Lomadriewyn Family/Ancient History

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Historic Record

The following is a historic record of the Lómadriewyn family of the old days. A new family originally from Partora (East Continent) has recently emerged and claims to be their direct descendants.


The noble Lómadriewyn family, originally from Siebmar (Atamara) has since their name was first mentioned to the world been represented by 5 nobles, who has been everything from Rebel and Rouges to King of a realm. Even though almost solely men has represented the family, the elderings agree that there are more women then men in the family. Fact is, that the family name itself has in living memory been said to originate from the beloved of their great ancestor Gwrtheyrn, also known to some as the Neonknight. As of lately a second generation for nobels has sprung from the Lómadriewyn name. Ananchel, daughter of Aetheoddry, has started to seek the life of a noble in her home realm.

Family Members

The late Hero Aetheoddry of Old Grehk

Aetheoddry was the oldest of the three brothers Lómadriewyn. And he was also the one who, apperently, have had the clearest focus in his life. Apart from a very short period in Caligus, Aetheoddry devoted his time and love to the kingdom of Old Grehk on Beluaterra. Somewere along the way, the citizens of Old Grehk, and some regions outside the realms border, started to recognize Aetheoddry as a Hero. With Lady Melians departure from Old Grehk, Aetheoddry was asigned the region of Jedinchel to govern as it's Baron. Because of a promise he made to Lady Melian, he governed the region for the best of the people and spend long nights helping them improve Jedinchel in all aspects. All the hard work took out it's rights, and the doctors belived Aetheoddry had worked so hard that his body would not be strong enough to bring a child. Therefore, it was a great surprise and even greater joy to him and his wife when Ananchel was born. Thought the joy were short lived. Only a week after the birth of his dauther, Aetheoddry meet his ancestors after an attack by highwaymen on him and his company when they were traveling to Vore.

Sir Golradir of Old Grehk

When Golradir first left the family in Siebmar, he traveled the road for some weeks before joining the realm of Talerium. Because he missed his older brother, his time there was short and only fourteen days after he joined he boarded a ship towards the New World where is brother were. It was not untill a month later however, after some time in the now lost realm Eno Chia he finally was able to locate his brother in Old Grehk. Golradir spent most of his time in Old Grehk as a soldier of the crown. Though from time to time, he took on other tasks when he were required to. For a short period Golradir took on the position as King, however he felt that he was not ready for the asignment and steped down again. Going back to being a soldier time went by and he eventualy got bored from the lack of wars, which was why he decided to become an invisible shadow, an Infiltrator. The time as Infiltrator were as short as his time on the throne. During a raid in Enweil he got caught by the local police and brought to their dungeons, were he decided it wasn't worth the risk he was taking.

Soldier Yemmster

Youngest, and most restless, of the brothers, Yemmster has been involved in many things. He began his career in Darka, serving the homerealm of his family for a long time before he left it a sunny summerday looking for something new. After a small visit on the South-East Island, where he lead an unsuccessfull rebelion agains Taselak, he was part of the founting of Taith Aenil in the Far East where he was also named Harsupex Maximus. With time he once again grew restless, and decided to go back to the South-East Island, where he fought for Ikalak untill it fell. For a short time Yemmster fought for Taselak agains the overwhelming forces of Sandalak. One day he left his duty in Taselak city, and noone have seen him since.

Lady Arcadia from the Grand Lodge of Lunaria

Not only is Arcadia special in the way that she is the only girl from the Lómadriewyn Family whom has left Siebmar, but she is also unknown to her three older brothers. Arcadia knows very little about who her brothers are and how they are as persons. Being born over ten years after all three of them she never met them in person, and the only solid fact she have about her brothers is that Golradir has been king of a realm called Old Grehk. Arcadia has a clear goal in her life. A goal which she has only disclosed to her close friend Robin. After ariving to The Far East Island, Arcadia and Robin became divided on how they should realize their plan and fell out on each other to the point where they could not longer be in the same room without fighting. Both being sad about their disharmony, their decided to take a break from the public life and focus on their relationship and the plan at a much higher level.

The second generation

Mistress Ananchel til Jedinchel

Ananchel is the daugther of the Baron Hero Aetheoddry, who were kill during a short overday trip to the city of Vore from his position in Jedinchel. Ananchel beleives that since she were the only child of Aetheoddry, she is also the rightful heir to the title as Baroness of Jedinchel. Even though her mother encouraged her to no follow in her fathers footsteps and join the ranks of Old Grehk as a noble, at the age of 17 she started preparing for the day when she would swear loyalty to the crown, even if it was only to promote her own interests.