Dubhaine Family/Moira/Roleplays/2018/September

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17575
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent


Date Region Time Hours Enemy Tactic Size Strength Outcome Money Loot Status
01.09.1018 Fronepu Night 2 undead sightings warband militant & heavily armed victory 0g 9s
3 undead sightings horde
undead champion
near home
militant & heavily armed victory 6g 7s junk
small lamp
severed hand
murder knife
silver goblet
02.09.1018 Fronepu Day 1 undead track small disorganised group victory 0g 3s small barrel of beer +1 swordfighting
2 undead track large organised group
near home
victory 1g 2s small barrel of beer +1 adventuring
3 undead track organised group militant & armed exhausted
2 undead track organised group militant & armed exhausted
2 undead track organised group militant & armed exhausted
05.09.1018 Fronepu Day 1 undead sighting small organised group
near home
victory 0g 6s
2 undead track organised horde militant & heavily armed victory 3g 4s soap
3 undead track organised horde highly disciplined & warlike escape
3 undead track organised horde highly disciplined & warlike escape
06.09.1018 Fronepu Day 2 undead sighting organised horde highly disciplined & warlike escape