. A man who had been believed to be an emissary from the island realm of D'Hara turned out to be an impostor, masquerading as a diplomat. After the assassin was admitted to a private audience with the Kaiser, he attacked with a poisoned dagger. The guards were unable to prevent the escape of the assassin through a nearby window. Kaiser Cato survived long enough to utter the following last few words before he did:

"Honoured Nobles, an assassin sent by Duchess Allisson Kabrinski have got to me. I will die within minutes. So listen and remember what I say! Do not seek for revenge! My son who has been sent to Atamara, will take care of that! Remember that we should not wage war against fellow believers! We shall not wage war against Sanguis Astroism! Hear my will! I ask you to make Marshal Gerome Falcon or Marshal Helena Dacara as the next Duke/Duchess! I ask you to make Kole Kalmar or Tye Von Snype as the new Kaiser. I ask you to make Hericus Le Fay as Lord of Muspel and the General of our realm. Take over the north and spread faith! But do not attack the fellow believers! For Virovene! For De La Fere and For Sanguis Astroism!"

"For The Stars!"

– Last words of Kaiser Cato De La Fere

Kaiser Cato was a great man, and ardent follower of the Blood Stars. He shall be greatly missed.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Massacre in Rettlewood March 11, 2009
Paperless alliance proves worthless - A word is NOT as good as a bond
Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to everyone in the realm

A horrific day for the House of Fury

The archers stood in silent discipline in a row against the insurgents. It was only this morning that they had, along with the Madinan forces decimated a horde of those beasts. Now, somehow, somewhere, the creatures had called for reinforcements from the deep forests of Rettlewood. It was unthinkable that they had the intelligence to do so. It was almost as if they cheated.

"Sir, our men are in position but the Madinan forces.." the aide-de-camp rushed up. "...they are not in their position."

General Arden turned to look and it was true. They looked confused, disorganized, and disarrayed as if they didn't know what to do. Where was Lord Admiral Vallyn? Why had he not given the order?

Bellows of rage came from the front lines. The insurgent beast creatures were charging! It was too late. The archers lined up in perfection as they had this morning. Only, this time the sunset cast terrifying shadows of fur and tusks and galloping hooves.

"Fire! Fire!" he cried but in his heart he knew. He knew. It was too late to retreat. The onrushing horde crashed into the line. Savege jaws tore into flesh as bows and arrows snapped. The screams of terror rended his heart.

"FUCCANT!" Arden bellowed.

When it was all over, Arden surveyed the scene. Out of 73 men only three remained. The Madinan forces stood uneasily by, as well as they should. They had watched the scene - and they had not helped. Their word was not as good as their bond. A paperless alliance was something to be spat on. Arden would remember this. He would remember this day for life.

The survivors dragged themselves back to the capital. Even Arden's horse was not spared. "Excuse me, Sir?" his aide-de-camp cleared his throat uneasily but was stopped with a cold glare. "Uh, the three men, Sir? They're asking for their wages... including those of the dead men."

Without breaking a stride Arden turned back towards the startled men and in a flourish drew his sword and swung it in one quick motion. Three feathered helmets fell to the ground with a thud and rolled into the dirt. The aide-de-camp stood motionless in shock with terror in his eyes and said nothing as the General strode on by. Then, "Pick them up you fools!" he whispered from the side of his mouth as the three stragglers hurried to retrieve them.

In the distance, "I'll cry when I'm done killing", Arden said through gritted teeth.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Duke of Rettleville 
An Eventful February March 3, 2009
The previous month of February was one of the most eventful months that has happened on Dwilight since the first noble settlers arrived on the island. We have seen the birth of four new realms, the death of a once powerful empire, a tournament, and the disappearance of a religion that at one time had one of the most opulent and extensive palace complexes ever seen. Even more unusual is that these events took place while under the harsh weather of a brutal winter. Some of the events that occurred:
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
A Royal Charge in Rettlewood March 1, 2009
The Ruler of Ordenstaat turns back unexpectedly to rejoin the rest of the Inferi Hunters in a royal rumble in the woods.
Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to all nobles of Ordenstaat

General Arden was stunned. In an astonishing turnabout, Grand Master Milmice who was heading back to Rettleville to take care of matters of the realm had turned back and appeared alongside the rest of the Inferi Hunters in battle. His sudden change of plans had no doubt left him and his men with no time to dig in.

Charging into battle, Grand Master Milmice headed straight towards the monsters. General Arden's archers fired volley after volley in support but the beasts would not be swayed. It was unbelievable. The General's brows started to furrow with sweat. They had sensed royal blood and their bloodcurdling roars would have left any men shaking yet it was the Grand Master who would not be swayed.

Judge Eddard's men were rearing to move into action but were held back by him. He spoke just two words, "Not yet."

Again and again, men and beasts clashed - tusks against shields, metal against hide and metal rain fell from the sky. Then the beasts broke through the front lines!

"Back! Back towards the melee!", the Grand Master, who was miraculously unhurt in the initial charge, shouted.

Then, in a flash, one of the men screamed, "The Grand Master!" Many turned only to see him falling to the ground and a bloody tusk gleaming red in the sunlight.

- and Judge Eddard could hold it no more. "Now!" he screamed and he and his men echoing the battle cries of For Ordenstaat! - charged into the melee.

With this new assault and the continuing pinpoint bleeding of the metal rain, the beasts could take it no more. With a final roar of defeat, the remaining surviving creatures turned tail and fled in a panicked retreat.

And Grand Master Milmice could not be found. Yet... he saved the day. The surviving monsters had all... disappeared.
Arden Fury (Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Duke of Rettleville 
April 29, 2009
D'Hara Captures Sallowtown
Blank.png D'Hara has taken control of the rogue city of Sallowtown.
April 26, 2009
Tournament Held in Aegir
The tournament in Aegir is over. 38 nobles from 11 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest. Eczka Czek (Dame of Laraibina, Madina) won the swordfighting tournament. Isak Berg came second place. The jousting contest was won by Gorlack Capelo, Count of Nid Tek. Madilynn Helron, Viscountess of Linhai, came in second place.
April 18, 2009
Nifelhold Changes Allegiance
Claudius Von Ravenheart, Duke of Nifelhold has changed the allegiance of the duchy of Nifelhold from the realm of Virovene to the realm of Morek.
April 16, 2009
Tournament to be Held in Aegir
Sir Edward Raiva, Alpha Imperator and Imperial Magistrate of the Raivan Empire, Duke of Aegir has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Aegir 9 days from now. Top prize will be 400 gold.
April 8, 2009
Morek Captures Unterstrom
Blank.png Morek has taken control of Unterstrom , a former rogue region.
April 6, 2009
New Colony Formed in Shinnen
Blank.png Grand Duchy of Fissoa has taken control of the city of Shinnen and formed a new colony. Samuel Quasath has been elected as the Regent of the new realm. The colony is later names Myern.
Blank.png April 03, 2009
Volcano Nightscree Erupts
Blank.png Early in the morning a earthquake hit Rettleville. After few minutes a cloud of ash covered the sky, and a grey rain covered the land, caused by the volcano eruption.
March 17, 2009
Freke Revolts
The city of Freke has revolted against the Raivan Empire and declared independence.
March 8, 2009
Federation Formed
The realms of Astrum and Caerwyn have formed a federation.
March 6, 2009
Astrum Declares War
Vasila Alexandria Dwarvenite of Astrum has declared war on Everguard.
March 5, 2009
Caerwyn Declares War
Archon Lucian Aperion of Caerwyn has declared war on Terran.
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