Dubhaine Family/Aoifa/Roleplays/2020/July
Dubhaine Family | |
Fame | 40 |
Wealth | 17675 |
Home Region | Ashforth |
Home World | East Continent |
10th July
Noble joined the Realm
Eleanor Arindal has taken an estate in South Bakker and thus joined your realm. She used to be a member of Wetham.
Baidh Fender
Well Eleanor, it is your lucky Day. Welcome to Assassins Dame Eleanor of South Bakker.
11th July
Noble joined the Realm
Hexia Silverblade has taken an estate in South Bakker and thus joined your realm. She used to be a member of Portion.
Letter from Hexia Silverblade
Nobles and Residents of the Dark Citadel,
I have traveled far, from the Hilly Holes, south to the city of Alebad, and had grown weary of Outer Tilog. I headed west, in search of a new estate, and came across Portion. They seemed well enough, but not of like mind. Now, I did make a wise crack of sarcasm against a man that immediately announced his plans as I settled. I said "Ahah, my spy mission is complete!" , in sarcasm to the dim wit that must've been required to declare your plans to all to see...
Well, they seem to have taken it quite literally, thinking I was headed back to Outer Tilog with all my recently informed plans, but that is not the case.
Instead, I come to the Dark Citadel, and ask humbly if I may be admitted to the Assassins?
I await your decision.
Eleanor Arindal
The first thing to do was to find a blacksmith.
Eleanor and her soldiers had had a long, hard journey and now that they were finally settled she wanted to deal with the ragged condition of their armor and equipment. In her hand was a message from her new liege, welcoming her to the army.
She consulted with Captain Ehrle. "I think we need a new banner for new circumstances."
13th July
Taxes Received
As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 153 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.
14th July
Family Investment
Aoifa Dubhaine, Margravine of Dark Citadel has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dark Citadel. Production soars to 201 %.
15th July
Nobles Protest
After loud protest against his actions, Eraus Castillo of Portion has been forced to step down from his ruler position. He also loses a point of prestige and 7 points of honour.
Monthly Fee Paid
Your rank of Senior Shadowist in "Shadowism" has to pay a monthly fee of 5 gold. Your balance with this religion has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now -65 gold.
16th July
Takeover Initiated
Dame Eleanor Arindal has initiated a takeover in Helsera. The region currently belongs to (rogue).
18th July
New Ruler Elected
The realm of Portion has elected Amélie Tempest as its new Queen.
New War Breaking Out
Halcyon has declared war on Outer Tilog. They gave the following reason:
War of Southern Justice
The esteemed Sovereign Republic of Halcyon hereby declares war on Outer Tilog for their illegitimate ownership of the city of Alebad and protecting the vile traitor, Johannes von Lunkhofen. Due to constant manipulations and deplorable antics the government of Outer Tilog has made it clear that they will not relinquish their claim on the city of Alebad. The city of Alebad is the birthplace of the Republic of Halcyon and this situation will no longer be tolerated. Halcyon is therefore forced to take arms and liberate Alebad from the invaders.
The war will end once the following is achieved:
- Halcyon becomes the sole and indisputable owner of Alebad.
- Johanes von Lunkhoven is banished from Outer Tilog.
- Signed by
- Monford Velaryon
- Grand Doge of the Republic of Halcyon
New War Breaking Out
- Oritolon has declared war on Outer Tilog. They gave the following reason
- Oritolon supports Halcyon's claim and we support of our allies quest to retake Alebad and see Johanes von Lunkhoven banished.
19th July
New War Breaking Out
Gothica has declared war on Halcyon. They gave the following reason:
Gothica goes to war against Halcyon in support of Outer Tilog until a such time as a peace is agreed between Halcyon and Outer Tilog.
These are the initial war games, as such they may develop over the course of the war. No one can predict the outcome at the start.
Region Taken
- We have successfully convinced the people of Helsera to raise our banner and abandon their old allegiance to (rogue).
- The region joins the duchy of Dark Citadel. The region now needs a lord.
20th July
Family Investment
Aoifa Dubhaine, Margravine of Dark Citadel has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dark Citadel. Production soars to 207 %.
Taxes Received
As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 200 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.
New War Breaking Out
Portion has declared war on Outer Tilog. They gave the following reason:
- Reclamation of Alebad
The Monarchy of Portion pledged its support to the Sovereign Republic of Halcyon to reclaim Alebad from Outer Tilog before my time as Queen therefore it is only right we honour this pledge. It is my belief that in the eyes of the Highfather the word of a realm is just as important as the word of an individual so I cannot in good conscience break this bond.
Portion will pledge its support in this war against Outer Tilog until this goal is met:
- Reclamation of Alebad into Halycon
- Upon which time I will withdraw Portion from the conflict no later than one week after the city is within Halcyon’s control.
