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Name | Island | Type | Population |
Abadan | East Continent | Rural | 8,301 |
Abaka | Colonies | Woodland | 8,800 |
Abilotiel | | | |
Adaria | Colonies | Rural | 8,911 |
Aegir | | | |
Aegir's Deep | Dwilight | Townsland | 9,343 |
Aeng | | | |
Aesh | | | |
Aestus | East Continent | Badlands | 3,265 |
Affkat | | | |
Agl | Dwilight | Rural | 3 |
Agyr | Beluaterra | City | 44,666 |
Aigaling | | | |
Aix | East Continent | City | 30,887 |
Aja | | | |
Ajitmon | Beluaterra | Rural | 1 |
Akesh Temple | | | |
Aku | Beluaterra | Badlands | 1,950 |
Al Amarah | East Continent | Townsland | 14,800 |
Al Aquabah | | | |
Al Arab | | | |
Alanurs | | | |
Alcatil | | | |
Alebad | Colonies | City | 32,600 |
Alley of Swords | Dwilight | Badlands | 1 |
Alowca | Colonies | City | 16,800 |
Altar of Flames | | | |
Alvaret | East Continent | Rural | 2,269 |
Ambermel | | | |
Amdor | | | |
Ammando | Dwilight | Rural | 14,000 |
Ammersfield | Colonies | Rural | 3,308 |
Amonarir | Colonies | Rural | 1,476 |
Amriel | | | |
An Najaf | East Continent | Rural | 11,100 |
Anacan | | | |
Anost | | | |
Anrimap | | | |
Ansopen | | | |
Apasur | | | |
Apokh | | | |
Aquitain | Dwilight | Townsland | 9,120 |
Ar Mosul | East Continent | Townsland | 7,929 |
Ar Raqqah | East Continent | Mountains | 42 |
Arak Castle | Colonies | Stronghold | 13 |
Ardmore | | | |
Arempos | | | |
Arrmol | | | |
Ash'rily | | | |
Ashforth | East Continent | City | 18,596 |