Ymer's Fall
Ymer's Fall is a region on the northern most tip of Springdale. Its southern border is marked by the Nifel River. The region is mainly pasture land, with the villages along the Nifel River receiving some of their income through trade with river boats and ships traveling from the central sea to the cities of Nifelhold, Nifelheim, and Muspelheim.
Ymer's Fall spent much time without a lord after it was liberated by The Empire before gaining Kniva gothicus as its Baron. Kniva spent much time maintaining control of the region after it was liberated and his appointment as Baron of the region is well deserved. Despite Kniva and Marshal Sejieda Vita's work, the region went rogue shortly afterward due to the incompetency of Neel Arya and the marshal he illegally replaced Marshal Sejieda with.