Island Descriptions

From BattleMaster Wiki

There are several different styles of islands to play in Battlemaster. Each island also has developed its own character as the characters that reside and pass through these varied lands shape the very nature and life of the individual islands.

You can also view all the Maps of the islands.

Standard Play Islands

These islands are ones without additional themes. These islands are:

Themed Island

Currently, there are only two themed islands, Beluaterra and Dwilight. Far East Island used to be a themed island, but that idea was eventually abandoned.

Beluaterra and Dwilight are designated as testing islands, so will be the first to experience new features, but are liable to suffer various bugs at times.


Beluaterra is an island where civilization has only a tenuous foothold. Monsters, the undead, and daimons threaten to push the human settlers into the sea. Massive invasions tend to happen at infrequent intervals, but so far the human realms have successfully defended themselves from the invading hordes. This time, they may not be so lucky...

The Beluaterra is one of two testing islands (the other being Dwilight). Many of BattleMaster's new features are tried here before they are added to other islands.


Dwilight is based around SMA which means that characters are expected to have more medieval names and behave like medieval nobles. Acting like a fool, behaving ignobly, or otherwise not conforming to a standard European Medieval atmosphere will see you banned from your realm. Dwilight is also considered to the be fringe of civilization, so much of the continent is still held by monsters and other fell beasts. There are a collection of realms that have eked out an existence on the fringe of Dwilight, but the majority of the continent is a wilderness.

Dwilight is the only island that experiences seasons. Seasons affect food production and travel times.

South Island

The South Island, also called the War Island, consists of three realms and three realms only: Ikalak, Taselak and Sandalak. There can be no communication between realms and the last one to survive is proclaimed as victor of the War Island. All nobles of the winning realm will be rewarded and statues will be built across all continents in honour of the leaders of the winning realm. Once there is a winner, the Island will be reset and a new round will be played.

One Turn-a-Day Island

The Colonies is a slower paced island that completes one turn every 24 hours, as opposed to one turn every 12 hours. This allows for a different style of play as it moves at half-paced game time, but still manages to be full-paced interaction. If you're looking for a truly "lightweight" version of the battlemaster game and can only commit to logging into battlemaster once a day, the Colonies might be the place for you.