List of Regions/Dwilight
Regions located on Dwilight:
Name | Type | Population |
Aegir's Deep | Townsland | 9,343 |
Agl | Rural | 3 |
Alley of Swords | Badlands | 1 |
Ammando | Rural | 14,000 |
Aquitain | Townsland | 9,120 |
Askileon | City | 50,680 |
Aspar | Rural | 1 |
Axewild | Badlands | 1 |
Bol | Rural | 1 |
Celtiberia | Rural | 9,376 |
Chesland | Townsland | 9,497 |
Chesney | City | 22,201 |
Croton | Rural | 8,265 |
Crotona | Rural | 1,632 |
Darfix | City | 102,088 |
Demyansk | Rural | 8,252 |
Donghaiwei | City | 28,631 |
Dragon's Roost | Mountains | 1,534 |
Duil | Rural | 1 |
Dunnbrook | Rural | 1 |
Eidulb | City | 44,614 |
Eidulb Outskirts | Townsland | 11,270 |
Eregon | Rural | 6,709 |
Farrowfield | Townsland | 16,113 |
Fatexna | Rural | 9,953 |
Fissoa Fields | Townsland | 8,289 |
Forguthrie | Rural | 7,455 |
Gaston Farms | Rural | 4,214 |
Gelene | City | 64,737 |
Gelene Outskirts | Townsland | 19,181 |
Golden Farrow | City | 66,308 |
Gretchew | Rural | 10,827 |
Grodno | Rural | 1 |
Hvergelmir | Rural | 1 |
Jorradith | Rural | 3 |
K'dira | Rural | 8,710 |
Kosht | Townsland | 1 |
Larur | Rural | 6,300 |
Lawataling | Woodland | 1 |
Libidizedd | City | 28,273 |
Lusitania | Woodland | 4 |
Maeotis | Rural | 10,100 |
Mimer | City | 6 |
Mistight | Woodland | 1 |
Moses' End | Rural | 45 |
Mountain of Chrysalids | Mountains | 1 |
Mountain of Woe | Mountains | 3,597 |
Muspelheim | City | 17,744 |
Nidhogg's Mark | Rural | 10,692 |
Nifelhold | Stronghold | 2,272 |
North Divide | Mountains | 7,168 |
Paisland | Townsland | 12,198 |
Paisly | City | 35,345 |
Palm Sea | Badlands | 1 |
Panabuk | Rural | 1 |
Port Nebel | City | 48,345 |
Port Raviel | City | 44,034 |
Qubel | Rural | 9,700 |
Qubel Lighthouse | Stronghold | 5,703 |
Raden | Woodland | 1 |
Raviel | Townsland | 9,400 |
Rettlewood | Woodland | 42 |
Sabadell | Rural | 10,343 |
Shinnen | City | 20,384 |
Shrine of Seeklander | Stronghold | 10,700 |
Shyussei | Woodland | 481 |
Tofino | Rural | 1 |
Tovabur | Rural | 1 |
Underroot | Badlands | 287 |
Unterstrom Vorstadt | Townsland | 14,098 |
Uppervia | Rural | 1 |
Vaal | Rural | 1 |
Valkyrja | Stronghold | 1 |
Vashgew | Rural | 7,690 |
Ygg d'Razhuul | Rural | 344 |
Ymer's Fall | Rural | 1 |
Zereth | Rural | 9,075 |
Zerujil | Woodland | 1 |