As this is a war of reclamation and not aggression I, Queen Amélie Tempest also pledge the following to Outer Tilog:
- Portion will not commence or assist in takeovers of Outer Tilog regions with the only exception of Alebad.
- Portion will not siege, attack or raid Outer Tilog City.
May all nobles fight with dignity and honour,
- Amélie Tempest
- Queen of Portion
21st July
A New Lord
Duke Calvin November of Dark Citadel Duchy has appointed Kane Dragul to the vacant lordship position in Helsera.
22nd July
New Workshop
A new Granary has been constructed in Helsera.
24th July
Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Vir el Mari heights:
- Outer Tilog vs. Portion
- Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 520 men
- The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Margrave Hazno Harte, were led into battle by Marshal Harbinger Schwarzherzig.
- The Army of the Black Ravens (Portion), sponsored by Duchess Raven Leather, were led into battle by Marshal Mybin Clipt.
- Count Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
- Margrave John Elynbrigge is spotted wielding the Grisly Axe.
- Count James Stewart is spotted wearing the Spiked Helmet.
- Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wearing the Holy Ring.
- Defender Victory!
Monford Velaryon
"What do you mean he escaped?!" The Doge was clearly on the edge as he barked at the servants.
"We have almost the whole city at our disposal and you want to tell me that you have lost someone as familiar and recognizable as Johannes? The man is a large pig engorged in gold, surely he isn't hard to spot!" Monford slammed his fist on the table.
"Your Majesty, it is entirely possible that he simply found a way to evacuate the city during the siege. Several merchant vessels are missing. A man of his position could find a hole or two to sneak through our barricades." One of the servants suggested.
"Yes, yes...I know he has deep pockets and many connections. We can't discard the chance that he is running away to Outer Tilog, either." The Doge grumbled as he called for more wine. The servant "boy" that brought the wine to his tent was an unusual fellow. Clearly an aged man, grey hair and fat as Johannes would be. The similarity was unbelievable.
"Who is this?" Monford asked.
"No one, Your Majesty, just a man with the wine." one of the servants replied.
"What is your name, man with the wine?"
"I am Oink, mulowd...I beg your forgiv..."
"Nonsense, old man! You are a welcoming sight, more than you can imagine." The Doge lavishly invited the man to approach. "I have a proposition for you and I think you will accept."
25th July
Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Vir el Mari heights:
- Outer Tilog vs. Portion
- Estimated strengths: 330 men vs. 350 men
- The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Margrave Hazno Harte, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard.
- The Army of the Black Ravens (Portion), sponsored by Duchess Raven Leather, were led into battle by Marshal Mybin Clipt.
- Count Johnathan Rasthaven is spotted wearing the Forgotten Circlet.
- Margrave John Elynbrigge is spotted wielding the Grisly Axe.
- Count James Stewart is spotted wearing the Spiked Helmet.
- Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wearing the Holy Ring.
- Johnathan Rasthaven, Count of Diverdur was seriously wounded by Myles Vilanova's unit.
- Attacker Victory!
Family Investment
Aoifa Dubhaine, Margravine of Dark Citadel has initiated an investment of 190 gold in the region of Dark Citadel. Production soars to 205 %.
Halcyon has taken control of Alebad. The region used to belong to Outer Tilog.
27th July
Taxes Received
As the Margravine of Dark Citadel, you earn 237 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.
28th July
Huge Battle Fought
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bode Batura:
- Outer Tilog vs. Halcyon, Oritolon
- Estimated strengths: 380 men vs. 870 men
- The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Margrave Hazno Harte, were led into battle by Marshal Harbinger Schwarzherzig.
- The Royal Army of Oritolon (Oritolon), sponsored by King Gaenv ap Gaenvan, were led into battle by Marshal Ash Ketchum.
- The Phoenix Legion (Halcyon), sponsored by Executive Financier Caravanthian Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Seifer Tideweaver.
- Noble Oiron Camlann is spotted wearing the Brilliant Jacket.
- Baron Ares Manor is spotted wearing the Ornate Helmet.
- Baron Ares Manor is spotted wearing the Dark Ring.
- Knight Banahan Guile is spotted wielding the Princely Shield.
- Duke Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard is spotted wearing the Holy Ring.
- Defender Victory!
30th July
Nigel De La Fere
- You set out on a mission to take out Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Viscount of Volkanita, Vice-Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations.
- You manage to sneak into his sleeping quarters unnoticed.
- Silently, you sneak up on your target, and surprise him.
- He awakes at the last second, drawing a dagger, but is barely able to slow your attack.
- You quickly put him down for good, seriously wounding him before you make your escape.
- As you leave, though, you see him move some, and you realize that the wounds were not as severe as you first thought.
- There was a bounty of 600 gold on his head, which you gleefully collect.
- You successfully escape the guards and vanish into the shadows again.